What would you like whites to do?

So, I am new to the forums and have been reading through most of the race/racism threads. I keep seeing both sides pointing out how racist the other is.

My question for the black people on the board is this. What would you like whites to do that would satisfy you?
Is just acknowledging the fact that racism specifically systemic racism is a real thing enough?

Most of the race discussions I have read so far on here have a couple of people claiming race superiority etc. and pointing out racial injustices/ telling white people to be ashamed of things that happened hundreds of years ago.

What do you want white people to do? What would help end this issue? None of you offer any solutions you just like to trash white people. It makes me wonder if you are really trying to solve the issues our country has or just like having a reason/excuse to complain.
You mentioned you were new to the board. In your ignorance you claim there have been no solutions offered when that has occurred countless times. Obviously you havent read very well.

In order to have a discussion about racism you actually have to admit the existence racism and its effects on Black people. The vast majority of whites here lack the emotional intelligence to do even that. So an admission would be a start. Next when whites ask a question they should listen instead of denying or assuming they have the answer. Lastly you should understand that pointing out instances of racism is a valid reason to post. If you cant do those things then you wont find and end.
Blah, blah, blah...black victim...give me your "white" money...blah, blah, blah...black pussy hurt.
Says the guy whos race steals more money than any demographic on the planet.
So, I am new to the forums and have been reading through most of the race/racism threads. I keep seeing both sides pointing out how racist the other is.
My question for the black people on the board is this. What would you like whites to do that would satisfy you?
Is just acknowledging the fact that racism specifically systemic racism is a real thing enough?
Most of the race discussions I have read so far on here have a couple of people claiming race superiority etc. and pointing out racial injustices/ telling white people to be ashamed of things that happened hundreds of years ago.
What do you want white people to do? What would help end this issue? None of you offer any solutions you just like to trash white people. It makes me wonder if you are really trying to solve the issues our country has or just like having a reason/excuse to complain.
In order to have a discussion about racism you actually have to admit the existence racism and its effects on Black people. The vast majority of whites here lack the emotional intelligence to do even that.

In order to have an honest discussion about racism, Blacks actually have to first admit their open, fervent promulgation of the topic as a continuous political tool to sustain division between the races and for continued unnecessary leverage in order to gain social advantages they simply don't merit by earning through regulars means, and its effect of White People. Unfortunately, the vast majority of Blacks here lack the willingness, candor or maturity to ever do that.
No one is ever going give credibility to the bullshit you just posted. You are one crazy white boy to even think that bullshit would fly. :laughing0301:
If blacks excel in a sport, great, they should be hired for the job. The best qualified should be given that opportunity. This should be all around in any job.
Bullshit. When Blacks have been given access to other professions like they have in sports that might be feasible but until then its just going to be the good ole white boys club over and over again. I know because I lived it in corporate america.
So, I am new to the forums and have been reading through most of the race/racism threads. I keep seeing both sides pointing out how racist the other is.

My question for the black people on the board is this. What would you like whites to do that would satisfy you?
Is just acknowledging the fact that racism specifically systemic racism is a real thing enough?

Most of the race discussions I have read so far on here have a couple of people claiming race superiority etc. and pointing out racial injustices/ telling white people to be ashamed of things that happened hundreds of years ago.

What do you want white people to do? What would help end this issue? None of you offer any solutions you just like to trash white people. It makes me wonder if you are really trying to solve the issues our country has or just like having a reason/excuse to complain.

So, who are the majority of those claiming racial superiority?
So, I am new to the forums and have been reading through most of the race/racism threads. I keep seeing both sides pointing out how racist the other is.

My question for the black people on the board is this. What would you like whites to do that would satisfy you?
Is just acknowledging the fact that racism specifically systemic racism is a real thing enough?

Most of the race discussions I have read so far on here have a couple of people claiming race superiority etc. and pointing out racial injustices/ telling white people to be ashamed of things that happened hundreds of years ago.

