What would you like whites to do?

I don't watch any of that crap. I am not claiming any victimhood, my life is great. I am simply pointing out the irrational logic you post. Like I said no side is innocent. You only want to focus on what whites do. All your posts spout it out.
Innocent of what exactly?

What, in your mind, are blacks doing to whites in this country?
We know EXACTLY what it is. YOU and your white cuckold slaves are the ones who made up a bullshit definition to exonerate YOURSELVES for having inferior morals.

THIS is the definition:
a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
Definition of RACIST

a : a doctrine or political program based on the assumption of racism and designed to execute its principles
b : a political or social system founded on racism
Affirmative action is the process of a business or governmental agency in which it gives special rights of hiring or advancement to ethnic minorities to make up for past discrimination against that minority. Affirmative action has been the subject of debate, with opponents claiming that it produces reverse discrimination against Caucasians.
Affirmative Action Law and Legal Definition | USLegal, Inc.

you just can't make up this level of fucking stewpud.

did you morons forget that Sotomayor was asked why she pushed less qualified minorities into positions of authority for NY fire departments?

Uh, whites are not passed over for AA. What AA does is insure whites don't get ALL of the jobs. So would you like to talk about the 242 years up to this point today, where less qualified whites have been hired over minorities?

Or are you going to get the white mans amnesia?
Imagine if we had a quota system in basketball or football.
Blacks have over 90% of the jobs on NBA teams and over 70% on NFL teams.
I think it would be more fair if you spread it out so that you only held a job on a team according to the population averages.
Blacks make up only 13% of the total US population......so the level of blacks on teams should never go over that.
Hey if this was the case you'd never vote for Democrats because they're trying to flood the country with Hispanics and Muslims.
Soon blacks will only be 11% of the total population.

There is no quota system. Blacks do not have over 90 percent of the jobs in the NBA or 70 percent in the NFL. Unless the players coach, provide medical care for injuries, train, take care of the equipment, and run the management and operations of these franchises. Now what about hockey or baseball?

You are really dumb.
What about it?
I mentioned two sports.
Baseball is another, a majority are Hispanic.
Don't attack the messenger.
I'm simply repeating the facts.
You're saying that the facts are bullshit.
Tough shit.

You aren't repeating the facts, that's the problem.

Tough shit.
IM2 calls most white posters who disagree with him a racist, without cause. He makes up his own definition of the word. Asclepias says he lies to whites, so how can anyone trust him? These two certainly don't want races to get along, they are part of the division.
Definition of RACIST

  1. a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
  2. a doctrine or political program based on the assumption of racism and designed to execute its principles: a political or social system founded on racism
  3. racial prejudice or discrimination

Did brother IM2 use any definition NOT listed above?
So, I am new to the forums and have been reading through most of the race/racism threads. I keep seeing both sides pointing out how racist the other is.

My question for the black people on the board is this. What would you like whites to do that would satisfy you?
Is just acknowledging the fact that racism specifically systemic racism is a real thing enough?

Most of the race discussions I have read so far on here have a couple of people claiming race superiority etc. and pointing out racial injustices/ telling white people to be ashamed of things that happened hundreds of years ago.

What do you want white people to do? What would help end this issue? None of you offer any solutions you just like to trash white people. It makes me wonder if you are really trying to solve the issues our country has or just like having a reason/excuse to complain.

Hundreds of years ago my ass. But the whites who bring up things that happened 100's of years ago, no comment about that? I see where this is going already.

We have pointed out the problems/solutions and they constantly get denied. Why do whites ask us what we want white people to do? Why can't whites ask themselves what do they need to do in order to end the racism in their community?. When you talk about offering solutions whites don't present any then act like we are the ones who have to provide all the solutions. Finally, you ignore all the whites trashing blacks o say what you did in your last sentence. The question for you is, do you really want to have this conversation?
if you want to place blame for you pathetic life on someone blame it on the ugly idiot in your bathroom mirror !

I've done better than you. However that doesn't mean I forget from whence I came. I means I don't deny white racism or what it continues to do. So if you want whites to stop being blamed for what whites have done, YOU look in the mirror and change what you see.
you stupid bastard i have not done a damn thing to hurt any group of people ! most white people struggle through life trying to make a better life for themselves and their family instead of blaming the light bill or the rent on someone of another race ! the fact is you are a damn idiot and you will never ,never get the so called reparations you and other losers like you so badly want ! your lifestyle and beliefs is what is holding back idiots like you ! you idolize cop killers ,you think so called gangsta rappers are heroes ,and the stupid list goes on and on ! things like that are whats holding your community back ! put down the joint and pick up a book [not some stupid militant babble] but a science or math book ! and instead of buying those 2000$ rims save your money !

