What would the world look like without the US?

So you think that the world would become peaceful?

Really? Is that the utopia we are all waiting for?

Put all your fucking guns, bombs and armies away and we'll give it a try.

But the bombs and weapons are not going anywhere.

Whoever has the money to fund the armies will own them.

That's why I say the world would be peaceful without the warmongering US. Anyways, The US army has lost every conflict since WWII, every single fucking last one. :lol:
Put all your fucking guns, bombs and armies away and we'll give it a try.

But the bombs and weapons are not going anywhere.

Whoever has the money to fund the armies will own them.

That's why I say the world would be peaceful without the warmongering US. Anyways, The US army has lost every conflict since WWII, every single fucking last one. :lol:
I see you are not only fully detached from reality, but happy about it.
But the bombs and weapons are not going anywhere.

Whoever has the money to fund the armies will own them.

That's why I say the world would be peaceful without the warmongering US. Anyways, The US army has lost every conflict since WWII, every single fucking last one. :lol:
I see you are not only fully detached from reality, but happy about it.

Lost outright in Korea, Nam, Iraq, Afghanistan, got ass booted by Iran (twice), Somalia, SOMALIA!!!!!!!!, Lebanon, Saudis (9/11), and lost the war on drugs badly! And you're being invaded by Mexico as we speak!!!! And Putin just spanked you. :lol:
That's why I say the world would be peaceful without the warmongering US. Anyways, The US army has lost every conflict since WWII, every single fucking last one. :lol:
I see you are not only fully detached from reality, but happy about it.

Lost outright in Korea, Nam, Iraq, Afghanistan, got ass booted by Iran (twice), Somalia, SOMALIA!!!!!!!!, Lebanon, Saudis (9/11), and lost the war on drugs badly! And you're being invaded by Mexico as we speak!!!! And Putin just spanked you. :lol:
I happened to agree completely, hopefully I won't get banned for that.
Here in the states everything is about race. We have institutionalized groups like the NAACP who's existence depends on dividing the country over race. I just assumed the entire world was like this.
Entire world that is dominated by money making is like this, but I am not against people making money. I am for creating a system where people can not make money by turning people against each other - I talk about that in most of my speeches, including part 5 below:
As you said in Russia now they are against gays and Jews and others - I swear to you on my life this was not the case under communism, I grew up there, and I despised that system while there as because of it's lack of freedom of opportunity to have your own business. it was oppression of different kind that's all. I never advocate going back to that system but the new so called "capitalist" system there is no better for ordinary people.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVqQpGzkPic]Liberating humanity part 5 - Who is insane, really and what is their solution? - YouTube[/ame]

I simply don't buy any of this. The love of money is the root of all evil in the world. You can change the players, you can change the system, you can even do both but in the end it all comes out the same.
Not sure which part you are not buying or what you are trying to say, but to correct you, the love of POWER is the root of all evil - money is just a necessity for people who are made to depend on it to pay the bills and survive, I believe it is wrong to blame them, the powerless - if you want if you dare to blame the real evil point at real evil - it's those who control our system and control the money supply and take over and enslave the nations - don't blame a mouse or a chicken. Money to them is like chicken feed to the farmer
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That's why I say the world would be peaceful without the warmongering US. Anyways, The US army has lost every conflict since WWII, every single fucking last one. :lol:
I see you are not only fully detached from reality, but happy about it.

Lost outright in Korea, Nam, Iraq, Afghanistan, got ass booted by Iran (twice), Somalia, SOMALIA!!!!!!!!, Lebanon, Saudis (9/11), and lost the war on drugs badly! And you're being invaded by Mexico as we speak!!!! And Putin just spanked you. :lol:
I rest my case. Thank you.
Well if the far left continues to stay in power we will soon find out.

The far-left isn't in power. A moderate Democrat is in the White House, the Senate is controlled by Democrats - some of which could be considered far-left, but not all - and the House is controlled by Republicans.
Put all your fucking guns, bombs and armies away and we'll give it a try.

But the bombs and weapons are not going anywhere.

Whoever has the money to fund the armies will own them.

That's why I say the world would be peaceful without the warmongering US. Anyways, The US army has lost every conflict since WWII, every single fucking last one. :lol:

The world would be more peaceful? You mean like the Sudan? You mean like the Ukraine?

No, the nature of mankind is to kill for personal gain. Blame it all on ethnicity, race, nationality, or some other idiotic criteria if it pleases you.
Well if the far left continues to stay in power we will soon find out.

The far-left isn't in power. A moderate Democrat is in the White House, the Senate is controlled by Democrats - some of which could be considered far-left, but not all - and the House is controlled by Republicans.

Look everyone, the rats are fleeing the ship.

It's the "true Scotsman" argument.
If conservatives are correct and the liberals in Washington are destroying the nation fiscally, what will the world look like when the US goes under?

I think you would have a power grab between China and the revived USSR. So what kind of world would liberals find themselves in? They would find themselves caught between a gay hating USSR who thinks white slavs are the superior race compared to colored people, and the environment hating Chinese who are increasingly turning to capitalism.


I don't mean to be blunt but: The world?
Well if the far left continues to stay in power we will soon find out.

The far-left isn't in power. A moderate Democrat is in the White House, the Senate is controlled by Democrats - some of which could be considered far-left, but not all - and the House is controlled by Republicans.

Look everyone, the rats are fleeing the ship.

It's the "true Scotsman" argument.

Look everyone, the troll has no argument.
The far-left isn't in power. A moderate Democrat is in the White House....
If you looked for a better way to expose your own political bias, you could not find it.

ironic post is ironic
Ah... A clear indcation that you do not, at any level, understand my response.
All that remains now is to determine if that lack of understanding is deliberate.
Please - clear things up for us.

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