What would make America great again?

This is the ONLY post on this thread that matters on WHAT would make American great again,everything else said before that is babble and does not matter. watch the video and get educated,

Well aren't you just bubbling over with oodles and gobs of class and charisma
I am curious to everyone’s opinion. What would have to happen in our country for you to say “America is great again”? What needs to change for you to think the United States of America is great again?

Thanks everyone!
What made America great? What was the greatest generation as far as a financially stable middle class? I would say the Baby boomer generation. They got GI bills, affordable college, paid well, pensions, social security, medicare, unions. This baby boomer generation is now telling us we can no longer have it as good as they had it. It's a new world. The rest of the world has passed us by. US workers are too expensive and it's a done deal we make shit in Mexico and China now. And I actually agree with that. Those good old days are gone.

And if I point out today the CEO is paid better than ever, Republicans on USMB always use the argument that even if you cut the Kroger CEO's $20 million pay in half that would only mean $40 per worker if he gave it to all his employees.

But still, this is just one of the many ways the rich have waged class warfare on the middle class. This is a perfect example of why/how the gap between the rich and poor is getting wider. So Republicans, you defend the gap between rich and poor getting wider. You say there's nothing we can do about that now. Really? We can't unionize? We can't go after illegal employers who hire illegals because they are too cheap to hire Americans? We can't raise taxes on the rich to save social security?

Trump doubled the number of companies that now pay zero taxes. How about we make them pay their fair share and put that money towards social security?

There are plenty of ways to make America great again for the middle class.

If you are rich, America has never been greater.
This is the ONLY post on this thread that matters on WHAT would make American great again,everything else said before that is babble and does not matter. watch the video and get educated,

Well aren't you just bubbling over with oodles and gobs of class and charisma

In actual fact, there is no such thing as a "free market." Markets are the creation of government.

Governments provide a stable currency to make markets possible. They provide a legal infrastructure and court systems to enforce the contracts that make markets possible. They provide educated workforces through public education, and those workers show up at their places of business after traveling on public roads, rails, or airways provided by government. Businesses that use the "free market" are protected by police and fire departments provided by government, and send their communications - from phone to fax to internet - over lines that follow public rights-of-way maintained and protected by government.

And, most important, the rules of the game of business are defined by government. Any sports fan can tell you that football, baseball, or hockey without rules and referees would be a mess. Similarly, business without rules won't work.

The conservative mantra is "let the market decide." But there is no market independent of government, so what they're really saying is, "Stop government from defending workers and building a middle class, and let the corporations decide how much to pay for labor and how to trade." This is, at best, destructive to national and international economies, and, at worst, destructive to democracy itself.

Markets are a creation of government, just as corporations exist only by authorization of government. Governments set the rules of the market. And, since our government is of, by, and for We The People, those rules have historically been set to first maximize the public good resulting from people doing business.

If you want to play the game of business, we've said in the US since 1784 (when Tench Coxe got the first tariffs passed "to protect domestic industries") then you have to play in a way that both makes you money AND serves the public interest.

Which requires us to puncture the second balloon of popular belief. The "middle class" is not the natural result of freeing business to do whatever it wants, of "free and open markets," or of "free trade." The "middle class" is not a normal result of "free markets." Those policies will produce a small but powerful wealthy class, a small "middle" mercantilist class, and a huge and terrified worker class which have traditionally been called "serfs."

The middle class is a new invention of liberal democracies, the direct result of governments defining the rules of the game of business. It is, quite simply, an artifact of government regulation of markets and tax laws.

When government sets the rules of the game of business in such a way that working people must receive a living wage, labor has the power to organize into unions just as capital can organize into corporations, and domestic industries are protected from overseas competition, a middle class will emerge. When government gives up these functions, the middle class vanishes and we return to the Dickens-era "normal" form of totally free market conservative economics where the rich get richer while the working poor are kept in a constant state of fear and anxiety so the cost of their labor will always be cheap.
I am curious to everyone’s opinion. What would have to happen in our country for you to say “America is great again”? What needs to change for you to think the United States of America is great again?

Thanks everyone!
What made America great? What was the greatest generation as far as a financially stable middle class? I would say the Baby boomer generation. They got GI bills, affordable college, paid well, pensions, social security, medicare, unions. This baby boomer generation is now telling us we can no longer have it as good as they had it. It's a new world. The rest of the world has passed us by. US workers are too expensive and it's a done deal we make shit in Mexico and China now. And I actually agree with that. Those good old days are gone.

