What you going to do, Obumbler?~China Snatches Navy Drone~U.S. Officials Send Strongly Worded Letter

Pacific Missile Test Center
Soviets used to stand off the coast of CA (over 12 miles) and pick up our drones from PMTC and hand them back to us in boxes. And this was during the Reagan years.
Got some links to that FAKE NEWS?

How much you want to bet before I dig it up? $1000? $5000?
Why would I bet you anything, you made a claim, and as your silly ass does, I asked you to prove it....If you can, post it up, as I haven't seen it!
It will take a bit of work to go thru to the 80s archives.....I want to be paid for the effort.....so....it's up to 5K now.....soon to be 6K......

(I bet you don't even know what PMTC is)
Remember when China intercepted our spy plane at Hainan Island when Deep Stater Dubya was POTUS
What is the response you would like to see?
Last night on the Rachel Madcow show she told her audience of thirty that the reason China stole the drone is because of Donald Trump.
She did however mention that the sitting President Obama responded to the act of war from the fourteenth tee with an invitation to the Chinese delegation, living in DC to a delicious Dim Sum lunch.
Putin was CORRECT AGAIN, this COWARD in CHIEF hasn't the BALLS to stand up for what OTHER COUNTRIES do to America...he's PATHETIC!!!! Where is President Trump when we need him???? Think Trump would send a letter or TAKE FUCKING ACTION, like perhaps take over a Chinese Island that they just built in OPEN WATER?

(Via The Daily Mail) A Chinese warship has captured an underwater US Navy drone right in front of the eyes of the crew of an American ship in the South China sea, prompting a government official to say, ‘they stole it’.

(Excerpt) Read more at theconservativetreehouse.com ...

Happens all the time.....
Yeah I hear it everyday on the news.
Putin was CORRECT AGAIN, this COWARD in CHIEF hasn't the BALLS to stand up for what OTHER COUNTRIES do to America...he's PATHETIC!!!! Where is President Trump when we need him???? Think Trump would send a letter or TAKE FUCKING ACTION, like perhaps take over a Chinese Island that they just built in OPEN WATER?

(Via The Daily Mail) A Chinese warship has captured an underwater US Navy drone right in front of the eyes of the crew of an American ship in the South China sea, prompting a government official to say, ‘they stole it’.

(Excerpt) Read more at theconservativetreehouse.com ...

Happens all the time.....
Yeah I hear it everyday on the news.
You think drones in International waters are sacrosanct?
Pacific Missile Test Center
Soviets used to stand off the coast of CA (over 12 miles) and pick up our drones from PMTC and hand them back to us in boxes. And this was during the Reagan years.
Got some links to that FAKE NEWS?

How much you want to bet before I dig it up? $1000? $5000?
Why would I bet you anything, you made a claim, and as your silly ass does, I asked you to prove it....If you can, post it up, as I haven't seen it!
It will take a bit of work to go thru to the 80s archives.....I want to be paid for the effort.....so....it's up to 5K now.....soon to be 6K......

(I bet you don't even know what PMTC is)
Soviets used to stand off the coast of CA (over 12 miles) and pick up our drones from PMTC and hand them back to us in boxes. And this was during the Reagan years.
Got some links to that FAKE NEWS?

How much you want to bet before I dig it up? $1000? $5000?
Why would I bet you anything, you made a claim, and as your silly ass does, I asked you to prove it....If you can, post it up, as I haven't seen it!
It will take a bit of work to go thru to the 80s archives.....I want to be paid for the effort.....so....it's up to 5K now.....soon to be 6K......

(I bet you don't even know what PMTC is)

Apparently, as I said FAKE NEWS, but what else would one expect from BoDYKEa....LOLOL!
Still waiting for that....now 7K....from you.
Got some links to that FAKE NEWS?

How much you want to bet before I dig it up? $1000? $5000?
Why would I bet you anything, you made a claim, and as your silly ass does, I asked you to prove it....If you can, post it up, as I haven't seen it!
It will take a bit of work to go thru to the 80s archives.....I want to be paid for the effort.....so....it's up to 5K now.....soon to be 6K......

