What would happen if Trump is impeached/removed from office and wins the presidency in 2020?

remember when he sat down with Kim of NK?
No, I only remember the apoplectic hissy fits you frauds threw when he suggested it.

When he made NATO members pay their fair share?
Yes, as Obama criticized them for this, and theycstarted paying more, starting in 2016. Of course, the trend cpntinued at the same pace after trump was elected, causing the mentally ill old man and his cultists to give trump all the credit.
zero chance of that happening, your fantasy will never come true.
We are talking about speculation from the first, you whiny little baby. Check the thread title, before opening threads that may trigger your delicate sensibilities.
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I just had that thought, while reading these threads.
Democrats would try to impeach him again.


Trump is a conman and a criminal. You knew that when you voted for him. Did you think he would go straight once he was in the White House?

There are so many other illegal things Trump has done in the White House to abuse his power, line his own pockets, and bend people to his will, that the list of impeachable crimes is literally endless. But this extortion attempt is clean, simple and straighforward - trading missiles for dirt on the Bidens. Also, the transcripts are in the open, and Trump has confessed to it. Impeachment is a slam dunk and no Republican Senator can vote against it, if it comes to a Senate vote.

This is a high crime so simple and straightforward that even a Trump cultist can understand what he did wrong and that he's guilty. That's why no one in Republican leadership is jumping to Trump's defence. Devon Nunez made a brave attempt at going after the Acting NSA, charging in all bluster and righteous outrage, and encountered a 30 year Marine Seal, 3rd generation serving his country proudly, who genuinely believes in his oath to the Constitution, and who is about as decent and straight arrow military man as you are going to find. And utterly incorruptible. As soon as Nunes saw that this guy was the real deal - an honest to goodness patriot American hero, he utterly dropped the partisan hack attack line he started with and gave up.
You're full of shit.

When you can't attack the facts, you attack the poster. Your concession and surrender is noted.
for those of you on the left who want impeachment:

1. I don't like him is not grounds for impeachment
2. he beat hillary is not grounds for impeachment
3. making dems look stupid is not grounds for impeachment
4. calling out the corrupt media liars is not grounds for impeachment
5. doing the job of president is not grounds for impeachment
6. revealing the long time corruption of the DC establishment is not grounds for impeachment.
7. talking to a foreign head of state in private is not grounds for impeachment
8. asking that head of state to investigate corruption in his country is not grounds for impeachment

Your itemized points are misleading catered only to Trumpits poorly informed followers.

1. He is doing that to himself.

2. Trumpy won.

3. He is not making the democrats stupid. He is making himself hypocrite, lying asshole, bully, pathological liar, unhinged, acting like above the law, he love Wikileaks, love Putin. Like a 10 yo kid always doing something dumb or saying something stupid.

4. Corrupt media? Trump is the most corrupted POTUS.

5. Betraying his country impeachable.

6. Like what? Prove it that Biden did something wrong. Start with the current POTUS.

7. Talking to foreign leaders is not impeachable. But talking to foreign leader to hijack an election, digging dirt against his political opponents with the help of foreigners is against the law= impeachable.

8. Yes its ground for impeachment. Sending his own personal attorney to do the investigation is one of the dumbest and ugliest you can imagine. Since when that is acceptable?


The DEMOCRATS are using impeachment to wipe out a political rival and you have no problem with that, huh comrade?

Yep.....they're a disgrace.
They didn't win at the ballot box so they're using impeachment as a campaign tactic.
oil well fires ain't no big deal you Worry Wart Edward . --- Mem'ries: Fighting Fires in a Burning Kuwaiti Oil Field --- Red Adair is gone but he and BECTAL Corp have well trained people Edward .

True. They were able to put out the fire of the oils wells in weeks after the area was stabilized by US forces. You are missing something.
These companies that are trained to do these jobs will NOT take the job if they are being bomb.
------------------------- they'll do as told for enough money . So you don't think that the USA can't stop a few silly bombs from 'iran' or the 'houtis' . 'iran' and 'houtis' would be destroyed if they tried bombing while American RED ADAIR and Bectal people are working Charwin . Besides that , from what I have heard the USA is oil independent Charwin .
for those of you on the left who want impeachment:

1. I don't like him is not grounds for impeachment
2. he beat hillary is not grounds for impeachment
3. making dems look stupid is not grounds for impeachment
4. calling out the corrupt media liars is not grounds for impeachment
5. doing the job of president is not grounds for impeachment
6. revealing the long time corruption of the DC establishment is not grounds for impeachment.
7. talking to a foreign head of state in private is not grounds for impeachment
8. asking that head of state to investigate corruption in his country is not grounds for impeachment

Your itemized points are misleading catered only to Trumpits poorly informed followers.

