What would happen if Trump is impeached/removed from office and wins the presidency in 2020?

no where in that conversation did he ask for help with the upcoming election.
Of course he did. He is asking Ukraine to open investigations for his personal, political benefit. To remove any doubt of this, he tried to cover it up and he used a non givernment employee to have secret meetings regarding the issue.
for those of you on the left who want impeachment:

1. I don't like him is not grounds for impeachment
2. he beat hillary is not grounds for impeachment
3. making dems look stupid is not grounds for impeachment
4. calling out the corrupt media liars is not grounds for impeachmentBut asking for help in OUR country
5. doing the job of president is not grounds for impeachment
6. revealing the long time corruption of the DC establishment is not grounds for impeachment.
7. talking to a foreign head of state in private is not grounds for impeachment
8. asking that head of state to investigate corruption in his country is not grounds for impeachment

But asking for help from a foreign country in our election IS impeachable,,,,as well as hiding the whisperers accusations What did he have to hide?? Just like the thief's taxes

no where in that conversation did he ask for help with the upcoming election. He asked for help with exposing corruption within the Ukraine that involved Americans. He is hiding nothing, the entire transcript of the phone call and the entire whistle blowers allegations have been made public. What is being hidden is the identity of the whistle blower and his connections to the DNC. Now, if we are to look at foreign help with an american election we need look no further than the hillary campaign and the Russian dossier of lies that she PAID for.

On his taxes: If he released them, which would be hundreds of pages every year, fools like you and the lying media democrats would pull out one page, make up lies about it, and it would dominate the news for months with bullshit allegations. You know that, I know that, everyone knows that
why were they hiding the whistleblowers report? 2/3 think trump encouraging investigation into Biden is a serious problem and whether you will admit it it's on the record that trump was trading missiles for help in our elections First Muellers report and now this?? When will you get a clue ? The 5th of never? Now the pos says whistleblower is a spy ? Trump is worse A traitor who deserves what traitors get Then all you idiots can go back to your idiot friends and die the idiots you are

The whistle blowers allegation was withheld to protect his/her identity as it should have been. But now its been released and its obvious that it was written by a dem lawyer, not an average civil servant as claimed.

Mueller found nothing, it was a waste of time and money.

He never said the whistle blower was a spy, he said he was a democrat operative which happens to be true.

when will you get a clue and realize that you are pissing into the wind and wondering why your shoes are wet?
There are too many people, bright gov't and former gov't people ,who take this as a serious security implication Shame you have your head where it shouldn't be, and trump saying he's not concerned by russian involvement in our election?? This is the pos you make excuses for?

geez dude. wake the fuck up. YES, there was russian involvement in the 2016 election, it was done by the clinton campaign when they paid russians to create a dossier of lies about trump, and by the obama administration when they tried to use the FBI as a political tool.

as to the current Ukrainian stuff. Biden bragged about bribing the Ukrainians to fire a prosecutor who was investigating corruption involving his son. Trump asked the Ukrainian president to investigate that corruption because in involved the US government. Biden and Obama are crooked, Hillary is crooked. Wake up and deal with reality.
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no where in that conversation did he ask for help with the upcoming election.
Of course he did. He is asking Ukraine to open investigations for his personal, political benefit. To remove any doubt of this, he tried to cover it up and he used a non givernment employee to have secret meetings regarding the issue.

So if Biden was not running for president investigating his admitted corruption and bribery would be OK? Think about what you are saying here.
He won't be available to run in that case. The State of NY Federal Court has a Grand Jury waiting on him on Rico Act Charges, Fraud, Tax evasion and a few more little tidbits. Barr won't be able to do a thing about that. In order to get anything overturned, it will have to go to the Supreme Court and I doubt if Rump wants to be in front of those people anytime soon since hasn't had nearly enough time to Mussolini up the Court yet.

Tax evasion?

Where the hell are you getting that stuff??

He won't be available to run in that case. The State of NY Federal Court has a Grand Jury waiting on him on Rico Act Charges, Fraud, Tax evasion and a few more little tidbits. Barr won't be able to do a thing about that. In order to get anything overturned, it will have to go to the Supreme Court and I doubt if Rump wants to be in front of those people anytime soon since hasn't had nearly enough time to Mussolini up the Court yet.

Tax evasion?

Where the hell are you getting that stuff??


Sit back for more "Here, Hold my Beer" moments from your Rump God.
He won't be available to run in that case. The State of NY Federal Court has a Grand Jury waiting on him on Rico Act Charges, Fraud, Tax evasion and a few more little tidbits. Barr won't be able to do a thing about that. In order to get anything overturned, it will have to go to the Supreme Court and I doubt if Rump wants to be in front of those people anytime soon since hasn't had nearly enough time to Mussolini up the Court yet.

Tax evasion?

Where the hell are you getting that stuff??