And if I point out today the CEO is paid better than ever, Republicans on USMB always use the argument that even if you cut the Kroger CEO's $20 million pay in half that would only mean $40 per worker if he gave it to all his employees.

But still, this is just one of the many ways the rich have waged class warfare on the middle class. This is a perfect example of why/how the gap between the rich and poor is getting wider. So Republicans, you defend the gap between rich and poor getting wider. You say there's nothing we can do about that now. Really? We can't unionize? We can't go after illegal employers who hire illegals because they are too cheap to hire Americans? We can't raise taxes on the rich to save social security?

Trump doubled the number of companies that now pay zero taxes. How about we make them pay their fair share and put that money towards social security?

There are plenty of ways to make America great again for the middle class.

If you are rich, America has never been greater.
You are so wrong dude, it isnt the Baby Boomer generation but your stupid ass progressive leaders telling you , you arent worth a fuck..

I am curious to everyone’s opinion. What would have to happen in our country for you to say “America is great again”? What needs to change for you to think the United States of America is great again?

Thanks everyone!
What made America great? What was the greatest generation as far as a financially stable middle class? I would say the Baby boomer generation. They got GI bills, affordable college, paid well, pensions, social security, medicare, unions. This baby boomer generation is now telling us we can no longer have it as good as they had it. It's a new world. The rest of the world has passed us by. US workers are too expensive and it's a done deal we make shit in Mexico and China now. And I actually agree with that. Those good old days are gone.

And if I point out today the CEO is paid better than ever, Republicans on USMB always use the argument that even if you cut the Kroger CEO's $20 million pay in half that would only mean $40 per worker if he gave it to all his employees.

But still, this is just one of the many ways the rich have waged class warfare on the middle class. This is a perfect example of why/how the gap between the rich and poor is getting wider. So Republicans, you defend the gap between rich and poor getting wider. You say there's nothing we can do about that now. Really? We can't unionize? We can't go after illegal employers who hire illegals because they are too cheap to hire Americans? We can't raise taxes on the rich to save social security?

Trump doubled the number of companies that now pay zero taxes. How about we make them pay their fair share and put that money towards social security?

There are plenty of ways to make America great again for the middle class.

If you are rich, America has never been greater.
You are so wrong dude, it isnt the Baby Boomer generation but your stupid ass progressive leaders telling you , you arent worth a fuck..

Was he wrong? Here's your homework assignment. What was Trump's growth rate in 2019? Keep in mind he gave a MASSIVE tax break to the rich in 2018 and he said it would improve growth. Did it? Sucker.
I am curious to everyone’s opinion. What would have to happen in our country for you to say “America is great again”? What needs to change for you to think the United States of America is great again?

Thanks everyone!
What made America great? What was the greatest generation as far as a financially stable middle class? I would say the Baby boomer generation. They got GI bills, affordable college, paid well, pensions, social security, medicare, unions. This baby boomer generation is now telling us we can no longer have it as good as they had it. It's a new world. The rest of the world has passed us by. US workers are too expensive and it's a done deal we make shit in Mexico and China now. And I actually agree with that. Those good old days are gone.

And if I point out today the CEO is paid better than ever, Republicans on USMB always use the argument that even if you cut the Kroger CEO's $20 million pay in half that would only mean $40 per worker if he gave it to all his employees.

But still, this is just one of the many ways the rich have waged class warfare on the middle class. This is a perfect example of why/how the gap between the rich and poor is getting wider. So Republicans, you defend the gap between rich and poor getting wider. You say there's nothing we can do about that now. Really? We can't unionize? We can't go after illegal employers who hire illegals because they are too cheap to hire Americans? We can't raise taxes on the rich to save social security?

Trump doubled the number of companies that now pay zero taxes. How about we make them pay their fair share and put that money towards social security?

There are plenty of ways to make America great again for the middle class.

If you are rich, America has never been greater.
You are so wrong dude, it isnt the Baby Boomer generation but your stupid ass progressive leaders telling you , you arent worth a fuck..

Was he wrong? Here's your homework assignment. What was Trump's growth rate in 2019? Keep in mind he gave a MASSIVE tax break to the rich in 2018 and he said it would improve growth. Did it? Sucker.
Yes it did. Infact wages rose for everyone.
I am curious to everyone’s opinion. What would have to happen in our country for you to say “America is great again”? What needs to change for you to think the United States of America is great again?

