What would have happened if Home Depot had refused to rent a truck to Sayfullo Saipov?

So I never wrote policy and yet you do not understand it is done daily!

You are seriously retarded, you don't need to write policy to understand that relying on individual vigilantism for our security is total nonsense.

It's no more nonsensical than importing people where a certain percentage are known to be Muslim fanatics.

....total logic fail, one bad idea is not a good argument for another bad idea.

So you admit that importing Muslims is bad policy?

No, I'm explaining to you the logical fail without pointless arguing about your premise.

Even if your premise is true, your logic still failed and your argument holds no water - get it?
You have yet to point out the "fail," dumbass.
I have a very good solution to all this maddness and I SWEAR you'll never hear about an ISIS terrorist, we can get rid of TSA, all the trillions of dollars spent on military abroad, all the bribes that we give to countries we occupy, fix and build, get of rid lot of useless intelligence agencies and so forth....
The simple reason is:
Pull out all the US armed forces in the middle east, don't mingle in the business of those countries. Stop the unconditional support for Israel's crimes and occupation.
It's simple but yet hard to do. The terrorist will always have the upper hand to strike with whatever they have, you gotta cut the head of the snake, which is giving them a reason to retaliate and a cause to recruit their militants. Otherwise is gonna be a non ending mess.
The theory that American meddling is the cause of Islamic terrorism is obvious bullshit. Blaming Isreal is just proof that you're an antisemite. Muslims were committing terrorism long before the Gulf war. 9/11 was before the Gulf war. Muslims would be trying to kill us no matter what we do. Just look around the worldL Wherever you find Muslims, you find bombings, murder, war and civil strife.
Don' throw that anti Semite around, cause I criticized israel....yes I srael is a criminal state that occupies another country commits crimes against its indigenous people on daily basis and violated dozens of UN resolutions.

FYI: lot of my best friends are Jews and my best man was a Jew....guess what he doesn' agree with Israel's policies does that make him anti himself ?
Unfortunately you are an antisemite. That's why you call Israel a "criminal state."
Nope I'm not because I don' hate Jews and I'm Semite myself....i call a criminal state what it is....occupying a land, killing and imprisoning its people, violating UN resolutions makes it that way.

Lot of Jews call I srael on it' crimes, most are very orthodox does that make them anti Semite?

It's obvious that you hate Jews, and the term "antisemite" is commonly understood to mean someone who hates Jews.
Lol how can i hate Jews and have a Jewish best man best friends and let them hangout in my house and my life?
You are seriously retarded, you don't need to write policy to understand that relying on individual vigilantism for our security is total nonsense.

It's no more nonsensical than importing people where a certain percentage are known to be Muslim fanatics.

....total logic fail, one bad idea is not a good argument for another bad idea.

So you admit that importing Muslims is bad policy?

No, I'm explaining to you the logical fail without pointless arguing about your premise.

Even if your premise is true, your logic still failed and your argument holds no water - get it?
You have yet to point out the "fail," dumbass.


You said that 1. "relying on individual vigilantism for our security is total nonsense" is no worse than 2. "importing people where a certain percentage are known to be Muslim fanatics"

To which I said that you didn't actually refute that 1. is a bad idea.
I have a very good solution to all this maddness and I SWEAR you'll never hear about an ISIS terrorist, we can get rid of TSA, all the trillions of dollars spent on military abroad, all the bribes that we give to countries we occupy, fix and build, get of rid lot of useless intelligence agencies and so forth....
The simple reason is:
Pull out all the US armed forces in the middle east, don't mingle in the business of those countries. Stop the unconditional support for Israel's crimes and occupation.
It's simple but yet hard to do. The terrorist will always have the upper hand to strike with whatever they have, you gotta cut the head of the snake, which is giving them a reason to retaliate and a cause to recruit their militants. Otherwise is gonna be a non ending mess.
The theory that American meddling is the cause of Islamic terrorism is obvious bullshit. Blaming Isreal is just proof that you're an antisemite. Muslims were committing terrorism long before the Gulf war. 9/11 was before the Gulf war. Muslims would be trying to kill us no matter what we do. Just look around the worldL Wherever you find Muslims, you find bombings, murder, war and civil strife.
Don' throw that anti Semite around, cause I criticized israel....yes I srael is a criminal state that occupies another country commits crimes against its indigenous people on daily basis and violated dozens of UN resolutions.

