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What would it take to make the GOP a "coalition" party like the Democrats?

Hispanics are becoming a major political force in this country. Both at a local level and a national level.
They will form a major part of future Democratic Platforms. It is inevitable and that is how politics work

Republicans choose to not only ignore that vote but to alienate it

It is at their own peril

Hispanics in general are religious, family oriented, and hard working. They fit much better in the GOP than the lib/dems.

Dem policies are alienating demographics by treating them like sheep and taking their money.

By nature, most Hispanics tend to more Conservative in nature. Very religious, hard working, strong family structure, anti-abortion. Republicans have to work very hard to drive them away .....and yet only 30% vote Republican

Why? Hispanics are also proud of their culture and Conservatives go out of their way to offend that culture

there is a difference between hispanic culture and the culture of mexican drug gangs. One is fine, the other should be offended and driven out of the USA.
Hispanics in general are religious, family oriented, and hard working. They fit much better in the GOP than the lib/dems.

Dem policies are alienating demographics by treating them like sheep and taking their money.

By nature, most Hispanics tend to more Conservative in nature. Very religious, hard working, strong family structure, anti-abortion. Republicans have to work very hard to drive them away .....and yet only 30% vote Republican

Why? Hispanics are also proud of their culture and Conservatives go out of their way to offend that culture

there is a difference between hispanic culture and the culture of mexican drug gangs. One is fine, the other should be offended and driven out of the USA.

As usual....when given enough rope

You prove my point about Conservatives
I really dont think the answer for the republican party is tpo be more like democrats seeing as they are the party that nationalized racism.

Too many times political party labels are used in lieu of the liberal-conservative label. The Democratic party, at one time, had a large contingent of conservatives, the Southern bloc. The bloc was known as the solid-south and were Democratic only because Lincoln was a Republican. It was hard for Democrats to let the South go but after WWII the Democratic party began passing bills that alienated the Solid South and they began leaving the Democratic party and ended up in the Republican party. But even there, some of the old conservatives are changing and deciding American will never go back to slavery and that their economic-well-being is more important than race and someday they will vote Democratic.
The Republican tent grows smaller.
A conservative isn't a racist. that we leave to you liberals.

By definition, a racist believes they are better than minorities. How you can say that's not the GOP is surprising considering the never ending "blacks are less" Republican posts on the USMB.
true, I think RW is a jake snarky sock. notice that they are never active on the board at the same time and the both do nothing but post dem/lib talking points and lies.

Rules violation, Redfish. Don't do it again is my best advice to you.

Thanatos and you cannot be socks, because nobody could privately admit to themselves that they have lowered themselves by owning you.

You are a whiny bitch as well as a lying piece of shit.

a puppet is smarter than you
What is funny is that a puppet could make Thanatos or Redfish look stupid.

We are eliminating the far right's control of the caucus selections here in Utah, which will open up the process sensible citizens.

the only people that you and RW make look stupid are yourselves---and you do it every day.

You are talking about yourself. I know that it hurts you to see it all slipping away, but a word to the wise: you guys never had it in the first place.
Hispanics in general are religious, family oriented, and hard working. They fit much better in the GOP than the lib/dems.

Dem policies are alienating demographics by treating them like sheep and taking their money.

By nature, most Hispanics tend to more Conservative in nature. Very religious, hard working, strong family structure, anti-abortion. Republicans have to work very hard to drive them away .....and yet only 30% vote Republican

Why? Hispanics are also proud of their culture and Conservatives go out of their way to offend that culture

there is a difference between hispanic culture and the culture of mexican drug gangs. One is fine, the other should be offended and driven out of the USA.

And you just proved RW's point. How loony are you? The Hispanic culture despises you folks, rightfully so.
Well then I suggest you just keep bringing the bad ass and see how many elections you win!