You really need stop embarrassing yourself with these displays of ignorance. And when you find a black person who blames whites for a light bill, let me know.
So, I am new to the forums and have been reading through most of the race/racism threads. I keep seeing both sides pointing out how racist the other is.

My question for the black people on the board is this. What would you like whites to do that would satisfy you?
Is just acknowledging the fact that racism specifically systemic racism is a real thing enough?

Most of the race discussions I have read so far on here have a couple of people claiming race superiority etc. and pointing out racial injustices/ telling white people to be ashamed of things that happened hundreds of years ago.

What do you want white people to do? What would help end this issue? None of you offer any solutions you just like to trash white people. It makes me wonder if you are really trying to solve the issues our country has or just like having a reason/excuse to complain.
You mentioned you were new to the board. In your ignorance you claim there have been no solutions offered when that has occurred countless times. Obviously you havent read very well.

In order to have a discussion about racism you actually have to admit the existence racism and its effects on Black people. The vast majority of whites here lack the emotional intelligence to do even that. So an admission would be a start. Next when whites ask a question they should listen instead of denying or assuming they have the answer. Lastly you should understand that pointing out instances of racism is a valid reason to post. If you cant do those things then you wont find and end.
Ace, at the end of the day, most black people, myself among them, would just like to be left alone...but we don't have that luxury. Cops are called when we're sitting in a Starbucks, cops are called when we're in neighborhoods that house mostly white folk, we're profiled in stores, we're discriminated against in employment, in housing, in every area you can think of, if whites feel threatened or disadvantaged. We're targeted at the voting polls, disenfranchised and harassed..the list of what whitey can do can be endless and yet......the mirror never seems to reflect their faces, only ours.
You are so full of it. My God you whiners are a pain in the ass.

Whites like you have whined since 1776.
Nope. I don’t whine. You on the other hand whine continuously.

I don't whine. I post truth. Truth you can't deal with.
So, I am new to the forums and have been reading through most of the race/racism threads. I keep seeing both sides pointing out how racist the other is.

My question for the black people on the board is this. What would you like whites to do that would satisfy you?
Is just acknowledging the fact that racism specifically systemic racism is a real thing enough?

Most of the race discussions I have read so far on here have a couple of people claiming race superiority etc. and pointing out racial injustices/ telling white people to be ashamed of things that happened hundreds of years ago.

What do you want white people to do? What would help end this issue? None of you offer any solutions you just like to trash white people. It makes me wonder if you are really trying to solve the issues our country has or just like having a reason/excuse to complain.

Here's what white (&black) people should do:

End Affirmative Action and hate crime laws.

Without those 2 things making distinctions, everyone is equal then.

An American is an American is an American. Everyone's equal under the law and hired/fired on the base of merit.

Stop lying to yourself.
So, I am new to the forums and have been reading through most of the race/racism threads. I keep seeing both sides pointing out how racist the other is.

My question for the black people on the board is this. What would you like whites to do that would satisfy you?
Is just acknowledging the fact that racism specifically systemic racism is a real thing enough?

Most of the race discussions I have read so far on here have a couple of people claiming race superiority etc. and pointing out racial injustices/ telling white people to be ashamed of things that happened hundreds of years ago.

What do you want white people to do? What would help end this issue? None of you offer any solutions you just like to trash white people. It makes me wonder if you are really trying to solve the issues our country has or just like having a reason/excuse to complain.
You mentioned you were new to the board. In your ignorance you claim there have been no solutions offered when that has occurred countless times. Obviously you havent read very well.

In order to have a discussion about racism you actually have to admit the existence racism and its effects on Black people. The vast majority of whites here lack the emotional intelligence to do even that. So an admission would be a start. Next when whites ask a question they should listen instead of denying or assuming they have the answer. Lastly you should understand that pointing out instances of racism is a valid reason to post. If you cant do those things then you wont find and end.
Ace, at the end of the day, most black people, myself among them, would just like to be left alone...but we don't have that luxury. Cops are called when we're sitting in a Starbucks, cops are called when we're in neighborhoods that house mostly white folk, we're profiled in stores, we're discriminated against in employment, in housing, in every area you can think of, if whites feel threatened or disadvantaged. We're targeted at the voting polls, disenfranchised and harassed..the list of what whitey can do can be endless and yet......the mirror never seems to reflect their faces, only ours.
You are so full of it. My God you whiners are a pain in the ass.
How the hell am I whining, idiot? I simply stated a fact.
You are stating your opinion.