What do you want white people to do? What would help end this issue? None of you offer any solutions you just like to trash white people. It makes me wonder if you are really trying to solve the issues our country has or just like having a reason/excuse to complain.

Stop addressing black people as a "collective', as opposed to "individuals"

*The majority are NOT criminals
*The majority are NOT on welfare
*The majority have never rioted

The majority have families, responsibilities and lives...and, the majority honestly do not spend all of their time obsessing over what white people think or care about.
So, I am new to the forums and have been reading through most of the race/racism threads. I keep seeing both sides pointing out how racist the other is.

My question for the black people on the board is this. What would you like whites to do that would satisfy you?
Is just acknowledging the fact that racism specifically systemic racism is a real thing enough?

Most of the race discussions I have read so far on here have a couple of people claiming race superiority etc. and pointing out racial injustices/ telling white people to be ashamed of things that happened hundreds of years ago.

What do you want white people to do? What would help end this issue? None of you offer any solutions you just like to trash white people. It makes me wonder if you are really trying to solve the issues our country has or just like having a reason/excuse to complain.

Stop addressing black people as a "collective', as opposed to "individuals"

*The majority are NOT criminals
*The majority are NOT on welfare
*The majority have never rioted

The majority have families, responsibilities and lives...and, the majority honestly do not spend all of their time obsessing over what white people think or care about.
But when blacks riot, you feel good about it, don't you?
When you see blacks on welfare, you feel like they are sticking it to the white man, right?
And when you see blacks in jail, you think, what are all those innocent black people being locked up by whitey for?

Amirite or AMIRITE? :biggrin:
So, I am new to the forums and have been reading through most of the race/racism threads. I keep seeing both sides pointing out how racist the other is.

My question for the black people on the board is this. What would you like whites to do that would satisfy you?
Is just acknowledging the fact that racism specifically systemic racism is a real thing enough?

Most of the race discussions I have read so far on here have a couple of people claiming race superiority etc. and pointing out racial injustices/ telling white people to be ashamed of things that happened hundreds of years ago.

What do you want white people to do? What would help end this issue? None of you offer any solutions you just like to trash white people. It makes me wonder if you are really trying to solve the issues our country has or just like having a reason/excuse to complain.
This is what they want......one of these every month.
No they don’t. Don’t condemn an entire race of people. That is the very definition of racial prejudice.

Some may want a welfare check, but most black folk just want opportunity and nobody is willing or capable of giving said opportunity in many cases.

The two major parties are the worst offenders. One takes advantage of Black folk for their votes, while the Other party just ignores them.
Bottom line, you claim that "most black folk just want opportunity and nobody is willing or capable of giving said opportunity". Opportunities are made by each and every one of us, black, white, everyone. Your statement implies that blacks must be given opportunities by someone else. Welfare check, opportunity, what's the difference if either have to be granted by someone else (presumably whites). Blacks need to shed that helpless plantation mentality and make their own lives, opportunities, fortunes. Make, not take.
So, I am new to the forums and have been reading through most of the race/racism threads. I keep seeing both sides pointing out how racist the other is.

My question for the black people on the board is this. What would you like whites to do that would satisfy you?
Is just acknowledging the fact that racism specifically systemic racism is a real thing enough?

Most of the race discussions I have read so far on here have a couple of people claiming race superiority etc. and pointing out racial injustices/ telling white people to be ashamed of things that happened hundreds of years ago.

What do you want white people to do? What would help end this issue? None of you offer any solutions you just like to trash white people. It makes me wonder if you are really trying to solve the issues our country has or just like having a reason/excuse to complain.
This is what they want......one of these every month.
No they don’t. Don’t condemn an entire race of people. That is the very definition of racial prejudice.

Some may want a welfare check, but most black folk just want opportunity and nobody is willing or capable of giving said opportunity in many cases.

