What would have happened if Home Depot had refused to rent a truck to Sayfullo Saipov?

We all know that Dim douchebags would have accused Home Depot of "racism" and "profiling" and probably turned the matter into a major scandal.

The ICE "See something. Say something" mantra is obvious bullshit because you are putting a loaded revolver to your head if you do.

John Miller, NYPD deputy commissioner of intelligence and counterterrorism, said: “We did extensive outreach to the truck rental business. We visited over 148 truck rental locations in this area. The industry has had a high level of awareness on this matter from the NYPD.” And “Miller said that if a company is suspicious of a would-be renter, they usually delay or simply deny a rental to let police investigate.”

Really? The companies deny rentals to suspicious characters? Is that so?

Here’s Sayfullo Saipov, the New York City truck jihad mass murderer:

Does he look like he could be a jihad terrorist? Certainly. But to acknowledge that would be to engage in racial profiling, and given the decidedly Islamic style of his facial hair (a hadith depicts Muhammad telling Muslims to trim their mustaches but not their beards, because the Jews and Christians trim their beards but not their mustaches), religious profiling, a manifestation of “Islamophobia,” as well.

Imagine now that you were the clerk at Home Depot when Saipov came in to rent his truck. You notice his beard, his demeanor, his overall appearance. The vehicular jihad attacks in London, Paris, Berlin, Brussels, Nice, Jerusalem, Ohio State University and so many other places flash across your mind. It occurs to you that the man standing before you wanting to rent a truck could be intending to mow down non-Muslim pedestrians with it. You may even have heard about the Islamic State’s directive to Muslims to use, for vehicular jihad attacks, exactly the kind of truck that Saipov wants to rent.

What would have happened if Home Depot had refused to rent a truck to Sayfullo Saipov?


need you ask

everyone already knows

what would have happened had Home Depot

refused to serve the leftists "diversity visa" rock star

of course they would have been branded racists and boycotted

by the leftists among us


No, the POLICY would be deemed racist. For such vulgar tough guys, you guys sure do whine a lot.

hey fuck face

you feel the same way about the DNC ya jackass

White men need not apply.

That’s the message out of the Democratic National Committee’s hiring team, currently on the hunt to filll multiple vacancies in their tech department.

The political organization, which routinely makes grand statements about inclusion, recently sent an email to its employees looking to recruit people for eight open spots including IT Systems Administrator, Product Manager and Chief Security Officer.

Though the Oct. 30 email says that the DNC is looking for a “staff of diverse voices and life experiences,” it apparently doesn’t mean white men.

DNC’s Data Service Manager Madeleine Leader purportedly wrote in an email that the desire for diversity excludes “cisgender straight white males.”

Leader adds, “I personally would prefer that you not forward to cisgender straight white males, as they are already in the majority.”


EXCLUSIVE: DNC Official Says She Doesn't Want To Recruit 'Cisgender Straight White Males'

Oh look, another impotent, angry little white nationalist shitstain. Gee, we don't see that every single day here... wait, yes we do....

So if you oppose racism against white people, that means you are a "white nationalist?"

And you turds wonder why Hillary lost. Most people I know don't want the government discriminating against their sons.

No, the fact that he is a white nationalist puke makes him a white nationalist. And you crybabies try this same thing every time. Anytime anyone advocates for a minority, you cry like little babies that they are being racist against everyone else. It's not true, has never been true, and never will be true. This is just you, rigging the game....

"Black people need to help themselves!"

(black people start black colleges, NAACP, UNCF,Rainbow Coalition, etc)

"Waaaah! Those groups are all racist!"

Just another day in angry white boy land...
Where do you people get off with this "brown-skinned people" BS?

I get so sick and tired of idiots assuming all Mexicans, Muslims, and any other associated minority groups have "brown skin".

I have a Hispanic daughter-in-law and she gets a sunburn on a cloudy day. My Basque blonde-haired, green eyed wife's cousin is an Islamic Imam with flaming red hair and a Hispanic surname! I have a Cuban pastor and his wife that both make me look like I have serious sun tan.

