What would you like whites to do?

ever go look at blacks forums?
one of the comments on one was:
''we going to FKn run this country one of these days''
hate hate hate
Let's examine those countries where blacks took over from whites to "ruin" the country, why don't we? Kinda like socialism, wherever it's tried, it fails.
If you can show us any Black countries that have been under total self rule, own all of their resources, no white interference/influence, and have done so for at least a century I will take you up on the challenge.
Moving the goal posts won't change the fact that most African countries where blacks assumed the role of government from white colonials are shitholes.
ever go look at blacks forums?
one of the comments on one was:
''we going to FKn run this country one of these days''
hate hate hate
Let's examine those countries where blacks took over from whites to "ruin" the country, why don't we? Kinda like socialism, wherever it's tried, it fails.
If you can show us any Black countries that have been under total self rule, own all of their resources, no white interference/influence, and have done so for at least a century I will take you up on the challenge.
Moving the goal posts won't change the fact that most African countries where blacks assumed the role of government from white colonials are shitholes.
Pretending whites havent fucked up large swaths of Africa by stealing ownership of their money making resources, financing wars, and supporting dictators is something only a fool like you would try to do.
ever go look at blacks forums?
one of the comments on one was:
''we going to FKn run this country one of these days''
hate hate hate
Let's examine those countries where blacks took over from whites to "ruin" the country, why don't we? Kinda like socialism, wherever it's tried, it fails.
If you can show us any Black countries that have been under total self rule, own all of their resources, no white interference/influence, and have done so for at least a century I will take you up on the challenge.
Moving the goal posts won't change the fact that most African countries where blacks assumed the role of government from white colonials are shitholes.
Pretending whites havent fucked up large swaths of Africa by stealing ownership of their money making resources, financing wars, and supporting dictators is something only a fool like you would try to do.
Yeah, yeah...I've tried having grown up conversations with you before. You're a racist hack, nothing more. You want anyone "white" to pay for you, and anyone "black", to have the lifestyle to which you would become accustomed to. You don't want to work for what you have, you want others to do that work for you. So, in reality, you would enslave others to provide your comfort. Hypocrite much?
ever go look at blacks forums?
one of the comments on one was:
''we going to FKn run this country one of these days''
hate hate hate
Let's examine those countries where blacks took over from whites to "ruin" the country, why don't we? Kinda like socialism, wherever it's tried, it fails.
If you can show us any Black countries that have been under total self rule, own all of their resources, no white interference/influence, and have done so for at least a century I will take you up on the challenge.
Moving the goal posts won't change the fact that most African countries where blacks assumed the role of government from white colonials are shitholes.
Pretending whites havent fucked up large swaths of Africa by stealing ownership of their money making resources, financing wars, and supporting dictators is something only a fool like you would try to do.
Yeah, yeah...I've tried having grown up conversations with you before. You're a racist hack, nothing more. You want anyone "white" to pay for you, and anyone "black", to have the lifestyle to which you would become accustomed to. You don't want to work for what you have, you want others to do that work for you. So, in reality, you would enslave others to provide your comfort. Hypocrite much?
Youre unable to have a grown up conversation with me because you have the mind of a petulant child. Youre a white racist troll, nothing more. You want to pretend whites didnt install a system of racism because it hurts your heart to know your founding fathers and subsequent white leadership doubted your ability to make it on your own. Why else would they impose all types of restrictions on other races?
Let's examine those countries where blacks took over from whites to "ruin" the country, why don't we? Kinda like socialism, wherever it's tried, it fails.
If you can show us any Black countries that have been under total self rule, own all of their resources, no white interference/influence, and have done so for at least a century I will take you up on the challenge.
Moving the goal posts won't change the fact that most African countries where blacks assumed the role of government from white colonials are shitholes.
Pretending whites havent fucked up large swaths of Africa by stealing ownership of their money making resources, financing wars, and supporting dictators is something only a fool like you would try to do.
Yeah, yeah...I've tried having grown up conversations with you before. You're a racist hack, nothing more. You want anyone "white" to pay for you, and anyone "black", to have the lifestyle to which you would become accustomed to. You don't want to work for what you have, you want others to do that work for you. So, in reality, you would enslave others to provide your comfort. Hypocrite much?
Youre unable to have a grown up conversation with me because you have the mind of a petulant child. Youre a white racist troll, nothing more. You want to pretend whites didnt install a system of racism because it hurts your heart to know your founding fathers and subsequent white leadership doubted your ability to make it on your own. Why else would they impose all types of restrictions on other races?
