What you going to do, Obumbler?~China Snatches Navy Drone~U.S. Officials Send Strongly Worded Letter

What is the response you would like to see?
unfortunately, having that pansy ass queer and cowardly negro kissing terrorist ass for the last 8 years in the white house, No other country in the world has respect or thinks the U.S is able to retaliate for anything. Than God an American won the election, by the end of 4 years of hillary cowering in front of the world, we would have Yanomami tribesman rowing out and taking over carriers or something.
Anyone that cant see how badly mr shoeshine has hurt this country is a total idiot. That drone theft is completely on the hands of the democrats. Party over country is no way to govern.

I believe Obama solved the problem of the Somalia Pirates by moving them all into Minnesota.
China, fearing the wrath of Obama, is returning the drone

Imagine that?

We didn't even have to bomb them

Of course.... returned after it has been torn apart, documented, then assembled back together wrong


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