(I bet you don't even know what PMTC is)

Apparently, as I said FAKE NEWS, but what else would one expect from BoDYKEa....LOLOL!
Still waiting for that....now 7K....from you.

Maybe if you sucked 7000 cocks you could get that, as I see you are unable to prove your supposition.....lolololol
How much you want to bet before I dig it up? $1000? $5000?
Why would I bet you anything, you made a claim, and as your silly ass does, I asked you to prove it....If you can, post it up, as I haven't seen it!
It will take a bit of work to go thru to the 80s archives.....I want to be paid for the effort.....so....it's up to 5K now.....soon to be 6K......

(I bet you don't even know what PMTC is)

Apparently, as I said FAKE NEWS, but what else would one expect from BoDYKEa....LOLOL!
Still waiting for that....now 7K....from you.

Maybe if you sucked 7000 cocks you could get that, as I see you are unable to prove your supposition.....lolololol
Now it's up to 8K....you really have no convictions, do you?
Why would I bet you anything, you made a claim, and as your silly ass does, I asked you to prove it....If you can, post it up, as I haven't seen it!
It will take a bit of work to go thru to the 80s archives.....I want to be paid for the effort.....so....it's up to 5K now.....soon to be 6K......

(I bet you don't even know what PMTC is)

Apparently, as I said FAKE NEWS, but what else would one expect from BoDYKEa....LOLOL!
Still waiting for that....now 7K....from you.

Maybe if you sucked 7000 cocks you could get that, as I see you are unable to prove your supposition.....lolololol
Now it's up to 8K....you really have no convictions, do you?

And you double down on fake news!....Good Anti-American!
A warning shot, like with the Iranians, maybe?
What is the response you would like to see?

Really? You'd like to risk a war breaking out over a drone that measures ocean currents?

Why would we have a clandestine drone in the first place that measures ocean currents?

Because we can? Not to mention the damned things are valuable while at the same time expendable. But you do not go to war over a lousy ten foot long hunk of metal. The mistake made was it should be designed to be scuttled to the bottom if compromised and then detonated.
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Putin was CORRECT AGAIN, this COWARD in CHIEF hasn't the BALLS to stand up for what OTHER COUNTRIES do to America...he's PATHETIC!!!! Where is President Trump when we need him???? Think Trump would send a letter or TAKE FUCKING ACTION, like perhaps take over a Chinese Island that they just built in OPEN WATER?

(Via The Daily Mail) A Chinese warship has captured an underwater US Navy drone right in front of the eyes of the crew of an American ship in the South China sea, prompting a government official to say, ‘they stole it’.

(Excerpt) Read more at theconservativetreehouse.com ...

You really think a warning shot would have caused wwiii? Each time they push us further without a response it just emboldens them.
A warning shot, like with the Iranians, maybe?
What is the response you would like to see?

Really? You'd like to risk a war breaking out over a drone that measures ocean currents?

I am not good at english ,who can do me a favor ,sent this letter to president donold trump,t can not ...save the taiwan
大多数大陆人认为, 台湾必须尽快拥有对大陆沿海14个省24个直辖市的核打击能力。如果台湾被大陆攻占,最终中国将被俄罗斯人肢解(长城以北)和吞并(黄河以南)。
先说必要性:1 部分或全面战争是大陆独裁政权与欧美民主社会斗争的不可回避的终极阶段,让台湾实际用有核打击能力是国内外民主力量以最小代价赢得最大效果的捷径,因为大陆当局走民主的可能性根本不存在。
2对大陆政治的统治集团内部产生离心力,对其国际政治扩张形成一定压力,促其内部政治该弦。 3 对大陆以东南沿海房地产为主的经济给予致命打击。 4 对大陆国内各阶层矛盾起到激化和发酵 ,将老百姓根本利益与当局剥离对立。 5 对大陆军事形成较长时间无法超越的制衡,同时令其外交陷入窘境,发展道一定情况,大陆当局会主动请国际介入。 6 对国内民主力量的鼓舞,大陆人都知道台湾拥有核武器,才会真切的关心政治,尤其是两岸政治,不再做吃了就睡的猪。

