What would have happened if Home Depot had refused to rent a truck to Sayfullo Saipov?

It was an average P/U. Why not just use the car he had been driving for Uber?


...this is same guy that pulled out paintball and bb guns. You want coherency and clearity of thought?

Yea. It's blatantly illegal for public business to discriminate based on race and religion.

Welcome to America.

It is done daily, so welcome to reality!

It maybe is done by select few individuals, but you will NEVER find such policy, because it is blatantly illegal.

Where the fuck did I write the word POLICY?

Seeing I did not write that word tell me you have nothing to add!

Also it is not a select few and is done daily but you are too ignorant and will deny it!


So I never wrote policy and yet you do not understand it is done daily!

You are seriously retarded, you don't need to write policy to understand that relying on individual vigilantism for our security is total nonsense.
We all know that Dim douchebags would have accused Home Depot of "racism" and "profiling" and probably turned the matter into a major scandal.

The ICE "See something. Say something" mantra is obvious bullshit because you are putting a loaded revolver to your head if you do.

John Miller, NYPD deputy commissioner of intelligence and counterterrorism, said: “We did extensive outreach to the truck rental business. We visited over 148 truck rental locations in this area. The industry has had a high level of awareness on this matter from the NYPD.” And “Miller said that if a company is suspicious of a would-be renter, they usually delay or simply deny a rental to let police investigate.”

Really? The companies deny rentals to suspicious characters? Is that so?

Here’s Sayfullo Saipov, the New York City truck jihad mass murderer:

Does he look like he could be a jihad terrorist? Certainly. But to acknowledge that would be to engage in racial profiling, and given the decidedly Islamic style of his facial hair (a hadith depicts Muhammad telling Muslims to trim their mustaches but not their beards, because the Jews and Christians trim their beards but not their mustaches), religious profiling, a manifestation of “Islamophobia,” as well.

Imagine now that you were the clerk at Home Depot when Saipov came in to rent his truck. You notice his beard, his demeanor, his overall appearance. The vehicular jihad attacks in London, Paris, Berlin, Brussels, Nice, Jerusalem, Ohio State University and so many other places flash across your mind. It occurs to you that the man standing before you wanting to rent a truck could be intending to mow down non-Muslim pedestrians with it. You may even have heard about the Islamic State’s directive to Muslims to use, for vehicular jihad attacks, exactly the kind of truck that Saipov wants to rent.

What would have happened if Home Depot had refused to rent a truck to Sayfullo Saipov?


need you ask

everyone already knows

what would have happened had Home Depot

refused to serve the leftists "diversity visa" rock star

of course they would have been branded racists and boycotted

by the leftists among us


No, the POLICY would be deemed racist. For such vulgar tough guys, you guys sure do whine a lot.

hey fuck face

you feel the same way about the DNC ya jackass

White men need not apply.

That’s the message out of the Democratic National Committee’s hiring team, currently on the hunt to filll multiple vacancies in their tech department.

The political organization, which routinely makes grand statements about inclusion, recently sent an email to its employees looking to recruit people for eight open spots including IT Systems Administrator, Product Manager and Chief Security Officer.

Though the Oct. 30 email says that the DNC is looking for a “staff of diverse voices and life experiences,” it apparently doesn’t mean white men.

DNC’s Data Service Manager Madeleine Leader purportedly wrote in an email that the desire for diversity excludes “cisgender straight white males.”

Leader adds, “I personally would prefer that you not forward to cisgender straight white males, as they are already in the majority.”


EXCLUSIVE: DNC Official Says She Doesn't Want To Recruit 'Cisgender Straight White Males'
Retard, the only difference would be that he would use some other truck.
Ant, can you read? Obviously not because you missed where I said, "the terrorist would have just gotten a truck from somewhere else."

Someone not have coffee yet this morning?

I didn't get past your ridiculous blaming the left for being against discrimination.
It was an average P/U. Why not just use the car he had been driving for Uber?


It was NOT an average pickup. It is a flatbed on a F-250 Ford pickup frame.
Kinda like arguing a semi-automatic with a bump stock versus an automatic weapon...IMO. The type of vehicle does not matter that much, again IMO. He could have rented the biggest car he could get at Hertz Rentals, A 10-foot U-Haul, etc....

The exact 'weapon' of choice means far less that the real problems - radicalized Islamic Extremist Jihadis, where he was radicalized (Again, I heard he was attending the same mosque as the 9/11 terrorists), etc...
You can deny them without worrying about lawsuit.

You can say all the trucks are rented

...that is the dumbest fucking thing I've heard here this month.

Are sure?

Yea. It's blatantly illegal for public business to discriminate based on race and religion.

Welcome to America.
But the business has to be stupid enough (like those cake bakers) to let the customer know that's why they are denying them the business.
We all know that Dim douchebags would have accused Home Depot of "racism" and "profiling" and probably turned the matter into a major scandal.

The ICE "See something. Say something" mantra is obvious bullshit because you are putting a loaded revolver to your head if you do.