I have traveled all over the world and have seen what you people would consider "brown-skinned people" who are even more white than me. Most people don't realize than many Afghans are descendants of Alexander the Great's Macedonian soldiers who settled there. There are many Caucasian Hindus that are darker than than any Black here in the US.

The truth is that we are almost all just different shades of brown.
Color has nothing to do with violent radical opinions / ideology.

I don't care if it's a caramel-colored Imam or a lily-white Baptist Pastor teaching violent acts and murder of American citizens - both would be threats - 'enemies'.

Yet you suggest profiling him based precisely on those things. Surname, and color of his skin. I think you need to maybe get your talking points in order before posting again.

How about that Jihadi beard he's sporting? Don't you think that was some kind of clue?

That's not a "jihadi beard", you fool.

Why don't you look at a picture of ISIS soldiers and then get back to me.

Why don't you look at a picture of any devout Muslim man and get back to me.
We all know that Dim douchebags would have accused Home Depot of "racism" and "profiling" and probably turned the matter into a major scandal.

The ICE "See something. Say something" mantra is obvious bullshit because you are putting a loaded revolver to your head if you do.

John Miller, NYPD deputy commissioner of intelligence and counterterrorism, said: “We did extensive outreach to the truck rental business. We visited over 148 truck rental locations in this area. The industry has had a high level of awareness on this matter from the NYPD.” And “Miller said that if a company is suspicious of a would-be renter, they usually delay or simply deny a rental to let police investigate.”

Really? The companies deny rentals to suspicious characters? Is that so?

Here’s Sayfullo Saipov, the New York City truck jihad mass murderer:

Does he look like he could be a jihad terrorist? Certainly. But to acknowledge that would be to engage in racial profiling, and given the decidedly Islamic style of his facial hair (a hadith depicts Muhammad telling Muslims to trim their mustaches but not their beards, because the Jews and Christians trim their beards but not their mustaches), religious profiling, a manifestation of “Islamophobia,” as well.

Imagine now that you were the clerk at Home Depot when Saipov came in to rent his truck. You notice his beard, his demeanor, his overall appearance. The vehicular jihad attacks in London, Paris, Berlin, Brussels, Nice, Jerusalem, Ohio State University and so many other places flash across your mind. It occurs to you that the man standing before you wanting to rent a truck could be intending to mow down non-Muslim pedestrians with it. You may even have heard about the Islamic State’s directive to Muslims to use, for vehicular jihad attacks, exactly the kind of truck that Saipov wants to rent.

What would have happened if Home Depot had refused to rent a truck to Sayfullo Saipov?


need you ask

everyone already knows

what would have happened had Home Depot

refused to serve the leftists "diversity visa" rock star

of course they would have been branded racists and boycotted

by the leftists among us


No, the POLICY would be deemed racist. For such vulgar tough guys, you guys sure do whine a lot.

People tend to whine when terrorists are running their family over with a truck, you worthless piece of shit.

That has nothing to do with anything, here. You pukes are dancing on those people's graves to forward your nasty little bigotry, so spare me the self-professed nobility, asshole.

No, instead of honoring the dead, you are here, whining like a little bitch, that someone, oh just maybe, MIGHT be called a racist in some future hypothetical originating from your imagination. Yes, you are a huge crybaby.

Is "dancing on the dead" what you call what you did after the incidents in Charlottesville and Las Vegas?

There's no bigger hypocrite than a leftwing hypocrite. In fact, putting "hypocrite" after "leftwing" is entirely redundant.

"Is "dancing on the dead" what you call what you did after the incidents in Charlottesville and Las Vegas?"

which was what, exactly? Go ahead, vomit your little talking point, then let's compare it to the 5 pages of you white crybabies whining that someone at Home Depot might be called racist one of these days.