First, you assume I am "white". Good luck with that, niggah. My predecessors came here specifically because the founding fathers of this country structured things so that ALL men had equal opportunities. Blacks here were given the short end of the stick because they were assumed to be less than equal to one (white) man. But you forget that only wealthy landowners were engaged in running the country at the time. Even "lesser" white men had no vote in how things evolved politically. But wait, you are to stupid, ignorant, or just plain racist to acknowledge that things have changed significantly since that time. You and yours have had the same opportunities as all the rest of us for many, many years. I guess it's just easier to blame your failure, and the failure of fellow blacks, on "whites". Nice how that works. I guess we "whites" should pay you "blacks" because you all have allowed yourselves to be brainwashed into believing you such poor, pitiable victims. Wah-wah-wah....gimmee-gimmee-gimmee...
You are such a stereotypical joke.
If you can show us any Black countries that have been under total self rule, own all of their resources, no white interference/influence, and have done so for at least a century I will take you up on the challenge.
Moving the goal posts won't change the fact that most African countries where blacks assumed the role of government from white colonials are shitholes.
Pretending whites havent fucked up large swaths of Africa by stealing ownership of their money making resources, financing wars, and supporting dictators is something only a fool like you would try to do.
Yeah, yeah...I've tried having grown up conversations with you before. You're a racist hack, nothing more. You want anyone "white" to pay for you, and anyone "black", to have the lifestyle to which you would become accustomed to. You don't want to work for what you have, you want others to do that work for you. So, in reality, you would enslave others to provide your comfort. Hypocrite much?
Youre unable to have a grown up conversation with me because you have the mind of a petulant child. Youre a white racist troll, nothing more. You want to pretend whites didnt install a system of racism because it hurts your heart to know your founding fathers and subsequent white leadership doubted your ability to make it on your own. Why else would they impose all types of restrictions on other races?
First, you assume I am "white". Good luck with that, niggah. My predecessors came here specifically because the founding fathers of this country structured things so that ALL men had equal opportunities. Blacks here were given the short end of the stick because they were assumed to be less than equal to one (white) man. But you forget that only wealthy landowners were engaged in running the country at the time. Even "lesser" white men had no vote in how things evolved politically. But wait, you are to stupid, ignorant, or just plain racist to acknowledge that things have changed significantly since that time. You and yours have had the same opportunities as all the rest of us for many, many years. I guess it's just easier to blame your failure, and the failure of fellow blacks, on "whites". Nice how that works. I guess we "whites" should pay you "blacks" because you all have allowed yourselves to be brainwashed into believing you such poor, pitiable victims. Wah-wah-wah....gimmee-gimmee-gimmee...
You are such a stereotypical joke.
If you arent genetically white you are white washed which is even worse. You sound like an idiot contradicting yourself when you say the founders structured things so that all men have equal opportunity then in the next breath you admit Blacks and others did get those opportunities even though the founders were still in power. Just WTF is wrong with your brain?
Moving the goal posts won't change the fact that most African countries where blacks assumed the role of government from white colonials are shitholes.
Pretending whites havent fucked up large swaths of Africa by stealing ownership of their money making resources, financing wars, and supporting dictators is something only a fool like you would try to do.
Yeah, yeah...I've tried having grown up conversations with you before. You're a racist hack, nothing more. You want anyone "white" to pay for you, and anyone "black", to have the lifestyle to which you would become accustomed to. You don't want to work for what you have, you want others to do that work for you. So, in reality, you would enslave others to provide your comfort. Hypocrite much?
Youre unable to have a grown up conversation with me because you have the mind of a petulant child. Youre a white racist troll, nothing more. You want to pretend whites didnt install a system of racism because it hurts your heart to know your founding fathers and subsequent white leadership doubted your ability to make it on your own. Why else would they impose all types of restrictions on other races?
First, you assume I am "white". Good luck with that, niggah. My predecessors came here specifically because the founding fathers of this country structured things so that ALL men had equal opportunities. Blacks here were given the short end of the stick because they were assumed to be less than equal to one (white) man. But you forget that only wealthy landowners were engaged in running the country at the time. Even "lesser" white men had no vote in how things evolved politically. But wait, you are to stupid, ignorant, or just plain racist to acknowledge that things have changed significantly since that time. You and yours have had the same opportunities as all the rest of us for many, many years. I guess it's just easier to blame your failure, and the failure of fellow blacks, on "whites". Nice how that works. I guess we "whites" should pay you "blacks" because you all have allowed yourselves to be brainwashed into believing you such poor, pitiable victims. Wah-wah-wah....gimmee-gimmee-gimmee...
You are such a stereotypical joke.
If you arent genetically white you are white washed which is even worse. You sound like an idiot contradicting yourself when you say the founders structured things so that all men have equal opportunity then in the next breath you admit Blacks and others did get those opportunities even though the founders were still in power. Just WTF is wrong with your brain?
WTF is wrong with my brain? Could be that tiny little droplet of black blood?
Of course, you are 100% black African, no cracker in the woodpile in your family, yeah? You are actually pretty hilarious.
So, I am new to the forums and have been reading through most of the race/racism threads. I keep seeing both sides pointing out how racist the other is.

