What Would Be The Best Way to Turn This Country Around In The New Year?

This is absolutely hilarious! Keep the posts coming this is so great I may pee myself from laughing.
Besides impeaching both Biden and Harris that is. It's not going to happen, but if it were, what do you guys think would be the proper New Year's Resolutions to get America back in working order or at least start to in 2023? (Most likely it won't even begin to happen until 2024. That is if we can even have a secure election again.)
The country certainly doesn’t need to be ‘turned around’ into a rightwing neo-fascist authoritarian dictatorship.
A lot of murder fantasies on this thread. I just think a delicious queso that has anticalories are all we need.
Put all those who stole the 2020 election in jail.

Replace it with the rightful President.,,,who is Trump.
Politically, the left needs to keep doing what it did in 2020 and 2022....keep handing the right wing enough shovels so they will keep digging their own graves. I think Biden is well on his way to winning a second term and now he has what looks like a combative House ready, willing, and able to remind the nation why the GOP is not for them. The Democrats just can't put it on cruise control but they really do need to come up with some populist legislation that the GOP will oppose to highlight the dysfunctional House.

As for "turning it around"...I'm not quite sure what is meant by that. The political right (as evidenced here daily) is too far gone to rescue. When I read the title of the thread, I just knew what some of the "remedies" would be....complete anarchy. This is what they want and it's a non-starter so there is no reason to even entertain their wishes. How many lawmakers agree with them? Probably zero in public, probably a quarter of the GOP caucus in private. Again, you have to work with people who have a working brain and there are fewer and fewer Republicans who fit the bill.

On the larger issues...

The congressional rules are set up to simply allow for gridlock where votes are not even required to be taken on legislation. Until we change that and force one chamber to vote on the works of another chamber, fashion their own bill and have house/senate conferees hammer out a bill to send to the POTUS, we'll just have what we have now... CRs. We're not adult enough to admit we need to add voice to the Constitution to further perfect the document.

As for the Presidency... Again, I hope the House now passes legislation to force the chief executive to get regular medical evaluations. Its a morbid question I know but.... If you were to wake up tomorrow and, God forbid, find out that Biden passed away....would you be surprised? I wouldn't. Nor would I be surprised if an event happened that restricted his cognitive function. Having regular medical check ups for the President should be put into place tomorrow. That, along with removing the ability of the President to issue a first-strike nuclear launch. We're not adult enough to admit we need to do this.
Besides impeaching both Biden and Harris that is. It's not going to happen, but if it were, what do you guys think would be the proper New Year's Resolutions to get America back in working order or at least start to in 2023? (Most likely it won't even begin to happen until 2024. That is if we can even have a secure election again.)

Proportional Representation.
Voters had their chance to do something positive for the country.
Instead they voted for Fetterman and the same democrat crooks that got us in this mess.
Just wait until those 13m or so migrants they let in want their jobs, and get them.
Looks like the end for you.
A lot of murder fantasies on this thread. I just think a delicious queso that has anticalories are all we need.

But fantasies are all they are. These folks are a bunch of pussies that spend their days whining on an internet forum.

If I believed half of the things they say they believe the shooting would already have started.

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