What would happen if Trump is impeached/removed from office and wins the presidency in 2020?

for those of you on the left who want impeachment:

1. I don't like him is not grounds for impeachment
2. he beat hillary is not grounds for impeachment
3. making dems look stupid is not grounds for impeachment
4. calling out the corrupt media liars is not grounds for impeachment
5. doing the job of president is not grounds for impeachment
6. revealing the long time corruption of the DC establishment is not grounds for impeachment.
7. talking to a foreign head of state in private is not grounds for impeachment
8. asking that head of state to investigate corruption in his country is not grounds for impeachment
Then he is the president. Senate isn't going to convict him. If he is impeached, 2020 won't be IF but by how big his victory will be.
Brownie Thanks for the laugh. I needed one before seeing all my football picks go down in flames

You're welcome. This will be your one sure bet payday.
Obama had scandals too...Remember when he wore that tan suit???

remember when he gave his iranian muslim buddies 150 billion $, and let them continue to develop nuclear weapons, yes that was a huge scandal, and he did it all without congressional approval or knowledge. The Kenyan messiah can do no wrong, right???

remember when he sat down with Kim of NK? When he made NATO members pay their fair share? UH, nope, that was Trump
Iran was under watch and all countries knew Obama was right NOW they can make all the nukes they want thanks to the idiot in our WH

bullshit. nothing in obama's deal caused them to stop nuclear production or allowed any access for inspection of their nuclear facilities.

geez, dude. try to get some facts before making a fool of yourself on this public forum.
Then he is the president. Senate isn't going to convict him. If he is impeached, 2020 won't be IF but by how big his victory will be.
Brownie Thanks for the laugh. I needed one before seeing all my football picks go down in flames

You're welcome. This will be your one sure bet payday.
Obama had scandals too...Remember when he wore that tan suit???

remember when he gave his iranian muslim buddies 150 billion $, and let them continue to develop nuclear weapons, yes that was a huge scandal, and he did it all without congressional approval or knowledge. The Kenyan messiah can do no wrong, right???

remember when he sat down with Kim of NK? When he made NATO members pay their fair share? UH, nope, that was Trump
Iran was under watch and all countries knew Obama was right NOW they can make all the nukes they want thanks to the idiot in our WH
---------------------------------- more severe steps may need to be taken Edward .
for those of you on the left who want impeachment:

1. I don't like him is not grounds for impeachment
2. he beat hillary is not grounds for impeachment
3. making dems look stupid is not grounds for impeachment
4. calling out the corrupt media liars is not grounds for impeachmentBut asking for help in OUR country
5. doing the job of president is not grounds for impeachment
6. revealing the long time corruption of the DC establishment is not grounds for impeachment.
7. talking to a foreign head of state in private is not grounds for impeachment
8. asking that head of state to investigate corruption in his country is not grounds for impeachment

But asking for help from a foreign country in our election IS impeachable,,,,as well as hiding the whisperers accusations What did he have to hide?? Just like the thief's taxes
Brownie Thanks for the laugh. I needed one before seeing all my football picks go down in flames

You're welcome. This will be your one sure bet payday.
Obama had scandals too...Remember when he wore that tan suit???

remember when he gave his iranian muslim buddies 150 billion $, and let them continue to develop nuclear weapons, yes that was a huge scandal, and he did it all without congressional approval or knowledge. The Kenyan messiah can do no wrong, right???

remember when he sat down with Kim of NK? When he made NATO members pay their fair share? UH, nope, that was Trump
Iran was under watch and all countries knew Obama was right NOW they can make all the nukes they want thanks to the idiot in our WH

bullshit. nothing in obama's deal caused them to stop nuclear production or allowed any access for inspection of their nuclear facilities.

geez, dude. try to get some facts before making a fool of yourself on this public forum.
Iran's uranium stockpile was reduced by 98% to 300kg (660lbs), a figure that must not be exceeded until 2031. It must also keep the stockpile's level of enrichment at 3.67%.

By January 2016, Iran had drastically reduced the number of centrifuges installed at Natanz and Fordo, and shipped tonnes of low-enriched uranium to Russia.

