What would cause a Trump supporter to stop supporting him?

It's funny you should bring that up... On another forum i'm on, there's some die hard Ron Paul fans who are also Trump fans. And when I pointed out that the two are polar opposites of each other, for some reason they get all bent out of shape about it. I even posted the video of Paul saying Trump was just like Hillary. Their heads exploded.
This thread went on with a while, of me posting things where Paul is/was opposed to either Trump, or the things he did. (like the debt ceiling increases, the money he borrowed from the Fed etc etc etc) And they just got completely irate about it.
Paul has a bead on fiscal policy better than any other politician I’ve heard. Trump, not so much. But Trump has some other fantastic qualities that Paul lacks, mainly the ability to say “fuck you” to PC nitwits.
This is a serious question. Because I can't think of one thing that Trump could do, to make you just stop supporting him.

Things that would make anyone with common sense stop supporting a politician, Trump has far surpassed. Many of the things Trump has done, should've had him thrown under the bus by at least 80% of his supporters.

He spent as much in 4 years as Obama spent in 8. Doubling Obama's average per year.
Greatest increase of our national debt in history. Outspending all but on other president, combined.
Suspended the debt ceiling after raising it twice.

His reparations plan to blacks. The Platinum Plan. $500 billion to black communities just because they were black communities. That's over $400 billion more than even California is proposing.
Banning bump stocks. I admit, most folks don't have one. Some never even heard of them. They're not essential. But now you can't buy one. Now they're illegal.
He funded Gender studies.
He's buddied up with Lindsey Graham.
He's sided with Disney.
He's bashing the best governor in the USA.
Shoved the vaccines down our throats and forced EVERYONE of us to pay for everyone elses shot.

I'm looking at all this as if it was some ploy by the democrats to turn the country even more left than it already is. If that's their sneaky plan, they're doing a good job of it.
Get a life long democrat to switch parties, the force a bunch of leftist crap down their throats and call it conservatism so they can't argue about it.

I used to laugh when the democrats called Trump supporters a cult. The left usually says things that are retarded like that. But man oh man, I think they're pretty spot on.

So what's it going to take for Trump supporters to realize just how much of a leftist Trump really is? Is there anything he can do? Or does your loyalty to this politician know no bounds?

He could die and the Qult would still vote for him.
A line of BS is all Trump has, really? Nearly everything he's shoved down our throats is leftst. But the line of BS he's been putting out, has somehow convinced Republicans that what he's doing is republican.

If Biden had did anything like the Platinum Plan or banned bump stocks, Republicans would've lost their shit. (and for good reason). But since Trump did it, then it's OK by them.

I don't get it.
Seems like you don't get a lot of things.
I certainly hope Trump “is dead politically.” He has dug his own grave and American voters just need to be wise enough to give him the final push. I would hope Republicans come to their senses and find a better candidate. This “Big Lie” demagogue and mad narcissist “would-be King” should never again be in a position of power. He is now crazier than ever, and in power would be capable of anything, even leading the country to civil war.

I do not pray he is re-nominated to make it “easier” for Biden to win. Unexpected things can happen in a campaign. Even as a losing candidate Trump would continue poisoning the minds of his cult followers, damaging the political life of the country with his “Big Lies.”

I want Republican voters to at least return to a modicum of sanity. I do not especially fear any other alternative Republican candidate. The best declared Republicans of course have little or no chance of being chosen.

Ron DeSantis is the main challenger and likely alternative. He is young and has a record of governing a rich state, so some MAGA Republicans see him as “Mr. Clean” or as “a thinking man’s Trump.” But DeSantis is actually in most ways far more ideologically and consistently “conservative” than “the Donald” is. The opportunist conman Donald Trump is old, weakening, and often only pretended to be what he knew his base wanted him to be.

For most independents, however, DeSantis introducing his draconian 8-week abortion law in FL and his culture war hysteria would probably rule him out. That in the end should make him about as easy to beat as “the Donald” — should Trump have to bow out for legal or other reasons
Independents and Democrats vastly outnumber maga repugnants. The only way any repugnant gets elected is if the sane side doesn’t show up. Whether it’s insane Trump or delusional DeSantis it doesn’t matter. Both have marginalized women and minorities and all sane people with their rhetoric and SC choices. By not showing up in off years, the Democrats continually lose ground to the bat crazies.
Sounds like you want to tell others who they should support.....Why don't you concern yourself with your vote....?

If that's what it sounds like to you, then the voices in your head are lying to you.

'A fugitive who claimed to have provided the FBI with information on the Biden family’s business dealings in China is facing decades behind bars for alleged arms trafficking and other charges involving Iran.'

Biden didn't take a bribe from a Sunday school teacher.

My question is why Joe Biden on audiotapes tak8ng a bribe from such a dangerous criminal.
Garland has zero point zero integrity.
There are Whistleblower laws.

'A fugitive who claimed to have provided the FBI with information on the Biden family’s business dealings in China is facing decades behind bars for alleged arms trafficking and other charges involving Iran.'

Biden didn't take a bribe from a Sunday school teacher.

My question is why Joe Biden on audiotapes tak8ng a bribe from such a dangerous criminal.

In a stunning twist, the Biden DOJ indicts Dr. Gal Luft, a Biden corruption whistleblower, for not registering as an agent of CEFC China Energy, while Hunter, James, and Sara Biden simultaneously collected millions from CEFC China Energy without registering, also violating FARA.

In a widely known text message from July 2017, Hunter explicitly demanded payment from a CEFC executive, stating, "I am sitting here waiting for the call with my father."

Just ten days after Hunter's threat, invoking his father's involvement, CEFC wired $5.1 million to bank accounts linked to the Biden family.

Moreover, Ye Jianming, the Chairman of CEFC, gifted Hunter a 3.16-carat diamond valued at approximately $80,000.

In an email dated August 2017, Hunter mentioned that Ye Jianming had agreed to pay him "$10 million per year for a three-year guarantee, totaling $30 million," solely for providing introductions.

Subsequently, in a November 2017 email, Hunter and CEFC collaborated on plans to sell US natural gas to China, as outlined in a Mandarin-translated PowerPoint presentation titled "Overview of the U.S. Natural Gas Industry Chain," featuring detailed topographical maps of US natural gas reserves with annotations in Mandarin.

Hunter wrote, "I hope that you have received the information I sent regarding the LNG [liquified natural gas] opportunities in the state of Louisiana… The proposal I have shared with you has the added benefit of being good for both the United States and China simultaneously."

Reports suggest that Joe Biden was set to receive ten percent of the CEFC China Energy deal, referred to as the "10% held by H for the Big Guy," a claim later confirmed by Hunter's business partner Tony Bobulinksi.

While the Biden Justice Department accuses Dr. Gal Luft of FARA violations on behalf of CEFC China Energy, it conveniently overlooks the far more egregious FARA violations committed by the Biden family in connection with CEFC China Energy.


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