Thanks everyone!
What made America great? What was the greatest generation as far as a financially stable middle class? I would say the Baby boomer generation. They got GI bills, affordable college, paid well, pensions, social security, medicare, unions. This baby boomer generation is now telling us we can no longer have it as good as they had it. It's a new world. The rest of the world has passed us by. US workers are too expensive and it's a done deal we make shit in Mexico and China now. And I actually agree with that. Those good old days are gone.

And if I point out today the CEO is paid better than ever, Republicans on USMB always use the argument that even if you cut the Kroger CEO's $20 million pay in half that would only mean $40 per worker if he gave it to all his employees.

But still, this is just one of the many ways the rich have waged class warfare on the middle class. This is a perfect example of why/how the gap between the rich and poor is getting wider. So Republicans, you defend the gap between rich and poor getting wider. You say there's nothing we can do about that now. Really? We can't unionize? We can't go after illegal employers who hire illegals because they are too cheap to hire Americans? We can't raise taxes on the rich to save social security?

Trump doubled the number of companies that now pay zero taxes. How about we make them pay their fair share and put that money towards social security?

There are plenty of ways to make America great again for the middle class.

If you are rich, America has never been greater.
You are so wrong dude, it isnt the Baby Boomer generation but your stupid ass progressive leaders telling you , you arent worth a fuck..

Was he wrong? Here's your homework assignment. What was Trump's growth rate in 2019? Keep in mind he gave a MASSIVE tax break to the rich in 2018 and he said it would improve growth. Did it? Sucker.
Yes it did. Infact wages rose for everyone.
So did inflation. So did the debt you now care about because Biden is POTUS.
I am curious to everyone’s opinion. What would have to happen in our country for you to say “America is great again”? What needs to change for you to think the United States of America is great again?

Thanks everyone!
What made America great? What was the greatest generation as far as a financially stable middle class? I would say the Baby boomer generation. They got GI bills, affordable college, paid well, pensions, social security, medicare, unions. This baby boomer generation is now telling us we can no longer have it as good as they had it. It's a new world. The rest of the world has passed us by. US workers are too expensive and it's a done deal we make shit in Mexico and China now. And I actually agree with that. Those good old days are gone.

And if I point out today the CEO is paid better than ever, Republicans on USMB always use the argument that even if you cut the Kroger CEO's $20 million pay in half that would only mean $40 per worker if he gave it to all his employees.

But still, this is just one of the many ways the rich have waged class warfare on the middle class. This is a perfect example of why/how the gap between the rich and poor is getting wider. So Republicans, you defend the gap between rich and poor getting wider. You say there's nothing we can do about that now. Really? We can't unionize? We can't go after illegal employers who hire illegals because they are too cheap to hire Americans? We can't raise taxes on the rich to save social security?

Trump doubled the number of companies that now pay zero taxes. How about we make them pay their fair share and put that money towards social security?

There are plenty of ways to make America great again for the middle class.

If you are rich, America has never been greater.
You are so wrong dude, it isnt the Baby Boomer generation but your stupid ass progressive leaders telling you , you arent worth a fuck..

Was he wrong? Here's your homework assignment. What was Trump's growth rate in 2019? Keep in mind he gave a MASSIVE tax break to the rich in 2018 and he said it would improve growth. Did it? Sucker.
Yes it did. Infact wages rose for everyone.
The rich got big tax breaks you got crumbs. And Trump's handling of the pandemic and lying to us in the beginning about it set you all back big time.

Me? I was only furloughed 3 days.
I am curious to everyone’s opinion. What would have to happen in our country for you to say “America is great again”? What needs to change for you to think the United States of America is great again?

Thanks everyone!
What made America great? What was the greatest generation as far as a financially stable middle class? I would say the Baby boomer generation. They got GI bills, affordable college, paid well, pensions, social security, medicare, unions. This baby boomer generation is now telling us we can no longer have it as good as they had it. It's a new world. The rest of the world has passed us by. US workers are too expensive and it's a done deal we make shit in Mexico and China now. And I actually agree with that. Those good old days are gone.

And if I point out today the CEO is paid better than ever, Republicans on USMB always use the argument that even if you cut the Kroger CEO's $20 million pay in half that would only mean $40 per worker if he gave it to all his employees.