John Miller, NYPD deputy commissioner of intelligence and counterterrorism, said: “We did extensive outreach to the truck rental business. We visited over 148 truck rental locations in this area. The industry has had a high level of awareness on this matter from the NYPD.” And “Miller said that if a company is suspicious of a would-be renter, they usually delay or simply deny a rental to let police investigate.”

Really? The companies deny rentals to suspicious characters? Is that so?

Here’s Sayfullo Saipov, the New York City truck jihad mass murderer:

Does he look like he could be a jihad terrorist? Certainly. But to acknowledge that would be to engage in racial profiling, and given the decidedly Islamic style of his facial hair (a hadith depicts Muhammad telling Muslims to trim their mustaches but not their beards, because the Jews and Christians trim their beards but not their mustaches), religious profiling, a manifestation of “Islamophobia,” as well.

Imagine now that you were the clerk at Home Depot when Saipov came in to rent his truck. You notice his beard, his demeanor, his overall appearance. The vehicular jihad attacks in London, Paris, Berlin, Brussels, Nice, Jerusalem, Ohio State University and so many other places flash across your mind. It occurs to you that the man standing before you wanting to rent a truck could be intending to mow down non-Muslim pedestrians with it. You may even have heard about the Islamic State’s directive to Muslims to use, for vehicular jihad attacks, exactly the kind of truck that Saipov wants to rent.
He did not look suspicious nor behave suspiciously in any way. You are an ignoramous.
It was an average P/U. Why not just use the car he had been driving for Uber?


...this is the same guy that pulled out paintball and bb guns. You want coherency and clearity of thought?

Are sure?

Yea. It's blatantly illegal for public business to discriminate based on race and religion.

Welcome to America.

It is done daily, so welcome to reality!

It maybe is done by select few individuals, but you will NEVER find such policy, because it is blatantly illegal.

Where the fuck did I write the word POLICY?

Seeing I did not write that word tell me you have nothing to add!

Also it is not a select few and is done daily but you are too ignorant and will deny it!


How old are you? I've seen fith graders make more sense.

He had the right things in his hands that 99% of the time would have sent him to the (17) virgins

Suicide by cop was why he had them

It was an average P/U. Why not just use the car he had been driving for Uber?


...this is the same guy that pulled out paintball and bb guns. You want coherency and clearity of thought?

Yea. It's blatantly illegal for public business to discriminate based on race and religion.

Welcome to America.

It is done daily, so welcome to reality!

It maybe is done by select few individuals, but you will NEVER find such policy, because it is blatantly illegal.

Where the fuck did I write the word POLICY?

Seeing I did not write that word tell me you have nothing to add!

Also it is not a select few and is done daily but you are too ignorant and will deny it!


How old are you? I've seen fith graders make more sense.

He had the right things in his hands that 99% of the time would have sent him to the (17) virgins

Suicide by cop was why he had them


Real gun would be much more effective.
We all know that Dim douchebags would have accused Home Depot of "racism" and "profiling" and probably turned the matter into a major scandal.

The ICE "See something. Say something" mantra is obvious bullshit because you are putting a loaded revolver to your head if you do.

John Miller, NYPD deputy commissioner of intelligence and counterterrorism, said: “We did extensive outreach to the truck rental business. We visited over 148 truck rental locations in this area. The industry has had a high level of awareness on this matter from the NYPD.” And “Miller said that if a company is suspicious of a would-be renter, they usually delay or simply deny a rental to let police investigate.”

Really? The companies deny rentals to suspicious characters? Is that so?

Here’s Sayfullo Saipov, the New York City truck jihad mass murderer:

Does he look like he could be a jihad terrorist? Certainly. But to acknowledge that would be to engage in racial profiling, and given the decidedly Islamic style of his facial hair (a hadith depicts Muhammad telling Muslims to trim their mustaches but not their beards, because the Jews and Christians trim their beards but not their mustaches), religious profiling, a manifestation of “Islamophobia,” as well.

Imagine now that you were the clerk at Home Depot when Saipov came in to rent his truck. You notice his beard, his demeanor, his overall appearance. The vehicular jihad attacks in London, Paris, Berlin, Brussels, Nice, Jerusalem, Ohio State University and so many other places flash across your mind. It occurs to you that the man standing before you wanting to rent a truck could be intending to mow down non-Muslim pedestrians with it. You may even have heard about the Islamic State’s directive to Muslims to use, for vehicular jihad attacks, exactly the kind of truck that Saipov wants to rent.
He did not look suspicious nor behave suspiciously in any way. You are an ignoramous.

Really? Look up terrorist (Muslim type) in Webster and you'll see this guys picture

It was an average P/U. Why not just use the car he had been driving for Uber?


...this is the same guy that pulled out paintball and bb guns. You want coherency and clearity of thought?

It is done daily, so welcome to reality!

It maybe is done by select few individuals, but you will NEVER find such policy, because it is blatantly illegal.

Where the fuck did I write the word POLICY?

Seeing I did not write that word tell me you have nothing to add!