FYI: lot of my best friends are Jews and my best man was a Jew....guess what he doesn' agree with Israel's policies does that make him anti himself ?
Unfortunately you are an antisemite. That's why you call Israel a "criminal state."
Nope I'm not because I don' hate Jews and I'm Semite myself....i call a criminal state what it is....occupying a land, killing and imprisoning its people, violating UN resolutions makes it that way.

Lot of Jews call I srael on it' crimes, most are very orthodox does that make them anti Semite?

It's obvious that you hate Jews, and the term "antisemite" is commonly understood to mean someone who hates Jews.

I gues these Jews are anti semites as well.

The problem with war mongers here in the US....they still don't get it why Isis, al Qaeda and other terrorists groups came to existence and why they attack mostly countries that are involved in the middle east. If you don't understand the root problem and keep calling names and labeling all Muslims as terrorists, you are not helping anyone. Muslims suffered from the west's interference and also terrorism more than anybody else.....
Take for example Iraq, it had 0 terrorist groups, The US topples the regime and now we have millions displaced, millions killed, millions of refugees, thousands of terrorists, and dozens of terrorists groups.....Lybia, Syria, Afghanistan, ect...
Hell he could have told them what he wanted the truck for, been denied the truck, and Home Depot would have been sued successfully under the grounds of profiling.

With professors losing their jobs it if they don't refer to a student by a particular pronoun of their choice, some deciding their gender based on what they "identify as", is there any wonder society has lost it's ability to operate with any conviction? Real human right abuses replaced by tantrums and false Snowflake outrage.
yep, just ask Deblosio.
Gee. I wonder if the clerk at Ryder should have said something when Timothy McVeigh stepped up to the counter?
well he was white, no big deal to deny him. isn't an issue with a white guy. ask all the illegals an immigrants.
The theory that American meddling is the cause of Islamic terrorism is obvious bullshit. Blaming Isreal is just proof that you're an antisemite. Muslims were committing terrorism long before the Gulf war. 9/11 was before the Gulf war. Muslims would be trying to kill us no matter what we do. Just look around the worldL Wherever you find Muslims, you find bombings, murder, war and civil strife.
Don' throw that anti Semite around, cause I criticized israel....yes I srael is a criminal state that occupies another country commits crimes against its indigenous people on daily basis and violated dozens of UN resolutions.

FYI: lot of my best friends are Jews and my best man was a Jew....guess what he doesn' agree with Israel's policies does that make him anti himself ?
Unfortunately you are an antisemite. That's why you call Israel a "criminal state."
Nope I'm not because I don' hate Jews and I'm Semite myself....i call a criminal state what it is....occupying a land, killing and imprisoning its people, violating UN resolutions makes it that way.

Lot of Jews call I srael on it' crimes, most are very orthodox does that make them anti Semite?

It's obvious that you hate Jews, and the term "antisemite" is commonly understood to mean someone who hates Jews.

I gues these Jews are anti semites as well.

The problem with war mongers here in the US....they still don't get it why Isis, al Qaeda and other terrorists groups came to existence and why they attack mostly countries that are involved in the middle east. If you don't understand the root problem and keep calling names and labeling all Muslims as terrorists, you are not helping anyone. Muslims suffered from the west's interference and also terrorism more than anybody else.....
Take for example Iraq, it had 0 terrorist groups, The US topples the regime and now we have millions displaced, millions killed, millions of refugees, thousands of terrorists, and dozens of terrorists groups.....Lybia, Syria, Afghanistan, ect...


Perhaps you could explain to all of us, why they were attacking our merchant
ships, beginning in 1797. Up to that point in time, the only country we
had squabbled with was England.

Those worthless, smelly, sweatin' sons-of-bitches have lived like this
for 2700 years.
I have a very good solution to all this maddness and I SWEAR you'll never hear about an ISIS terrorist, we can get rid of TSA, all the trillions of dollars spent on military abroad, all the bribes that we give to countries we occupy, fix and build, get of rid lot of useless intelligence agencies and so forth....
The simple reason is:
Pull out all the US armed forces in the middle east, don't mingle in the business of those countries. Stop the unconditional support for Israel's crimes and occupation.
It's simple but yet hard to do. The terrorist will always have the upper hand to strike with whatever they have, you gotta cut the head of the snake, which is giving them a reason to retaliate and a cause to recruit their militants. Otherwise is gonna be a non ending mess.
The theory that American meddling is the cause of Islamic terrorism is obvious bullshit. Blaming Isreal is just proof that you're an antisemite. Muslims were committing terrorism long before the Gulf war. 9/11 was before the Gulf war. Muslims would be trying to kill us no matter what we do. Just look around the worldL Wherever you find Muslims, you find bombings, murder, war and civil strife.
It's all America's and Israel's fault. I just summed up the Marxists. Especially the Jewish ones.

