What Would You Do?


VIP Member
May 16, 2011
I ran into the story of a Black male in Japan or Korea who allegedly attacked an older Japanese or Korean couple for allegedly calling him a niga. Some sources allege the older couple had simply showed kindness to a foreigner by offering their seat to the Black male, but because they spoke in their native language and using words that sounded like niga, the Black male thought they had insulted him.

As a child, I grew up in an African nation where it is customary for younger people to vacate seats when the elderly come in and for people to offer their seats to visitors. And unlike some people, I fear not what I know not and I am never offended by things people say that I do not understand.

I watched the clip on Youtube and was more concerned that none of the people on the bus intervened, especially if what happened was just the result of language barrier. Of course, I am aware that some Blacks, especially Black Americans, are easily irritated by words they do not understand; thus the great offense taken by usage of the word “negro” which in fact is Spanish for Black.

What Would You Have Done? - [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gu_uD11SIDg]Black Man On Korean Bus Yells At elderly couple - YouTube[/ame]

What do you think happened on that bus?

Even if the older couple had in fact insulted the Black male, do you think it would be justified for him to attack the elderly?

Do you think the Black male is simply insecure and thus easily offended?
I don't think it's wise to speculate about situations that we do not have the full information on. It's moronic.

Last I remember, Tricky does not hesitate to run her mouth on matters before engaging her brain. I guess time sometimes wrought change.
Thus far, on one has addressed what he/she would have done if he/she were the Black male or rider on the bus.
Maybe he is mentally ill.

Great you're excusing a thug! It's a given that you will never take responsibility for your own errors and stupidity, but you seem to hold Conservatives to a standard you don't require of this man.
I ran into the story of a Black male in Japan or Korea who allegedly attacked an older Japanese or Korean couple for allegedly calling him a niga. Some sources allege the older couple had simply showed kindness to a foreigner by offering their seat to the Black male, but because they spoke in their native language and using words that sounded like niga, the Black male thought they had insulted him.

As a child, I grew up in an African nation where it is customary for younger people to vacate seats when the elderly come in and for people to offer their seats to visitors. And unlike some people, I fear not what I know not and I am never offended by things people say that I do not understand.

I watched the clip on Youtube and was more concerned that none of the people on the bus intervened, especially if what happened was just the result of language barrier. Of course, I am aware that some Blacks, especially Black Americans, are easily irritated by words they do not understand; thus the great offense taken by usage of the word “negro” which in fact is Spanish for Black.

What Would You Have Done? - Black Man On Korean Bus Yells At elderly couple - YouTube

What do you think happened on that bus?

Even if the older couple had in fact insulted the Black male, do you think it would be justified for him to attack the elderly?

Do you think the Black male is simply insecure and thus easily offended?

He is a Punk and was way over the line. He should have been arrested for assault.
Maybe he is mentally ill.

Great you're excusing a thug! It's a given that you will never take responsibility for your own errors and stupidity, but you seem to hold Conservatives to a standard you don't require of this man.

Ernie S, how does saying "Maybe he is mentally ill" have anything to do with holding conservatives to some standard? By the way, what makes you think the Black male in this case is not conservative?

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