Sit back for more "Here, Hold my Beer" moments from your Rump God.

has your Trump hate destroyed your few remaining functioning brain cells? Geez, dude, give it a rest. repeating the same lies and BS over and over and over is making you look like a complete idiot.
He won't be available to run in that case. The State of NY Federal Court has a Grand Jury waiting on him on Rico Act Charges, Fraud, Tax evasion and a few more little tidbits. Barr won't be able to do a thing about that. In order to get anything overturned, it will have to go to the Supreme Court and I doubt if Rump wants to be in front of those people anytime soon since hasn't had nearly enough time to Mussolini up the Court yet.

Tax evasion?

Where the hell are you getting that stuff??


Sit back for more "Here, Hold my Beer" moments from your Rump God.

That is hilarious but tax evasion is something you will never have on him...

Only delusional people think there is something with his taxes seeing during Obama eight years the IRS never busted him...
He won't be available to run in that case. The State of NY Federal Court has a Grand Jury waiting on him on Rico Act Charges, Fraud, Tax evasion and a few more little tidbits. Barr won't be able to do a thing about that. In order to get anything overturned, it will have to go to the Supreme Court and I doubt if Rump wants to be in front of those people anytime soon since hasn't had nearly enough time to Mussolini up the Court yet.

Tax evasion?

Where the hell are you getting that stuff??


Sit back for more "Here, Hold my Beer" moments from your Rump God.

has your Trump hate destroyed your few remaining functioning brain cells? Geez, dude, give it a rest. repeating the same lies and BS over and over and over is making you look like a complete idiot.

That's the same line I used on your bunch. I sure do wish you rumpsters would come up with something more original rather than just parroting back the charges against your bunch. Geez, read a friggin book.
He won't be available to run in that case. The State of NY Federal Court has a Grand Jury waiting on him on Rico Act Charges, Fraud, Tax evasion and a few more little tidbits. Barr won't be able to do a thing about that. In order to get anything overturned, it will have to go to the Supreme Court and I doubt if Rump wants to be in front of those people anytime soon since hasn't had nearly enough time to Mussolini up the Court yet.

Tax evasion?

Where the hell are you getting that stuff??


Sit back for more "Here, Hold my Beer" moments from your Rump God.

That is hilarious but tax evasion is something you will never have on him...

Only delusional people think there is something with his taxes seeing during Obama eight years the IRS never busted him...

I didn't say that the Feds would bust him for that, did I. But NY State is waiting for him and they have the records. Tax evasion is the least of his worries. NY State may settle for some kind of Tax conviction much like Illinois settle for another of your heroes, Al Capone.
for those of you on the left who want impeachment:

1. I don't like him is not grounds for impeachment
2. he beat hillary is not grounds for impeachment
3. making dems look stupid is not grounds for impeachment
4. calling out the corrupt media liars is not grounds for impeachment
5. doing the job of president is not grounds for impeachment
6. revealing the long time corruption of the DC establishment is not grounds for impeachment.
7. talking to a foreign head of state in private is not grounds for impeachment
8. asking that head of state to investigate corruption in his country is not grounds for impeachment

Your itemized points are misleading catered only to Trumpits poorly informed followers.

1. He is doing that to himself.

2. Trumpy won.

3. He is not making the democrats stupid. He is making himself hypocrite, lying asshole, bully, pathological liar, unhinged, acting like above the law, he love Wikileaks, love Putin. Like a 10 yo kid always doing something dumb or saying something stupid.

4. Corrupt media? Trump is the most corrupted POTUS.

5. Betraying his country impeachable.

6. Like what? Prove it that Biden did something wrong. Start with the current POTUS.

7. Talking to foreign leaders is not impeachable. But talking to foreign leader to hijack an election, digging dirt against his political opponents with the help of foreigners is against the law= impeachable.

8. Yes its ground for impeachment. Sending his own personal attorney to do the investigation is one of the dumbest and ugliest you can imagine. Since when that is acceptable?


The DEMOCRATS are using impeachment to wipe out a political rival and you have no problem with that, huh comrade?


Trump is operating like a gangster. He deserve to be impeach.
He should resign now while there’s time to save America.
for those of you on the left who want impeachment:

1. I don't like him is not grounds for impeachment
2. he beat hillary is not grounds for impeachment
3. making dems look stupid is not grounds for impeachment
4. calling out the corrupt media liars is not grounds for impeachment
5. doing the job of president is not grounds for impeachment
6. revealing the long time corruption of the DC establishment is not grounds for impeachment.
7. talking to a foreign head of state in private is not grounds for impeachment
8. asking that head of state to investigate corruption in his country is not grounds for impeachment

Your itemized points are misleading catered only to Trumpits poorly informed followers.

1. He is doing that to himself.

2. Trumpy won.

3. He is not making the democrats stupid. He is making himself hypocrite, lying asshole, bully, pathological liar, unhinged, acting like above the law, he love Wikileaks, love Putin. Like a 10 yo kid always doing something dumb or saying something stupid.

4. Corrupt media? Trump is the most corrupted POTUS.

5. Betraying his country impeachable.

6. Like what? Prove it that Biden did something wrong. Start with the current POTUS.

7. Talking to foreign leaders is not impeachable. But talking to foreign leader to hijack an election, digging dirt against his political opponents with the help of foreigners is against the law= impeachable.