We cannot stop the final battle. Armageddon has to happen. Let us allow it. Then, the great harvest will happen and we will see what is what.
Gee. I wonder if the clerk at Ryder should have said something when Timothy McVeigh stepped up to the counter?
What should he have said, "you're a perfectly normal looking American?"
Have you ever been to the rest of America? In Passaic, in Red Hook, in Coraopolis, in Toledo people who look like the assailant are everywhere. He looked perfectly normal. Should he have been wearing a yellow crescent armband to mark him as Muslim? Should we require everyone of the Muslim faith to register as potential threats? Maybe we could segregate them in special camps surrounded by concertina wire, gun towers and police dogs. We could call it a Final Solution. That sounds great to folks who flunked History, like the average Trump supporter.
'Diversity Visa Lottery?! Gee, what could possibly go wrong?

The asshole shouldn't have been in our country. Bush and Schumer are disgraces. What do you tell the families of the dead?
Don' throw that anti Semite around, cause I criticized israel....yes I srael is a criminal state that occupies another country commits crimes against its indigenous people on daily basis and violated dozens of UN resolutions.

FYI: lot of my best friends are Jews and my best man was a Jew....guess what he doesn' agree with Israel's policies does that make him anti himself ?
Unfortunately you are an antisemite. That's why you call Israel a "criminal state."
Nope I'm not because I don' hate Jews and I'm Semite myself....i call a criminal state what it is....occupying a land, killing and imprisoning its people, violating UN resolutions makes it that way.

Lot of Jews call I srael on it' crimes, most are very orthodox does that make them anti Semite?

It's obvious that you hate Jews, and the term "antisemite" is commonly understood to mean someone who hates Jews.

I gues these Jews are anti semites as well.

The problem with war mongers here in the US....they still don't get it why Isis, al Qaeda and other terrorists groups came to existence and why they attack mostly countries that are involved in the middle east. If you don't understand the root problem and keep calling names and labeling all Muslims as terrorists, you are not helping anyone. Muslims suffered from the west's interference and also terrorism more than anybody else.....
Take for example Iraq, it had 0 terrorist groups, The US topples the regime and now we have millions displaced, millions killed, millions of refugees, thousands of terrorists, and dozens of terrorists groups.....Lybia, Syria, Afghanistan, ect...


Perhaps you could explain to all of us, why they were attacking our merchant
ships, beginning in 1797. Up to that point in time, the only country we
had squabbled with was England.

Those worthless, smelly, sweatin' sons-of-bitches have lived like this
for 2700 years.

I'll be happy to since i'm Moroccan and Morocco back then was a powerhouse in the area and controlled the mideternean, just like the US today that control most of the world and squash those that disagree with it. We used to intercept ships back then and we didn't discriminate, you either pay or else....Americans explained to the Moroccans that they are a new nation fighting for its independence and they are at war with the Brits (common enemy)....So Morocco did recognize the independence of the US and signed a treaty with them and became the first ally of the US ever and the first country in the world to recognize its independence, and the first building outisde of the US was built in tangier Morocco....and since then all American presidents renew the friendship and remind the world that Morocco the muslim country was the first to stand behind the US and offer its support, tilll today in the fight against terrorism.

So what's your take on all of this? you gonna call me names?
Unfortunately you are an antisemite. That's why you call Israel a "criminal state."
Nope I'm not because I don' hate Jews and I'm Semite myself....i call a criminal state what it is....occupying a land, killing and imprisoning its people, violating UN resolutions makes it that way.

Lot of Jews call I srael on it' crimes, most are very orthodox does that make them anti Semite?

It's obvious that you hate Jews, and the term "antisemite" is commonly understood to mean someone who hates Jews.

I gues these Jews are anti semites as well.

The problem with war mongers here in the US....they still don't get it why Isis, al Qaeda and other terrorists groups came to existence and why they attack mostly countries that are involved in the middle east. If you don't understand the root problem and keep calling names and labeling all Muslims as terrorists, you are not helping anyone. Muslims suffered from the west's interference and also terrorism more than anybody else.....
Take for example Iraq, it had 0 terrorist groups, The US topples the regime and now we have millions displaced, millions killed, millions of refugees, thousands of terrorists, and dozens of terrorists groups.....Lybia, Syria, Afghanistan, ect...