In addition, research and development must take place only at Natanz and be limited until 2024.

No enrichment will be permitted at Fordo until 2031, and the underground facility will be converted into a nuclear, physics and technology centre. The 1,044 centrifuges at the site will produce radioisotopes for use in medicine, agriculture, industry and science.

Plutonium pathway
Image copyrightAFP
Image captionIran is redesigning the Arak reactor so it cannot produce any weapons-grade plutonium
Iran had been building a heavy-water nuclear facility near the town of Arak. Spent fuel from a heavy-water reactor contains plutonium suitable for a nuclear bomb.

World powers had originally wanted Arak dismantled because of the proliferation risk. Under an interim nuclear deal agreed in 2013, Iran agreed not to commission or fuel the reactor.

Under the JCPOA, Iran said it would redesign the reactor so it could not produce any weapons-grade plutonium, and that all spent fuel would be sent out of the country as long as the modified reactor exists.

Iran will not be permitted to build additional heavy-water reactors or accumulate any excess heavy water until 2031.
Brownie Thanks for the laugh. I needed one before seeing all my football picks go down in flames

You're welcome. This will be your one sure bet payday.
Obama had scandals too...Remember when he wore that tan suit???

remember when he gave his iranian muslim buddies 150 billion $, and let them continue to develop nuclear weapons, yes that was a huge scandal, and he did it all without congressional approval or knowledge. The Kenyan messiah can do no wrong, right???

remember when he sat down with Kim of NK? When he made NATO members pay their fair share? UH, nope, that was Trump
Iran was under watch and all countries knew Obama was right NOW they can make all the nukes they want thanks to the idiot in our WH
---------------------------------- more severe steps may need to be taken Edward .
I don't know how severe trump can get with a country that can blow up all Saudis oil wells
You're welcome. This will be your one sure bet payday.
Obama had scandals too...Remember when he wore that tan suit???

remember when he gave his iranian muslim buddies 150 billion $, and let them continue to develop nuclear weapons, yes that was a huge scandal, and he did it all without congressional approval or knowledge. The Kenyan messiah can do no wrong, right???

remember when he sat down with Kim of NK? When he made NATO members pay their fair share? UH, nope, that was Trump
Iran was under watch and all countries knew Obama was right NOW they can make all the nukes they want thanks to the idiot in our WH
---------------------------------- more severe steps may need to be taken Edward .
I don't know how severe trump can get with a country that can blow up all Saudis oil wells
------------------------------------------- Blown up oil well fires are just a blip and overtime for oil well fire extinguisher crews Edward . Remember 'saddams' self started oil well fires . They were put out in s few days or weeks back in the early 90s Edward .
oil well fires ain't no big deal you Worry Wart Edward . --- Mem'ries: Fighting Fires in a Burning Kuwaiti Oil Field --- Red Adair is gone but he and BECTAL Corp have well trained people Edward .

True. They were able to put out the fire of the oils wells in weeks after the area was stabilized by US forces. You are missing something.
These companies that are trained to do these jobs will NOT take the job if they are being bomb.
Obama had scandals too...Remember when he wore that tan suit???

remember when he gave his iranian muslim buddies 150 billion $, and let them continue to develop nuclear weapons, yes that was a huge scandal, and he did it all without congressional approval or knowledge. The Kenyan messiah can do no wrong, right???

remember when he sat down with Kim of NK? When he made NATO members pay their fair share? UH, nope, that was Trump
Iran was under watch and all countries knew Obama was right NOW they can make all the nukes they want thanks to the idiot in our WH
---------------------------------- more severe steps may need to be taken Edward .
I don't know how severe trump can get with a country that can blow up all Saudis oil wells
------------------------------------------- Blown up oil well fires are just a blip and overtime for oil well fire extinguisher crews Edward . Remember 'saddams' self started oil well fires . They were put out in s few days or weeks back in the early 90s Edward .
I can't wait for this moron to start a war and only have Israel to help him
for those of you on the left who want impeachment:

1. I don't like him is not grounds for impeachment
2. he beat hillary is not grounds for impeachment
3. making dems look stupid is not grounds for impeachment
4. calling out the corrupt media liars is not grounds for impeachmentBut asking for help in OUR country
5. doing the job of president is not grounds for impeachment
6. revealing the long time corruption of the DC establishment is not grounds for impeachment.
7. talking to a foreign head of state in private is not grounds for impeachment
8. asking that head of state to investigate corruption in his country is not grounds for impeachment

But asking for help from a foreign country in our election IS impeachable,,,,as well as hiding the whisperers accusations What did he have to hide?? Just like the thief's taxes

So asking for help to fight the enemy with in is impeachable ?


That's what an American patriot would do.

for those of you on the left who want impeachment:

1. I don't like him is not grounds for impeachment
2. he beat hillary is not grounds for impeachment
3. making dems look stupid is not grounds for impeachment
4. calling out the corrupt media liars is not grounds for impeachmentBut asking for help in OUR country
5. doing the job of president is not grounds for impeachment
6. revealing the long time corruption of the DC establishment is not grounds for impeachment.
7. talking to a foreign head of state in private is not grounds for impeachment
8. asking that head of state to investigate corruption in his country is not grounds for impeachment

But asking for help from a foreign country in our election IS impeachable,,,,as well as hiding the whisperers accusations What did he have to hide?? Just like the thief's taxes

So asking for help to fight the enemy with in is impeachable ?


That's what an American patriot would do.

View attachment 281754
for those of you on the left who want impeachment:

1. I don't like him is not grounds for impeachment
2. he beat hillary is not grounds for impeachment
3. making dems look stupid is not grounds for impeachment
4. calling out the corrupt media liars is not grounds for impeachment
5. doing the job of president is not grounds for impeachment
6. revealing the long time corruption of the DC establishment is not grounds for impeachment.
7. talking to a foreign head of state in private is not grounds for impeachment
8. asking that head of state to investigate corruption in his country is not grounds for impeachment

Your itemized points are misleading catered only to Trumpits poorly informed followers.

1. He is doing that to himself.

2. Trumpy won.

3. He is not making the democrats stupid. He is making himself hypocrite, lying asshole, bully, pathological liar, unhinged, acting like above the law, he love Wikileaks, love Putin. Like a 10 yo kid always doing something dumb or saying something stupid.

4. Corrupt media? Trump is the most corrupted POTUS.

5. Betraying his country impeachable.

6. Like what? Prove it that Biden did something wrong. Start with the current POTUS.

7. Talking to foreign leaders is not impeachable. But talking to foreign leader to hijack an election, digging dirt against his political opponents with the help of foreigners is against the law= impeachable.

8. Yes its ground for impeachment. Sending his own personal attorney to do the investigation is one of the dumbest and ugliest you can imagine. Since when that is acceptable?
for those of you on the left who want impeachment:

1. I don't like him is not grounds for impeachment
2. he beat hillary is not grounds for impeachment
3. making dems look stupid is not grounds for impeachment
4. calling out the corrupt media liars is not grounds for impeachment
5. doing the job of president is not grounds for impeachment
6. revealing the long time corruption of the DC establishment is not grounds for impeachment.
7. talking to a foreign head of state in private is not grounds for impeachment
8. asking that head of state to investigate corruption in his country is not grounds for impeachment

Your itemized points are misleading catered only to Trumpits poorly informed followers.

1. He is doing that to himself.

2. Trumpy won.

3. He is not making the democrats stupid. He is making himself hypocrite, lying asshole, bully, pathological liar, unhinged, acting like above the law, he love Wikileaks, love Putin. Like a 10 yo kid always doing something dumb or saying something stupid.

4. Corrupt media? Trump is the most corrupted POTUS.

5. Betraying his country impeachable.

6. Like what? Prove it that Biden did something wrong. Start with the current POTUS.

7. Talking to foreign leaders is not impeachable. But talking to foreign leader to hijack an election, digging dirt against his political opponents with the help of foreigners is against the law= impeachable.

