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What would it take to make the GOP a "coalition" party like the Democrats?

who cares?....well at least you admit your party is only using them for votes....thanx for being honest.....many of your Fellows would never admit that....i would get a song and dance about ....."how we actually care and how full of shit i am"....

Hispanics are becoming a major political force in this country. Both at a local level and a national level.
They will form a major part of future Democratic Platforms. It is inevitable and that is how politics work

Republicans choose to not only ignore that vote but to alienate it

It is at their own peril

Hispanics in general are religious, family oriented, and hard working. They fit much better in the GOP than the lib/dems.

Dem policies are alienating demographics by treating them like sheep and taking their money.

and until the Republicans get rid of the bigots in their party who talk about ALL Hispanics like they are all dirtbags....the GOP wont be seeing many of them....
Hispanics in general are religious, family oriented, and hard working. They fit much better in the GOP than the lib/dems.

Dem policies are alienating demographics by treating them like sheep and taking their money.

By nature, most Hispanics tend to more Conservative in nature. Very religious, hard working, strong family structure, anti-abortion. Republicans have to work very hard to drive them away .....and yet only 30% vote Republican

Why? Hispanics are also proud of their culture and Conservatives go out of their way to offend that culture

there is a difference between hispanic culture and the culture of mexican drug gangs. One is fine, the other should be offended and driven out of the USA.

you havent read to many threads here have you?.....there have been quite a few threads and Posts here by "righties" calling Hispanics pieces of shit....not the gangs....Hispanics....Shoot Speeders is one who comes to mind....
Too many times political party labels are used in lieu of the liberal-conservative label. The Democratic party, at one time, had a large contingent of conservatives, the Southern bloc. The bloc was known as the solid-south and were Democratic only because Lincoln was a Republican. It was hard for Democrats to let the South go but after WWII the Democratic party began passing bills that alienated the Solid South and they began leaving the Democratic party and ended up in the Republican party. But even there, some of the old conservatives are changing and deciding American will never go back to slavery and that their economic-well-being is more important than race and someday they will vote Democratic.
The Republican tent grows smaller.
A conservative isn't a racist. that we leave to you liberals.

By definition, a racist believes they are better than minorities. How you can say that's not the GOP is surprising considering the never ending "blacks are less" Republican posts on the USMB.

coming from a person who mentions race more than anyone in this forum...and whose never ending "90%" White posts are all over the place....
By nature, most Hispanics tend to more Conservative in nature. Very religious, hard working, strong family structure, anti-abortion. Republicans have to work very hard to drive them away .....and yet only 30% vote Republican

Why? Hispanics are also proud of their culture and Conservatives go out of their way to offend that culture

there is a difference between hispanic culture and the culture of mexican drug gangs. One is fine, the other should be offended and driven out of the USA.

And you just proved RW's point. How loony are you? The Hispanic culture despises you folks, rightfully so.

they are not to fond of the sheep in the other pasture too Jake....keep that in mind....
First of all, I'm not a Tea Party type. I'm a moderate who is extremely grateful to the fearless Tea Partiers who are willing to take all kinds of mockery to stand up against the Trojan horses of the left.

Yes, the federal government does some good things. That is no excuse for their abuses, and when Democrats are willing to stop saying, "Don't worry your pretty heads, we know what's best for you" as they lie about what they're doing and take over unnecessary things at the expense of autonomy, then it may be time for the Tea Party to chill and come to the bargaining table.
The problem is the Tea Party isn't designed for the bargaining table. They are designed for the ideological purge. The Tea Party faction turns on fellow Republicans who, in their estimation, are not sufficiently Conservative. They 'primaried' Richard Lugar out of the senate and now threaten Mitch McConnell with the same fate.

The Tea Party is not a solution if you're looking for progress. It's a cabal of zealots and ideologues carrying torches that give off a lot of heat, but no light. Their movement is ultimately doomed as so many extremist groups have seen. Their litmus test of Conservatism will rid the GOP of many responsible legislators and replace them with people who do not intend to govern, but to sabotage.

If we acquiesce to the Tea Party demands and haphazardly shrink the government down to the size of a county school board, how will the country survive? Too many functions of the federal government, from researching cures for devastating diseases to maintaining locks and dams cannot afford to simply evaporate in order to please what is a minority political outlook.

Then Democrats need to stop lying and quit providing examples of why the nation shouldn't trust them with power over our lives. Obama has been way too prone to provide those examples of late.

I do not trust or want the Democrats' idea of progress. Gridlock is better.
Gridlock has given us fiscal crisis after fiscal crisis. Gridlock has let us dance on the wire above the pit that wrecks out national credit and costs the tax payers billions in the bargain.

Gridlock has done nothing, which is why we call it gridlock.

