What would your reaction be if Donald Trump was finally locked up for his crimes?

That's nice, Will, and I wasn't even out of High School at the time and I'm not sure what that's got to do with Mueller getting convictions of crimes in a court of law.

I'd deflect too if I were on the indefensible side.

I thought you were against people that lied on camera.

not a deflection, pointing out both sides do it, and both sides have short memories.

I'm no happier with Trumps lies than I was with Clintons lies.

Maybe, unlike Clinton, you'll be able to remove Trump from office.

But I doubt it will happen.

I'm not sure why it would provide you comfort to know that a guy lying on Video about a blow job close to 30 years ago should mean something in a discussion where folks from a Campaign are being convicted of Conspiracy to commit fraud against the united states........

folks lying on video and on twitter about meeting with Russians in their Hotel.......during the same year that all intelligence agencies testified before congress that Russia interfered in our election process...

These aren't blow jobs, and yes I dont appreciate that Clinton lied 30 years ago - but your moral hand wringing is a bit incoherent.

Why do you lie? The impeachment wasn't based on lying on a video. It was based on lying under oath. Your ignorance of the basic facts show why you are "confused".

I didn't lie, I didn't even bring up the impeachment I commented on a video.

Settle down accusing people of lying when Donald Trump is President of the United States, please. Lying on video about what we said 5 minutes ago on video is okay now because go team.

How about trump associates lying to the FBI?

Does that count as lying?
i would look to see what Trump's reaction is.

Trump's obsession with himself is cute in a repulsive sort of way!
That's nice, Will, and I wasn't even out of High School at the time and I'm not sure what that's got to do with Mueller getting convictions of crimes in a court of law.

I'd deflect too if I were on the indefensible side.

I thought you were against people that lied on camera.

not a deflection, pointing out both sides do it, and both sides have short memories.

I'm no happier with Trumps lies than I was with Clintons lies.

Maybe, unlike Clinton, you'll be able to remove Trump from office.

But I doubt it will happen.
I'm not sure why it would provide you comfort to know that a guy lying on Video about a blow job close to 30 years ago should mean something in a discussion where folks from a Campaign are being convicted of Conspiracy to commit fraud against the united states........

folks lying on video and on twitter about meeting with Russians in their Hotel.......during the same year that all intelligence agencies testified before congress that Russia interfered in our election process...

These aren't blow jobs, and yes I dont appreciate that Clinton lied 30 years ago - but your moral hand wringing is a bit incoherent.

Why do you lie? The impeachment wasn't based on lying on a video. It was based on lying under oath. Your ignorance of the basic facts show why you are "confused".
I didn't lie, I didn't even bring up the impeachment I commented on a video.

Settle down accusing people of lying when Donald Trump is President of the United States, please. Lying on video about what we said 5 minutes ago on video is okay now because go team.

You "misrepresented" the facts. That's a lie.

By his standards, if he did that under oath, he should go to jail.
It's clear that Mueller is going through the process -

Getting Judges to approve the trials...

Getting the Defense teams, appointed by the defendents themsleves.....to agree upon the Juries.....of their peers

The judges overseeing the trials and declaring them as a fair trial....

The Juries hearing out the details of all of the evidence..................

And getting hard convictions.

& on the flip side of that, you have Trump yelling "fake news folks"

And the side you believe is the one that has the 0.00001% rationality behind it.

This is what Politics does to the American brain.

The salem witch trials did the same. They had judges and prosecutors who convinced the jury.

That you point to form as "Evidence" of Justice, shows how delusional you are.

Look, conspiracy theories are fun and all - but we have video evidence as well, you know.....

Outside of the trials----

Videos, of the many documented lies.

When they lie to you on VIDEO about what they SAID on another VIDEO........

aND YOU STILL DON'T GET A CLUE - - but instead think it's a conspiracy of our Judges and Lawyers and Juries....

You need literal help with your cognitive abilities.

The accusation was collusion with Russia. Now you want to put people in jail for process crimes.