But still, this is just one of the many ways the rich have waged class warfare on the middle class. This is a perfect example of why/how the gap between the rich and poor is getting wider. So Republicans, you defend the gap between rich and poor getting wider. You say there's nothing we can do about that now. Really? We can't unionize? We can't go after illegal employers who hire illegals because they are too cheap to hire Americans? We can't raise taxes on the rich to save social security?

Trump doubled the number of companies that now pay zero taxes. How about we make them pay their fair share and put that money towards social security?

There are plenty of ways to make America great again for the middle class.

If you are rich, America has never been greater.
You are so wrong dude, it isnt the Baby Boomer generation but your stupid ass progressive leaders telling you , you arent worth a fuck..

Was he wrong? Here's your homework assignment. What was Trump's growth rate in 2019? Keep in mind he gave a MASSIVE tax break to the rich in 2018 and he said it would improve growth. Did it? Sucker.
Yes it did. Infact wages rose for everyone.
The rich got big tax breaks you got crumbs. And Trump's handling of the pandemic and lying to us in the beginning about it set you all back big time.

Me? I was only furloughed 3 days.
The only thing that set me back was a dem dictator using corona to do away with freedom. I go from project to project so sometimes im swamped with work and other times its beach time. As Kristi Noem said its not the virus that shut us down it was govt.
I am curious to everyone’s opinion. What would have to happen in our country for you to say “America is great again”? What needs to change for you to think the United States of America is great again?

Thanks everyone!
What made America great? What was the greatest generation as far as a financially stable middle class? I would say the Baby boomer generation. They got GI bills, affordable college, paid well, pensions, social security, medicare, unions. This baby boomer generation is now telling us we can no longer have it as good as they had it. It's a new world. The rest of the world has passed us by. US workers are too expensive and it's a done deal we make shit in Mexico and China now. And I actually agree with that. Those good old days are gone.

And if I point out today the CEO is paid better than ever, Republicans on USMB always use the argument that even if you cut the Kroger CEO's $20 million pay in half that would only mean $40 per worker if he gave it to all his employees.

But still, this is just one of the many ways the rich have waged class warfare on the middle class. This is a perfect example of why/how the gap between the rich and poor is getting wider. So Republicans, you defend the gap between rich and poor getting wider. You say there's nothing we can do about that now. Really? We can't unionize? We can't go after illegal employers who hire illegals because they are too cheap to hire Americans? We can't raise taxes on the rich to save social security?

Trump doubled the number of companies that now pay zero taxes. How about we make them pay their fair share and put that money towards social security?

There are plenty of ways to make America great again for the middle class.

If you are rich, America has never been greater.
You are so wrong dude, it isnt the Baby Boomer generation but your stupid ass progressive leaders telling you , you arent worth a fuck..

Was he wrong? Here's your homework assignment. What was Trump's growth rate in 2019? Keep in mind he gave a MASSIVE tax break to the rich in 2018 and he said it would improve growth. Did it? Sucker.
Yes it did. Infact wages rose for everyone.
The rich got big tax breaks you got crumbs. And Trump's handling of the pandemic and lying to us in the beginning about it set you all back big time.

Me? I was only furloughed 3 days.
The only thing that set me back was a dem dictator using corona to do away with freedom. I go from project to project so sometimes im swamped with work and other times its beach time. As Kristi Noem said its not the virus that shut us down it was govt.
You missed the point. So you're saying you continued to work throughout the pandemic? Project to project? Do you work home alone? I just worked from home and I'm never going back. Yes I live on a lake too.
I am curious to everyone’s opinion. What would have to happen in our country for you to say “America is great again”? What needs to change for you to think the United States of America is great again?

Thanks everyone!
What made America great? What was the greatest generation as far as a financially stable middle class? I would say the Baby boomer generation. They got GI bills, affordable college, paid well, pensions, social security, medicare, unions. This baby boomer generation is now telling us we can no longer have it as good as they had it. It's a new world. The rest of the world has passed us by. US workers are too expensive and it's a done deal we make shit in Mexico and China now. And I actually agree with that. Those good old days are gone.

And if I point out today the CEO is paid better than ever, Republicans on USMB always use the argument that even if you cut the Kroger CEO's $20 million pay in half that would only mean $40 per worker if he gave it to all his employees.

But still, this is just one of the many ways the rich have waged class warfare on the middle class. This is a perfect example of why/how the gap between the rich and poor is getting wider. So Republicans, you defend the gap between rich and poor getting wider. You say there's nothing we can do about that now. Really? We can't unionize? We can't go after illegal employers who hire illegals because they are too cheap to hire Americans? We can't raise taxes on the rich to save social security?