Surely you understand that there are necessary functions that only the federal government can handle. How does gridlock make that any smoother?
The problem is the Tea Party isn't designed for the bargaining table. They are designed for the ideological purge. The Tea Party faction turns on fellow Republicans who, in their estimation, are not sufficiently Conservative. They 'primaried' Richard Lugar out of the senate and now threaten Mitch McConnell with the same fate.

The Tea Party is not a solution if you're looking for progress. It's a cabal of zealots and ideologues carrying torches that give off a lot of heat, but no light. Their movement is ultimately doomed as so many extremist groups have seen. Their litmus test of Conservatism will rid the GOP of many responsible legislators and replace them with people who do not intend to govern, but to sabotage.

If we acquiesce to the Tea Party demands and haphazardly shrink the government down to the size of a county school board, how will the country survive? Too many functions of the federal government, from researching cures for devastating diseases to maintaining locks and dams cannot afford to simply evaporate in order to please what is a minority political outlook.

Then Democrats need to stop lying and quit providing examples of why the nation shouldn't trust them with power over our lives. Obama has been way too prone to provide those examples of late.

I do not trust or want the Democrats' idea of progress. Gridlock is better.
Gridlock has given us fiscal crisis after fiscal crisis. Gridlock has let us dance on the wire above the pit that wrecks out national credit and costs the tax payers billions in the bargain.

Gridlock has done nothing, which is why we call it gridlock.

Surely you understand that there are necessary functions that only the federal government can handle. How does gridlock make that any smoother?

Necessary functions are getting done.

Gridlock slows Democrats down in their attempts to take over any more of the government while the smoke is still clearing from their latest assault on democratic principles.

The media didn't do their job in helping citizens get the information they needed to make an informed vote in 2012. Now they're finally getting out some of the information we should have known then -- information which might have stopped some of the other abuses if they'd gotten it out in time for the Obama administration to develop a fear of being accountable. The truth is finally coming out. Let's let it play out. Citizens might find they prefer more targeted projects over the comprehensive projects Democrats favor.

They might find they appreciate environmental rules which are intended to find a healthy balance between environmental concerns and the needs of consumers and innovators -- rules which allow intelligent projects to go forward -- rather than rules which are intended to wear people out jumping through hoops for years in order to stop all projects which don't fit some restrictive ideological agenda.

When Republicans try bullshit stuff like blocking abortions after 12 weeks, Democrats are welcome to slap back.

But on the big things like Obamacare, immigration, etc., it's a good time to put on the brakes and let people see what Obama's plans really have in store for them before we hand over more of our freedoms to him.
If Obama didn't tell so many lies about what Republicans stand for -- seemingly intentionally alienating them while in nearly the same breath calling for more cooperation -- maybe he could have gotten more cooperation.

If he really wanted the kind of progress which could resolve the leaping from crisis to crisis, there were a lot better ways for him to go about it.

Stop lying to us. Stop lying about us. And maybe something good could happen.
What are Democrats afraid of? If what they propose is so great, why do they need to lie and demonize us?

They want to take things too far -- so far that the only way to make it happen is to lie about it.

They need to present plans which are more readily recognizable as good without the need to lie about them.
What are Democrats afraid of? If what they propose is so great, why do they need to lie and demonize us?

They want to take things too far -- so far that the only way to make it happen is to lie about it.

They need to present plans which are more readily recognizable as good without the need to lie about them.

OK then, let's talk

What lies are Democrats telling about Republicans?
there is a difference between hispanic culture and the culture of mexican drug gangs. One is fine, the other should be offended and driven out of the USA.

And you just proved RW's point. How loony are you? The Hispanic culture despises you folks, rightfully so.

they are not to fond of the sheep in the other pasture too Jake....keep that in mind....

That's why they vote 70% for them?

We are not talking about the left. We are talking about the right's failure to engage the Hispanics in meaningful dialogue.
That they are communists or socialists or Marxists or Kenyans or Islamists or just whatever.
What are Democrats afraid of? If what they propose is so great, why do they need to lie and demonize us?

They want to take things too far -- so far that the only way to make it happen is to lie about it.

They need to present plans which are more readily recognizable as good without the need to lie about them.

OK then, let's talk

What lies are Democrats telling about Republicans?

That we hate clean air, clean water, women, minorities, science, immigrants, etc.

That's just the easiest to remember. If you need more examples we can break out a few Obama speeches.
What are Democrats afraid of? If what they propose is so great, why do they need to lie and demonize us?

They want to take things too far -- so far that the only way to make it happen is to lie about it.

They need to present plans which are more readily recognizable as good without the need to lie about them.

OK then, let's talk

What lies are Democrats telling about Republicans?