She is speaking the truth. Turn black then talk. That's all you whites here at USMB do, spew racist opinion that has no fucking basis in fact whatsoever.
Last edited:
IM2 calls most white posters who disagree with him a racist, without cause. He makes up his own definition of the word. Asclepias says he lies to whites, so how can anyone trust him? These two certainly don't want races to get along, they are part of the division.
Definition of RACIST

  1. a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
  2. a doctrine or political program based on the assumption of racism and designed to execute its principles: a political or social system founded on racism
  3. racial prejudice or discrimination

Did brother IM2 use any definition NOT listed above?
lol read most of the posts that he called racist. I never felt superior to anyone, never portrayed myself as such. He constantly calls whites nasty names, which tends to make him look like he feels superior.
So, I am new to the forums and have been reading through most of the race/racism threads. I keep seeing both sides pointing out how racist the other is.

My question for the black people on the board is this. What would you like whites to do that would satisfy you?
Is just acknowledging the fact that racism specifically systemic racism is a real thing enough?

Most of the race discussions I have read so far on here have a couple of people claiming race superiority etc. and pointing out racial injustices/ telling white people to be ashamed of things that happened hundreds of years ago.

What do you want white people to do? What would help end this issue? None of you offer any solutions you just like to trash white people. It makes me wonder if you are really trying to solve the issues our country has or just like having a reason/excuse to complain.

Hundreds of years ago my ass. But the whites who bring up things that happened 100's of years ago, no comment about that? I see where this is going already.

We have pointed out the problems/solutions and they constantly get denied. Why do whites ask us what we want white people to do? Why can't whites ask themselves what do they need to do in order to end the racism in their community?. When you talk about offering solutions whites don't present any then act like we are the ones who have to provide all the solutions. Finally, you ignore all the whites trashing blacks o say what you did in your last sentence. The question for you is, do you really want to have this conversation?
if you want to place blame for you pathetic life on someone blame it on the ugly idiot in your bathroom mirror !

I've done better than you. However that doesn't mean I forget from whence I came. I means I don't deny white racism or what it continues to do. So if you want whites to stop being blamed for what whites have done, YOU look in the mirror and change what you see.
How do you know you have done better? “ I means”? Your mirror statement makes no sense. Take responsibility for what blacks do. No side is innocent

When whites have to harp on a typo, they ain't shit. Take responsibility for what whites do. Whites like you are the problem.
You mentioned you were new to the board. In your ignorance you claim there have been no solutions offered when that has occurred countless times. Obviously you havent read very well.

In order to have a discussion about racism you actually have to admit the existence racism and its effects on Black people. The vast majority of whites here lack the emotional intelligence to do even that. So an admission would be a start. Next when whites ask a question they should listen instead of denying or assuming they have the answer. Lastly you should understand that pointing out instances of racism is a valid reason to post. If you cant do those things then you wont find and end.
Ace, at the end of the day, most black people, myself among them, would just like to be left alone...but we don't have that luxury. Cops are called when we're sitting in a Starbucks, cops are called when we're in neighborhoods that house mostly white folk, we're profiled in stores, we're discriminated against in employment, in housing, in every area you can think of, if whites feel threatened or disadvantaged. We're targeted at the voting polls, disenfranchised and harassed..the list of what whitey can do can be endless and yet......the mirror never seems to reflect their faces, only ours.
You are so full of it. My God you whiners are a pain in the ass.
How the hell am I whining, idiot? I simply stated a fact.
You are stating your opinion.

She is speaking the truth. Turn black then talk. That's all you whts here at USMB do, spew racist opinion hat has no fucking basis in fact whatsoever.
so, everything whites say on here is racist? once again, look up the definition.
The black men I know don't run around blaming whitey for all their own shortcomings. That is because they are well adjusted, secure and successful at what they do. They do not need a crutch as they are adult men rather than children.

The blacks who are still children are too busy blaming whitey to be worth much of anything in this world.
Tell me more about all the black men you know...

Affirmative action is the process of a business or governmental agency in which it gives special rights of hiring or advancement to ethnic minorities to make up for past discrimination against that minority. Affirmative action has been the subject of debate, with opponents claiming that it produces reverse discrimination against Caucasians.
Affirmative Action Law and Legal Definition | USLegal, Inc.

you just can't make up this level of fucking stewpud.

did you morons forget that Sotomayor was asked why she pushed less qualified minorities into positions of authority for NY fire departments?