Also it is not a select few and is done daily but you are too ignorant and will deny it!


How old are you? I've seen fith graders make more sense.

He had the right things in his hands that 99% of the time would have sent him to the (17) virgins

Suicide by cop was why he had them


Real gun would be much more effective.

Trust me, he was shot with what he had and it made no difference. Point anything that looks like a gun at LEO and its spray and pray time

It was an average P/U. Why not just use the car he had been driving for Uber?


It was NOT an average pickup. It is a flatbed on a F-250 Ford pickup frame.

I have a Ford F-250. A car could of done the same thing


Do you have any idea of the weight difference?

Please. Getting run over with an Altima and you're just as dead

I have a very good solution to all this maddness and I SWEAR you'll never hear about an ISIS terrorist, we can get rid of TSA, all the trillions of dollars spent on military abroad, all the bribes that we give to countries we occupy, fix and build, get of rid lot of useless intelligence agencies and so forth....
The simple reason is:
Pull out all the US armed forces in the middle east, don't mingle in the business of those countries. Stop the unconditional support for Israel's crimes and occupation.
It's simple but yet hard to do. The terrorist will always have the upper hand to strike with whatever they have, you gotta cut the head of the snake, which is giving them a reason to retaliate and a cause to recruit their militants. Otherwise is gonna be a non ending mess.
That's not a solution it's a pipe dream.

Pointless post
You can deny them without worrying about lawsuit.

You can say all the trucks are rented

...that is the dumbest fucking thing I've heard here this month.

Are sure?

Yea. It's blatantly illegal for public business to discriminate based on race and religion.

Welcome to America.

It is done daily, so welcome to reality!

It is not my fault that you believe people don't do this and your ignorance about this is your damn problem!

So welcome to America!

Yep, I agree and you would never know.
I have a very good solution to all this maddness and I SWEAR you'll never hear about an ISIS terrorist, we can get rid of TSA, all the trillions of dollars spent on military abroad, all the bribes that we give to countries we occupy, fix and build, get of rid lot of useless intelligence agencies and so forth....
The simple reason is:
Pull out all the US armed forces in the middle east, don't mingle in the business of those countries. Stop the unconditional support for Israel's crimes and occupation.
It's simple but yet hard to do. The terrorist will always have the upper hand to strike with whatever they have, you gotta cut the head of the snake, which is giving them a reason to retaliate and a cause to recruit their militants. Otherwise is gonna be a non ending mess.
That's not a solution it's a pipe dream.

Pointless post

When are you bringing back the whacking off monkey avatar?

You can deny them without worrying about lawsuit.

You can say all the trucks are rented

...that is the dumbest fucking thing I've heard here this month.

Are sure?

Yea. It's blatantly illegal for public business to discriminate based on race and religion.

Welcome to America.

It is done daily, so welcome to reality!

It maybe is done by select few individuals, but you will NEVER find such policy, because it is blatantly illegal.

You would never find a policy, however it doesn’t mean it isn’t done. You aren’t that naive are you?
We all know that Dim douchebags would have accused Home Depot of "racism" and "profiling" and probably turned the matter into a major scandal.

The ICE "See something. Say something" mantra is obvious bullshit because you are putting a loaded revolver to your head if you do.

John Miller, NYPD deputy commissioner of intelligence and counterterrorism, said: “We did extensive outreach to the truck rental business. We visited over 148 truck rental locations in this area. The industry has had a high level of awareness on this matter from the NYPD.” And “Miller said that if a company is suspicious of a would-be renter, they usually delay or simply deny a rental to let police investigate.”

Really? The companies deny rentals to suspicious characters? Is that so?

Here’s Sayfullo Saipov, the New York City truck jihad mass murderer:

Does he look like he could be a jihad terrorist? Certainly. But to acknowledge that would be to engage in racial profiling, and given the decidedly Islamic style of his facial hair (a hadith depicts Muhammad telling Muslims to trim their mustaches but not their beards, because the Jews and Christians trim their beards but not their mustaches), religious profiling, a manifestation of “Islamophobia,” as well.

Imagine now that you were the clerk at Home Depot when Saipov came in to rent his truck. You notice his beard, his demeanor, his overall appearance. The vehicular jihad attacks in London, Paris, Berlin, Brussels, Nice, Jerusalem, Ohio State University and so many other places flash across your mind. It occurs to you that the man standing before you wanting to rent a truck could be intending to mow down non-Muslim pedestrians with it. You may even have heard about the Islamic State’s directive to Muslims to use, for vehicular jihad attacks, exactly the kind of truck that Saipov wants to rent.
He did not look suspicious nor behave suspiciously in any way. You are an ignoramous.

Really? Look up terrorist (Muslim type) in Webster and you'll see this guys picture


Really? I have my Webster's dictionary here. I looked up "terrorist (Muslim type)." It is not in the dictionary, nor do they have a photo. You do realize there are Indonesian, African, Persian, as well as Arab Muslims. What's Home Depot supposed to do? Not sell anything that could possibly be dangerous to brown-skinned people?

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