Witch hunt have certainly evolved since the 17th century, but your logic and intent would be completely understood by Cotton Mather.

The process crimes thing is something you can literally look up for yourself to see if you've been fed a line of bullshit, yannow.

When you're being investigated for a crime -

And you lie when being questioned.....

That's not a "process crime," it's an implication of your own guilt.

Or it could mean that you failed to remember something. Or it could mean that you did not consider an action in the same view as the questioner.

We've seen people jailed of misremembering the ORDER of certain events. Seriously? Doing jail time for misremembering the order of events years after the fact and you consider that JUSTICE?

dude - whatever way you need to rationalize these guys going to prison through a fair-trial process - - - - have at it, but it's seriously loony conspiracy kook bullshit made mainstream by a guy who's a professional liar all of his life.

I'm from NY - we have known Trump's a fraud for a lot of years and it's actually pretty shocking that he convinces anyone of anything - I mean he's so fulla shit he even doesnt believe himself it's funny as fuck.
That's nice, Will, and I wasn't even out of High School at the time and I'm not sure what that's got to do with Mueller getting convictions of crimes in a court of law.

I'd deflect too if I were on the indefensible side.

I thought you were against people that lied on camera.

not a deflection, pointing out both sides do it, and both sides have short memories.

I'm no happier with Trumps lies than I was with Clintons lies.

Maybe, unlike Clinton, you'll be able to remove Trump from office.

But I doubt it will happen.
I'm not sure why it would provide you comfort to know that a guy lying on Video about a blow job close to 30 years ago should mean something in a discussion where folks from a Campaign are being convicted of Conspiracy to commit fraud against the united states........

folks lying on video and on twitter about meeting with Russians in their Hotel.......during the same year that all intelligence agencies testified before congress that Russia interfered in our election process...

These aren't blow jobs, and yes I dont appreciate that Clinton lied 30 years ago - but your moral hand wringing is a bit incoherent.

Why do you lie? The impeachment wasn't based on lying on a video. It was based on lying under oath. Your ignorance of the basic facts show why you are "confused".
I didn't lie, I didn't even bring up the impeachment I commented on a video.

Settle down accusing people of lying when Donald Trump is President of the United States, please. Lying on video about what we said 5 minutes ago on video is okay now because go team.

You "misrepresented" the facts. That's a lie.
Um, I didnt bring up Clinton, someone else did.

This was 30 years ago. If you want to go into its facts, go for it. I'll be over here in 2019 where the POTUS told you that he'd never met Putin and 5 minutes later I found him on video describing how intimately involved he'd been with Putin.
I would weep because pence would become president.
Scary shit browskies. Scary shit.
I thought you were against people that lied on camera.

not a deflection, pointing out both sides do it, and both sides have short memories.

I'm no happier with Trumps lies than I was with Clintons lies.

Maybe, unlike Clinton, you'll be able to remove Trump from office.

But I doubt it will happen.
I'm not sure why it would provide you comfort to know that a guy lying on Video about a blow job close to 30 years ago should mean something in a discussion where folks from a Campaign are being convicted of Conspiracy to commit fraud against the united states........

folks lying on video and on twitter about meeting with Russians in their Hotel.......during the same year that all intelligence agencies testified before congress that Russia interfered in our election process...

These aren't blow jobs, and yes I dont appreciate that Clinton lied 30 years ago - but your moral hand wringing is a bit incoherent.

Why do you lie? The impeachment wasn't based on lying on a video. It was based on lying under oath. Your ignorance of the basic facts show why you are "confused".
I didn't lie, I didn't even bring up the impeachment I commented on a video.

Settle down accusing people of lying when Donald Trump is President of the United States, please. Lying on video about what we said 5 minutes ago on video is okay now because go team.

You "misrepresented" the facts. That's a lie.
Um, I didnt bring up Clinton, someone else did.

This was 30 years ago. If you want to go into its facts, go for it. I'll be over here in 2019 where the POTUS told you that he'd never met Putin and 5 minutes later I found him on video describing how intimately involved he'd been with Putin.

