What would Romney do to bring this country together

Your party is asking for more and more tax cuts for the wealthy too.

that ruined everything just a few short years ago.

when something doesnt work its pretty dumb to do it again

its a good thing the movers and shakers throughout history did not have your pathetic attitude.....do you know how many failures the Wright Bros had before they succeeded?....i can see someone like you back there saying...."hey dipshits....you cant fly.....give it up...:lol:"

Yeah he's not the "brightest" star in the sky. Yeah we need tax increases, because taxing a business means less employment, less money for workers, and hey all of us "little" people get to pay that tax in the form of a price increase. Truth needs to get some truth.

Harry, since you have a son at Blizzard if they taxed video games, wouldnt Blizzard jack up the price of Diablo 3 or just eat it?
any takers?

What has OBAMA done to bring this country together---:clap2:

Your party is asking for more and more tax cuts for the wealthy too.

that ruined everything just a few short years ago.

when something doesnt work its pretty dumb to do it again

its a good thing the movers and shakers throughout history did not have your pathetic attitude.....do you know how many failures the Wright Bros had before they succeeded?....i can see someone like you back there saying...."hey dipshits....you cant fly.....give it up...:lol:"

Yeah he's not the "brightest" star in the sky. Yeah we need tax increases, because taxing a business means less employment, less money for workers, and hey all of us "little" people get to pay that tax in the form of a price increase. Truth needs to get some truth.

Harry, since you have a son at Blizzard if they taxed video games, wouldnt Blizzard jack up the price of Diablo 3 or just eat it?
im sure out here there is a tax on them.....California taxes everything they can......if they could, they would tax you every time you flushed the Toilet and would tax each turd that goes down......Diarrhea would just be a flat rate.....
its a good thing the movers and shakers throughout history did not have your pathetic attitude.....do you know how many failures the Wright Bros had before they succeeded?....i can see someone like you back there saying...."hey dipshits....you cant fly.....give it up...:lol:"

Yeah he's not the "brightest" star in the sky. Yeah we need tax increases, because taxing a business means less employment, less money for workers, and hey all of us "little" people get to pay that tax in the form of a price increase. Truth needs to get some truth.

Harry, since you have a son at Blizzard if they taxed video games, wouldnt Blizzard jack up the price of Diablo 3 or just eat it?
im sure out here there is a tax on them.....California taxes everything they can......if they could, they would tax you every time you flushed the Toilet and would tax each turd that goes down......Diarrhea would just be a flat rate.....

LOL, yeah I'd love to live in San Diego, but California just sucks. I have no idea how people can live there, but dam that view of San Diego bay is awesome!!!!!!!
What has Obama done to bring this country together?

Thats the question even Truthsplatters can answer.

Not a damned thing. He's doing his level best to divide the country.

All in the name of a second term.
the right knows robmoney would tear this country appart.

its what they want

you said that already....

Yeah. She says a lot of the same things over and over and over again.

Gotta think she's doing her level best to convince herself that the horseshit she posts is actually true.

Her Dems are paragons of virtue, sound policies and of course they love America.

The Reps on the other hand are just cheaters out to hurt the poor, the downtrodden and any otherbody they can hurt. They also cheat on elections and don't want minorities to vote.

They brought down the economy all on their own. the Dems of course sat around with thier fingers up their asses and watched Rome burn.

Thats her mantra and by god she's stickin to it.

She is of course a horses ass.
they publically talk about ending this country and publically talk about ruining Obamas presidency

i told you this before.....Republicans tell you to your face....Democrats do it behind your back....

Not only do Republicans tell you to your face..they take an active role in drowning government. 600K public sector jobs were lost. And that's in addition to Republicans making sure the purse strings are tied while bridges and roads crumble..and the country goes to shit.
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its not on Obama's either....

Intially it was..until they told him to go fuck off.

yeah, I guess ramming ObamaCare down our throats against our will, Or taking 800 billion of our monies and squandering it didn't have anything to do with..
that's what you call BRINGING people together


I guess you forgot the part about a "bi-partisan" agreement that something needed to be done with rising healthcare costs. I guess you forgot that Obama initially wanted to put up single payer..then a government option..then went with the Romney plan..because that's what was recommended by the "gang of 8" until they didn't want to do that any more. And actually they just wanted to kill the whole thing. I also guess the fact that 800,000 people lost their jobs before the President actually did anything..as a result of the financial collapse brought about by the wonderous effects of conservative economic doctrine. And I guess you forgot that Republicans set the amount of money used..750 billion with most of that coming in the form of tax cuts for the middle class and small businesses.

Guess you forgot alot of things. Like more then 60% of the people in this country were AGAINST invading Iraq.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-vEb8nSzQE]Cheney doesn't care 2/3 of America thinks the war is wrong - YouTube[/ame]
Well Mitt wouldn't openly divide us for starters or bypass the Constitution. Sound spending or a balanced budget will be a new spoke in the wheel. Mitt can do a lot to build confidence economically and will which hopefully wakes up the lemming Communists to the fact their democrap side of the isle are constructing a anti business society. I'm not sure you can ever make Democrats proud citizens or lawful
We witnessed how the left wants to bring this country together all during the Bush administration.

short answer is, they don't want it..
We witnessed how the left wants to bring this country together all during the Bush administration.

short answer is, they don't want it..

Just about the only thing the Democrats fought Bush on were the tax cuts. He got almost everything he wanted.

Oh..then there was that Harriet Miers thing..but no worries..he snuck in Alito.
We witnessed how the left wants to bring this country together all during the Bush administration.

short answer is, they don't want it..

Just about the only thing the Democrats fought Bush on were the tax cuts. He got almost everything he wanted.

Oh..then there was that Harriet Miers thing..but no worries..he snuck in Alito.






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