My question for the black people on the board is this. What would you like whites to do that would satisfy you?
Is just acknowledging the fact that racism specifically systemic racism is a real thing enough?

Most of the race discussions I have read so far on here have a couple of people claiming race superiority etc. and pointing out racial injustices/ telling white people to be ashamed of things that happened hundreds of years ago.

What do you want white people to do? What would help end this issue? None of you offer any solutions you just like to trash white people. It makes me wonder if you are really trying to solve the issues our country has or just like having a reason/excuse to complain.

Stop addressing black people as a "collective', as opposed to "individuals"

*The majority are NOT criminals
*The majority are NOT on welfare
*The majority have never rioted

The majority have families, responsibilities and lives...and, the majority honestly do not spend all of their time obsessing over what white people think or care about.
But when blacks riot, you feel good about it, don't you?
When you see blacks on welfare, you feel like they are sticking it to the white man, right?
And when you see blacks in jail, you think, what are all those innocent black people being locked up by whitey for?

Amirite or AMIRITE? :biggrin:
You make a very good case.

For how ignorant and abjectly stupid that some people can be.

Why would I "feel good" about people rioting? That accomplishes nothing.

Why would I think that black people are "sticking it to the white man" by being on welfare? Especially when the best revenge is to live well.

And like anyone else, of any race, some people get locked up who deserve it and some do not.

You can lie to us, but you can't lie to yourself. Carry on.

No reason to lie. I stated that you are ignorant and stupid....and you are.

Carry on. You don't know any better.
Awww, look, he's butthurt. I must have hit a nerve. :biggrin:
So, I am new to the forums and have been reading through most of the race/racism threads. I keep seeing both sides pointing out how racist the other is.

My question for the black people on the board is this. What would you like whites to do that would satisfy you?
Is just acknowledging the fact that racism specifically systemic racism is a real thing enough?

Most of the race discussions I have read so far on here have a couple of people claiming race superiority etc. and pointing out racial injustices/ telling white people to be ashamed of things that happened hundreds of years ago.

What do you want white people to do? What would help end this issue? None of you offer any solutions you just like to trash white people. It makes me wonder if you are really trying to solve the issues our country has or just like having a reason/excuse to complain.

Stop addressing black people as a "collective', as opposed to "individuals"

*The majority are NOT criminals
*The majority are NOT on welfare
*The majority have never rioted

The majority have families, responsibilities and lives...and, the majority honestly do not spend all of their time obsessing over what white people think or care about.
But when blacks riot, you feel good about it, don't you?
When you see blacks on welfare, you feel like they are sticking it to the white man, right?
And when you see blacks in jail, you think, what are all those innocent black people being locked up by whitey for?

Amirite or AMIRITE? :biggrin:
I'm thinking Katsteve is not as you have accused him of being.
So which one of you is the pitcher and which one is the catcher? :biggrin:

You do not have the right to silence those you disagree with. Many times I have seen you write about how you have suffered daily at the abuse of the White Society and demamd Whites to be silent while you dictate what should be done, and yet you refuse to see how you are part of the problem.

As you sit behind your screen and tell posters what they can and can not write you are no better than the racist bigot that you cry about daily!

You scream about four hundred years of mistreatment and yet you abuse people daily with your hatred and twisted way pf thinking.

Do you believe you have the right to tell someone to stop writing or speaking and if so who made you God or better yet when did you buy this Forum?

