What would happen if Trump is impeached/removed from office and wins the presidency in 2020?

and if 'warren' gets in I think that she is the biggest enemy of the 'money grubbers' who like whores who will do anything for money because money is the most important thing in there lives .And i'll do anything I can to mess up the 'money grubbing ' bush style Conservative republicans' who put money over the good of the USA XYZ .
Money whore? His name is... you know who.
It doesn't say anything about the people electing him president after the Senate removes him.

Try again...

The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments. When sitting for that Purpose, they shall be on Oath or Affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside: And no Person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two thirds of the Members presen
"Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law."


Clearly it says that the senate can disqualify him from holding any future office.


"Clearly" it does not.

carry on

Man you are some kind of freak. Yes, as anyone can read, that clause gives the senate the power to disqualify the impeached party from holding future office, if they so choose.

Sure, babe!

Most anyone can read, but MANY, such as you, can't comprehend.

Try again.
Your vapid whining is not compelling. The constitution is clear.


Reading comprehension fails you.
So sorry.
and if 'warren' gets in I think that she is the biggest enemy of the 'money grubbers' who like whores who will do anything for money because money is the most important thing in there lives .And i'll do anything I can to mess up the 'money grubbing ' bush style Conservative republicans' who put money over the good of the USA XYZ .
Money whore? His name is... you know who.


Trump has enough money! :)
Impeachment trial will never reach floor of Senate before election.
Moscow Mitch will do his best to stonewall it. You are correct.

What you don't like the Republicans playing the Democrats own game?

Rep. Lynn Jenkins blames Harry Reid for 'do-nothing Senate'

The president is fond of referring to the House as the ‘do-nothing Congress.’ But we have 352 reasons why it’s a ‘do-Nothing Senate.’

"352 bills are sitting on Harry Reid’s desk, awaiting action.
He won't be available to run in that case. The State of NY Federal Court has a Grand Jury waiting on him on Rico Act Charges, Fraud, Tax evasion and a few more little tidbits. Barr won't be able to do a thing about that. In order to get anything overturned, it will have to go to the Supreme Court and I doubt if Rump wants to be in front of those people anytime soon since hasn't had nearly enough time to Mussolini up the Court yet.
What If we surround the White House with the military that loves him and tells any democrat if you pass .. well you know haha
this isnt outer Slobovia.....
Impeachment is not legitimate in this instance.
Which you would say no matter what. So that is just not compelling.

And, despite your desperate, cultish declarations, what makes impeachment "legitimate" is the House vote. No, whether or not you like it does not matter.
He won't be available to run in that case. The State of NY Federal Court has a Grand Jury waiting on him on Rico Act Charges, Fraud, Tax evasion and a few more little tidbits. Barr won't be able to do a thing about that. In order to get anything overturned, it will have to go to the Supreme Court and I doubt if Rump wants to be in front of those people anytime soon since hasn't had nearly enough time to Mussolini up the Court yet.

You are FOS!

Feds have until Monday to join Trump tax case

The Latest: Feds have until Monday to join Trump tax case

NY federal judge grants brief stay in dispute over Trump's tax returns

NY federal judge grants brief stay in dispute over Trump's tax returns - CNNPolitics

Federal Judge Delays New York Subpoena of Trump Taxes

Federal Judge Delays New York Subpoena of Trump Taxes

I suspect the time is tolled and begins anew when he leaves office.

Winning a constitutional, democratic election is not a crime. You lost. Get the fuck over it you anti-American communist cocksucker.

America lost when Trump took the oath of office, and immediately lied when he promised to support and defend the Constitution.

The only thing I know about you, is you are a vulgar jerk who hates people he does not know and never will.
Fort Fun Indiana

is nothing but a troll.

I declare

Fort Fun Indiana QUEEN of trolldumb

and bequeath unto her a crown laden with bull sh!t.

May she wear it proudly!

Henceforth, I shall not read her slimey verbiage nor attempt to engage her in any type of civil discourse because she can't comprehend basic debate without insult or fact.
America lost when Trump took the oath of office, and immediately lied when he promised to support and defend the Constitution.