So, go on son, get to it.
Yet you suggest profiling him based precisely on those things. Surname, and color of his skin. I think you need to maybe get your talking points in order before posting again.
Actually you are wrong. I never suggested he be profiled by the color of his skin. I actually stated 'COLOR DOES NOT MATTER'.
I have a very good solution to all this maddness and I SWEAR you'll never hear about an ISIS terrorist, we can get rid of TSA, all the trillions of dollars spent on military abroad, all the bribes that we give to countries we occupy, fix and build, get of rid lot of useless intelligence agencies and so forth....
The simple reason is:
Pull out all the US armed forces in the middle east, don't mingle in the business of those countries. Stop the unconditional support for Israel's crimes and occupation.
It's simple but yet hard to do. The terrorist will always have the upper hand to strike with whatever they have, you gotta cut the head of the snake, which is giving them a reason to retaliate and a cause to recruit their militants. Otherwise is gonna be a non ending mess.
The theory that American meddling is the cause of Islamic terrorism is obvious bullshit. Blaming Isreal is just proof that you're an antisemite. Muslims were committing terrorism long before the Gulf war. 9/11 was before the Gulf war. Muslims would be trying to kill us no matter what we do. Just look around the worldL Wherever you find Muslims, you find bombings, murder, war and civil strife.
You are clueless and very poorly informed about the US and Israel's impact on what' going on. If you don' look deeper you will never root the problem. Just like other issue like racism here in the US and other major issues.
I have a very good solution to all this maddness and I SWEAR you'll never hear about an ISIS terrorist, we can get rid of TSA, all the trillions of dollars spent on military abroad, all the bribes that we give to countries we occupy, fix and build, get of rid lot of useless intelligence agencies and so forth....
The simple reason is:
Pull out all the US armed forces in the middle east, don't mingle in the business of those countries. Stop the unconditional support for Israel's crimes and occupation.
It's simple but yet hard to do. The terrorist will always have the upper hand to strike with whatever they have, you gotta cut the head of the snake, which is giving them a reason to retaliate and a cause to recruit their militants. Otherwise is gonna be a non ending mess.
The theory that American meddling is the cause of Islamic terrorism is obvious bullshit. Blaming Isreal is just proof that you're an antisemite. Muslims were committing terrorism long before the Gulf war. 9/11 was before the Gulf war. Muslims would be trying to kill us no matter what we do. Just look around the worldL Wherever you find Muslims, you find bombings, murder, war and civil strife.
Don' throw that anti Semite around, cause I criticized israel....yes I srael is a criminal state that occupies another country commits crimes against its indigenous people on daily basis and violated dozens of UN resolutions.

FYI: lot of my best friends are Jews and my best man was a Jew....guess what he doesn' agree with Israel's policies does that make him anti himself ?
Leftist have CONvinced people into believing profiling is bad. Not all 'profiling' is bad.

The Israelis use a type of profiling - behavioral profiling. For example, they don't look at one's skin when you walk into an airport. They observe our mannerisms, your behavior. They may pull you out of line and ask you questions, studying how you react to the questions and during your answers.

The color of someone who is wearing gang colors or MS-13 tattoos all over them really doesn't matter that much - it's not the main thing that gets some people's attention. It's the gang-related signs that cause the 'profiling' in many of those cases .

The color of someone walking down the middle of the street is not important to a policeman who is concerned about safety and asks the individual to move onto the sidewalk instead. If the person turns and tells the officer to go 'F* himself', guess what? It ain't about color, either. It just got real because of disrespect and failure to comply with an officer. ... FOR EXAMPLE.

Color really doesn't mean that much when you have a guy who drives up in a rental truck / van to buy several hundred pounds of fertilizer....or someone who attends heavy jet / airliner flight school who wants to learn how to FLY the planes but don't really care how you take-off or land them.

Thinking anyone black, brown, sporting a 'middle-eastern-style' beard, or who has a Middle Eastern name is automatically a potential bad guy is the wrong type of profiling. Unfortunately these days, as Islamic Extremist terrorism grows the temptation to do that grows....which we must resist.
It was an average P/U. Why not just use the car he had been driving for Uber?


...this is same guy that pulled out paintball and bb guns. You want coherency and clearity of thought?

It maybe is done by select few individuals, but you will NEVER find such policy, because it is blatantly illegal.

Where the fuck did I write the word POLICY?

Seeing I did not write that word tell me you have nothing to add!

Also it is not a select few and is done daily but you are too ignorant and will deny it!


So I never wrote policy and yet you do not understand it is done daily!