You whine about 400 hundred years while many still live in slavery today even here in the States, but if they are not Black you do not care and if they are white you will be in joy of it.

So no the poster does not have to silence themselves and please remember you are just like the racist bigot that would silence you just because of your skin color...
So we FINALLY get a rightwing poster to admit that they're feeling mentally abused by someone else's posts.

Stop addressing black people as a "collective', as opposed to "individuals"

*The majority are NOT criminals
*The majority are NOT on welfare
*The majority have never rioted

The majority have families, responsibilities and lives...and, the majority honestly do not spend all of their time obsessing over what white people think or care about.
But when blacks riot, you feel good about it, don't you?
When you see blacks on welfare, you feel like they are sticking it to the white man, right?
And when you see blacks in jail, you think, what are all those innocent black people being locked up by whitey for?

Amirite or AMIRITE? :biggrin:
You make a very good case.

For how ignorant and abjectly stupid that some people can be.

Why would I "feel good" about people rioting? That accomplishes nothing.

Why would I think that black people are "sticking it to the white man" by being on welfare? Especially when the best revenge is to live well.

And like anyone else, of any race, some people get locked up who deserve it and some do not.

You can lie to us, but you can't lie to yourself. Carry on.

No reason to lie. I stated that you are ignorant and stupid....and you are.

Carry on. You don't know any better.
Awww, look, he's butthurt. I must have hit a nerve. :biggrin:

Why would a small minded retard cause me to be "butthurt"?

You're an idiot.
The black men I know don't run around blaming whitey for all their own shortcomings. That is because they are well adjusted, secure and successful at what they do. They do not need a crutch as they are adult men rather than children.

The blacks who are still children are too busy blaming whitey to be worth much of anything in this world.
But when blacks riot, you feel good about it, don't you?
When you see blacks on welfare, you feel like they are sticking it to the white man, right?
And when you see blacks in jail, you think, what are all those innocent black people being locked up by whitey for?

Amirite or AMIRITE? :biggrin:
You make a very good case.

For how ignorant and abjectly stupid that some people can be.

Why would I "feel good" about people rioting? That accomplishes nothing.

Why would I think that black people are "sticking it to the white man" by being on welfare? Especially when the best revenge is to live well.

And like anyone else, of any race, some people get locked up who deserve it and some do not.

You can lie to us, but you can't lie to yourself. Carry on.

No reason to lie. I stated that you are ignorant and stupid....and you are.

Carry on. You don't know any better.
Awww, look, he's butthurt. I must have hit a nerve. :biggrin:

Why would a small minded retard cause me to be "butthurt"?

You're an idiot.
I make a point and your comeback is to insult me like a child. Sounds butthurt to me.
So, I am new to the forums and have been reading through most of the race/racism threads. I keep seeing both sides pointing out how racist the other is.

My question for the black people on the board is this. What would you like whites to do that would satisfy you?
Is just acknowledging the fact that racism specifically systemic racism is a real thing enough?

Most of the race discussions I have read so far on here have a couple of people claiming race superiority etc. and pointing out racial injustices/ telling white people to be ashamed of things that happened hundreds of years ago.

What do you want white people to do? What would help end this issue? None of you offer any solutions you just like to trash white people. It makes me wonder if you are really trying to solve the issues our country has or just like having a reason/excuse to complain.

Stop addressing black people as a "collective', as opposed to "individuals"

*The majority are NOT criminals
*The majority are NOT on welfare
*The majority have never rioted

The majority have families, responsibilities and lives...and, the majority honestly do not spend all of their time obsessing over what white people think or care about.
But when blacks riot, you feel good about it, don't you?
When you see blacks on welfare, you feel like they are sticking it to the white man, right?
And when you see blacks in jail, you think, what are all those innocent black people being locked up by whitey for?

Amirite or AMIRITE? :biggrin:
I'm thinking Katsteve is not as you have accused him of being.
So which one of you is the pitcher and which one is the catcher? :biggrin:
You make a very good case.

For how ignorant and abjectly stupid that some people can be.

Why would I "feel good" about people rioting? That accomplishes nothing.

Why would I think that black people are "sticking it to the white man" by being on welfare? Especially when the best revenge is to live well.

And like anyone else, of any race, some people get locked up who deserve it and some do not.

You can lie to us, but you can't lie to yourself. Carry on.