Appealing to angry white men may sound like a winning strategy if you're indeed an angry white man. But they aren't making angry white men as fast as they are making minorities, educated people and Latinos. Those are tomorrow's voters. If the Republicans enjoy being a niche party, so be it. But gaining the power to advance your agenda only comes with votes.

thats what you libtardians don't get, its not just angry white men, its angry white, black, and asian women, its angry white, black, and asian men, its old and young, its rich and poor.

virtually every demographic is pissed at what the dem/libs (and some rinos) are doing to our country. 2014 and 2016 will see major changes in both houses of congress and, if the country is to survive, a true compassionate conservative in the white house.
Check the polls. You are right. Everyone is angry. But the target of their anger is the irresponsible Tea Party faction. Since that faction picked up their luggage at baggage claim at Dulles, we have careened from fiscal crisis to fiscal crisis, heard the President of the United States called a liar to his face on the floor of the congress, shut down the government and flirted with wrecking our credit rating. All because the Tea Party can pick a fight, but doesn't know how to win one.

I suggest you keep your head buried firmly in the sand, ignore what the people are actually saying and keep bringing the bad ass attitude. That will hasten your political demise thus allowing the grown ups to run the federal government.

We heard the liar called a liar.

If the media would ever start reporting on facts instead of trying to scapegoat the people who are standing up against the kind of dysfunction Obama's vision of government leads to, the Tea Party would do better in the polls.

Right now, this moment, the media are reporting about what a stone cold liar Obama is.

It won't last long.

But right now it's happening. We need a few more moments like this, and we need to capitalize on them.

Republicans will still take a hit in the mainstream but we can't let that stop us from standing up for principles.

We need to tighten our facts. We need not to encourage the Sharron Angle element, but we need to keep standing up.

And we for sure need to work on getting the truth out there ourselves. Obama and the Democrats welcomed the shutdown because they knew they could count on the media to help them score political points with it. Obama and the Democrats talked up the dangers of default while inviting it by claiming they would not budge in their determination to inflict the travesty of Obamacare on us.

Republicans took a polling hit from that but because a few were willing to stand up even against the surrender faction of the Republican party, everyone knows who owns the Obamacare monstrosity. The Dems had to lie to get the boondoggle passed. If they had told the truth and not been committed to quite so much overreach, they might have been able to get some moderate Republicans on board. But they were lying and condescending and now they own it. Including the liar-in-chief.

It's fabulous trying to watch him and his supporters trying to find him some cover for this.
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thats what you libtardians don't get, its not just angry white men, its angry white, black, and asian women, its angry white, black, and asian men, its old and young, its rich and poor.

virtually every demographic is pissed at what the dem/libs (and some rinos) are doing to our country. 2014 and 2016 will see major changes in both houses of congress and, if the country is to survive, a true compassionate conservative in the white house.
Check the polls. You are right. Everyone is angry. But the target of their anger is the irresponsible Tea Party faction. Since that faction picked up their luggage at baggage claim at Dulles, we have careened from fiscal crisis to fiscal crisis, heard the President of the United States called a liar to his face on the floor of the congress, shut down the government and flirted with wrecking our credit rating. All because the Tea Party can pick a fight, but doesn't know how to win one.

I suggest you keep your head buried firmly in the sand, ignore what the people are actually saying and keep bringing the bad ass attitude. That will hasten your political demise thus allowing the grown ups to run the federal government.

We heard the liar called a liar.

If the media would ever start reporting on facts instead of trying to scapegoat the people who are standing up against the kind of dysfunction Obama's vision of government leads to, the Tea Party would do better in the polls.

Right now, this moment, the media are reporting about what a stone cold liar Obama is.

It won't last long.

But right now it's happening. We need a few more moments like this, and we need to capitalize on them.

Republicans will still take a hit in the mainstream but we can't let that stop us from standing up for principles.

We need to tighten our facts. We need not to encourage the Sharron Angle element, but we need to keep standing up.