So, before he ran for President, Trump mischaracterized his relationship with Putin? Oh, the humanity.
The salem witch trials did the same. They had judges and prosecutors who convinced the jury.

That you point to form as "Evidence" of Justice, shows how delusional you are.

Look, conspiracy theories are fun and all - but we have video evidence as well, you know.....

Outside of the trials----

Videos, of the many documented lies.

When they lie to you on VIDEO about what they SAID on another VIDEO........

aND YOU STILL DON'T GET A CLUE - - but instead think it's a conspiracy of our Judges and Lawyers and Juries....

You need literal help with your cognitive abilities.

The accusation was collusion with Russia. Now you want to put people in jail for process crimes.

Witch hunt have certainly evolved since the 17th century, but your logic and intent would be completely understood by Cotton Mather.

The process crimes thing is something you can literally look up for yourself to see if you've been fed a line of bullshit, yannow.

When you're being investigated for a crime -

And you lie when being questioned.....

That's not a "process crime," it's an implication of your own guilt.

Or it could mean that you failed to remember something. Or it could mean that you did not consider an action in the same view as the questioner.

We've seen people jailed of misremembering the ORDER of certain events. Seriously? Doing jail time for misremembering the order of events years after the fact and you consider that JUSTICE?

dude - whatever way you need to rationalize these guys going to prison through a fair-trial process - - - - have at it, but it's seriously loony conspiracy kook bullshit made mainstream by a guy who's a professional liar all of his life.

I'm from NY - we have known Trump's a fraud for a lot of years and it's actually pretty shocking that he convinces anyone of anything - I mean he's so fulla shit he even doesnt believe himself it's funny as fuck.

The idea that a Grand Jury or similar special counsel investigation could turn into an abusive witch hunt is not something Trump invented.

Hell, I remember a fine Rockford File episode on it from the 70s.

Indeed, Jim gets arrested for perjury because he spoke to a man, who was using a different name. So when he was asked if he ever spoke to the man, named with his real name, he said no. Because to his knowledge, he had not.

And was promptly arrested.

I recommend it. You should watch it. Very entertaining and educational. For you.
I'm not sure why it would provide you comfort to know that a guy lying on Video about a blow job close to 30 years ago should mean something in a discussion where folks from a Campaign are being convicted of Conspiracy to commit fraud against the united states........

folks lying on video and on twitter about meeting with Russians in their Hotel.......during the same year that all intelligence agencies testified before congress that Russia interfered in our election process...

These aren't blow jobs, and yes I dont appreciate that Clinton lied 30 years ago - but your moral hand wringing is a bit incoherent.

Why do you lie? The impeachment wasn't based on lying on a video. It was based on lying under oath. Your ignorance of the basic facts show why you are "confused".
I didn't lie, I didn't even bring up the impeachment I commented on a video.

Settle down accusing people of lying when Donald Trump is President of the United States, please. Lying on video about what we said 5 minutes ago on video is okay now because go team.

You "misrepresented" the facts. That's a lie.
Um, I didnt bring up Clinton, someone else did.

This was 30 years ago. If you want to go into its facts, go for it. I'll be over here in 2019 where the POTUS told you that he'd never met Putin and 5 minutes later I found him on video describing how intimately involved he'd been with Putin.

So, before he ran for President, Trump mischaracterized his relationship with Putin? Oh, the humanity.
Uh, do you know why he lied about it when he was RUNNING for President?

Can you imagine the dissonance your hero worship is employing inside of you right now?

They never had a meeting in Trump tower, either.
Then, it wasn't about the campaign.
Then, there weren't any Russians.
Then, there were Russians but it was innocuous. As inoccuous as all of our directly lying about it might entail.

And you can verify this string of lies on video, coming from the same persons.........

And then say "fake news" because of that dissonant hero worship I was referring to.

THAT should scare you, about YOURSELF.
Look, conspiracy theories are fun and all - but we have video evidence as well, you know.....

