What would cause a Trump supporter to stop supporting him?

Did you go around with blinders on from 2016 to 2020?... Trump was under assault his entire term and still got more of his policy promises passed than any other president in my lifetime...
I'm calling you out... you are a TDS liberal masquerading as a conservative...

No, I didn't have blinders on. I seen (and opposed) all those leftist witch hunts. Including the Bragg witch hunt.

But that has nothing to do with opposing the leftist BS Trump shoved down Americas throat. Why would it? I'm not going to overlook Trumps lies, his spending and his leftist ways just because I feel sorry for him.

Had he not been persecuted his last two years, he might have made a better president. But I doubt it. All that borrowing and spending he did is what helped to force the high inflation rates on this country.
You can't spend $8 trillion in 4 years and not expect inflation to not go through the roof. It's impossible.
YoursTruly is a TDS lib don't let him fool ya....

If believing that lie helps you sleep, then go for it bud. But at the end of the day, it's still a lie.

Maybe you'll run onto a conservative who's more articulate someday, that can explain it better than I can. But until then, you're just going to have to keep going on with those two false narratives. One that says I'm a lib. And the other that says Trump is a conservative.
No, I didn't have blinders on. I seen (and opposed) all those leftist witch hunts. Including the Bragg witch hunt.

But that has nothing to do with opposing the leftist BS Trump shoved down Americas throat. Why would it? I'm not going to overlook Trumps lies, his spending and his leftist ways just because I feel sorry for him.

Had he not been persecuted his last two years, he might have made a better president. But I doubt it. All that borrowing and spending he did is what helped to force the high inflation rates on this country.
You can't spend $8 trillion in 4 years and not expect inflation to not go through the roof. It's impossible.
If DeSantis wins the primary the libs will quickly have you hating him too.... Trump is not unique in that truth.... the left will demonize anyone that wins the GOP primary... even a Bush.....
people like you help them along...
If believing that lie helps you sleep, then go for it bud. But at the end of the day, it's still a lie.

Maybe you'll run onto a conservative who's more articulate someday, that can explain it better than I can. But until then, you're just going to have to keep going on with those two false narratives. One that says I'm a lib. And the other that says Trump is a conservative.
Your a lying fool.
I'm exposing the difference between Trump supporters, liberal Republicans with actual conservatism. Because too many Republicans, especially those that support Trump, call themselves (and Trump) conservatives. And they're no where near what actual conservatives are.

FFS, most Trumpbots don't even know what a RINO is or where it came from.
The ONLY thing you're exposing is you terminal TDS.

If DeSantis wins the primary the libs will quickly have you hating him too.... Trump is not unique in that truth.... the left will demonize anyone that wins the GOP primary... even a Bush.....
people like you help them along...

THE only thing that's going to turn me away from DeSantis is DeSantis himself. But you can bet your bottom dollar that if DeSantis starts making obvious lies, like making Mexico pay for the wall, or "I'm going to be build new cities and end the deep state," Then I'll drop him like a hot rock.

I'm loyal to NO politician or party. I ended my loyalty for all of them when I learned just how liberal Reagan actually was.
Religious nuts. Religious nuts are the answer. If you could get the religious nuts to quit comparing him to Jesus, and quit saying trump is god's chosen one, he would disappear into a cloud of smoke.
Yeah no real Christian is comparing him to God or Jesus try again
The military wasn't ailing. The cuts that came down from Obama, were ones that the GOP supported when he was president, trying to end the wars and the cost of those wars.
Our military was fine.
I have family that's worked for defense plants nearly their entire lives, and they never missed a day of work. Obama dropped a LOT of bombs and was buying a LOT of new equipment. So much so that the GOP had to force some cuts.

There was even talk from our generals, after Trump was elected, about buying things that Trump wanted, that the pentagon admitted they didn't even need.
Trump was just a spend freak.
His first omnibus was $1.4 trillion. Bidens first was $1.7 trillion. Both were chopped full of BS pork.
On defense it does not help that they choose and interfere with hardware procured until it is massively expensive and/or the end result is an expensive lemon. Some of it is crazy. Still producing the littoral Comat Ship which is not very good. They even retire several of them and they are still newer while building them now.
I don't really give a damn what you think Trump is. He did the job and he gets my vote.

He did the job of a leftist. If voting for a republican leftist is your thing, then have at it. I prefer conservatives over Republicans.

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