Perhaps you could explain to all of us, why they were attacking our merchant
ships, beginning in 1797. Up to that point in time, the only country we
had squabbled with was England.

Those worthless, smelly, sweatin' sons-of-bitches have lived like this
for 2700 years.

I'll be happy to since i'm Moroccan and Morocco back then was a powerhouse in the area and controlled the mideternean, just like the US today that control most of the world and squash those that disagree with it. We used to intercept ships back then and we didn't discriminate, you either pay or else....Americans explained to the Moroccans that they are a new nation fighting for its independence and they are at war with the Brits (common enemy)....So Morocco did recognize the independence of the US and signed a treaty with them and became the first ally of the US ever and the first country in the world to recognize its independence, and the first building outisde of the US was built in tangier Morocco....and since then all American presidents renew the friendship and remind the world that Morocco the muslim country was the first to stand behind the US and offer its support, tilll today in the fight against terrorism.

So what's your take on all of this? you gonna call me names?

My take on it is simple. You didn't answer the question.

Our Merchant ships were being attacked and the crews held for ransom.

Why? What had we done?

Anxiously waiting for a reply
We all know that Dim douchebags would have accused Home Depot of "racism" and "profiling" and probably turned the matter into a major scandal.

The ICE "See something. Say something" mantra is obvious bullshit because you are putting a loaded revolver to your head if you do.

John Miller, NYPD deputy commissioner of intelligence and counterterrorism, said: “We did extensive outreach to the truck rental business. We visited over 148 truck rental locations in this area. The industry has had a high level of awareness on this matter from the NYPD.” And “Miller said that if a company is suspicious of a would-be renter, they usually delay or simply deny a rental to let police investigate.”

Really? The companies deny rentals to suspicious characters? Is that so?

Here’s Sayfullo Saipov, the New York City truck jihad mass murderer:

Does he look like he could be a jihad terrorist? Certainly. But to acknowledge that would be to engage in racial profiling, and given the decidedly Islamic style of his facial hair (a hadith depicts Muhammad telling Muslims to trim their mustaches but not their beards, because the Jews and Christians trim their beards but not their mustaches), religious profiling, a manifestation of “Islamophobia,” as well.

Imagine now that you were the clerk at Home Depot when Saipov came in to rent his truck. You notice his beard, his demeanor, his overall appearance. The vehicular jihad attacks in London, Paris, Berlin, Brussels, Nice, Jerusalem, Ohio State University and so many other places flash across your mind. It occurs to you that the man standing before you wanting to rent a truck could be intending to mow down non-Muslim pedestrians with it. You may even have heard about the Islamic State’s directive to Muslims to use, for vehicular jihad attacks, exactly the kind of truck that Saipov wants to rent.
Guess he'd have to go rent a truck at U-Haul then.
Gee. I wonder if the clerk at Ryder should have said something when Timothy McVeigh stepped up to the counter?
What should he have said, "you're a perfectly normal looking American?"
Have you ever been to the rest of America? In Passaic, in Red Hook, in Coraopolis, in Toledo people who look like the assailant are everywhere. He looked perfectly normal. Should he have been wearing a yellow crescent armband to mark him as Muslim? Should we require everyone of the Muslim faith to register as potential threats? Maybe we could segregate them in special camps surrounded by concertina wire, gun towers and police dogs. We could call it a Final Solution. That sounds great to folks who flunked History, like the average Trump supporter.

So, you agree that miller is a liar, good.

What would you suggest to reduce or stop terrorism like this?
We all know that Dim douchebags would have accused Home Depot of "racism" and "profiling" and probably turned the matter into a major scandal.

The ICE "See something. Say something" mantra is obvious bullshit because you are putting a loaded revolver to your head if you do.

John Miller, NYPD deputy commissioner of intelligence and counterterrorism, said: “We did extensive outreach to the truck rental business. We visited over 148 truck rental locations in this area. The industry has had a high level of awareness on this matter from the NYPD.” And “Miller said that if a company is suspicious of a would-be renter, they usually delay or simply deny a rental to let police investigate.”

Really? The companies deny rentals to suspicious characters? Is that so?