1. He is doing that to himself.

2. Trumpy won.

3. He is not making the democrats stupid. He is making himself hypocrite, lying asshole, bully, pathological liar, unhinged, acting like above the law, he love Wikileaks, love Putin. Like a 10 yo kid always doing something dumb or saying something stupid.

4. Corrupt media? Trump is the most corrupted POTUS.

5. Betraying his country impeachable.

6. Like what? Prove it that Biden did something wrong. Start with the current POTUS.

7. Talking to foreign leaders is not impeachable. But talking to foreign leader to hijack an election, digging dirt against his political opponents with the help of foreigners is against the law= impeachable.

8. Yes its ground for impeachment. Sending his own personal attorney to do the investigation is one of the dumbest and ugliest you can imagine. Since when that is acceptable?


The DEMOCRATS are using impeachment to wipe out a political rival and you have no problem with that, huh comrade?


The Inspector General is a Republican. So is the Acting NSA. Both are Republican appointees. Members are leaving the administration and talking about Trump's inappropriate behaviour.
for those of you on the left who want impeachment:

1. I don't like him is not grounds for impeachment
2. he beat hillary is not grounds for impeachment
3. making dems look stupid is not grounds for impeachment
4. calling out the corrupt media liars is not grounds for impeachment
5. doing the job of president is not grounds for impeachment
6. revealing the long time corruption of the DC establishment is not grounds for impeachment.
7. talking to a foreign head of state in private is not grounds for impeachment
8. asking that head of state to investigate corruption in his country is not grounds for impeachment

Your itemized points are misleading catered only to Trumpits poorly informed followers.

1. He is doing that to himself.

2. Trumpy won.

3. He is not making the democrats stupid. He is making himself hypocrite, lying asshole, bully, pathological liar, unhinged, acting like above the law, he love Wikileaks, love Putin. Like a 10 yo kid always doing something dumb or saying something stupid.

4. Corrupt media? Trump is the most corrupted POTUS.

5. Betraying his country impeachable.

6. Like what? Prove it that Biden did something wrong. Start with the current POTUS.

7. Talking to foreign leaders is not impeachable. But talking to foreign leader to hijack an election, digging dirt against his political opponents with the help of foreigners is against the law= impeachable.

8. Yes its ground for impeachment. Sending his own personal attorney to do the investigation is one of the dumbest and ugliest you can imagine. Since when that is acceptable?


The DEMOCRATS are using impeachment to wipe out a political rival and you have no problem with that, huh comrade?


The Inspector General is a Republican. So is the Acting NSA. Both are Republican appointees. Members are leaving the administration and talking about Trump's inappropriate behaviour.
------------------------------------- as far as the Talk , that's what YOU say DLady .And all I say is , lets see what happen . Plus the worse that could happen is that we end up with President Mike Pence DLady . Still I figure that the TRUMP comes out on top again DLady .
for those of you on the left who want impeachment:

1. I don't like him is not grounds for impeachment
2. he beat hillary is not grounds for impeachment
3. making dems look stupid is not grounds for impeachment
4. calling out the corrupt media liars is not grounds for impeachment
5. doing the job of president is not grounds for impeachment
6. revealing the long time corruption of the DC establishment is not grounds for impeachment.
7. talking to a foreign head of state in private is not grounds for impeachment
8. asking that head of state to investigate corruption in his country is not grounds for impeachment

I didn't like Nixon either but I would say he had the makings of a Great President. I don't like Rump but he has the makings of a Mob Boss and operates that way.

He beat Hillary with some mighty shady help. I think the real tipping point was when that idiot leader of the FBI ran off on the mouth on something he should have kept behind closed doors just days before the election. This may be why the total voter count does not agree with the EC. The EC doesn't vote early but many voters do.