You are seriously retarded, you don't need to write policy to understand that relying on individual vigilantism for our security is total nonsense.

It's no more nonsensical than importing people where a certain percentage are known to be Muslim fanatics.

....total logic fail, one bad idea is not a good argument for another bad idea.
No, the fact that he is a white nationalist puke makes him a white nationalist.

What is your definition of 'white nationalist puke'?

Is it different from a 'black nationalist puke' or 'brown nationalist puke'? It sounds like you are confusing white SUPREMACIST with white NATIONALIST.

There is a difference.
Leftist have CONvinced people into believing profiling is bad. Not all 'profiling' is bad.

The Israelis use a type of profiling - behavioral profiling. For example, they don't look at one's skin when you walk into an airport. They observe our mannerisms, your behavior. They may pull you out of line and ask you questions, studying how you react to the questions and during your answers.

Behavioral profiling is perfectly normal and not what we are talking about.

Not renting to someone just because they look muslim IS the sort of profiling that is fundamentally wrong.
We all know that Dim douchebags would have accused Home Depot of "racism" and "profiling" and probably turned the matter into a major scandal.

The ICE "See something. Say something" mantra is obvious bullshit because you are putting a loaded revolver to your head if you do.

John Miller, NYPD deputy commissioner of intelligence and counterterrorism, said: “We did extensive outreach to the truck rental business. We visited over 148 truck rental locations in this area. The industry has had a high level of awareness on this matter from the NYPD.” And “Miller said that if a company is suspicious of a would-be renter, they usually delay or simply deny a rental to let police investigate.”

Really? The companies deny rentals to suspicious characters? Is that so?

Here’s Sayfullo Saipov, the New York City truck jihad mass murderer:

Does he look like he could be a jihad terrorist? Certainly. But to acknowledge that would be to engage in racial profiling, and given the decidedly Islamic style of his facial hair (a hadith depicts Muhammad telling Muslims to trim their mustaches but not their beards, because the Jews and Christians trim their beards but not their mustaches), religious profiling, a manifestation of “Islamophobia,” as well.

Imagine now that you were the clerk at Home Depot when Saipov came in to rent his truck. You notice his beard, his demeanor, his overall appearance. The vehicular jihad attacks in London, Paris, Berlin, Brussels, Nice, Jerusalem, Ohio State University and so many other places flash across your mind. It occurs to you that the man standing before you wanting to rent a truck could be intending to mow down non-Muslim pedestrians with it. You may even have heard about the Islamic State’s directive to Muslims to use, for vehicular jihad attacks, exactly the kind of truck that Saipov wants to rent.

What would have happened if Home Depot had refused to rent a truck to Sayfullo Saipov?


need you ask

everyone already knows

what would have happened had Home Depot

refused to serve the leftists "diversity visa" rock star

of course they would have been branded racists and boycotted

by the leftists among us


No, the POLICY would be deemed racist. For such vulgar tough guys, you guys sure do whine a lot.

hey fuck face

you feel the same way about the DNC ya jackass

White men need not apply.

That’s the message out of the Democratic National Committee’s hiring team, currently on the hunt to filll multiple vacancies in their tech department.

The political organization, which routinely makes grand statements about inclusion, recently sent an email to its employees looking to recruit people for eight open spots including IT Systems Administrator, Product Manager and Chief Security Officer.

Though the Oct. 30 email says that the DNC is looking for a “staff of diverse voices and life experiences,” it apparently doesn’t mean white men.

DNC’s Data Service Manager Madeleine Leader purportedly wrote in an email that the desire for diversity excludes “cisgender straight white males.”

Leader adds, “I personally would prefer that you not forward to cisgender straight white males, as they are already in the majority.”


EXCLUSIVE: DNC Official Says She Doesn't Want To Recruit 'Cisgender Straight White Males'

Oh look, another impotent, angry little white nationalist shitstain. Gee, we don't see that every single day here... wait, yes we do....

So if you oppose racism against white people, that means you are a "white nationalist?"

And you turds wonder why Hillary lost. Most people I know don't want the government discriminating against their sons.