The only thing I know about you, is you are a vulgar jerk who hates people he does not know and never will.

Check your mirror Wry Catcher


You 'got yours' and that's all you GAF about!

Trump doesn't affect you at all.

The State of California takes care of you.

I mean, the residents/taxpayers of California take care of you, even if it chokes them to financial death.
and if 'warren' gets in I think that she is the biggest enemy of the 'money grubbers' who like whores who will do anything for money because money is the most important thing in there lives .And i'll do anything I can to mess up the 'money grubbing ' bush style Conservative republicans' who put money over the good of the USA XYZ .
Money whore? His name is... you know who.
------------------------------- money --- whore . The saying was from my DAD when he mentioned it to me back about 1958 or so when I was maybe 8 - 9 years old , Its simple . DAD told me that certain people are like WHORES who will do anything for money whose main thoughts are towards making money no matter the cost to the USA . A couple examples are the 'USA chambers of commerce , the 'bush familia ' and most all politicians both repub and dem 'OKFine .
What you don't like the Republicans playing the Democrats own game?
I didn't complain. I know you wish i did, so that you could squeeze in your whataboutism. But we both know you are going to do that anyway. No need to misrepresent me to facilitate it. Just be yourself!
Then he is the president. Senate isn't going to convict him. If he is impeached, 2020 won't be IF but by how big his victory will be.
Brownie Thanks for the laugh. I needed one before seeing all my football picks go down in flames

You're welcome. This will be your one sure bet payday.
Obama had scandals too...Remember when he wore that tan suit???

remember when he gave his iranian muslim buddies 150 billion $, and let them continue to develop nuclear weapons, yes that was a huge scandal, and he did it all without congressional approval or knowledge. The Kenyan messiah can do no wrong, right???

remember when he sat down with Kim of NK? When he made NATO members pay their fair share? UH, nope, that was Trump
America lost when Trump took the oath of office, and immediately lied when he promised to support and defend the Constitution.

The only thing I know about you, is you are a vulgar jerk who hates people he does not know and never will.

Check your mirror Wry Catcher


You 'got yours' and that's all you GAF about!

Trump doesn't affect you at all.

The State of California takes care of you.

I mean, the residents/taxpayers of California take care of you, even if it chokes them to financial death.

I earned what I got, and I don't hate anyone, you seem to be on the same track as Bush92. Maybe worse, you are green with envy.
As unlikely as this scenario is, I could see a situation where Trump could actually use this possibility to his advantage. Let's say theoretically, someone like Mitt wants to gain enough support in the Senate to do this, so Mitt could take a shot himself in 2020. Trump tells the Republican Senate and House members, you do this and I will run as an independent and will again in 2024 if I lose. The Republicans can't convict in the Senate because Republican voter support for Trump is too strong.
Republican Flay says if vote was secret 35 Repubs would vote for impeachment

But, not one will do so publicly. Their careers would be over.

Well, maybe Mitt. But, that is the kind of guy that straps his dog to the roof of his car. So, his judgment isn't so great.
does he grab pussies??? Speaking of judgement

No, but the Dems did make the case he murdered his employees by withholding medical care when they needed it. Strapping a dog to his car, murdering his employees. That's Mitt for you.
Then he is the president. Senate isn't going to convict him. If he is impeached, 2020 won't be IF but by how big his victory will be.
Brownie Thanks for the laugh. I needed one before seeing all my football picks go down in flames

You're welcome. This will be your one sure bet payday.
Obama had scandals too...Remember when he wore that tan suit???

remember when he gave his iranian muslim buddies 150 billion $, and let them continue to develop nuclear weapons, yes that was a huge scandal, and he did it all without congressional approval or knowledge. The Kenyan messiah can do no wrong, right???

remember when he sat down with Kim of NK? When he made NATO members pay their fair share? UH, nope, that was Trump
Iran was under watch and all countries knew Obama was right NOW they can make all the nukes they want thanks to the idiot in our WH

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