What would Trump do if he was President now?

Presidential immunity in the United States - Wikipedia.

1978, whistleblower A. Ernest Fitzgerald added former president Nixon to his suit against several officials involved in his firing from the Department of the Air Force.[12] This resulted in the collateral appeal Nixon v. Fitzgerald (1982), in which the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that a former or current president was absolutely immune from suit regarding acts within the "outer perimeter" of his duties, citing the president's "unique status under the Constitution". A four-justice dissent objected to a scope that included willful violations of the Constitution and would have given immunity only to certain functions of the presidency.[13]

Depends on which BS charge the left is trying.
I guess it depends on which BS act he chooses to do, according to his lawyers. Who knows? Maybe he'll get it to fly, by the Supreme Court this time, pretty much making it the law of the land. :D
It is what is being argued in court by his lawyers in court, so if he gets away with the argument, there ain't shit you can do about it, or he could just have you disappeared, in the national interests. What is to stop him? It's not like it would get reported on MSNBC. He has talked about shutting them down if he returns to office. If he wins, that's the power you want him to have, right?
No, it's not....The scenario is absurd on it's face, and you're an utter boob to take it seriously.
It is what is being argued in court by his lawyers in court, so if he gets away with the argument, there ain't shit you can do about it, or he could just have you disappeared, in the national interests. What is to stop him? It's not like it would get reported on MSNBC. He has talked about shutting them down if he returns to office. If he wins, that's the power you want him to have, right?
The lawyer was asked a separate question.

In part 1 the argument for immunity (getting extended to criminal charges) is qualified and not absolute.

In part 2, the separate argument is that the Constitution seems to say that a President can only be criminally prosecuted (in any event) if he has first been impeached and convicted.

No. A President couldn’t just have anyone offed. And no. That’s not the actual contention.
What would Trump do if he was President now?
Aid to Ukraine
Isreal Gaza war
US soldiers killed in Jordan
Yemen rebels trying to bomb commercial ships and US military
How would he vote on the border bill negotiated in the Senate

There are many Trump supporters on this site. What will he do.

He would cut aid to Ukraine and Putin would be at NATO's door. Putin would then go i to Poland based on Trump’s commitment to not oppose him.
Gaza, he would support the Jewish slaughter of the Palestinians.
Hard to say how he would react to the soldier deaths. He may well over react and cause a very dangerous situation.
Far worse than it is now.
He might also be restained by the military leaders to react strategically and simply claim it was the greatest retaliatory strike in US history.
There is nothing he can do that is not being done to keep the shipping lanes open.
He would rename the boarder bill to reflect his name and give the OK to his Orcs in Congress to pass it.
I do not support the traitor Trump. I want to make that clear.
I guess it depends on which BS act he chooses to do, according to his lawyers. Who knows? Maybe he'll get it to fly, by the Supreme Court this time, pretty much making it the law of the land. :D
Maybe you can call Steele back to testify. Hes the bought known Russian agent.

Or abuse FISA again. IRS with Lerner

DNC and their DOJ are so honest huh.
Trump would do lots of stuff. All of it would be good and for the benefit of Americans and America.
What this one is saying is "Trump would be doing the same thing Biden is doing now, except I'd be very faithfully co-signing all of it!"

No, it's not....The scenario is absurd on it's face, and you're an utter boob to take it seriously.
If it is ok, with the Supremes and Trump wins, Biden better get out of the country or he could be rat bait and Trump be free and clear, according to Trump lawyers.
It is what is being argued in court by his lawyers in court, so if he gets away with the argument, there ain't shit you can do about it, or he could just have you disappeared, in the national interests. What is to stop him? It's not like it would get reported on MSNBC. He has talked about shutting them down if he returns to office. If he wins, that's the power you want him to have, right?

MSNBC reports all the news. It is Fox that does not. MSNBC does not make up news, that too is Fox.
MSNBC editorializes with a left bias.
Fox was established as a propaganda of the GOP. Then it became tea-bagger central, now it's the MAGA conspiracy channel.
The lawyer was asked a separate question.

In part 1 the argument for immunity (getting extended to criminal charges) is qualified and not absolute.

In part 2, the separate argument is that the Constitution seems to say that a President can only be criminally prosecuted (in any event) if he has first been impeached and convicted.

No. A President couldn’t just have anyone offed. And no. That’s not the actual contention.
That is exactly the contention. Trump's attorney was specifically asked in court if he could order Seal Team Six to eliminate a political opponent. The attorney said he could only be prosecuted if he was impeached and found guilty first.
If it is ok, with the Supremes and Trump wins, Biden better get out of the country or he could be rat bait and Trump be free and clear, according to Trump lawyers.
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Don't GAF about the media hack opinion, of the absurd hypothetical that a hack judge tossed out here, just to get exactly this reaction from gullible boobs like you.

I'd like to say that you're smarter than this, but you're obviously not.

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