Whatever ever happened to the little sign… ‘We have a right to refuse service’?

Nothing about what satan says is true. God created the earth round.
Satan would say true things all the time. Do you know what Jesus means when he tells Peter. Get thee behind me satan? Is he calling Peter Satan? Nope. A satan, in the Bible, is an impediment, something blocking your way.

Satan and God would both lie, when necessary, which probably wouldn't be all that often, it's not required.
God doesn't lie, only idiotic satan worshipers think that, but then they are brain dead.

Never read the story of Job eh? Interesting. How about Abraham and Issac then?

And Satan doesn't require worship, he's not one giant ego like God, and you guys do his work for him just fine.
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Satan would say true things all the time. Do you know what Jesus means when he tells Peter. Get thee behind me satan? Is he calling Peter Satan? Nope. A satan, in the Bible, is an impediment, something blocking your way.

Satan and God would both lie, when necessary, which probably wouldn't be all that often, it's not required.
God doesn't lie, only idiotic satan worshipers think that, but then they are brain dead.

Never read the story of Job eh? Interesting. How about Abraham and Issac then?

And Satan doesn't require worship, he's not one giant ego like God, and you guys do his work for him just fine.
Actually I have and apparently you have not or incapable of understanding it. Don't try to use the Bible to prove you are on the right side, you are failing miserably. You have been fooled and fallen for it by satan. At least now we now what is wrong with you.
Ah, but therein lies the problem. THEY have a right to do as they wish,when they wish, including flaunting their perversion in YOUR face. YOU, on the other hand, have no rights. Get used to it. That's the America we live in today.

Not true actually. You can say or print what you want.

What you do mean is that you cry when you are treated the same way to how you first treated the gays.

Tough, you fairysee.
Stick to being a Nazi. you do it so well. Hail Obama. Oh, and fuck you.

Randall, dear, it was you Nazis who killed the homosexuals.
You've been spanked and embarrassed so many times in this thread, why do you keeping coming back for more bitch-slapping?


Because anarcho-communists are certainly emotionally if not physical in bondage to their self loathing.

Let's be honest - Bripat has completely humiliated Fakey, nutter boy toy, PMH, and Lakhota by himself in this thread.

I love when these little liberals congregate together like high school nerds and tried to convince each other they are the "in" crowd :lol:

(Hint: you guys are getting annihilated in this debate. I mean, seriously, it's not even close. Not one of you has even remotely made an intelligent rebuttal yet).

Being honest, check how I make Randall above look absolutely foolish.

All he can do is go nyuh nuh. :lol:

The Nazi fairysees were the ones who killed the homosexuals.
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And the surest sign of far the right being thrust from society as outcasts is the continuing drumroll of TP primary defeats.

The TPM will have no weight in Congress next year, and with a normal GOP majority, both Boehner and McConnell can make legislation without having the TP dogs pissing on their legs.
God doesn't lie, only idiotic satan worshipers think that, but then they are brain dead.

Never read the story of Job eh? Interesting. How about Abraham and Issac then?

And Satan doesn't require worship, he's not one giant ego like God, and you guys do his work for him just fine.
Actually I have and apparently you have not or incapable of understanding it. Don't try to use the Bible to prove you are on the right side, you are failing miserably. You have been fooled and fallen for it by satan. At least now we now what is wrong with you.
Ah, so Satan did it? Sure thing. And how appropriate that I live here, in the Great Satan?
The government doesn't keep my business alive or pay my bills little man, but I, unlike you, deal in reality not ideology.

You sure whine a lot, babycakes. And ideology? I want to be responsible for myself, that's "ideology?"

I guess you're right you're dealing with reality that you can't take care of yourself, you need hand outs to make it. But let's call greed for what it is.
Kitten2, I don't need anything currently. I pay my bills, I pay my taxes, but I'm no kid and will die soon enough. I also don't whine about anything. There's no need.

And ideology? Not everyone is you Kitten2. Not everyone can be treated as you.

I see Spanky. So your whining for the bar to be lowered and endless bitching about how people have to pay their own bills isn't for you, it's for other people. Obviously that's not true since even you know you can give to charity without it being being taken from you by force. You're in it to have it taken from other people by force.

You know how people can move on? If someone doesn't want to serve them, they can go to any of the plethora of businesses that do want their money. The idea that running to government to use force to make someone do business with you is getting on with things is retarded.
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Is that a civil rights march?
To the far right, yeah, they get excited by the uniforms and bayonets.
Further still, the 1st Amendment affords you the right to practice your religious belief. And the little liberal/gay Nazi community is working so hard to trample on that right as well.


Heil Diversity!!!
You sure whine a lot, babycakes. And ideology? I want to be responsible for myself, that's "ideology?"

I guess you're right you're dealing with reality that you can't take care of yourself, you need hand outs to make it. But let's call greed for what it is.
Kitten2, I don't need anything currently. I pay my bills, I pay my taxes, but I'm no kid and will die soon enough. I also don't whine about anything. There's no need.

And ideology? Not everyone is you Kitten2. Not everyone can be treated as you.

I see Spanky. So your whining for the bar to be lowered and endless bitching about how people have to pay their own bills isn't for you, it's for other people. Obviously that's not true since even you know you can give to charity without it being being taken from you by force. You're in it to have it taken from other people by force.

You know how people can move on? If someone doesn't want to serve them, they can go to any of the plethora of businesses that do want their money. The idea that running to government to use force to make someone do business with you is getting on with things is retarded.
What's retarded is that post. Nuff said.