No, the fact that he is a white nationalist puke makes him a white nationalist. And you crybabies try this same thing every time. Anytime anyone advocates for a minority, you cry like little babies that they are being racist against everyone else. It's not true, has never been true, and never will be true. This is just you, rigging the game....

"Black people need to help themselves!"

(black people start black colleges, NAACP, UNCF,Rainbow Coalition, etc)

"Waaaah! Those groups are all racist!"

Just another day in angry white boy land...

What evidence do you have that he's a white nationalist?

They didn't just "advocate for minorities," douchebag. They explicitely stated that white males need not apply.

And, yes, those groups are racist, expecially the Rainbow Coalition. In fact, it's criminal.
No, the fact that he is a white nationalist puke makes him a white nationalist.

What is your definition of 'white nationalist puke'?

Is it different from a 'black nationalist puke' or 'brown nationalist puke'? It sounds like you are confusing white SUPREMACIST with white NATIONALIST.

There is a difference.
Confusing the two is deliberate snowflake policy.
It was an average P/U. Why not just use the car he had been driving for Uber?


...this is same guy that pulled out paintball and bb guns. You want coherency and clearity of thought?

Where the fuck did I write the word POLICY?

Seeing I did not write that word tell me you have nothing to add!

Also it is not a select few and is done daily but you are too ignorant and will deny it!


So I never wrote policy and yet you do not understand it is done daily!

You are seriously retarded, you don't need to write policy to understand that relying on individual vigilantism for our security is total nonsense.

It's no more nonsensical than importing people where a certain percentage are known to be Muslim fanatics.

....total logic fail, one bad idea is not a good argument for another bad idea.

So you admit that importing Muslims is bad policy?
I have a very good solution to all this maddness and I SWEAR you'll never hear about an ISIS terrorist, we can get rid of TSA, all the trillions of dollars spent on military abroad, all the bribes that we give to countries we occupy, fix and build, get of rid lot of useless intelligence agencies and so forth....
The simple reason is:
Pull out all the US armed forces in the middle east, don't mingle in the business of those countries. Stop the unconditional support for Israel's crimes and occupation.
It's simple but yet hard to do. The terrorist will always have the upper hand to strike with whatever they have, you gotta cut the head of the snake, which is giving them a reason to retaliate and a cause to recruit their militants. Otherwise is gonna be a non ending mess.
The theory that American meddling is the cause of Islamic terrorism is obvious bullshit. Blaming Isreal is just proof that you're an antisemite. Muslims were committing terrorism long before the Gulf war. 9/11 was before the Gulf war. Muslims would be trying to kill us no matter what we do. Just look around the worldL Wherever you find Muslims, you find bombings, murder, war and civil strife.
Don' throw that anti Semite around, cause I criticized israel....yes I srael is a criminal state that occupies another country commits crimes against its indigenous people on daily basis and violated dozens of UN resolutions.

FYI: lot of my best friends are Jews and my best man was a Jew....guess what he doesn' agree with Israel's policies does that make him anti himself ?
Unfortunately you are an antisemite. That's why you call Israel a "criminal state."
We all know that Dim douchebags would have accused Home Depot of "racism" and "profiling" and probably turned the matter into a major scandal.

The ICE "See something. Say something" mantra is obvious bullshit because you are putting a loaded revolver to your head if you do.

John Miller, NYPD deputy commissioner of intelligence and counterterrorism, said: “We did extensive outreach to the truck rental business. We visited over 148 truck rental locations in this area. The industry has had a high level of awareness on this matter from the NYPD.” And “Miller said that if a company is suspicious of a would-be renter, they usually delay or simply deny a rental to let police investigate.”

Really? The companies deny rentals to suspicious characters? Is that so?

Here’s Sayfullo Saipov, the New York City truck jihad mass murderer:

Does he look like he could be a jihad terrorist? Certainly. But to acknowledge that would be to engage in racial profiling, and given the decidedly Islamic style of his facial hair (a hadith depicts Muhammad telling Muslims to trim their mustaches but not their beards, because the Jews and Christians trim their beards but not their mustaches), religious profiling, a manifestation of “Islamophobia,” as well.

