What would happen if Trump is impeached/removed from office and wins the presidency in 2020?

BS Charwin , lots of Americans will risk their lives for no money or better yet lots of money .
I just had that thought, while reading these threads.

That's a lot of action from any political party given the election is merely one year away...

impeach AND remove (AND keep off the Federal ballot)

I'm not aware there is anything in the Constitution preventing an impeached/removed President from running for office again.

I've seen in local government where politicians have been recalled and removed only to run again and win!

There is, actually. The Constitution specifically says, "Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States". However, subsequent case law has held that disqualification for further office requires a separate Senate vote of its own.

Local politicians are not covered by the US Constitution in this regard, so their situation is different.
What would happen if Trump is impeached/removed from office and wins the presidency in 2020?

Dummy, removal from office is not temporary.

It is a conviction by the Congress disqualifying one form serving as a POTUS.

No, as things currently stand, it doesn't automatically disqualify him from serving again unless the Senate specifically votes for that.
for those of you on the left who want impeachment:

1. I don't like him is not grounds for impeachment
2. he beat hillary is not grounds for impeachment
3. making dems look stupid is not grounds for impeachment
4. calling out the corrupt media liars is not grounds for impeachment
5. doing the job of president is not grounds for impeachment
6. revealing the long time corruption of the DC establishment is not grounds for impeachment.
7. talking to a foreign head of state in private is not grounds for impeachment
8. asking that head of state to investigate corruption in his country is not grounds for impeachment

Your itemized points are misleading catered only to Trumpits poorly informed followers.

1. He is doing that to himself.

2. Trumpy won.

3. He is not making the democrats stupid. He is making himself hypocrite, lying asshole, bully, pathological liar, unhinged, acting like above the law, he love Wikileaks, love Putin. Like a 10 yo kid always doing something dumb or saying something stupid.

4. Corrupt media? Trump is the most corrupted POTUS.

5. Betraying his country impeachable.

6. Like what? Prove it that Biden did something wrong. Start with the current POTUS.

7. Talking to foreign leaders is not impeachable. But talking to foreign leader to hijack an election, digging dirt against his political opponents with the help of foreigners is against the law= impeachable.

8. Yes its ground for impeachment. Sending his own personal attorney to do the investigation is one of the dumbest and ugliest you can imagine. Since when that is acceptable?

just on a couple of your talking points.

6. Biden is on tape bragging about how he bribed the Ukraine to fire the prosecutor that was looking into his son's dealings
7.Why did you not say that about Obama and clinton in 2016 when they were clearly doing exactly that with the Russian dossier that they paid for
8.the corruption in the Ukraine involved a Ukrainian gas company and Biden's son who was being paid 50K per month to sit on a board when he knew nothing about gas or energy production. If was a clear bribe to get favorable treatment from the Obama administration thru Biden. Its obvious and Biden bragged about it.

I gave you an honest opinion. I expected the same from you. Get real.

6, 7, 8. Your rebuttal is not exactly what happened. You’ve been listening to Hannity way too much. Or Rep. Jordan protecting the president.

that is exactly what happened, the transcript of the call proves it. geez dude, doesn't it get messy living up Hillary's butt?
YES, there was russian involvement in the 2016 election, it was done by the clinton campaign when they paid russians to create a dossier of lies about trump,
Wait just a minute there Slick, Deven Numbnuts is now saying it was Ukraine that created the Steele dossier. The lie keeps changing so I can understand why you are having trouble keeping up.

It was purchased by the hillary campaign from Russians. That is well established, Are you saying that the Bidens had a hand in it via Ukraine? Quite possible, thanks for bringing that up.

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