And when Rump keeps acting more like a Mob Boss then we need to do something even it's it's censoring him. And Censoring by ALL of congress just might do the trick. But if that happens, he's toast in 2020. Because of the non functioning Senate and Rump Ass Lickers, I don't even see a Senate Censoring. (Yah, I know, I spelled it wrong, get it out of your system, rumpsters)

When Rump interacts with social or any kind of media he tells on the average of 4.5 lies a minute. If I were a news dude, I would find it very difficult to follow him. So before you start in on the "Fake News" you may want to start out with "Liar in Chief" first.

If all Rump did was do the Job of President I wouldn't have a problem with him. He occasionally does that, you know. But then he goes off on the deep end of the pool and takes the nation down with him. Mafia Dons have no compassion.

Revealing the long term DC Corruption is a good thing. Unfortunately, he replace it with his own brand of corruption. He drained the swamp of the Alligators but he refilled it with own Crocodiles.

Presidents don't have the luxury of having private discussions with anyone. That's what Nixon thought. Nixon used tapes instead of transcripts which is legal. Rump uses transcripts. There is always support people listening in. There is always a record. In this case, the CIA IG moved too fast for them to destroy the transcripts. Since the transcripts were known already, they had no choice but to cough them up even after trying to hide them. That's called Obstruction of Justice. Something Rump has a long history of doing.

No, it's not illegal for a President to ask another head of state for an investigation when he believes that his own agencies will not do it properly. The problem is, his own agencies had already done that investigation and it proved to be false. And no coverup or Obstruction of Justice involved. But that's not why Rump wanted the investigation opened by Ukraine. He already had the outcome in mind. He put a freeze on the military funds until this became noticed by the CIA IG. The funds were allocated by Congress, not Rump. Rump immediately released those funds. His intention was to create dirt on Biden whether it was true or not by blackmailing Ukraine. And Ukraine is scared to death of not getting those funds so they probably would have done what Rump "Asked" if it was allowed to run long enough. If Biden did something wrong while in office, don't hang the dirty laundry out for the world to see like that. It's not even close to being Presidential. Okay, it's is Mob Boss style which Rump has down pat.

There it is. Answers to your statements directly from Admiral Maguires report and his IG. Barr tried to cover it up along with the White House Lawyers but got bagged before they could destroy or modify the transcripts. I swear, this is more like a bad episode of Law and Order.
If Trump is impeached and removed from office, he would be ineligible to hold office again per the Constitution Article 1, Section 3, Clause 7.

I really doubt that the repugs in the Senate would vote to convict Trump no matter what his guilt, so it is unlikely at best.

It doesn't say anything about the people electing him president after the Senate removes him.

Try again...

The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments. When sitting for that Purpose, they shall be on Oath or Affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside: And no Person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two thirds of the Members presen
"Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law."


Clearly it says that the senate can disqualify him from holding any future office.


"Clearly" it does not.

carry on

It’s right there in front of you and written in plain English. You Trump cultists really are fucking willfully stupid.
If Trump is impeached and removed from office, he would be ineligible to hold office again per the Constitution Article 1, Section 3, Clause 7.

I really doubt that the repugs in the Senate would vote to convict Trump no matter what his guilt, so it is unlikely at best.

It doesn't say anything about the people electing him president after the Senate removes him.

Try again...

The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments. When sitting for that Purpose, they shall be on Oath or Affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside: And no Person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two thirds of the Members presen
"Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law."


Clearly it says that the senate can disqualify him from holding any future office.


"Clearly" it does not.

carry on

It’s right there in front of you and written in plain English. You Trump cultists really are fucking willfully stupid.

Many of the Trump cultists on othis board are ESL types so plain English isn't that plain to them.
for those of you on the left who want impeachment:

1. I don't like him is not grounds for impeachment
2. he beat hillary is not grounds for impeachment
3. making dems look stupid is not grounds for impeachment
4. calling out the corrupt media liars is not grounds for impeachmentBut asking for help in OUR country
5. doing the job of president is not grounds for impeachment
6. revealing the long time corruption of the DC establishment is not grounds for impeachment.
7. talking to a foreign head of state in private is not grounds for impeachment
8. asking that head of state to investigate corruption in his country is not grounds for impeachment

But asking for help from a foreign country in our election IS impeachable,,,,as well as hiding the whisperers accusations What did he have to hide?? Just like the thief's taxes

no where in that conversation did he ask for help with the upcoming election. He asked for help with exposing corruption within the Ukraine that involved Americans. He is hiding nothing, the entire transcript of the phone call and the entire whistle blowers allegations have been made public. What is being hidden is the identity of the whistle blower and his connections to the DNC. Now, if we are to look at foreign help with an american election we need look no further than the hillary campaign and the Russian dossier of lies that she PAID for.