No reason to lie. I stated that you are ignorant and stupid....and you are.

Carry on. You don't know any better.
Awww, look, he's butthurt. I must have hit a nerve. :biggrin:

Why would a small minded retard cause me to be "butthurt"?

You're an idiot.
I make a point and your comeback is to insult me like a child. Sounds butthurt to me.

The "point" that you made was beneath the mentality of a child.

You deserved to be insulted for being a stupid asshole.

Fuck you.
Pretending whites havent fucked up large swaths of Africa by stealing ownership of their money making resources, financing wars, and supporting dictators is something only a fool like you would try to do.
Yeah, yeah...I've tried having grown up conversations with you before. You're a racist hack, nothing more. You want anyone "white" to pay for you, and anyone "black", to have the lifestyle to which you would become accustomed to. You don't want to work for what you have, you want others to do that work for you. So, in reality, you would enslave others to provide your comfort. Hypocrite much?
Youre unable to have a grown up conversation with me because you have the mind of a petulant child. Youre a white racist troll, nothing more. You want to pretend whites didnt install a system of racism because it hurts your heart to know your founding fathers and subsequent white leadership doubted your ability to make it on your own. Why else would they impose all types of restrictions on other races?
First, you assume I am "white". Good luck with that, niggah. My predecessors came here specifically because the founding fathers of this country structured things so that ALL men had equal opportunities. Blacks here were given the short end of the stick because they were assumed to be less than equal to one (white) man. But you forget that only wealthy landowners were engaged in running the country at the time. Even "lesser" white men had no vote in how things evolved politically. But wait, you are to stupid, ignorant, or just plain racist to acknowledge that things have changed significantly since that time. You and yours have had the same opportunities as all the rest of us for many, many years. I guess it's just easier to blame your failure, and the failure of fellow blacks, on "whites". Nice how that works. I guess we "whites" should pay you "blacks" because you all have allowed yourselves to be brainwashed into believing you such poor, pitiable victims. Wah-wah-wah....gimmee-gimmee-gimmee...
You are such a stereotypical joke.
If you arent genetically white you are white washed which is even worse. You sound like an idiot contradicting yourself when you say the founders structured things so that all men have equal opportunity then in the next breath you admit Blacks and others did get those opportunities even though the founders were still in power. Just WTF is wrong with your brain?
WTF is wrong with my brain? Could be that tiny little droplet of black blood?
Of course, you are 100% black African, no cracker in the woodpile in your family, yeah? You are actually pretty hilarious.
I like how you deflected and completely avoided addressing the point. So why did you contradict yourself?
First, I am not speaking as the microcosm of black thought. This is "one black mans opinion" and I am not speaking for all blacks or making any claims against "all whites" when I say "whites".

Secondly, I would like whites to acknowledge that every action creates a reaction. Then I would like whites to use that formula and calculate the reactions of over 300 years of legalized racial oppression (actions) upon black economics, culture, geography, psychology, sociology, politics, etc.

Thirdly, I would also like whites to understand what a binary option is. If blacks argue that the light is off, you rejecting that argument is by default a claim that the light is on. You cannot argue that you are not an "on-ist", when you reject every argument that states or implies that something is "off". Ergo, when talking about the black condition of socioeconomic inequality in America, the causation of that inequality is either internal to blacks or external to blacks. In other words, its the result of blacks being treated unequally or its the result of blacks being inherently unequal. To reject/discredit the former is a claim of the latter without having to make the claim.

Finally, I would like whites to understand what racism really is and use the official definition instead of creating their own definitions for the purpose of exonerating themselves or to indict other groups to normalize it as something EVERY group is guilty of in degree and kind. I find that whites make up sh!t when a definition works against them....they seek to redefine it to serve them.

So what I want from whites is the demonstration of integrity, the demonstration of intellectual honesty, the demonstration of intelligence, the demonstration of historical understanding, the demonstration of the present being the creation of the past, the demonstration of an open mind.....when it comes to issues of black and white. Hence, my solution is to first DO THOSE THINGS and then maybe you can help being part of the solution or come out in the open and accept that you are a racist and are THE PROBLEM.

So, I am new to the forums and have been reading through most of the race/racism threads. I keep seeing both sides pointing out how racist the other is.

My question for the black people on the board is this. What would you like whites to do that would satisfy you?
Is just acknowledging the fact that racism specifically systemic racism is a real thing enough?