And we for sure need to work on getting the truth out there ourselves. Obama and the Democrats welcomed the shutdown because they knew they could count on the media to help them score political points with it. Obama and the Democrats talked up the dangers of default while inviting it by claiming they would not budge in their determination to inflict the travesty of Obamacare on us.

Republicans took a polling hit from that but because a few were willing to stand up even against the surrender faction of the Republican party, everyone knows who owns the Obamacare monstrosity. The Dems had to lie to get the boondoggle passed. If they had told the truth and not been committed to quite so much overreach, they might have been able to get some moderate Republicans on board. But they were lying and condescending and now they own it. Including the liar-in-chief.

It's fabulous trying to watch him and his supporters trying to find him some cover for this.
The Tea Party faction kept saying the President would not 'negotiate' during the shut down.

Now, negotiate. The English speaking world understands that word to mean to arrange for or bring about through conference, discussion, and compromise. But the Tea Party faction confused negotiate with capitulate. Why on earth would anyone expect capitulation? But the spin the Tea Party tried was inept and ham handed.

Is that the fault of the old Conservative boogeyman; the media? All ills are attributable to the media so far as the Conservatives are concerned. Why? Perhaps the kernel of the Conservative message is so repulsive to Americans and after that message is delivered by the media, Americans tend to reject it? Maybe the fault is in the ideology, not the messenger.

The Tea Party is analogous to a group of hijackers who, after taking control of the airplane, realize they do not know how to fly it.

If you want to purge responsible law makers from the Republican ranks leaving only the most zealous, yet inept in place, what means of actual governance do you see emerging?

The truth is the Tea Party faction was not elected to govern, but to destroy hinder, obstruct and throw massive temper tantrums. Hardly an effective legislative strategy. But there it is! If the Tea Party Republicans actually want to advance an agenda, perhaps the more effective method might be to propose an agenda that is not only palatable to the majority of American voters, but include statesmanlike tactic rather than sabotage. It's easy to tear down, much more difficult to construct. The Tea Party brings sledge hammers rather than nail sets.
The Tea Party was elected to slow the left down as much as possible. Sure enough. Scott Brown was sent to Washington to stop the steaming hunk of crap the Democrats were piling on us. But when they saw how badly the nation had turned against them, the Democrats decided to double down on their abuse of the democratic process by using parliamentary tricks to accomplish what they couldn't accomplish by following the rules the average citizen expected and trusted.

The question of "what are you going to do for us instead of what the Democrats are going to do for us?" is like "do you still beat your wife?"
What do the Tea Party followers expect to happen to the GOP once they have purged all those who, in their myopic eyes, are not sufficiently Conservative? Could a second purge happen within the Tea Party itself if some of their adherents fail to agree 100% with the party line? What if one potential legislator agrees that the federal government should stop feeding children, but then vote for anti-discrimination legislation? What if one Tea Party member supports legislation to eliminate the USEPA, but votes yes on a federal marriage equality bill?

And what happens after the children are no longer fed and the polluters fill the streams and skies with toxins? Will the Tea Party be proud of its accomplishments, or will they howl "There ought to be a law!"?

For example, during the shut down the Tea Party faction called for, national parks and monuments closed. Did the Tea Party faction celebrate? Absolutely! Michelle Bachmann said she had never seen her fellow Tea Party congressmen happier! But when they went to national parks and monuments, they were outraged that those parks and monuments were closed! What on earth did they expect?

And have the Tea Party faction shown any indication that they are aware of the consequences of their actions? I've yet to see it.
During the shut down a lot of people learned how far federal control had encroached upon their lives.

State facilities being ordered to shut down because people in Washington wouldn't compromise?

Eff that. The federal government has made itself way too "necessary".

We need to learn to do a lot more things by ourselves and for ourselves at the local levels.
During the shut down a lot of people learned how far federal control had encroached upon their lives.

State facilities being ordered to shut down because people in Washington wouldn't compromise?

Eff that. The federal government has made itself way too "necessary".