Here’s Sayfullo Saipov, the New York City truck jihad mass murderer:

Does he look like he could be a jihad terrorist? Certainly. But to acknowledge that would be to engage in racial profiling, and given the decidedly Islamic style of his facial hair (a hadith depicts Muhammad telling Muslims to trim their mustaches but not their beards, because the Jews and Christians trim their beards but not their mustaches), religious profiling, a manifestation of “Islamophobia,” as well.

Imagine now that you were the clerk at Home Depot when Saipov came in to rent his truck. You notice his beard, his demeanor, his overall appearance. The vehicular jihad attacks in London, Paris, Berlin, Brussels, Nice, Jerusalem, Ohio State University and so many other places flash across your mind. It occurs to you that the man standing before you wanting to rent a truck could be intending to mow down non-Muslim pedestrians with it. You may even have heard about the Islamic State’s directive to Muslims to use, for vehicular jihad attacks, exactly the kind of truck that Saipov wants to rent.
Guess he'd have to go rent a truck at U-Haul then.

Then the same issue would come up at U-Haul, dumbass.
Nope I'm not because I don' hate Jews and I'm Semite myself....i call a criminal state what it is....occupying a land, killing and imprisoning its people, violating UN resolutions makes it that way.

Lot of Jews call I srael on it' crimes, most are very orthodox does that make them anti Semite?

It's obvious that you hate Jews, and the term "antisemite" is commonly understood to mean someone who hates Jews.

I gues these Jews are anti semites as well.

The problem with war mongers here in the US....they still don't get it why Isis, al Qaeda and other terrorists groups came to existence and why they attack mostly countries that are involved in the middle east. If you don't understand the root problem and keep calling names and labeling all Muslims as terrorists, you are not helping anyone. Muslims suffered from the west's interference and also terrorism more than anybody else.....
Take for example Iraq, it had 0 terrorist groups, The US topples the regime and now we have millions displaced, millions killed, millions of refugees, thousands of terrorists, and dozens of terrorists groups.....Lybia, Syria, Afghanistan, ect...


Perhaps you could explain to all of us, why they were attacking our merchant
ships, beginning in 1797. Up to that point in time, the only country we
had squabbled with was England.

Those worthless, smelly, sweatin' sons-of-bitches have lived like this
for 2700 years.

I'll be happy to since i'm Moroccan and Morocco back then was a powerhouse in the area and controlled the mideternean, just like the US today that control most of the world and squash those that disagree with it. We used to intercept ships back then and we didn't discriminate, you either pay or else....Americans explained to the Moroccans that they are a new nation fighting for its independence and they are at war with the Brits (common enemy)....So Morocco did recognize the independence of the US and signed a treaty with them and became the first ally of the US ever and the first country in the world to recognize its independence, and the first building outisde of the US was built in tangier Morocco....and since then all American presidents renew the friendship and remind the world that Morocco the muslim country was the first to stand behind the US and offer its support, tilll today in the fight against terrorism.

So what's your take on all of this? you gonna call me names?

My take on it is simple. You didn't answer the question.

Our Merchant ships were being attacked and the crews held for ransom.

Why? What had we done?

Anxiously waiting for a reply

Back in the days when a superpower controlled a route you pay for a safe passage. Morocco was mistaking American ships for the British ones....when they found out they signed a treated recognize the US a sovereign nation and offered them an embassy in Tangiers.
Did i answer your question?
Gee. I wonder if the clerk at Ryder should have said something when Timothy McVeigh stepped up to the counter?
What should he have said, "you're a perfectly normal looking American?"
Have you ever been to the rest of America? In Passaic, in Red Hook, in Coraopolis, in Toledo people who look like the assailant are everywhere. He looked perfectly normal. Should he have been wearing a yellow crescent armband to mark him as Muslim? Should we require everyone of the Muslim faith to register as potential threats? Maybe we could segregate them in special camps surrounded by concertina wire, gun towers and police dogs. We could call it a Final Solution. That sounds great to folks who flunked History, like the average Trump supporter.

So, you agree that miller is a liar, good.

What would you suggest to reduce or stop terrorism like this?
I don't know who Miller is or what he said. Don't put words in my mouth.

As for terrorism like this, I just don't know. No one does. Renting a truck is an every day experience. Because terrorists have weaponized them it doesn't make them inherently dangerous. And I don't the know it's appropriate to report anyone with an olive complexion to the authorities for doing an every day thing.

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