What would it take to end Trumps chances?

You are right, S.J., he is going to lose in the greatest historic loss since 1828.

With all due respect, the complacency that kind of comment has the potential to create, could very well lead to lower voter turnout and a Trump victory.
A Trump surge will happen, and the media will for the most part fully embrace it. That, combined with another Clinton leak of some sort, could turn the tables very quickly.
Let's hope not, but this race is FAR from over.
The complacency is show by you not me. Trump is imploding. You know it. I know it. He needs to act as he did in Louisiana but not in that terrible speech to African Americans. He will revert, because that is his nature. Tom Landry told me and others to learn the "keys", and you will always know the play coming. Trump's keys are obvious; he can't change.
Trump is your next president.
There we have it. This is why there are warnings on plastic bags not to put them over your head and on drain cleaner not to drink it.
What would it take to end Trumps chances? I mean lock it up for Clinton and there aint any real chance he can weasel his way out of it with the American people.

Maybe have a rabid Starkey run up on stage during the debate and gnaw on Trumps shin
What would it take to end Trumps chances? I mean lock it up for Clinton and there aint any real chance he can weasel his way out of it with the American people.

Actually nothing. You're not going to convince a Trump supporter that he's not the guy, and for good reason. Here's a look at the Trump supporter brain from a neuroscientist and what he has to say about them. It's a great article describing this Phenomenon.
A neuroscientist explains what may be wrong with Trump supporters’ brains
Column: Trump exploits rational political ignorance

Fortunately stupid people are the minority in this country. In fact, for the first time in 60 years the Republican party is losing white Educated voters.
Trump May Become The First Republican In 60 Years To Lose White College Graduates

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You are right, S.J., he is going to lose in the greatest historic loss since 1828.

With all due respect, the complacency that kind of comment has the potential to create, could very well lead to lower voter turnout and a Trump victory.
A Trump surge will happen, and the media will for the most part fully embrace it. That, combined with another Clinton leak of some sort, could turn the tables very quickly.
Let's hope not, but this race is FAR from over.
The complacency is show by you not me. Trump is imploding. You know it. I know it. He needs to act as he did in Louisiana but not in that terrible speech to African Americans. He will revert, because that is his nature. Tom Landry told me and others to learn the "keys", and you will always know the play coming. Trump's keys are obvious; he can't change.
Trump is your next president.
There we have it. This is why there are warnings on plastic bags not to put them over your head and on drain cleaner not to drink it.
You Takers are pretty witty tonight. Brainwashed - but witty.
If Trump backs out of any of the debates I think he'll be cooked.
Hillary is more likely to back out. If she gets stressed out in the middle of it and has a seizure, SHE'LL be cooked.
As evidenced by her 11-hour grilling by the McCarthy, er, Trey Howdy commission without perspiring.
Or like the Dem debate when she didn't come back from the break? Probably had a seizure on the shitter and had to wait it out.

If Trump backs out of any of the debates I think he'll be cooked.
Hillary is more likely to back out. If she gets stressed out in the middle of it and has a seizure, SHE'LL be cooked.
As evidenced by her 11-hour grilling by the McCarthy, er, Trey Howdy commission without perspiring.
Or like the Dem debate when she didn't come back from the break? Probably had a seizure on the shitter and had to wait it out.

Such idiots! Shows a lot of sophistication to elevate themselves to "bathroom humor" I guess! Trump must be so proud! :9:
What's Wrong With Her? Hillary has No Campaign Rallies Scheduled on her Calendar
Latest polling shows Trump leading.
Non-political survey last week showed 5-10% of those questioned said they are going to vote for Trump but will not tell anyone in their social circle or polsters.
I 100% guarantee IF Hillary hasn't dropped out before the first debate she'll 'twist her ankle' the day before and plead with the debate organizers to be able to 'phone it in' from the 'sun room' at her mansion.
Trump will tell the world: "That's fine. I'm in no hurry. Let's all wait until Hillary is up and about again so she can join me on the debate stage".
Trump is five to seven points behind nationally.

Trump is beyond the MOE in FL, VA, NH, PA, MI, WI, CO.

He is behind in GA, NV, AZ.

He is in deep doo doo.
What would it take to end Trumps chances? I mean lock it up for Clinton and there aint any real chance he can weasel his way out of it with the American people.
you were doing ok until you said "lock it up for clinton".....how about how can we end the chances for both of them?...and get some quality non tainted people in there.....

except that isn't going to happen, harry. it's him or her. and he's an unacceptable option.
What would it take to end Trumps chances? I mean lock it up for Clinton and there aint any real chance he can weasel his way out of it with the American people.
you were doing ok until you said "lock it up for clinton".....how about how can we end the chances for both of them?...and get some quality non tainted people in there.....

except that isn't going to happen, harry. it's him or her. and he's an unacceptable option.
to me both of them are.....
Bosnian sniper fire could take him out. Thankfully Hillary has experience with that.

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