Trump doubled the number of companies that now pay zero taxes. How about we make them pay their fair share and put that money towards social security?

There are plenty of ways to make America great again for the middle class.

If you are rich, America has never been greater.
You are so wrong dude, it isnt the Baby Boomer generation but your stupid ass progressive leaders telling you , you arent worth a fuck..

Was he wrong? Here's your homework assignment. What was Trump's growth rate in 2019? Keep in mind he gave a MASSIVE tax break to the rich in 2018 and he said it would improve growth. Did it? Sucker.
Yes it did. Infact wages rose for everyone.
The rich got big tax breaks you got crumbs. And Trump's handling of the pandemic and lying to us in the beginning about it set you all back big time.

Me? I was only furloughed 3 days.
The only thing that set me back was a dem dictator using corona to do away with freedom. I go from project to project so sometimes im swamped with work and other times its beach time. As Kristi Noem said its not the virus that shut us down it was govt.
What freedom did you lose? And remember it was a pandemic. Don't make light of it like Trump did. Because he made light of it 200,000 plus people died. Handling the pandemic properly from the beginning could have cut that number down significantly. But you guys kept going to Trump rallies.
I am curious to everyone’s opinion. What would have to happen in our country for you to say “America is great again”? What needs to change for you to think the United States of America is great again?

Thanks everyone!
What made America great? What was the greatest generation as far as a financially stable middle class? I would say the Baby boomer generation. They got GI bills, affordable college, paid well, pensions, social security, medicare, unions. This baby boomer generation is now telling us we can no longer have it as good as they had it. It's a new world. The rest of the world has passed us by. US workers are too expensive and it's a done deal we make shit in Mexico and China now. And I actually agree with that. Those good old days are gone.

And if I point out today the CEO is paid better than ever, Republicans on USMB always use the argument that even if you cut the Kroger CEO's $20 million pay in half that would only mean $40 per worker if he gave it to all his employees.

But still, this is just one of the many ways the rich have waged class warfare on the middle class. This is a perfect example of why/how the gap between the rich and poor is getting wider. So Republicans, you defend the gap between rich and poor getting wider. You say there's nothing we can do about that now. Really? We can't unionize? We can't go after illegal employers who hire illegals because they are too cheap to hire Americans? We can't raise taxes on the rich to save social security?

Trump doubled the number of companies that now pay zero taxes. How about we make them pay their fair share and put that money towards social security?

There are plenty of ways to make America great again for the middle class.

If you are rich, America has never been greater.
You are so wrong dude, it isnt the Baby Boomer generation but your stupid ass progressive leaders telling you , you arent worth a fuck..

Was he wrong? Here's your homework assignment. What was Trump's growth rate in 2019? Keep in mind he gave a MASSIVE tax break to the rich in 2018 and he said it would improve growth. Did it? Sucker.
Yes it did. Infact wages rose for everyone.
The rich got big tax breaks you got crumbs. And Trump's handling of the pandemic and lying to us in the beginning about it set you all back big time.

Me? I was only furloughed 3 days.
The only thing that set me back was a dem dictator using corona to do away with freedom. I go from project to project so sometimes im swamped with work and other times its beach time. As Kristi Noem said its not the virus that shut us down it was govt.
You missed the point. So you're saying you continued to work throughout the pandemic? Project to project? Do you work home alone? I just worked from home and I'm never going back. Yes I live on a lake too.
I can often work from home but i like being out with people. I wasnt effected as much as others but i know it hit some people very hard.
I am curious to everyone’s opinion. What would have to happen in our country for you to say “America is great again”? What needs to change for you to think the United States of America is great again?

Thanks everyone!
What made America great? What was the greatest generation as far as a financially stable middle class? I would say the Baby boomer generation. They got GI bills, affordable college, paid well, pensions, social security, medicare, unions. This baby boomer generation is now telling us we can no longer have it as good as they had it. It's a new world. The rest of the world has passed us by. US workers are too expensive and it's a done deal we make shit in Mexico and China now. And I actually agree with that. Those good old days are gone.

And if I point out today the CEO is paid better than ever, Republicans on USMB always use the argument that even if you cut the Kroger CEO's $20 million pay in half that would only mean $40 per worker if he gave it to all his employees.