8. Yes its ground for impeachment. Sending his own personal attorney to do the investigation is one of the dumbest and ugliest you can imagine. Since when that is acceptable?


The DEMOCRATS are using impeachment to wipe out a political rival and you have no problem with that, huh comrade?


Trump is operating like a gangster. He deserve to be impeach.
He should resign now while there’s time to save America.

Time to save America?! WTF, having trouble finding a spot to pitch your tent?
So if Biden was not running for president investigating his admitted corruption and bribery would be OK?
Of course, thats a silly question, as it would not have happened. Because, as has already been oiinted out directly to you, this was not an official invetigation prompted by Congress or the DOJ.
What would happen if Trump is impeached/removed from office and wins the presidency in 2020?

Dummy, removal from office is not temporary.

It is a conviction by the Congress disqualifying one form serving as a POTUS.
oil well fires ain't no big deal you Worry Wart Edward . --- Mem'ries: Fighting Fires in a Burning Kuwaiti Oil Field --- Red Adair is gone but he and BECTAL Corp have well trained people Edward .

True. They were able to put out the fire of the oils wells in weeks after the area was stabilized by US forces. You are missing something.
These companies that are trained to do these jobs will NOT take the job if they are being bomb.
------------------------- they'll do as told for enough money . So you don't think that the USA can't stop a few silly bombs from 'iran' or the 'houtis' . 'iran' and 'houtis' would be destroyed if they tried bombing while American RED ADAIR and Bectal people are working Charwin . Besides that , from what I have heard the USA is oil independent Charwin .

No Americans will risk their lives while bombing is on going.

Yes correct we are oil independent now but you should tell that to your fake messiah that we are not a pimp of Saudi. Sending US troops defending Saudi.

Saudi bought billions and billions of US arms more than anybody and yet they cannot defend themselves with lousy drones.

Iran is not a weakling like Iraq, Kuwait or Afghanistan.
for those of you on the left who want impeachment:

1. I don't like him is not grounds for impeachment
2. he beat hillary is not grounds for impeachment
3. making dems look stupid is not grounds for impeachment
4. calling out the corrupt media liars is not grounds for impeachment
5. doing the job of president is not grounds for impeachment
6. revealing the long time corruption of the DC establishment is not grounds for impeachment.
7. talking to a foreign head of state in private is not grounds for impeachment
8. asking that head of state to investigate corruption in his country is not grounds for impeachment

Your itemized points are misleading catered only to Trumpits poorly informed followers.

1. He is doing that to himself.

2. Trumpy won.

3. He is not making the democrats stupid. He is making himself hypocrite, lying asshole, bully, pathological liar, unhinged, acting like above the law, he love Wikileaks, love Putin. Like a 10 yo kid always doing something dumb or saying something stupid.

4. Corrupt media? Trump is the most corrupted POTUS.

5. Betraying his country impeachable.

6. Like what? Prove it that Biden did something wrong. Start with the current POTUS.

7. Talking to foreign leaders is not impeachable. But talking to foreign leader to hijack an election, digging dirt against his political opponents with the help of foreigners is against the law= impeachable.

8. Yes its ground for impeachment. Sending his own personal attorney to do the investigation is one of the dumbest and ugliest you can imagine. Since when that is acceptable?

just on a couple of your talking points.

6. Biden is on tape bragging about how he bribed the Ukraine to fire the prosecutor that was looking into his son's dealings
7.Why did you not say that about Obama and clinton in 2016 when they were clearly doing exactly that with the Russian dossier that they paid for
8.the corruption in the Ukraine involved a Ukrainian gas company and Biden's son who was being paid 50K per month to sit on a board when he knew nothing about gas or energy production. If was a clear bribe to get favorable treatment from the Obama administration thru Biden. Its obvious and Biden bragged about it.

I gave you an honest opinion. I expected the same from you. Get real.

6, 7, 8. Your rebuttal is not exactly what happened. You’ve been listening to Hannity way too much. Or Rep. Jordan protecting the president.
I just had that thought, while reading these threads.
I am not sure what the laws say concerning an impeached President being elected.
But from a purely pragmatic stand point if American citizens are stupid enough to elect Donald Trump, again, in a fair election, impeached or not, we get what we deserve.
God help us all if that happens.
I just had that thought, while reading these threads.
Conviction and disqualification
Conviction in the Senate immediately removes the defendant from office. Following conviction, the Senate may vote to further punish the individual by barring him or her from holding future federal office, elected or appointed.
If Trump is impeached and then actually convicted by the Senate, he would be removed from office and VP Pence would be sworn in as the new president.

At that point Trump would be disqualified from seeking office again.
Only if the Senate has a second vote to disqualify, which only takes a simple majority to pass.
I didn't like Nixon either but I would say he had the makings of a Great President. I don't like Rump but he has the makings of a Mob Boss and operates that way.
YES, there was russian involvement in the 2016 election, it was done by the clinton campaign when they paid russians to create a dossier of lies about trump,
Wait just a minute there Slick, Deven Numbnuts is now saying it was Ukraine that created the Steele dossier. The lie keeps changing so I can understand why you are having trouble keeping up.

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