The two major parties are the worst offenders. One takes advantage of Black folk for their votes, while the Other party just ignores them.
Bottom line, you claim that "most black folk just want opportunity and nobody is willing or capable of giving said opportunity". Opportunities are made by each and every one of us, black, white, everyone. Your statement implies that blacks must be given opportunities by someone else. Welfare check, opportunity, what's the difference if either have to be granted by someone else (presumably whites). Blacks need to shed that helpless plantation mentality and make their own lives, opportunities, fortunes. Make, not take.
Thats a load of crap. When I got into IT every single person in my group that was white got in because their dad or mom knew someone. I get what youre saying about making your own opportunities like I did but please dont try to sell that bullshit about everyone does it. Whites need only know someone that can get them in and 98% of the time its a relative.
So, I am new to the forums and have been reading through most of the race/racism threads. I keep seeing both sides pointing out how racist the other is.

My question for the black people on the board is this. What would you like whites to do that would satisfy you?
Is just acknowledging the fact that racism specifically systemic racism is a real thing enough?

Most of the race discussions I have read so far on here have a couple of people claiming race superiority etc. and pointing out racial injustices/ telling white people to be ashamed of things that happened hundreds of years ago.

What do you want white people to do? What would help end this issue? None of you offer any solutions you just like to trash white people. It makes me wonder if you are really trying to solve the issues our country has or just like having a reason/excuse to complain.

Stop addressing black people as a "collective', as opposed to "individuals"

*The majority are NOT criminals
*The majority are NOT on welfare
*The majority have never rioted

The majority have families, responsibilities and lives...and, the majority honestly do not spend all of their time obsessing over what white people think or care about.
But when blacks riot, you feel good about it, don't you?
When you see blacks on welfare, you feel like they are sticking it to the white man, right?
And when you see blacks in jail, you think, what are all those innocent black people being locked up by whitey for?

Amirite or AMIRITE? :biggrin:
You make a very good case.

For how ignorant and abjectly stupid that some people can be.

Why would I "feel good" about people rioting? That accomplishes nothing.

Why would I think that black people are "sticking it to the white man" by being on welfare? Especially when the best revenge is to live well.

And like anyone else, of any race, some people get locked up who deserve it and some do not.

So, I am new to the forums and have been reading through most of the race/racism threads. I keep seeing both sides pointing out how racist the other is.

My question for the black people on the board is this. What would you like whites to do that would satisfy you?
Is just acknowledging the fact that racism specifically systemic racism is a real thing enough?

Most of the race discussions I have read so far on here have a couple of people claiming race superiority etc. and pointing out racial injustices/ telling white people to be ashamed of things that happened hundreds of years ago.

What do you want white people to do? What would help end this issue? None of you offer any solutions you just like to trash white people. It makes me wonder if you are really trying to solve the issues our country has or just like having a reason/excuse to complain.

Stop addressing black people as a "collective', as opposed to "individuals"

*The majority are NOT criminals
*The majority are NOT on welfare
*The majority have never rioted

The majority have families, responsibilities and lives...and, the majority honestly do not spend all of their time obsessing over what white people think or care about.
But when blacks riot, you feel good about it, don't you?
When you see blacks on welfare, you feel like they are sticking it to the white man, right?
And when you see blacks in jail, you think, what are all those innocent black people being locked up by whitey for?

Amirite or AMIRITE? :biggrin:
You make a very good case.

For how ignorant and abjectly stupid that some people can be.

Why would I "feel good" about people rioting? That accomplishes nothing.

Why would I think that black people are "sticking it to the white man" by being on welfare? Especially when the best revenge is to live well.

And like anyone else, of any race, some people get locked up who deserve it and some do not.

You can lie to us, but you can't lie to yourself. Carry on.
If you get passed over for being black, it's against the law, you can only be passed over for being white.

but you KNOW that, and lied anyway.

No you can't get passed over for being white. That's the lie. The law is a funny thing. It can stop overt practices, but it can't stop covert ones. So as long as a white person doesn't get caught saying how they'll never hire anybody black, they don't hire blacks and just move on. But you know that and still try arguing like it doesn't happen.
I remember the time that I was told because I was white there was no college grants for me at Austin Peay. There was truckloads of grants available if I was black or a member of a tribe. I wasn't the type to lie about my ethic background, so I had to pay for my education or join the military.
You should have contacted a white organization that gives out grants and scholarships for white people.