But still, this is just one of the many ways the rich have waged class warfare on the middle class. This is a perfect example of why/how the gap between the rich and poor is getting wider. So Republicans, you defend the gap between rich and poor getting wider. You say there's nothing we can do about that now. Really? We can't unionize? We can't go after illegal employers who hire illegals because they are too cheap to hire Americans? We can't raise taxes on the rich to save social security?

Trump doubled the number of companies that now pay zero taxes. How about we make them pay their fair share and put that money towards social security?

There are plenty of ways to make America great again for the middle class.

If you are rich, America has never been greater.
You are so wrong dude, it isnt the Baby Boomer generation but your stupid ass progressive leaders telling you , you arent worth a fuck..

Was he wrong? Here's your homework assignment. What was Trump's growth rate in 2019? Keep in mind he gave a MASSIVE tax break to the rich in 2018 and he said it would improve growth. Did it? Sucker.
Yes it did. Infact wages rose for everyone.
The rich got big tax breaks you got crumbs. And Trump's handling of the pandemic and lying to us in the beginning about it set you all back big time.

Me? I was only furloughed 3 days.
The only thing that set me back was a dem dictator using corona to do away with freedom. I go from project to project so sometimes im swamped with work and other times its beach time. As Kristi Noem said its not the virus that shut us down it was govt.
What freedom did you lose? And remember it was a pandemic. Don't make light of it like Trump did. Because he made light of it 200,000 plus people died. Handling the pandemic properly from the beginning could have cut that number down significantly. But you guys kept going to Trump rallies.
Freedom of assembly for one. Quite honestly when my dictator issued his stay at home order i ignored it though obviously there werent many places to go.
I am curious to everyone’s opinion. What would have to happen in our country for you to say “America is great again”? What needs to change for you to think the United States of America is great again?

Thanks everyone!
What made America great? What was the greatest generation as far as a financially stable middle class? I would say the Baby boomer generation. They got GI bills, affordable college, paid well, pensions, social security, medicare, unions. This baby boomer generation is now telling us we can no longer have it as good as they had it. It's a new world. The rest of the world has passed us by. US workers are too expensive and it's a done deal we make shit in Mexico and China now. And I actually agree with that. Those good old days are gone.

And if I point out today the CEO is paid better than ever, Republicans on USMB always use the argument that even if you cut the Kroger CEO's $20 million pay in half that would only mean $40 per worker if he gave it to all his employees.

But still, this is just one of the many ways the rich have waged class warfare on the middle class. This is a perfect example of why/how the gap between the rich and poor is getting wider. So Republicans, you defend the gap between rich and poor getting wider. You say there's nothing we can do about that now. Really? We can't unionize? We can't go after illegal employers who hire illegals because they are too cheap to hire Americans? We can't raise taxes on the rich to save social security?

Trump doubled the number of companies that now pay zero taxes. How about we make them pay their fair share and put that money towards social security?

There are plenty of ways to make America great again for the middle class.

If you are rich, America has never been greater.
You are so wrong dude, it isnt the Baby Boomer generation but your stupid ass progressive leaders telling you , you arent worth a fuck..

Was he wrong? Here's your homework assignment. What was Trump's growth rate in 2019? Keep in mind he gave a MASSIVE tax break to the rich in 2018 and he said it would improve growth. Did it? Sucker.
Yes it did. Infact wages rose for everyone.
The rich got big tax breaks you got crumbs. And Trump's handling of the pandemic and lying to us in the beginning about it set you all back big time.

Me? I was only furloughed 3 days.
The only thing that set me back was a dem dictator using corona to do away with freedom. I go from project to project so sometimes im swamped with work and other times its beach time. As Kristi Noem said its not the virus that shut us down it was govt.
What freedom did you lose? And remember it was a pandemic. Don't make light of it like Trump did. Because he made light of it 200,000 plus people died. Handling the pandemic properly from the beginning could have cut that number down significantly. But you guys kept going to Trump rallies.
Freedom of assembly for one. Quite honestly when my dictator issued his stay at home order i ignored it though obviously there werent many places to go.
The dog park closed and most dog park people freaked out. I didn't. I just took my dog for a walk in the woods behind the dog park.

When my neighbor suggested I shouldn't be out driving because IF I get in a wreck the EMS drivers will have to deal with me and they're too busy dealing with covid. I was like, "yea I'll take my chances".
I am curious to everyone’s opinion. What would have to happen in our country for you to say “America is great again”? What needs to change for you to think the United States of America is great again?

