What Would Be The Best Way to Turn This Country Around In The New Year?

If you are not working and make bank in 2022 then you are a lazy Republican. There are 12M open jobs and 6M people unemployed. The world is your oyster. This is one of the best times in American history to be in the work force.
If you are not working and make bank in 2022 then you are a lazy Republican. There are 12M open jobs and 6M people unemployed. The world is your oyster. This is one of the best times in American history to be in the work force.

What good is a job if the money you are paid with is worthless currency?
Thanks to ZBidenflation, how many days must the average "worker" work to buy ONE bag of groceries?

It is very obvious you are so living comfortably off of taxpayers one way or the other.

What Would Be The Best Way to Turn This Country Around In The New Year?​

A non-religious spiritual renewal. A sweeping ground swell of rejection of devastating degrees of materialism. A re-orientation toward what is the only matter of value; life.
Besides impeaching both Biden and Harris that is. It's not going to happen, but if it were, what do you guys think would be the proper New Year's Resolutions to get America back in working order or at least start to in 2023? (Most likely it won't even begin to happen until 2024. That is if we can even have a secure election again.)
Nuke DC, Manhattan, LA, San Francisco, Boston, Philadelphia, and Atlanta. That ought to do the job.
Thank Biden
Biden, or any other sitting potus have very little to do with America's economy Gator , their legislations take time (think NAFTA or Trickle Down) to come to fruition

further, any given countries economic status is dependent on many internal and external factors , employment being only a small subjective metric for the greater objective

Biden, or any other sitting potus have very little to do with America's economy Gator , their legislations take time (think NAFTA or Trickle Down) to come to fruition

further, any given countries economic status is dependent on many internal and external factors , employment being only a small subjective metric for the greater objective

Biden has enacted the most consequential legislation in decades in just 2 years with a narrow majority, mostly bi-partisan. A quick history search shows you have been calling him inept and confused since day 1. Why would I listen to someone who has been so wrong? You compared him to being no better than Trump while the actual lasting record of impact is substantial for Biden. He’s not an eloquent speaker but he’s administering his ass off.
If you are not working and make bank in 2022 then you are a lazy Republican. There are 12M open jobs and 6M people unemployed. The world is your oyster. This is one of the best times in American history to be in the work force.

The poorest and laziest of all vote HEAVILY Democratic. Know your constituency.
The poorest and laziest of all vote HEAVILY Democratic. Know your constituency.
You saying it doesn’t make it true. Look it up.

We could legalize prostitution and allow bordellos on every corner, just like the US used to be.
If true, then we were also in an era of very little taxation. That is coming to us anyway whether legalized or not. Prostitution, drugs, illegal gambling, protection, rackets and more. In a huge way as we decline, and the extremist agendas employ massive equity and those in privileged employment. The gangs are going to expand exponentially alone.

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