And no one is running to the government. The principle was established long ago. It's simply being enforced now for a new minority.
The gay community and the liberals have lost their little Nazi minds. A privately owned business has the right to refuse to conduct business with anybody they want. Period. It's not even open for debate.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 ended the debate. Those Whites Only signs had to go away as they were illegal. The debate was ended as far as the treatment of blacks by businesses which provide services to the public.

Now the debate is re-opened for homosexuals.
You sure whine a lot, babycakes. And ideology? I want to be responsible for myself, that's "ideology?"

I guess you're right you're dealing with reality that you can't take care of yourself, you need hand outs to make it. But let's call greed for what it is.
Kitten2, I don't need anything currently. I pay my bills, I pay my taxes, but I'm no kid and will die soon enough. I also don't whine about anything. There's no need.

And ideology? Not everyone is you Kitten2. Not everyone can be treated as you.

I see Spanky. So your whining for the bar to be lowered and endless bitching about how people have to pay their own bills isn't for you, it's for other people. Obviously that's not true since even you know you can give to charity without it being being taken from you by force. You're in it to have it taken from other people by force.

You know how people can move on? If someone doesn't want to serve them, they can go to any of the plethora of businesses that do want their money. The idea that running to government to use force to make someone do business with you is getting on with things is retarded.

Liberals have all manner of euphemisms that essentially mean "shut the fuck up." Of course, liberals themselves never shut up. They'll whine for 100 years until the get their way.
Liberals have all manner of euphemisms that essentially mean "shut the fuck up." Of course, liberals themselves never shut up. They'll whine for 100 years until the get their way.
The whining is coming from those who don't realize that this has been decided upon already, 50 years ago.

And your little moron fan club was here patting you on the back recently. I wouldn't want you to miss their praise.
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Kitten2, I don't need anything currently. I pay my bills, I pay my taxes, but I'm no kid and will die soon enough. I also don't whine about anything. There's no need.

And ideology? Not everyone is you Kitten2. Not everyone can be treated as you.

I see Spanky. So your whining for the bar to be lowered and endless bitching about how people have to pay their own bills isn't for you, it's for other people. Obviously that's not true since even you know you can give to charity without it being being taken from you by force. You're in it to have it taken from other people by force.

You know how people can move on? If someone doesn't want to serve them, they can go to any of the plethora of businesses that do want their money. The idea that running to government to use force to make someone do business with you is getting on with things is retarded.
What's retarded is that post. Nuff said.

And no one is running to the government. The principle was established long ago. It's simply being enforced now for a new minority.

Someone wants to buy a cake, and they want government to force them to sell it to them. Of course that's "running to the government." Do you not grasp the English language?
I see Spanky. So your whining for the bar to be lowered and endless bitching about how people have to pay their own bills isn't for you, it's for other people. Obviously that's not true since even you know you can give to charity without it being being taken from you by force. You're in it to have it taken from other people by force.

You know how people can move on? If someone doesn't want to serve them, they can go to any of the plethora of businesses that do want their money. The idea that running to government to use force to make someone do business with you is getting on with things is retarded.
What's retarded is that post. Nuff said.

And no one is running to the government. The principle was established long ago. It's simply being enforced now for a new minority.

Someone wants to buy a cake, and they want government to force them to sell it to them. Of course that's "running to the government." Do you not grasp the English language?

he does... but you've never posted anything that indicates you have any comprehension abilities.
I see Spanky. So your whining for the bar to be lowered and endless bitching about how people have to pay their own bills isn't for you, it's for other people. Obviously that's not true since even you know you can give to charity without it being being taken from you by force. You're in it to have it taken from other people by force.

You know how people can move on? If someone doesn't want to serve them, they can go to any of the plethora of businesses that do want their money. The idea that running to government to use force to make someone do business with you is getting on with things is retarded.
What's retarded is that post. Nuff said.

And no one is running to the government. The principle was established long ago. It's simply being enforced now for a new minority.

Someone wants to buy a cake, and they want government to force them to sell it to them. Of course that's "running to the government." Do you not grasp the English language?
By admitting it's a "new" minority he's admitting it is a political determination, not ethnic, gender or religious. Therefore, NOT covered under the Constitution. And no, they feel things more than they can read or comprehend things.
What's retarded is that post. Nuff said.

And no one is running to the government. The principle was established long ago. It's simply being enforced now for a new minority.

Someone wants to buy a cake, and they want government to force them to sell it to them. Of course that's "running to the government." Do you not grasp the English language?
By admitting it's a "new" minority he's admitting it is a political determination, not ethnic, gender or religious. Therefore, NOT covered under the Constitution. And no, they feel things more than they can read or comprehend things.
The ******* were covered by the Constitution alright, they were 3/5ths persons.
Someone wants to buy a cake, and they want government to force them to sell it to them. Of course that's "running to the government." Do you not grasp the English language?
By admitting it's a "new" minority he's admitting it is a political determination, not ethnic, gender or religious. Therefore, NOT covered under the Constitution. And no, they feel things more than they can read or comprehend things.
The ******* were covered by the Constitution alright, they were 3/5ths persons.

Once again, you use discrimination by ... government ... to justify government using force against it's citizens. Liberal, a moron, wrapped in a dimwit, inside an idiot.
By admitting it's a "new" minority he's admitting it is a political determination, not ethnic, gender or religious. Therefore, NOT covered under the Constitution. And no, they feel things more than they can read or comprehend things.
The ******* were covered by the Constitution alright, they were 3/5ths persons.

Once again, you use discrimination by ... government ... to justify government using force against it's citizens. Liberal, a moron, wrapped in a dimwit, inside an idiot.
You're stuck my little friend. This will not be left up to the Free Market, and that was decided long ago. How long before you deal with reality instead of ideology?

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