On the Urgency and Necessity of Taiwan 's Actual Nuclear Strike Most mainlanders believe that Taiwan must have as soon as possible on the mainland coast 14 provinces and 24 municipalities of the nuclear strike capability. If Taiwan were captured by the mainland, China would eventually be dismembered by the Russians (north of the Great Wall) and annexed (to the south of the Yellow River). First of all, the need to: 1 part or full-scale war is the continental dictatorship and European and American democratic society, the inevitable stage of the struggle, so that Taiwan's actual use of nuclear strike capability is the minimum force to win the greatest effect, The possibility of democracy in the authorities simply does not exist. 2 on the mainland political domination Within the group generated centrifugal force, its international political expansion of a certain pressure to promote its internal political chord. 3 on the mainland to the southeast coastal real estate-based economy to give a fatal blow. 4 on the continent of all strata of contradictions played intensified and fermented, the fundamental interests of the people and the authorities stripped of opposition. 5 on the mainland military formation of a long time can not go beyond the checks and balances, while its diplomacy into a predicament, the development of certain conditions, the mainland authorities will take the initiative to invite international intervention. 6 Encouraged by the strength of the democratic forces in China, the mainland people know that Taiwan has nuclear weapons, will be genuinely concerned about politics, especially the cross-strait politics, no longer do eat and sleep pigs. What is most important is the urgency that the mainland authorities are now at risk of launching a military attack on Taiwan in the face of the rapid expansion of Taiwan's ability to launch an attack on Taiwan before it has a nuclear weapon and to display its nuclear weapons. In fact, the mainland has already recognized that Taiwan possesses nuclear weapons and captured Taiwan before its nuclear weapons. It is much less troublesome and less risky than provoking nuclear weapons and triggering a large-scale public panic before taking Taiwan. Diplomatic language: China is a nuclear state, Taiwan is a part of China, should naturally have nuclear weapons. Taiwan's nuclear weapons belong to Taiwan.

Google translate of above post
What is the response you would like to see?
unfortunately, having that pansy ass queer and cowardly negro kissing terrorist ass for the last 8 years in the white house, No other country in the world has respect or thinks the U.S is able to retaliate for anything. Than God an American won the election, by the end of 4 years of hillary cowering in front of the world, we would have Yanomami tribesman rowing out and taking over carriers or something.
Anyone that cant see how badly mr shoeshine has hurt this country is a total idiot. That drone theft is completely on the hands of the democrats. Party over country is no way to govern.
Putin was CORRECT AGAIN, this COWARD in CHIEF hasn't the BALLS to stand up for what OTHER COUNTRIES do to America...he's PATHETIC!!!! Where is President Trump when we need him???? Think Trump would send a letter or TAKE FUCKING ACTION, like perhaps take over a Chinese Island that they just built in OPEN WATER?

(Via The Daily Mail) A Chinese warship has captured an underwater US Navy drone right in front of the eyes of the crew of an American ship in the South China sea, prompting a government official to say, ‘they stole it’.

(Excerpt) Read more at theconservativetreehouse.com ...


I kind of get it. China is just bitch slapping Odummy while he's packing his shit. I like it when Obama looks like the dipshit he is

China, fearing the wrath of Obama, is returning the drone

Imagine that?

We didn't even have to bomb them
Ah, but it gave the 'Conservatives' an opportunity to display their bigotry and idiotic world view. President Obama went through the proper channels, and got the drone back. What will the orange clown and his cabinet of incompetents do in the same situation? Start an unnecessary war?
After they've had engineers go over it with a fine tooth comb...
Ah, but it gave the 'Conservatives' an opportunity to display their bigotry and idiotic world view. President Obama went through the proper channels, and got the drone back. What will the orange clown and his cabinet of incompetents do in the same situation? Start an unnecessary war?
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