Imagine now that you were the clerk at Home Depot when Saipov came in to rent his truck. You notice his beard, his demeanor, his overall appearance. The vehicular jihad attacks in London, Paris, Berlin, Brussels, Nice, Jerusalem, Ohio State University and so many other places flash across your mind. It occurs to you that the man standing before you wanting to rent a truck could be intending to mow down non-Muslim pedestrians with it. You may even have heard about the Islamic State’s directive to Muslims to use, for vehicular jihad attacks, exactly the kind of truck that Saipov wants to rent.

What would have happened if Home Depot had refused to rent a truck to Sayfullo Saipov?


need you ask

everyone already knows

what would have happened had Home Depot

refused to serve the leftists "diversity visa" rock star

of course they would have been branded racists and boycotted

by the leftists among us


No, the POLICY would be deemed racist. For such vulgar tough guys, you guys sure do whine a lot.

People tend to whine when terrorists are running their family over with a truck, you worthless piece of shit.

That has nothing to do with anything, here. You pukes are dancing on those people's graves to forward your nasty little bigotry, so spare me the self-professed nobility, asshole.

No, instead of honoring the dead, you are here, whining like a little bitch, that someone, oh just maybe, MIGHT be called a racist in some future hypothetical originating from your imagination. Yes, you are a huge crybaby.

Is "dancing on the dead" what you call what you did after the incidents in Charlottesville and Las Vegas?

There's no bigger hypocrite than a leftwing hypocrite. In fact, putting "hypocrite" after "leftwing" is entirely redundant.

"Is "dancing on the dead" what you call what you did after the incidents in Charlottesville and Las Vegas?"

which was what, exactly? Go ahead, vomit your little talking point, then let's compare it to the 5 pages of you white crybabies whining that someone at Home Depot might be called racist one of these days.

So, go on son, get to it.

We all know what you and your ilk did. The American public was subjected to an orgy of leftist anti-white propaganda after Charlottesville. The gun control cranks went into overdrive after the Las Vegas incident.
We all know that Dim douchebags would have accused Home Depot of "racism" and "profiling" and probably turned the matter into a major scandal.

The ICE "See something. Say something" mantra is obvious bullshit because you are putting a loaded revolver to your head if you do.

John Miller, NYPD deputy commissioner of intelligence and counterterrorism, said: “We did extensive outreach to the truck rental business. We visited over 148 truck rental locations in this area. The industry has had a high level of awareness on this matter from the NYPD.” And “Miller said that if a company is suspicious of a would-be renter, they usually delay or simply deny a rental to let police investigate.”

Really? The companies deny rentals to suspicious characters? Is that so?

Here’s Sayfullo Saipov, the New York City truck jihad mass murderer:

Does he look like he could be a jihad terrorist? Certainly. But to acknowledge that would be to engage in racial profiling, and given the decidedly Islamic style of his facial hair (a hadith depicts Muhammad telling Muslims to trim their mustaches but not their beards, because the Jews and Christians trim their beards but not their mustaches), religious profiling, a manifestation of “Islamophobia,” as well.

Imagine now that you were the clerk at Home Depot when Saipov came in to rent his truck. You notice his beard, his demeanor, his overall appearance. The vehicular jihad attacks in London, Paris, Berlin, Brussels, Nice, Jerusalem, Ohio State University and so many other places flash across your mind. It occurs to you that the man standing before you wanting to rent a truck could be intending to mow down non-Muslim pedestrians with it. You may even have heard about the Islamic State’s directive to Muslims to use, for vehicular jihad attacks, exactly the kind of truck that Saipov wants to rent.
He did not look suspicious nor behave suspiciously in any way. You are an ignoramous.