Outside of the trials----

Videos, of the many documented lies.

When they lie to you on VIDEO about what they SAID on another VIDEO........

aND YOU STILL DON'T GET A CLUE - - but instead think it's a conspiracy of our Judges and Lawyers and Juries....

You need literal help with your cognitive abilities.

The accusation was collusion with Russia. Now you want to put people in jail for process crimes.

Witch hunt have certainly evolved since the 17th century, but your logic and intent would be completely understood by Cotton Mather.

The process crimes thing is something you can literally look up for yourself to see if you've been fed a line of bullshit, yannow.

When you're being investigated for a crime -

And you lie when being questioned.....

That's not a "process crime," it's an implication of your own guilt.

Or it could mean that you failed to remember something. Or it could mean that you did not consider an action in the same view as the questioner.

We've seen people jailed of misremembering the ORDER of certain events. Seriously? Doing jail time for misremembering the order of events years after the fact and you consider that JUSTICE?

dude - whatever way you need to rationalize these guys going to prison through a fair-trial process - - - - have at it, but it's seriously loony conspiracy kook bullshit made mainstream by a guy who's a professional liar all of his life.

I'm from NY - we have known Trump's a fraud for a lot of years and it's actually pretty shocking that he convinces anyone of anything - I mean he's so fulla shit he even doesnt believe himself it's funny as fuck.

The idea that a Grand Jury or similar special counsel investigation could turn into an abusive witch hunt is not something Trump invented.

Hell, I remember a fine Rockford File episode on it from the 70s.

Indeed, Jim gets arrested for perjury because he spoke to a man, who was using a different name. So when he was asked if he ever spoke to the man, named with his real name, he said no. Because to his knowledge, he had not.

And was promptly arrested.

I recommend it. You should watch it. Very entertaining and educational. For you.

umm, lying under oath, which is a crime, isn't the only Crime they've been indicted for.

You did know that, right?

C'monnnnnnnnnnnnnn...say you knew!!!

And the grand jury only decides whether or not to INDICT.

They dont dictate the entire fucking TRIAL.
Why do you lie? The impeachment wasn't based on lying on a video. It was based on lying under oath. Your ignorance of the basic facts show why you are "confused".
I didn't lie, I didn't even bring up the impeachment I commented on a video.

Settle down accusing people of lying when Donald Trump is President of the United States, please. Lying on video about what we said 5 minutes ago on video is okay now because go team.

You "misrepresented" the facts. That's a lie.
Um, I didnt bring up Clinton, someone else did.

This was 30 years ago. If you want to go into its facts, go for it. I'll be over here in 2019 where the POTUS told you that he'd never met Putin and 5 minutes later I found him on video describing how intimately involved he'd been with Putin.

So, before he ran for President, Trump mischaracterized his relationship with Putin? Oh, the humanity.
Uh, do you know why he lied about it when he was RUNNING for President?

Can you imagine the dissonance your hero worship is employing inside of you right now?

They never had a meeting in Trump tower, either.
Then, it wasn't about the campaign.
Then, there weren't any Russians.
Then, there were Russians but it was innocuous. As inoccuous as all of our directly lying about it might entail.

And you can verify this string of lies on video, coming from the same persons.........

And then say "fake news" because of that dissonant hero worship I was referring to.

THAT should scare you, about YOURSELF.

He was running for President in 2013?

I don't have "hero worship". I didn't vote for him, as has been well established.

Who is "THEY"? Do you think Putin went to a meeting in Trump Tower?
I would consider it a soft coup, and react accordingly.

How does a legal investigation of a President constitute a coup?

Is he above the law?

First, you'd have to prove that it was a legitimate investigation. Mueller seems to have abandoned the core allegations of Russian Collusion.
Russian Collusion with the Campaign is only PART of the investigation - you knew that, right?

The ongoing Special Counsel investigation (also referred to as the Mueller Probe)[1] is a United States law enforcement and counterintelligence investigation of the Russian government's efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election.

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