8. Yes its ground for impeachment. Sending his own personal attorney to do the investigation is one of the dumbest and ugliest you can imagine. Since when that is acceptable?
we're dealing with the lowest breed of mankind ,,,trump supporters
I just had that thought, while reading these threads.
Democrats would try to impeach him again.


Trump is a conman and a criminal. You knew that when you voted for him. Did you think he would go straight once he was in the White House?

There are so many other illegal things Trump has done in the White House to abuse his power, line his own pockets, and bend people to his will, that the list of impeachable crimes is literally endless. But this extortion attempt is clean, simple and straighforward - trading missiles for dirt on the Bidens. Also, the transcripts are in the open, and Trump has confessed to it. Impeachment is a slam dunk and no Republican Senator can vote against it, if it comes to a Senate vote.

This is a high crime so simple and straightforward that even a Trump cultist can understand what he did wrong and that he's guilty. That's why no one in Republican leadership is jumping to Trump's defence. Devon Nunez made a brave attempt at going after the Acting NSA, charging in all bluster and righteous outrage, and encountered a 30 year Marine Seal, 3rd generation serving his country proudly, who genuinely believes in his oath to the Constitution, and who is about as decent and straight arrow military man as you are going to find. And utterly incorruptible. As soon as Nunes saw that this guy was the real deal - an honest to goodness patriot American hero, he utterly dropped the partisan hack attack line he started with and gave up.
I just had that thought, while reading these threads.
Democrats would try to impeach him again.


Trump is a conman and a criminal. You knew that when you voted for him. Did you think he would go straight once he was in the White House?

There are so many other illegal things Trump has done in the White House to abuse his power, line his own pockets, and bend people to his will, that the list of impeachable crimes is literally endless. But this extortion attempt is clean, simple and straighforward - trading missiles for dirt on the Bidens. Also, the transcripts are in the open, and Trump has confessed to it. Impeachment is a slam dunk and no Republican Senator can vote against it, if it comes to a Senate vote.

This is a high crime so simple and straightforward that even a Trump cultist can understand what he did wrong and that he's guilty. That's why no one in Republican leadership is jumping to Trump's defence. Devon Nunez made a brave attempt at going after the Acting NSA, charging in all bluster and righteous outrage, and encountered a 30 year Marine Seal, 3rd generation serving his country proudly, who genuinely believes in his oath to the Constitution, and who is about as decent and straight arrow military man as you are going to find. And utterly incorruptible. As soon as Nunes saw that this guy was the real deal - an honest to goodness patriot American hero, he utterly dropped the partisan hack attack line he started with and gave up.
You're full of shit.
for those of you on the left who want impeachment:

1. I don't like him is not grounds for impeachment
2. he beat hillary is not grounds for impeachment
3. making dems look stupid is not grounds for impeachment
4. calling out the corrupt media liars is not grounds for impeachment
5. doing the job of president is not grounds for impeachment
6. revealing the long time corruption of the DC establishment is not grounds for impeachment.
7. talking to a foreign head of state in private is not grounds for impeachment
8. asking that head of state to investigate corruption in his country is not grounds for impeachment

Your itemized points are misleading catered only to Trumpits poorly informed followers.

1. He is doing that to himself.

2. Trumpy won.

3. He is not making the democrats stupid. He is making himself hypocrite, lying asshole, bully, pathological liar, unhinged, acting like above the law, he love Wikileaks, love Putin. Like a 10 yo kid always doing something dumb or saying something stupid.

4. Corrupt media? Trump is the most corrupted POTUS.

5. Betraying his country impeachable.

6. Like what? Prove it that Biden did something wrong. Start with the current POTUS.

7. Talking to foreign leaders is not impeachable. But talking to foreign leader to hijack an election, digging dirt against his political opponents with the help of foreigners is against the law= impeachable.

8. Yes its ground for impeachment. Sending his own personal attorney to do the investigation is one of the dumbest and ugliest you can imagine. Since when that is acceptable?


The DEMOCRATS are using impeachment to wipe out a political rival and you have no problem with that, huh comrade?


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