What Would Be The Best Way to Turn This Country Around In The New Year?

what do you guys think would be the proper New Year's Resolutions to get America back in working order


any whinebag limosine liberal will have a solar panel bolted to his/her head

All American citizens of the age of 18 shall undergo firearm safety training , and will be accountable for militia duty.

all the neocons will be given a ticker tape parade straight to the next troop transport headed out

All 501C3 qualifying churches can continue tax free, with faith based inititives provided they perform altar abortions by female priests

The national id system will be instituted, for the powers that be. all elected officials will be required to have microchips installed in their heads publicly accessible with 3000gigs of e-mailable storage

DP advocates will be allowed their choice of execution, as long as they administer in via HBO prime time , hosted by Ed McMann in his star search persona

Touture will be legalaized, Hillary Clinton will be in charge of details @ Gitmo

prostitution, beastality, sodomy, adultery and poligamy will all be taxable

the homeless will all be allowed one day a year @1600 penn ave , the SS will just have to cope....

John Stewart will be the white house press speaker, Ann Coulter will be given a front row seat

The IRS will produce understandable tax codes, and have the one potatoe, two potaoe song for hold music

The educational system's supervisory union(s) employees will be repetitively tested for ADD with electrodes on their genitals , a sliding scale salary shall be applied to scores....choice of voltage via attending parents of attendee students....

Pentagon employees will all be tested for drug use, those that produce a unclean test will be reprimanded and summarily sent to the Ukraine front for reeducation

Anyone caught listening to political shock jocks will be chained to a goat for a month..... the assilant shall be unchained in the event s/he confirms the goat makes more sense ,,,,,,.............

Any public service office shall become a draft style lottery system, candidates can choose their party of choice , term limits shall be a sole tenure event

Sick Americans will be given free bussrides to the Canadian border ,some quick dialect training, and a pair of muclucs....

Homeland security will dress like star wars troopers

Hail to the chief will be played by Ted Nugent at all potus functions

~S (vote fer me)~
We already have. How many arrests has BLM had compared to those of the ones from January 6th?
Baboonism is passe. Boycott all alphabet institutions or attempts to establish new religions based on counterfeit money and Chinese fentanyl eating.
On a more serious note than just a lot of spamming: Ask the American working class what needs to be done.

Then come to a basic and simple understanding that socially responsible government is needed, to furnish the long denied needs of the working class.
Baboonism is passe. Boycott all alphabet institutions or attempts to establish new religions based on counterfeit money and Chinese fentanyl eating.

Just answer the question if you're going to quote me. Especially when I wasn't even talking to you in the first place you moron. :rolleyes:
Thinking 40% of the US population are traitors is also indicative that a mental check is warranted.
I don't know what else you would call them. You tell me....

We are way past the point of just differing in our opinions but moving toward the same goals.

The leftists are actively subverting everything that America has stood for and if, by and by, they pay the ultimate price for their subversion I'll not shed nary a tear for them. They have earned it.

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