On his taxes: If he released them, which would be hundreds of pages every year, fools like you and the lying media democrats would pull out one page, make up lies about it, and it would dominate the news for months with bullshit allegations. You know that, I know that, everyone knows that
for those of you on the left who want impeachment:

1. I don't like him is not grounds for impeachment
2. he beat hillary is not grounds for impeachment
3. making dems look stupid is not grounds for impeachment
4. calling out the corrupt media liars is not grounds for impeachment
5. doing the job of president is not grounds for impeachment
6. revealing the long time corruption of the DC establishment is not grounds for impeachment.
7. talking to a foreign head of state in private is not grounds for impeachment
8. asking that head of state to investigate corruption in his country is not grounds for impeachment

Your itemized points are misleading catered only to Trumpits poorly informed followers.

1. He is doing that to himself.

2. Trumpy won.

3. He is not making the democrats stupid. He is making himself hypocrite, lying asshole, bully, pathological liar, unhinged, acting like above the law, he love Wikileaks, love Putin. Like a 10 yo kid always doing something dumb or saying something stupid.

4. Corrupt media? Trump is the most corrupted POTUS.

5. Betraying his country impeachable.

6. Like what? Prove it that Biden did something wrong. Start with the current POTUS.

7. Talking to foreign leaders is not impeachable. But talking to foreign leader to hijack an election, digging dirt against his political opponents with the help of foreigners is against the law= impeachable.

8. Yes its ground for impeachment. Sending his own personal attorney to do the investigation is one of the dumbest and ugliest you can imagine. Since when that is acceptable?

just on a couple of your talking points.

6. Biden is on tape bragging about how he bribed the Ukraine to fire the prosecutor that was looking into his son's dealings
7.Why did you not say that about Obama and clinton in 2016 when they were clearly doing exactly that with the Russian dossier that they paid for
8.the corruption in the Ukraine involved a Ukrainian gas company and Biden's son who was being paid 50K per month to sit on a board when he knew nothing about gas or energy production. If was a clear bribe to get favorable treatment from the Obama administration thru Biden. Its obvious and Biden bragged about it.
If Trump is impeached and removed from office, he would be ineligible to hold office again per the Constitution Article 1, Section 3, Clause 7.

I really doubt that the repugs in the Senate would vote to convict Trump no matter what his guilt, so it is unlikely at best.

It doesn't say anything about the people electing him president after the Senate removes him.

Try again...

The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments. When sitting for that Purpose, they shall be on Oath or Affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside: And no Person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two thirds of the Members presen
"Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law."


Clearly it says that the senate can disqualify him from holding any future office.


"Clearly" it does not.

carry on

It’s right there in front of you and written in plain English. You Trump cultists really are fucking willfully stupid.

Many of the Trump cultists on othis board are ESL types so plain English isn't that plain to them.

here's some plain English for you-------------------------you are a lying asshole.
for those of you on the left who want impeachment:

1. I don't like him is not grounds for impeachment
2. he beat hillary is not grounds for impeachment
3. making dems look stupid is not grounds for impeachment
4. calling out the corrupt media liars is not grounds for impeachment
5. doing the job of president is not grounds for impeachment
6. revealing the long time corruption of the DC establishment is not grounds for impeachment.
7. talking to a foreign head of state in private is not grounds for impeachment
8. asking that head of state to investigate corruption in his country is not grounds for impeachment

I didn't like Nixon either but I would say he had the makings of a Great President. I don't like Rump but he has the makings of a Mob Boss and operates that way.

He beat Hillary with some mighty shady help. I think the real tipping point was when that idiot leader of the FBI ran off on the mouth on something he should have kept behind closed doors just days before the election. This may be why the total voter count does not agree with the EC. The EC doesn't vote early but many voters do.