Dean tells quite a few.....but his problem is he cant distinguish between the guy on the street and the Politicians....everyone is the same even if a thousand of them will tell him they dont back that.....it wont matter....they are the same....
What are Democrats afraid of? If what they propose is so great, why do they need to lie and demonize us?

They want to take things too far -- so far that the only way to make it happen is to lie about it.

They need to present plans which are more readily recognizable as good without the need to lie about them.

OK then, let's talk

What lies are Democrats telling about Republicans?

That we hate clean air, clean water, women, minorities, science, immigrants, etc.

That's just the easiest to remember. If you need more examples we can break out a few Obama speeches.

The right is against the EPA which monitors clean air and water. The right is against the ERA, wants all sorts of restrictions on reproductive rights. The right wants to end affirmative action and wants to put hurdles in place for voter access. The right wants to teach creationism as science. The right wants to shut down immigration. You can follow any thread here on USMB on any of these subjects and see where folks on the right stand on these issues. It becomes pretty apparent that none of those things you mention are lies at all. Perhaps it is a stretch to say that you "hate" those things, but the policies you support enable all these things.
And you just proved RW's point. How loony are you? The Hispanic culture despises you folks, rightfully so.

they are not to fond of the sheep in the other pasture too Jake....keep that in mind....

That's why they vote 70% for them?

We are not talking about the left. We are talking about the right's failure to engage the Hispanics in meaningful dialogue.

i already explained that earlier.....
OK then, let's talk

What lies are Democrats telling about Republicans?

That we hate clean air, clean water, women, minorities, science, immigrants, etc.

That's just the easiest to remember. If you need more examples we can break out a few Obama speeches.

The right is against the EPA which monitors clean air and water. The right is against the ERA, wants all sorts of restrictions on reproductive rights. The right wants to end affirmative action and wants to put hurdles in place for voter access. The right wants to teach creationism as science. The right wants to shut down immigration. You can follow any thread here on USMB on any of these subjects and see where folks on the right stand on these issues. It becomes pretty apparent that none of those things you mention are lies at all. Perhaps it is a stretch to say that you "hate" those things, but the policies you support enable all these things.

A couple more whoppers in there. But mostly it's not a rebuttal to the examples I already posted of lies some on the left tell.

"It's a stretch to say we 'hate" women but the policies we support enable women" <-- that's the linguistic logic found in your statement.

I don't want to teach creationism as science. I don't think most Republicans do.

What the heck does the ERA have do do with anything?

What do you mean by restrictions on reproductive rights? Would you allow the termination of the fetus up until the point that the doctor signed the birth certificate? (This is actually a standard some on the left have argued for.) What is wrong with considering whether the fetus feels pain when deciding when the fetus' rights begin? Why are some states allowed to charge people with double homicide for killing a pregnant woman who was on the way to an abortion clinic?

Please be more specific about what you mean by the right is against the EPA ... and when you tighten up that claim, please be specific about how it justifies portraying us as being against clean air and clean water.

What does opposing affirmative action have to do with the claims you are trying to rebut? Bleeding heart policies may mean well but they need to be revisited from time to time.

And from where did you pull the claim that the right want to shut down immigration?

I just thought of another lie some on the left tell ... they claim the Voting Rights Act was overturned. They say the right wants to go back to the 1950's or to the 1800's. The Voting Rights Act wasn't overturned. It was just said that it was wrong to use 40-year-old information as the basis for deciding who needs what kind of special handling. Why is the party which makes fun of Republicans for being anti-science so opposed to using current information on something as critical as discrimination and voters' rights? Why should states which already require voter ID be allowed to continue doing so but other states be taken to court by the federal government for adopting the practice?
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Let me make this as simple as possible even a Liberal retard like dean would understand. WE DON'T WANT THE GOP TO BE ANOTHER FUCKING ARM OF THE DEMOCRAP PARTY YOU MORONS!!!!!!


Right now, the GOP is working not to be a credible party at all
What are Democrats afraid of? If what they propose is so great, why do they need to lie and demonize us?

They want to take things too far -- so far that the only way to make it happen is to lie about it.

They need to present plans which are more readily recognizable as good without the need to lie about them.

OK then, let's talk

What lies are Democrats telling about Republicans?

That we hate clean air, clean water, women, minorities, science, immigrants, etc.

That's just the easiest to remember. If you need more examples we can break out a few Obama speeches.

Thank you

Good start

Who is the only entity in the world that denies global warming?
Which party during the presidential debates advocated abolishing the EPA?
Which party voted to slash funding to Planned Parenthood and opposed funding for child care, childrens healthcare and HeadStart?
Which party denies global warming?
Which party is holding up the current immigration reform?

Where are the lies? Show me now where Republicans have supported what you posted?

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