Caucasian Scholarships - Scholarships.com
Journalism Institute for Media Diversity - Scholarships.com
In a diverse democracy, it is important that all voices are heard, representing every creed, color, race, ethnicity and gender/sexual orientation. Our graduates help to diversify the media and serve as an alumni network for those beginning professional careers. Applicants must have a superior scholastic record and Institute members must maintain a 3.0 average on a 4.0 scale while working an internship each term. For more information or to apply, please visit the scholarship provider's website

One Jump Rising Scholars - Scholarships.com

The One Jump Rising Scholars Scholarship is a partial scholarship that One Jump gives to graduating high school seniors matriculating into a two- or four-year institution in the upcoming fall semester. Applicants must be a high school graduate in the Greater Houston area. Students from underrepresented backgrounds and/or first-generation students are encouraged to apply. For more information or to apply, please visit the scholarship provider's website.

Betty Hansen National Scholarship - Scholarships.com

To be eligible for the Betty Hansen National Scholarship, applicants must have a 2.5 GPA and be full-time students enrolled in, or entering an accredited four-year college/university as an undergraduate or graduate student. This scholarship may be used for study in Denmark upon written request, with the approval of the scholarship chairman.

not a lot of them require you be white. I'm sure the polish and the shamrock ones probably do.
Its says caucasian. Not all caucasoids are white.
Unless albino, all "caucasoids" are are some shade other than white. What's your point?
Avoid the groid. More venues have found creative ways of say hiring White learning disabled as minority. This way once again , we can AVOID THE GROID. A prominent restaurant chain has successfully avoided the groid for years by giving AA preferences to Downs folks ; much more effective than the mandatory negro.
Are you sayin' that businesses would rather hire white retards than blacks? Oh, the horror!!!
No you can't get passed over for being white. That's the lie. The law is a funny thing. It can stop overt practices, but it can't stop covert ones. So as long as a white person doesn't get caught saying how they'll never hire anybody black, they don't hire blacks and just move on. But you know that and still try arguing like it doesn't happen.
I remember the time that I was told because I was white there was no college grants for me at Austin Peay. There was truckloads of grants available if I was black or a member of a tribe. I wasn't the type to lie about my ethic background, so I had to pay for my education or join the military.
You should have contacted a white organization that gives out grants and scholarships for white people.

Caucasian Scholarships - Scholarships.com
Journalism Institute for Media Diversity - Scholarships.com
In a diverse democracy, it is important that all voices are heard, representing every creed, color, race, ethnicity and gender/sexual orientation. Our graduates help to diversify the media and serve as an alumni network for those beginning professional careers. Applicants must have a superior scholastic record and Institute members must maintain a 3.0 average on a 4.0 scale while working an internship each term. For more information or to apply, please visit the scholarship provider's website

One Jump Rising Scholars - Scholarships.com

The One Jump Rising Scholars Scholarship is a partial scholarship that One Jump gives to graduating high school seniors matriculating into a two- or four-year institution in the upcoming fall semester. Applicants must be a high school graduate in the Greater Houston area. Students from underrepresented backgrounds and/or first-generation students are encouraged to apply. For more information or to apply, please visit the scholarship provider's website.

Betty Hansen National Scholarship - Scholarships.com

To be eligible for the Betty Hansen National Scholarship, applicants must have a 2.5 GPA and be full-time students enrolled in, or entering an accredited four-year college/university as an undergraduate or graduate student. This scholarship may be used for study in Denmark upon written request, with the approval of the scholarship chairman.

not a lot of them require you be white. I'm sure the polish and the shamrock ones probably do.
Its says caucasian. Not all caucasoids are white.
Unless albino, all "caucasoids" are are some shade other than white. What's your point?
My point is that some people labeled as caucasoids are not white no matter how badly white people want them to be.