Most of the race discussions I have read so far on here have a couple of people claiming race superiority etc. and pointing out racial injustices/ telling white people to be ashamed of things that happened hundreds of years ago.

What do you want white people to do? What would help end this issue? None of you offer any solutions you just like to trash white people. It makes me wonder if you are really trying to solve the issues our country has or just like having a reason/excuse to complain.

First, I am not speaking as the microcosm of black thought. This is "one black mans opinion" and I am not speaking for all blacks or making any claims against "all whites" when I say "whites".

Secondly, I would like whites to acknowledge that every action creates a reaction. Then I would like whites to use that formula and calculate the reactions of over 300 years of legalized racial oppression (actions) upon black economics, culture, geography, psychology, sociology, politics, etc.

Thirdly, I would also like whites to understand what a binary option is. If blacks argue that the light is off, you rejecting that argument is by default a claim that the light is on. You cannot argue that you are not an "on-ist", when you reject every argument that states or implies that something is "off". Ergo, when talking about the black condition of socioeconomic inequality in America, the causation of that inequality is either internal to blacks or external to blacks. In other words, its the result of blacks being treated unequally or its the result of blacks being inherently unequal. To reject/discredit the former is a claim of the latter without having to make the claim.

Finally, I would like whites to understand what racism really is and use the official definition instead of creating their own definitions for the purpose of exonerating themselves or to indict other groups to normalize it as something EVERY group is guilty of in degree and kind. I find that whites make up sh!t when a definition works against them....they seek to redefine it to serve them.

So what I want from whites is the demonstration of integrity, the demonstration of intellectual honesty, the demonstration of intelligence, the demonstration of historical understanding, the demonstration of the present being the creation of the past, the demonstration of an open mind.....when it comes to issues of black and white. Hence, my solution is to first DO THOSE THINGS and then maybe you can help being part of the solution or come out in the open and accept that you are a racist and are THE PROBLEM.
Keep preaching
So, I am new to the forums and have been reading through most of the race/racism threads. I keep seeing both sides pointing out how racist the other is.

My question for the black people on the board is this. What would you like whites to do that would satisfy you?
Is just acknowledging the fact that racism specifically systemic racism is a real thing enough?

Most of the race discussions I have read so far on here have a couple of people claiming race superiority etc. and pointing out racial injustices/ telling white people to be ashamed of things that happened hundreds of years ago.

What do you want white people to do? What would help end this issue? None of you offer any solutions you just like to trash white people. It makes me wonder if you are really trying to solve the issues our country has or just like having a reason/excuse to complain.

Stop addressing black people as a "collective', as opposed to "individuals"

*The majority are NOT criminals
*The majority are NOT on welfare
*The majority have never rioted

The majority have families, responsibilities and lives...and, the majority honestly do not spend all of their time obsessing over what white people think or care about.
But when blacks riot, you feel good about it, don't you?
When you see blacks on welfare, you feel like they are sticking it to the white man, right?
And when you see blacks in jail, you think, what are all those innocent black people being locked up by whitey for?

Amirite or AMIRITE? :biggrin:
I'm thinking Katsteve is not as you have accused him of being.
So which one of you is the pitcher and which one is the catcher? :biggrin:
You can lie to us, but you can't lie to yourself. Carry on.

No reason to lie. I stated that you are ignorant and stupid....and you are.

Carry on. You don't know any better.
Awww, look, he's butthurt. I must have hit a nerve. :biggrin:

Why would a small minded retard cause me to be "butthurt"?

You're an idiot.
I make a point and your comeback is to insult me like a child. Sounds butthurt to me.

The "point" that you made was beneath the mentality of a child.

You deserved to be insulted for being a stupid asshole.

Fuck you.
Now you're DOUBLE BUTTHURT!! :lmao:
if you want to place blame for you pathetic life on someone blame it on the ugly idiot in your bathroom mirror !
Hey palooka, where did he blame anyone for any part of his life?

I'm curious to know.
Here's what white (&black) people should do:

End Affirmative Action and hate crime laws.

Without those 2 things making distinctions, everyone is equal then.

An American is an American is an American. Everyone's equal under the law and hired/fired on the base of merit.
I'll be for ending Affirmative Action, after reparations are paid to DOS (descendants of [US] slaves) are paid.

A reckoning is long overdue.

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