And when Rump keeps acting more like a Mob Boss then we need to do something even it's it's censoring him. And Censoring by ALL of congress just might do the trick. But if that happens, he's toast in 2020. Because of the non functioning Senate and Rump Ass Lickers, I don't even see a Senate Censoring. (Yah, I know, I spelled it wrong, get it out of your system, rumpsters)

When Rump interacts with social or any kind of media he tells on the average of 4.5 lies a minute. If I were a news dude, I would find it very difficult to follow him. So before you start in on the "Fake News" you may want to start out with "Liar in Chief" first.

If all Rump did was do the Job of President I wouldn't have a problem with him. He occasionally does that, you know. But then he goes off on the deep end of the pool and takes the nation down with him. Mafia Dons have no compassion.

Revealing the long term DC Corruption is a good thing. Unfortunately, he replace it with his own brand of corruption. He drained the swamp of the Alligators but he refilled it with own Crocodiles.

Presidents don't have the luxury of having private discussions with anyone. That's what Nixon thought. Nixon used tapes instead of transcripts which is legal. Rump uses transcripts. There is always support people listening in. There is always a record. In this case, the CIA IG moved too fast for them to destroy the transcripts. Since the transcripts were known already, they had no choice but to cough them up even after trying to hide them. That's called Obstruction of Justice. Something Rump has a long history of doing.

No, it's not illegal for a President to ask another head of state for an investigation when he believes that his own agencies will not do it properly. The problem is, his own agencies had already done that investigation and it proved to be false. And no coverup or Obstruction of Justice involved. But that's not why Rump wanted the investigation opened by Ukraine. He already had the outcome in mind. He put a freeze on the military funds until this became noticed by the CIA IG. The funds were allocated by Congress, not Rump. Rump immediately released those funds. His intention was to create dirt on Biden whether it was true or not by blackmailing Ukraine. And Ukraine is scared to death of not getting those funds so they probably would have done what Rump "Asked" if it was allowed to run long enough. If Biden did something wrong while in office, don't hang the dirty laundry out for the world to see like that. It's not even close to being Presidential. Okay, it's is Mob Boss style which Rump has down pat.

There it is. Answers to your statements directly from Admiral Maguires report and his IG. Barr tried to cover it up along with the White House Lawyers but got bagged before they could destroy or modify the transcripts. I swear, this is more like a bad episode of Law and Order.

well written and good try. but you left out most of the facts. Time will prove me right.
This thread is a theoretical oxymoron. Even if the democrat house votes to impeach, as it did with clinton, the senate will never vote to remove from office. there are no valid grounds for impeachment other than the dems trying to overturn with will of the people in 2016.

If the dems in the house continue with this foolishness, I predict that the GOP will take the house back in 2020, hold the senate, and Trump will be reelected by a large margin.

the people want congress to do its job, not play political games constantly. The dems are shitting in their hats and don't even realize it.
for those of you on the left who want impeachment:

1. I don't like him is not grounds for impeachment
2. he beat hillary is not grounds for impeachment
3. making dems look stupid is not grounds for impeachment
4. calling out the corrupt media liars is not grounds for impeachmentBut asking for help in OUR country
5. doing the job of president is not grounds for impeachment
6. revealing the long time corruption of the DC establishment is not grounds for impeachment.
7. talking to a foreign head of state in private is not grounds for impeachment
8. asking that head of state to investigate corruption in his country is not grounds for impeachment

But asking for help from a foreign country in our election IS impeachable,,,,as well as hiding the whisperers accusations What did he have to hide?? Just like the thief's taxes

no where in that conversation did he ask for help with the upcoming election. He asked for help with exposing corruption within the Ukraine that involved Americans. He is hiding nothing, the entire transcript of the phone call and the entire whistle blowers allegations have been made public. What is being hidden is the identity of the whistle blower and his connections to the DNC. Now, if we are to look at foreign help with an american election we need look no further than the hillary campaign and the Russian dossier of lies that she PAID for.