Egyptian Immigrant Wants to be Reclassified as Black | TIME.com

So, I am new to the forums and have been reading through most of the race/racism threads. I keep seeing both sides pointing out how racist the other is.

My question for the black people on the board is this. What would you like whites to do that would satisfy you?
Is just acknowledging the fact that racism specifically systemic racism is a real thing enough?

Most of the race discussions I have read so far on here have a couple of people claiming race superiority etc. and pointing out racial injustices/ telling white people to be ashamed of things that happened hundreds of years ago.

What do you want white people to do? What would help end this issue? None of you offer any solutions you just like to trash white people. It makes me wonder if you are really trying to solve the issues our country has or just like having a reason/excuse to complain.

Stop addressing black people as a "collective', as opposed to "individuals"

*The majority are NOT criminals
*The majority are NOT on welfare
*The majority have never rioted

The majority have families, responsibilities and lives...and, the majority honestly do not spend all of their time obsessing over what white people think or care about.
But when blacks riot, you feel good about it, don't you?
When you see blacks on welfare, you feel like they are sticking it to the white man, right?
And when you see blacks in jail, you think, what are all those innocent black people being locked up by whitey for?

Amirite or AMIRITE? :biggrin:
You make a very good case.

For how ignorant and abjectly stupid that some people can be.

Why would I "feel good" about people rioting? That accomplishes nothing.

Why would I think that black people are "sticking it to the white man" by being on welfare? Especially when the best revenge is to live well.

And like anyone else, of any race, some people get locked up who deserve it and some do not.

You can lie to us, but you can't lie to yourself. Carry on.

No reason to lie. I stated that you are ignorant and stupid....and you are.

Carry on. You don't know any better.
Affirmative action is the process of a business or governmental agency in which it gives special rights of hiring or advancement to ethnic minorities to make up for past discrimination against that minority. Affirmative action has been the subject of debate, with opponents claiming that it produces reverse discrimination against Caucasians.
Affirmative Action Law and Legal Definition | USLegal, Inc.

you just can't make up this level of fucking stewpud.

did you morons forget that Sotomayor was asked why she pushed less qualified minorities into positions of authority for NY fire departments?

Uh, whites are not passed over for AA. What AA does is insure whites don't get ALL of the jobs. So would you like to talk about the 242 years up to this point today, where less qualified whites have been hired over minorities?

Or are you going to get the white mans amnesia?
Imagine if we had a quota system in basketball or football.
Blacks have over 90% of the jobs on NBA teams and over 70% on NFL teams.
I think it would be more fair if you spread it out so that you only held a job on a team according to the population averages.
Blacks make up only 13% of the total US population......so the level of blacks on teams should never go over that.
Hey if this was the case you'd never vote for Democrats because they're trying to flood the country with Hispanics and Muslims.
Soon blacks will only be 11% of the total population.
Basketball and football are the few areas where there is a level field. This is how I know whites need a headstart. On a level field Blacks always excel.
And on a bumpy field filled with hazards and obstacles your blacks don't do so well, do they? Except maybe Tiger Woods.
Affirmative action is the process of a business or governmental agency in which it gives special rights of hiring or advancement to ethnic minorities to make up for past discrimination against that minority. Affirmative action has been the subject of debate, with opponents claiming that it produces reverse discrimination against Caucasians.
Affirmative Action Law and Legal Definition | USLegal, Inc.

you just can't make up this level of fucking stewpud.

did you morons forget that Sotomayor was asked why she pushed less qualified minorities into positions of authority for NY fire departments?

Uh, whites are not passed over for AA. What AA does is insure whites don't get ALL of the jobs. So would you like to talk about the 242 years up to this point today, where less qualified whites have been hired over minorities?