We need to learn to do a lot more things by ourselves and for ourselves at the local levels.
Would you agree that there are some situations that call for national action rather than state or local action?

For instance, pollution. If you lived at the junction of two or more states, would it be acceptable for a factory in one state to pollute the air and water and soil of an adjoining state? It's not a hypothetical question or an exercise in abstract thinking. If the hazardous waste incinerator was under Ohio regulations, not federal, could it's waste product be acceptable to those living across the river in West Virginia? After all, their property values are at stake too. The manmade, arbitrary line dividing the two states does nothing to stop air and water pollution.
During the shut down a lot of people learned how far federal control had encroached upon their lives.

State facilities being ordered to shut down because people in Washington wouldn't compromise?

Eff that. The federal government has made itself way too "necessary".

We need to learn to do a lot more things by ourselves and for ourselves at the local levels.

What functions of the federal government would you like to see handled at the local level?
Yes, I agree.
What about food and drug safety? Would you be satisfied if, for instance, meat inspections in Arkansas or Illinois are done with the same rigor they would be in every other state?

How about the Atomic Energy Commission? Is that another bloated federal agency that is way too intrusive? We saw what happened after we deregulated the banking system. How are those Savings & Loan shares doing? And after we deregulated the airlines, I suppose it's tougher to book a flight on TWA or Eastern or Pan Am. So what could possibly go wrong with other industries undergoing deregulation?

Some economic activities thrive under regulation. Regulation does not mean repression. Instead regulation creates a level playing field.

I'm not convinced that Tea Party types have thought their agenda through any deeper than slogan on a bumper sticker.
Yes, I agree.
What about food and drug safety? Would you be satisfied if, for instance, meat inspections in Arkansas or Illinois are done with the same rigor they would be in every other state?

How about the Atomic Energy Commission? Is that another bloated federal agency that is way too intrusive? We saw what happened after we deregulated the banking system. How are those Savings & Loan shares doing? And after we deregulated the airlines, I suppose it's tougher to book a flight on TWA or Eastern or Pan Am. So what could possibly go wrong with other industries undergoing deregulation?

Some economic activities thrive under regulation. Regulation does not mean repression. Instead regulation creates a level playing field.

I'm not convinced that Tea Party types have thought their agenda through any deeper than slogan on a bumper sticker.

First of all, I'm not a Tea Party type. I'm a moderate who is extremely grateful to the fearless Tea Partiers who are willing to take all kinds of mockery to stand up against the Trojan horses of the left.

Yes, the federal government does some good things. That is no excuse for their abuses, and when Democrats are willing to stop saying, "Don't worry your pretty heads, we know what's best for you" as they lie about what they're doing and take over unnecessary things at the expense of autonomy, then it may be time for the Tea Party to chill and come to the bargaining table.
Until then, they just need to tighten their message and not give us Sharron Angles or Christine O'Donnells.
Yes, I agree.
What about food and drug safety? Would you be satisfied if, for instance, meat inspections in Arkansas or Illinois are done with the same rigor they would be in every other state?

How about the Atomic Energy Commission? Is that another bloated federal agency that is way too intrusive? We saw what happened after we deregulated the banking system. How are those Savings & Loan shares doing? And after we deregulated the airlines, I suppose it's tougher to book a flight on TWA or Eastern or Pan Am. So what could possibly go wrong with other industries undergoing deregulation?

Some economic activities thrive under regulation. Regulation does not mean repression. Instead regulation creates a level playing field.

I'm not convinced that Tea Party types have thought their agenda through any deeper than slogan on a bumper sticker.

First of all, I'm not a Tea Party type. I'm a moderate who is extremely grateful to the fearless Tea Partiers who are willing to take all kinds of mockery to stand up against the Trojan horses of the left.