Uh, whites are not passed over for AA. What AA does is insure whites don't get ALL of the jobs. So would you like to talk about the 242 years up to this point today, where less qualified whites have been hired over minorities?

Or are you going to get the white mans amnesia?
Imagine if we had a quota system in basketball or football.
Blacks have over 90% of the jobs on NBA teams and over 70% on NFL teams.
I think it would be more fair if you spread it out so that you only held a job on a team according to the population averages.
Blacks make up only 13% of the total US population......so the level of blacks on teams should never go over that.
Hey if this was the case you'd never vote for Democrats because they're trying to flood the country with Hispanics and Muslims.
Soon blacks will only be 11% of the total population.

There is no quota system. Blacks do not have over 90 percent of the jobs in the NBA or 70 percent in the NFL. Unless the players coach, provide medical care for injuries, train, take care of the equipment, and run the management and operations of these franchises. Now what about hockey or baseball?

You are really dumb.
What about it?
I mentioned two sports.
Baseball is another, a majority are Hispanic.
Don't attack the messenger.
I'm simply repeating the facts.
You're saying that the facts are bullshit.
Tough shit.

You aren't repeating the facts, that's the problem.

Tough shit.
Yes I am.
Just take the time to look at NBA or NFL rosters.

Most of the Whites on NBA teams aren't Americans. The total Whites came to roughly 20%.

"...... fewer than 10% of NBA players were American-born whites (43 out of a possible 450).[22]"


Race and ethnicity in the NBA - Wikipedia
70 Percent Of NFL Players Are Black Men. Colin Kaepernick Should Be Praised, Not Condemned | HuffPost
I know a whole lot of black men/women who don't waste time talking to whites about race because they'll end up punching the white person in the mouth. And it's a funny thing about these punks at USMB is they blame us for everything but that's never a reflection of their shortcomings.
Uh, whites are not passed over for AA. What AA does is insure whites don't get ALL of the jobs. So would you like to talk about the 242 years up to this point today, where less qualified whites have been hired over minorities?

Or are you going to get the white mans amnesia?
Imagine if we had a quota system in basketball or football.
Blacks have over 90% of the jobs on NBA teams and over 70% on NFL teams.
I think it would be more fair if you spread it out so that you only held a job on a team according to the population averages.
Blacks make up only 13% of the total US population......so the level of blacks on teams should never go over that.
Hey if this was the case you'd never vote for Democrats because they're trying to flood the country with Hispanics and Muslims.
Soon blacks will only be 11% of the total population.

There is no quota system. Blacks do not have over 90 percent of the jobs in the NBA or 70 percent in the NFL. Unless the players coach, provide medical care for injuries, train, take care of the equipment, and run the management and operations of these franchises. Now what about hockey or baseball?

You are really dumb.
What about it?
I mentioned two sports.
Baseball is another, a majority are Hispanic.
Don't attack the messenger.
I'm simply repeating the facts.
You're saying that the facts are bullshit.
Tough shit.

You aren't repeating the facts, that's the problem.

Tough shit.
Yes I am.
Just take the time to look at NBA or NFL rosters.

Most of the Whites on NBA teams aren't Americans. The total Whites came to roughly 20%.

"...... fewer than 10% of NBA players were American-born whites (43 out of a possible 450).[22]"


Race and ethnicity in the NBA - Wikipedia
70 Percent Of NFL Players Are Black Men. Colin Kaepernick Should Be Praised, Not Condemned | HuffPost
Thats what happens when you level the playing field. White americans wilt and get intimidated. European whites are a little stronger but still have not completely shed their fear of competing with people they secretly feel are superior.
Uh, whites are not passed over for AA. What AA does is insure whites don't get ALL of the jobs. So would you like to talk about the 242 years up to this point today, where less qualified whites have been hired over minorities?

Or are you going to get the white mans amnesia?
Imagine if we had a quota system in basketball or football.
Blacks have over 90% of the jobs on NBA teams and over 70% on NFL teams.
I think it would be more fair if you spread it out so that you only held a job on a team according to the population averages.
Blacks make up only 13% of the total US population......so the level of blacks on teams should never go over that.
Hey if this was the case you'd never vote for Democrats because they're trying to flood the country with Hispanics and Muslims.
Soon blacks will only be 11% of the total population.

There is no quota system. Blacks do not have over 90 percent of the jobs in the NBA or 70 percent in the NFL. Unless the players coach, provide medical care for injuries, train, take care of the equipment, and run the management and operations of these franchises. Now what about hockey or baseball?

