What would you do if you had a Nazi in your family?

What would you do if you had a Nazi in your family?

Wouldn’t be as upsetting as having a Republican

Agreed, Nazis did far more good & far more bad than Republicans.

One thing is true, Nazis were far more intelligent than Republicans.

They actually understood politics, they had great tech & scientists, they helped their poor.

While, it's true thus far Nazis are more evil.

We don't really know just how evil Republicans can get, because some of the Evangelicals are calling for an Apocalypse, and that's the ONLY reason some of them support Israel.

That's pretty dang evil, if you ask me.

Nazis dress better than RepubliKlans
First thing I would do is find out if they voted for Hillary. If they did, I'd gas them. Then my neighbor the cannibal could eat them.
I think you'll find that's true of almost all conservatives.

Nothing wrong with that. Until the Nazis left the borders of their own country there was very little wrong with what they were doing.
If you learned that someone in your family was a Nazi, or had ties to the Nazis, what would you do? Disown them?

I would seriously want to know their secret to living so damn long. Since they are now in their mid 90's - at LEAST. Most over 100.
I'd call da kween and see if any females are available in Da Fammlee
I'm not surprised you see it that way.

Im not surprised that you don’t see it that way. Far too many people no longer understand that a nation must have a singular Society in order to be able to thrive.
I’ve been far more concerned to find the Progressives in my family than if I were to find a Nazi.

In reality much of my personal belief system integrates pretty well with Nazi philosophy. I don’t agree with all of it... especially their interest in extending their control outside their national boundaries and the execution of unwanted portions of the population without first offering them the opportunity to leave the country peacefully.

The Liberals and Progressives I’ve found in my family and among my acquaintances have been cut off, disowned, and no longer exist in my life.
And I bet they are extremely happy with that set up.
If you learned that someone in your family was a Nazi, or had ties to the Nazis, what would you do? Disown them?


If this was a legitimate question, you would have offered your own answer.

While you're at it, why don't you define "Nazi?"
If you learned that someone in your family was a Nazi, or had ties to the Nazis, what would you do? Disown them?


1.. Wouldn't talk to them unless I thought there was a chance of bringing them back to rational thought.......

2. It is funny though......take obama? He knew that his good friend bill ayers, and ayer's wife, bernadine dohrn, were socialist, domestic, terrorist bombers...who actually detonated bombs in public places and are linked to murder.........and he still not only called them friends, they worked together to launch his political career......

1. There are no good people in NAZIs. Just imagine if these NAZIs can have guns that all citizens should be armed just like your fantasy.

Back to the topic....... If that in my family? I don’t let get that far or even get started. I raised my kids invading their private life. You have be advance and proactive. You don’t want to get surprised that your kid or kids is a drug addict, mj smoker, gang members or NAZI member. I did let them grow up in their own.

They have their own families now and I’m very proud how they turned out. My 2 sons are working for me and running day to day activities. My daughter live in Florida with her family and also a business owner.

2. You do know that you are lying.. This topic came out during McCain and Obama presidential debate.

How about Trump relationship with corrupted people, NAZIs, dictators, war criminals, conspirators, hypocrite pathological liar?

Bill Ayers 2008 presidential election controversy - Wikipedia

Investigations by CNN, The New York Times and other news organizations concluded that Obama did not have a close relationship with Ayers. Ayers and his wife, Bernardine Dohrn, hosted a gathering at their home in 1995, where Alice Palmer introduced Obama as her chosen successor in the Illinois State Senate.
If you learned that someone in your family was a Nazi, or had ties to the Nazis, what would you do? Disown them?


If you learned...... That’s too late. By that time it might be impossible to talk or turn things around.
You know when your kids start wearing different kinds of clothings, friends, grades etc etc etc.

It’s as scary when you find out that he or she is a Trump supporter wearing a MAGA hat. Suddenly your kid is a racist piece of shit or start saluting like Hitler.
Nazis are gone but what if you had a commie in your family? Wait, aren't democrats considering running one for president?

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