Thanks everyone!
What made America great? What was the greatest generation as far as a financially stable middle class? I would say the Baby boomer generation. They got GI bills, affordable college, paid well, pensions, social security, medicare, unions. This baby boomer generation is now telling us we can no longer have it as good as they had it. It's a new world. The rest of the world has passed us by. US workers are too expensive and it's a done deal we make shit in Mexico and China now. And I actually agree with that. Those good old days are gone.

And if I point out today the CEO is paid better than ever, Republicans on USMB always use the argument that even if you cut the Kroger CEO's $20 million pay in half that would only mean $40 per worker if he gave it to all his employees.

But still, this is just one of the many ways the rich have waged class warfare on the middle class. This is a perfect example of why/how the gap between the rich and poor is getting wider. So Republicans, you defend the gap between rich and poor getting wider. You say there's nothing we can do about that now. Really? We can't unionize? We can't go after illegal employers who hire illegals because they are too cheap to hire Americans? We can't raise taxes on the rich to save social security?

Trump doubled the number of companies that now pay zero taxes. How about we make them pay their fair share and put that money towards social security?

There are plenty of ways to make America great again for the middle class.

If you are rich, America has never been greater.
You are so wrong dude, it isnt the Baby Boomer generation but your stupid ass progressive leaders telling you , you arent worth a fuck..

Was he wrong? Here's your homework assignment. What was Trump's growth rate in 2019? Keep in mind he gave a MASSIVE tax break to the rich in 2018 and he said it would improve growth. Did it? Sucker.
Yes it did. Infact wages rose for everyone.
The rich got big tax breaks you got crumbs. And Trump's handling of the pandemic and lying to us in the beginning about it set you all back big time.

Me? I was only furloughed 3 days.
The only thing that set me back was a dem dictator using corona to do away with freedom. I go from project to project so sometimes im swamped with work and other times its beach time. As Kristi Noem said its not the virus that shut us down it was govt.
What freedom did you lose? And remember it was a pandemic. Don't make light of it like Trump did. Because he made light of it 200,000 plus people died. Handling the pandemic properly from the beginning could have cut that number down significantly. But you guys kept going to Trump rallies.
Freedom of assembly for one. Quite honestly when my dictator issued his stay at home order i ignored it though obviously there werent many places to go.
The dog park closed and most dog park people freaked out. I didn't. I just took my dog for a walk in the woods behind the dog park.

When my neighbor suggested I shouldn't be out driving because IF I get in a wreck the EMS drivers will have to deal with me and they're too busy dealing with covid. I was like, "yea I'll take my chances".
you will take your chances?....is that not what the trump people were saying?...oh wait thats right you voted for the guy,you just did not want anyone to know....
I am curious to everyone’s opinion. What would have to happen in our country for you to say “America is great again”? What needs to change for you to think the United States of America is great again?

Thanks everyone!
What made America great? What was the greatest generation as far as a financially stable middle class? I would say the Baby boomer generation. They got GI bills, affordable college, paid well, pensions, social security, medicare, unions. This baby boomer generation is now telling us we can no longer have it as good as they had it. It's a new world. The rest of the world has passed us by. US workers are too expensive and it's a done deal we make shit in Mexico and China now. And I actually agree with that. Those good old days are gone.

And if I point out today the CEO is paid better than ever, Republicans on USMB always use the argument that even if you cut the Kroger CEO's $20 million pay in half that would only mean $40 per worker if he gave it to all his employees.

But still, this is just one of the many ways the rich have waged class warfare on the middle class. This is a perfect example of why/how the gap between the rich and poor is getting wider. So Republicans, you defend the gap between rich and poor getting wider. You say there's nothing we can do about that now. Really? We can't unionize? We can't go after illegal employers who hire illegals because they are too cheap to hire Americans? We can't raise taxes on the rich to save social security?

Trump doubled the number of companies that now pay zero taxes. How about we make them pay their fair share and put that money towards social security?

There are plenty of ways to make America great again for the middle class.

If you are rich, America has never been greater.
You are so wrong dude, it isnt the Baby Boomer generation but your stupid ass progressive leaders telling you , you arent worth a fuck..

Was he wrong? Here's your homework assignment. What was Trump's growth rate in 2019? Keep in mind he gave a MASSIVE tax break to the rich in 2018 and he said it would improve growth. Did it? Sucker.
Yes it did. Infact wages rose for everyone.
The rich got big tax breaks you got crumbs. And Trump's handling of the pandemic and lying to us in the beginning about it set you all back big time.