Really? Look up terrorist (Muslim type) in Webster and you'll see this guys picture


Really? I have my Webster's dictionary here. I looked up "terrorist (Muslim type)." It is not in the dictionary, nor do they have a photo. You do realize there are Indonesian, African, Persian, as well as Arab Muslims. What's Home Depot supposed to do? Not sell anything that could possibly be dangerous to brown-skinned people?
Not all Muslims are brown btw :)
'Diversity' is not a good reason for allowing people into this country. Allowing people who actually want to be here because they love the country, people who would be a benefit instead of a drain / burden....that's a better idea.
I have a very good solution to all this maddness and I SWEAR you'll never hear about an ISIS terrorist, we can get rid of TSA, all the trillions of dollars spent on military abroad, all the bribes that we give to countries we occupy, fix and build, get of rid lot of useless intelligence agencies and so forth....
The simple reason is:
Pull out all the US armed forces in the middle east, don't mingle in the business of those countries. Stop the unconditional support for Israel's crimes and occupation.
It's simple but yet hard to do. The terrorist will always have the upper hand to strike with whatever they have, you gotta cut the head of the snake, which is giving them a reason to retaliate and a cause to recruit their militants. Otherwise is gonna be a non ending mess.
The theory that American meddling is the cause of Islamic terrorism is obvious bullshit. Blaming Isreal is just proof that you're an antisemite. Muslims were committing terrorism long before the Gulf war. 9/11 was before the Gulf war. Muslims would be trying to kill us no matter what we do. Just look around the worldL Wherever you find Muslims, you find bombings, murder, war and civil strife.
Don' throw that anti Semite around, cause I criticized israel....yes I srael is a criminal state that occupies another country commits crimes against its indigenous people on daily basis and violated dozens of UN resolutions.

FYI: lot of my best friends are Jews and my best man was a Jew....guess what he doesn' agree with Israel's policies does that make him anti himself ?
Unfortunately you are an antisemite. That's why you call Israel a "criminal state."
Nope I'm not because I don' hate Jews and I'm Semite myself....i call a criminal state what it is....occupying a land, killing and imprisoning its people, violating UN resolutions makes it that way.

Lot of Jews call I srael on it' crimes, most are very orthodox does that make them anti Semite?
...this is same guy that pulled out paintball and bb guns. You want coherency and clearity of thought?


So I never wrote policy and yet you do not understand it is done daily!

You are seriously retarded, you don't need to write policy to understand that relying on individual vigilantism for our security is total nonsense.

It's no more nonsensical than importing people where a certain percentage are known to be Muslim fanatics.

....total logic fail, one bad idea is not a good argument for another bad idea.

So you admit that importing Muslims is bad policy?

No, I'm explaining to you the logical fail without pointless arguing about your premise.

Even if your premise is true, your logic still failed and your argument holds no water - get it?
I have a very good solution to all this maddness and I SWEAR you'll never hear about an ISIS terrorist, we can get rid of TSA, all the trillions of dollars spent on military abroad, all the bribes that we give to countries we occupy, fix and build, get of rid lot of useless intelligence agencies and so forth....
The simple reason is:
Pull out all the US armed forces in the middle east, don't mingle in the business of those countries. Stop the unconditional support for Israel's crimes and occupation.
It's simple but yet hard to do. The terrorist will always have the upper hand to strike with whatever they have, you gotta cut the head of the snake, which is giving them a reason to retaliate and a cause to recruit their militants. Otherwise is gonna be a non ending mess.
The theory that American meddling is the cause of Islamic terrorism is obvious bullshit. Blaming Isreal is just proof that you're an antisemite. Muslims were committing terrorism long before the Gulf war. 9/11 was before the Gulf war. Muslims would be trying to kill us no matter what we do. Just look around the worldL Wherever you find Muslims, you find bombings, murder, war and civil strife.
Don' throw that anti Semite around, cause I criticized israel....yes I srael is a criminal state that occupies another country commits crimes against its indigenous people on daily basis and violated dozens of UN resolutions.

FYI: lot of my best friends are Jews and my best man was a Jew....guess what he doesn' agree with Israel's policies does that make him anti himself ?
Unfortunately you are an antisemite. That's why you call Israel a "criminal state."
Nope I'm not because I don' hate Jews and I'm Semite myself....i call a criminal state what it is....occupying a land, killing and imprisoning its people, violating UN resolutions makes it that way.

Lot of Jews call I srael on it' crimes, most are very orthodox does that make them anti Semite?

It's obvious that you hate Jews, and the term "antisemite" is commonly understood to mean someone who hates Jews.

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