Or are you going to get the white mans amnesia?
Imagine if we had a quota system in basketball or football.
Blacks have over 90% of the jobs on NBA teams and over 70% on NFL teams.
I think it would be more fair if you spread it out so that you only held a job on a team according to the population averages.
Blacks make up only 13% of the total US population......so the level of blacks on teams should never go over that.
Hey if this was the case you'd never vote for Democrats because they're trying to flood the country with Hispanics and Muslims.
Soon blacks will only be 11% of the total population.
Basketball and football are the few areas where there is a level field. This is how I know whites need a headstart. On a level field Blacks always excel.
And on a bumpy field filled with hazards and obstacles your blacks don't do so well, do they? Except maybe Tiger Woods.
No sadly they dont. Too many of them spend too much time whining about the obstacles whites have to put on the field because whites need something to help them. If they simply outworked the weak whites they would see more success just like Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan etc. Luckily more and more are figuring that out everyday.
Last edited:
ever go look at blacks forums?
one of the comments on one was:
''we going to FKn run this country one of these days''
hate hate hate
Let's examine those countries where blacks took over from whites to "ruin" the country, why don't we? Kinda like socialism, wherever it's tried, it fails.
If you can show us any Black countries that have been under total self rule, own all of their resources, no white interference/influence, and have done so for at least a century I will take you up on the challenge.
So, I am new to the forums and have been reading through most of the race/racism threads. I keep seeing both sides pointing out how racist the other is.

My question for the black people on the board is this. What would you like whites to do that would satisfy you?
Is just acknowledging the fact that racism specifically systemic racism is a real thing enough?

Most of the race discussions I have read so far on here have a couple of people claiming race superiority etc. and pointing out racial injustices/ telling white people to be ashamed of things that happened hundreds of years ago.

What do you want white people to do? What would help end this issue? None of you offer any solutions you just like to trash white people. It makes me wonder if you are really trying to solve the issues our country has or just like having a reason/excuse to complain.

Stop addressing black people as a "collective', as opposed to "individuals"

*The majority are NOT criminals
*The majority are NOT on welfare
*The majority have never rioted

The majority have families, responsibilities and lives...and, the majority honestly do not spend all of their time obsessing over what white people think or care about.
But when blacks riot, you feel good about it, don't you?
When you see blacks on welfare, you feel like they are sticking it to the white man, right?
And when you see blacks in jail, you think, what are all those innocent black people being locked up by whitey for?

Amirite or AMIRITE? :biggrin:
I'm thinking Katsteve is not as you have accused him of being.
So, I am new to the forums and have been reading through most of the race/racism threads. I keep seeing both sides pointing out how racist the other is.

My question for the black people on the board is this. What would you like whites to do that would satisfy you?
Is just acknowledging the fact that racism specifically systemic racism is a real thing enough?

Most of the race discussions I have read so far on here have a couple of people claiming race superiority etc. and pointing out racial injustices/ telling white people to be ashamed of things that happened hundreds of years ago.

What do you want white people to do? What would help end this issue? None of you offer any solutions you just like to trash white people. It makes me wonder if you are really trying to solve the issues our country has or just like having a reason/excuse to complain.
This is what they want......one of these every month.
No they don’t. Don’t condemn an entire race of people. That is the very definition of racial prejudice.

Some may want a welfare check, but most black folk just want opportunity and nobody is willing or capable of giving said opportunity in many cases.

The two major parties are the worst offenders. One takes advantage of Black folk for their votes, while the Other party just ignores them.
Bottom line, you claim that "most black folk just want opportunity and nobody is willing or capable of giving said opportunity". Opportunities are made by each and every one of us, black, white, everyone. Your statement implies that blacks must be given opportunities by someone else. Welfare check, opportunity, what's the difference if either have to be granted by someone else (presumably whites). Blacks need to shed that helpless plantation mentality and make their own lives, opportunities, fortunes. Make, not take.
Thats a load of crap. When I got into IT every single person in my group that was white got in because their dad or mom knew someone. I get what youre saying about making your own opportunities like I did but please dont try to sell that bullshit about everyone does it. Whites need only know someone that can get them in and 98% of the time its a relative.
Talk about selling bullshit...

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