Me? I was only furloughed 3 days.
The only thing that set me back was a dem dictator using corona to do away with freedom. I go from project to project so sometimes im swamped with work and other times its beach time. As Kristi Noem said its not the virus that shut us down it was govt.
What freedom did you lose? And remember it was a pandemic. Don't make light of it like Trump did. Because he made light of it 200,000 plus people died. Handling the pandemic properly from the beginning could have cut that number down significantly. But you guys kept going to Trump rallies.
Freedom of assembly for one. Quite honestly when my dictator issued his stay at home order i ignored it though obviously there werent many places to go.
The dog park closed and most dog park people freaked out. I didn't. I just took my dog for a walk in the woods behind the dog park.

When my neighbor suggested I shouldn't be out driving because IF I get in a wreck the EMS drivers will have to deal with me and they're too busy dealing with covid. I was like, "yea I'll take my chances".
you will take your chances?....is that not what the trump people were saying?...oh wait thats right you voted for the guy,you just did not want anyone to know....
The cops weren't out arresting people who were driving around. They did in Greece and China though. It was a LOCKDOWN. Here you just couldn't have public gatherings. Do you object to this Harry?
I am curious to everyone’s opinion. What would have to happen in our country for you to say “America is great again”? What needs to change for you to think the United States of America is great again?

Thanks everyone!
What made America great? What was the greatest generation as far as a financially stable middle class? I would say the Baby boomer generation. They got GI bills, affordable college, paid well, pensions, social security, medicare, unions. This baby boomer generation is now telling us we can no longer have it as good as they had it. It's a new world. The rest of the world has passed us by. US workers are too expensive and it's a done deal we make shit in Mexico and China now. And I actually agree with that. Those good old days are gone.

And if I point out today the CEO is paid better than ever, Republicans on USMB always use the argument that even if you cut the Kroger CEO's $20 million pay in half that would only mean $40 per worker if he gave it to all his employees.

But still, this is just one of the many ways the rich have waged class warfare on the middle class. This is a perfect example of why/how the gap between the rich and poor is getting wider. So Republicans, you defend the gap between rich and poor getting wider. You say there's nothing we can do about that now. Really? We can't unionize? We can't go after illegal employers who hire illegals because they are too cheap to hire Americans? We can't raise taxes on the rich to save social security?

Trump doubled the number of companies that now pay zero taxes. How about we make them pay their fair share and put that money towards social security?

There are plenty of ways to make America great again for the middle class.

If you are rich, America has never been greater.
You are so wrong dude, it isnt the Baby Boomer generation but your stupid ass progressive leaders telling you , you arent worth a fuck..

Was he wrong? Here's your homework assignment. What was Trump's growth rate in 2019? Keep in mind he gave a MASSIVE tax break to the rich in 2018 and he said it would improve growth. Did it? Sucker.
Yes it did. Infact wages rose for everyone.
The rich got big tax breaks you got crumbs. And Trump's handling of the pandemic and lying to us in the beginning about it set you all back big time.

Me? I was only furloughed 3 days.
The only thing that set me back was a dem dictator using corona to do away with freedom. I go from project to project so sometimes im swamped with work and other times its beach time. As Kristi Noem said its not the virus that shut us down it was govt.
What freedom did you lose? And remember it was a pandemic. Don't make light of it like Trump did. Because he made light of it 200,000 plus people died. Handling the pandemic properly from the beginning could have cut that number down significantly. But you guys kept going to Trump rallies.
Freedom of assembly for one. Quite honestly when my dictator issued his stay at home order i ignored it though obviously there werent many places to go.
The dog park closed and most dog park people freaked out. I didn't. I just took my dog for a walk in the woods behind the dog park.

When my neighbor suggested I shouldn't be out driving because IF I get in a wreck the EMS drivers will have to deal with me and they're too busy dealing with covid. I was like, "yea I'll take my chances".
you will take your chances?....is that not what the trump people were saying?...oh wait thats right you voted for the guy,you just did not want anyone to know....
The cops weren't out arresting people who were driving around. They did in Greece and China though. It was a LOCKDOWN. Here you just couldn't have public gatherings. Do you object to this Harry?
it didnt bother me....i dont like crowds....i thought it was great,every place you went ....not a lot of people.....

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