You are really dumb.
What about it?
I mentioned two sports.
Baseball is another, a majority are Hispanic.
Don't attack the messenger.
I'm simply repeating the facts.
You're saying that the facts are bullshit.
Tough shit.

You aren't repeating the facts, that's the problem.

Tough shit.
Yes I am.
Just take the time to look at NBA or NFL rosters.

Most of the Whites on NBA teams aren't Americans. The total Whites came to roughly 20%.

"...... fewer than 10% of NBA players were American-born whites (43 out of a possible 450).[22]"


Race and ethnicity in the NBA - Wikipedia
70 Percent Of NFL Players Are Black Men. Colin Kaepernick Should Be Praised, Not Condemned | HuffPost

Again, you are not stating the facts. The players are employees of a corporation. However there are other employees of the corporation and when you count them blacks are not the majority. You only mention 2 sports, then you don't take into account that players are hired based on actually performing the job.Your posts are full of shit. Another fine piece of whining while white.
Imagine if we had a quota system in basketball or football.
Blacks have over 90% of the jobs on NBA teams and over 70% on NFL teams.
I think it would be more fair if you spread it out so that you only held a job on a team according to the population averages.
Blacks make up only 13% of the total US population......so the level of blacks on teams should never go over that.
Hey if this was the case you'd never vote for Democrats because they're trying to flood the country with Hispanics and Muslims.
Soon blacks will only be 11% of the total population.

There is no quota system. Blacks do not have over 90 percent of the jobs in the NBA or 70 percent in the NFL. Unless the players coach, provide medical care for injuries, train, take care of the equipment, and run the management and operations of these franchises. Now what about hockey or baseball?

You are really dumb.
What about it?
I mentioned two sports.
Baseball is another, a majority are Hispanic.
Don't attack the messenger.
I'm simply repeating the facts.
You're saying that the facts are bullshit.
Tough shit.

You aren't repeating the facts, that's the problem.

Tough shit.
Yes I am.
Just take the time to look at NBA or NFL rosters.

Most of the Whites on NBA teams aren't Americans. The total Whites came to roughly 20%.

"...... fewer than 10% of NBA players were American-born whites (43 out of a possible 450).[22]"


Race and ethnicity in the NBA - Wikipedia
70 Percent Of NFL Players Are Black Men. Colin Kaepernick Should Be Praised, Not Condemned | HuffPost

Again, you are not stating the facts. The players are employees of a corporation. However there are other employees of the corporation and when you count them blacks are not the majority. You only mention 2 sports, then you don't take into account that players are hired based on actually performing the job.Your posts are full of shit. Another fine piece of whining while white.
They don't keep those statistics....only the players, coaches, and owners.

You figure you can avoid the truth by lumping in the temp employees selling Nachos.
Wrong answer.
Thanks for playing.
Most of the race discussions I have read so far on here have a couple of people claiming race superiority etc. and pointing out racial injustices/ telling white people to be ashamed of things that happened hundreds of years ago.

Hello, bb30. Sadly, most, if not all the "black people" on the USM decline or refuse to address the REAL issue of "BLACK AMERICAN HATE".
Is Racism, the concept of 'White Supremacy', Mental Illness or some other factor(s) responsible for "PRO BLACK" minded American citizens LOUDLY, HATEFULLY & ILLOGICALLY denigrating as "C**NS, SELL-OUTS, and UNCLE TOMS" our peaceful, accomplished, successful black or American friends, neighbors & co-workers of African descent?

Respectfully, I'd like to invite my caring, RESPONSIBLE, reasonably well-adjusted American and foreign born neighbors to witness these apparent caring fellow citizens share their thoughts and concerns...

...AND then consider WHO are the black or American citizens of African descent LOUDLY declaring Racism or the concept of 'white supremacy' is impeding black American citizens of African descent from achieving equality and success?

YouTube Search Terms: 'Exposing 'PRO BLACK' Modus Operandi, Logic, Fvvkery, Savagery, White Supremacy' ~Mrs. Princella Clark-Carr

YouTube Search Terms: Dysfunctional 'PRO BLACK American' Logic Succinctly Explained By Social Commentator Mr. David Carroll


I know a whole lot of black men/women who don't waste time talking to whites about race because they'll end up punching the white person in the mouth. And it's a funny thing about these punks at USMB is they blame us for everything but that's never a reflection of their shortcomings.
so, you admit that resorting to violence is the norm?

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