Yes, the federal government does some good things. That is no excuse for their abuses, and when Democrats are willing to stop saying, "Don't worry your pretty heads, we know what's best for you" as they lie about what they're doing and take over unnecessary things at the expense of autonomy, then it may be time for the Tea Party to chill and come to the bargaining table.
The problem is the Tea Party isn't designed for the bargaining table. They are designed for the ideological purge. The Tea Party faction turns on fellow Republicans who, in their estimation, are not sufficiently Conservative. They 'primaried' Richard Lugar out of the senate and now threaten Mitch McConnell with the same fate.

The Tea Party is not a solution if you're looking for progress. It's a cabal of zealots and ideologues carrying torches that give off a lot of heat, but no light. Their movement is ultimately doomed as so many extremist groups have seen. Their litmus test of Conservatism will rid the GOP of many responsible legislators and replace them with people who do not intend to govern, but to sabotage.

If we acquiesce to the Tea Party demands and haphazardly shrink the government down to the size of a county school board, how will the country survive? Too many functions of the federal government, from researching cures for devastating diseases to maintaining locks and dams cannot afford to simply evaporate in order to please what is a minority political outlook.
Who cares?

Every major demographic has their own political agenda and right now the agenda of blacks, hispanics, jews, muslims, gays and young people does not include the Republican Party

That is what this thread is about as well as the fact that the Republicans are doing nothing to broaden their appeal

who cares?....well at least you admit your party is only using them for votes....thanx for being honest.....many of your Fellows would never admit that....i would get a song and dance about ....."how we actually care and how full of shit i am"....

Hispanics are becoming a major political force in this country. Both at a local level and a national level.
They will form a major part of future Democratic Platforms. It is inevitable and that is how politics work

Republicans choose to not only ignore that vote but to alienate it

It is at their own peril

and pay back will be a bitch....when they start treating the white people like they have been treated.....this will be fun to watch....
What about food and drug safety? Would you be satisfied if, for instance, meat inspections in Arkansas or Illinois are done with the same rigor they would be in every other state?

How about the Atomic Energy Commission? Is that another bloated federal agency that is way too intrusive? We saw what happened after we deregulated the banking system. How are those Savings & Loan shares doing? And after we deregulated the airlines, I suppose it's tougher to book a flight on TWA or Eastern or Pan Am. So what could possibly go wrong with other industries undergoing deregulation?

Some economic activities thrive under regulation. Regulation does not mean repression. Instead regulation creates a level playing field.

I'm not convinced that Tea Party types have thought their agenda through any deeper than slogan on a bumper sticker.

First of all, I'm not a Tea Party type. I'm a moderate who is extremely grateful to the fearless Tea Partiers who are willing to take all kinds of mockery to stand up against the Trojan horses of the left.

Yes, the federal government does some good things. That is no excuse for their abuses, and when Democrats are willing to stop saying, "Don't worry your pretty heads, we know what's best for you" as they lie about what they're doing and take over unnecessary things at the expense of autonomy, then it may be time for the Tea Party to chill and come to the bargaining table.
The problem is the Tea Party isn't designed for the bargaining table. They are designed for the ideological purge. The Tea Party faction turns on fellow Republicans who, in their estimation, are not sufficiently Conservative. They 'primaried' Richard Lugar out of the senate and now threaten Mitch McConnell with the same fate.

The Tea Party is not a solution if you're looking for progress. It's a cabal of zealots and ideologues carrying torches that give off a lot of heat, but no light. Their movement is ultimately doomed as so many extremist groups have seen. Their litmus test of Conservatism will rid the GOP of many responsible legislators and replace them with people who do not intend to govern, but to sabotage.

If we acquiesce to the Tea Party demands and haphazardly shrink the government down to the size of a county school board, how will the country survive? Too many functions of the federal government, from researching cures for devastating diseases to maintaining locks and dams cannot afford to simply evaporate in order to please what is a minority political outlook.

Then Democrats need to stop lying and quit providing examples of why the nation shouldn't trust them with power over our lives. Obama has been way too prone to provide those examples of late.

I do not trust or want the Democrats' idea of progress. Gridlock is better.
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