On his taxes: If he released them, which would be hundreds of pages every year, fools like you and the lying media democrats would pull out one page, make up lies about it, and it would dominate the news for months with bullshit allegations. You know that, I know that, everyone knows that
why were they hiding the whistleblowers report? 2/3 think trump encouraging investigation into Biden is a serious problem and whether you will admit it it's on the record that trump was trading missiles for help in our elections First Muellers report and now this?? When will you get a clue ? The 5th of never? Now the pos says whistleblower is a spy ? Trump is worse A traitor who deserves what traitors get Then all you idiots can go back to your idiot friends and die the idiots you are
for those of you on the left who want impeachment:

1. I don't like him is not grounds for impeachment
2. he beat hillary is not grounds for impeachment
3. making dems look stupid is not grounds for impeachment
4. calling out the corrupt media liars is not grounds for impeachmentBut asking for help in OUR country
5. doing the job of president is not grounds for impeachment
6. revealing the long time corruption of the DC establishment is not grounds for impeachment.
7. talking to a foreign head of state in private is not grounds for impeachment
8. asking that head of state to investigate corruption in his country is not grounds for impeachment

But asking for help from a foreign country in our election IS impeachable,,,,as well as hiding the whisperers accusations What did he have to hide?? Just like the thief's taxes

no where in that conversation did he ask for help with the upcoming election. He asked for help with exposing corruption within the Ukraine that involved Americans. He is hiding nothing, the entire transcript of the phone call and the entire whistle blowers allegations have been made public. What is being hidden is the identity of the whistle blower and his connections to the DNC. Now, if we are to look at foreign help with an american election we need look no further than the hillary campaign and the Russian dossier of lies that she PAID for.

On his taxes: If he released them, which would be hundreds of pages every year, fools like you and the lying media democrats would pull out one page, make up lies about it, and it would dominate the news for months with bullshit allegations. You know that, I know that, everyone knows that
why were they hiding the whistleblowers report? 2/3 think trump encouraging investigation into Biden is a serious problem and whether you will admit it it's on the record that trump was trading missiles for help in our elections First Muellers report and now this?? When will you get a clue ? The 5th of never? Now the pos says whistleblower is a spy ? Trump is worse A traitor who deserves what traitors get Then all you idiots can go back to your idiot friends and die the idiots you are

The whistle blowers allegation was withheld to protect his/her identity as it should have been. But now its been released and its obvious that it was written by a dem lawyer, not an average civil servant as claimed.

Mueller found nothing, it was a waste of time and money.

He never said the whistle blower was a spy, he said he was a democrat operative which happens to be true.

when will you get a clue and realize that you are pissing into the wind and wondering why your shoes are wet?
for those of you on the left who want impeachment:

1. I don't like him is not grounds for impeachment
2. he beat hillary is not grounds for impeachment
3. making dems look stupid is not grounds for impeachment
4. calling out the corrupt media liars is not grounds for impeachmentBut asking for help in OUR country
5. doing the job of president is not grounds for impeachment
6. revealing the long time corruption of the DC establishment is not grounds for impeachment.
7. talking to a foreign head of state in private is not grounds for impeachment
8. asking that head of state to investigate corruption in his country is not grounds for impeachment

But asking for help from a foreign country in our election IS impeachable,,,,as well as hiding the whisperers accusations What did he have to hide?? Just like the thief's taxes

no where in that conversation did he ask for help with the upcoming election. He asked for help with exposing corruption within the Ukraine that involved Americans. He is hiding nothing, the entire transcript of the phone call and the entire whistle blowers allegations have been made public. What is being hidden is the identity of the whistle blower and his connections to the DNC. Now, if we are to look at foreign help with an american election we need look no further than the hillary campaign and the Russian dossier of lies that she PAID for.

On his taxes: If he released them, which would be hundreds of pages every year, fools like you and the lying media democrats would pull out one page, make up lies about it, and it would dominate the news for months with bullshit allegations. You know that, I know that, everyone knows that
why were they hiding the whistleblowers report? 2/3 think trump encouraging investigation into Biden is a serious problem and whether you will admit it it's on the record that trump was trading missiles for help in our elections First Muellers report and now this?? When will you get a clue ? The 5th of never? Now the pos says whistleblower is a spy ? Trump is worse A traitor who deserves what traitors get Then all you idiots can go back to your idiot friends and die the idiots you are

The whistle blowers allegation was withheld to protect his/her identity as it should have been. But now its been released and its obvious that it was written by a dem lawyer, not an average civil servant as claimed.

Mueller found nothing, it was a waste of time and money.

He never said the whistle blower was a spy, he said he was a democrat operative which happens to be true.

when will you get a clue and realize that you are pissing into the wind and wondering why your shoes are wet?
There are too many people, bright gov't and former gov't people ,who take this as a serious security implication Shame you have your head where it shouldn't be, and trump saying he's not concerned by russian involvement in our election?? This is the pos you make excuses for?

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