Whatever ever happened to the little sign… ‘We have a right to refuse service’?

There was no law needed to compel businesses to discriminate in the South. Jim Crow laws were passed to protect businesses from outside pressures to integrate during reconstruction and into the 20th century. White businesses had no desire to integrate. Jim Crow laws, which they supported provide them with the legal mandate needed to keep their business segregated.

What on earth does racial discrimination have to do with discrimination against behaviors?

We have zillions of laws on the books discriminating against behaviors. Why does this particular set get a special pass? "LGBT" isn't even a complete set of them. Deviant fetish behaviors run the gamut. Why so exclusive? Just these behaviors and none other? Since when?
Many believe homosexuality is not a behavioral choice. It is simply who they are. It is not illegal in the US. The medical community consider it one of number of normal variation of human sexual orientation.

Homosexuality gets a pass because there is no victim and there is no clear indications that it damages society.
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What makes you a tool is your inability to see we fully support that, and that, while terrific, it doesn't solve all our problems or work in all cases. The inability to understand that means you are avoiding reality, which is childish.

Well Chipper, growing up starts with self awareness, and you have none. The issue is not that you won't let me take care of myself, the issue is you want me to take care of you. You want government to solve your problems and do your work for you, and you call anyone else childish? Grow up, man up, take care of yourself.
The government doesn't keep my business alive or pay my bills little man, but I, unlike you, deal in reality not ideology.

You sure whine a lot, babycakes. And ideology? I want to be responsible for myself, that's "ideology?"

I guess you're right you're dealing with reality that you can't take care of yourself, you need hand outs to make it. But let's call greed for what it is.
I want to do things for myself? I want to take personal responsibility?
What makes you a tool is your inability to see we fully support that, and that, while terrific, it doesn't solve all our problems or work in all cases. The inability to understand that means you are avoiding reality, which is childish.

Well Chipper, growing up starts with self awareness, and you have none. The issue is not that you won't let me take care of myself, the issue is you want me to take care of you. You want government to solve your problems and do your work for you, and you call anyone else childish? Grow up, man up, take care of yourself.

Just because you might never exceed the speed limit doesn't mean we don't need laws against it. We need laws against it for the ones who don't.
To allow businesses to deny service to anyone for any reason would truly be stupid; we've been there and done that. Only a lunatic would want to go back to those days when a black person could be deny service for no other reason than he was black or a Jew could be told that his kind would be more comfortable some place else, or fine restaurants would display signs that said No Micks Allowed, or businesses could decide facilities for the disabled weren't worth the cost.

Under Jim Crow, the law compelled businesses to discriminate, so your conclusion is not supported by the evidence. Jim Crow laws were passed precisely because businesses refused to discriminate against blacks and the racists couldn't allow that. History proves exactly the opposite of what you claim.
There was no law needed to compel businesses to discriminate in the South. Jim Crow laws were passed to protect businesses from outside pressures to integrate during reconstruction and into the 20th century. White businesses had no desire to integrate. Jim Crow laws, which they supported provide them with the legal mandate needed to keep their business segregated.

Talk about pulled out of your ass. They passed laws to make businesses do what they were doing anyway. Sure they did, suuuurrrreee they did. And no links. And if that is true, then the businesses would have integrated as quickly as they did when the law was changed.

It's well known the bus company was against the sit in the back rule because blacks were most of their customers. You obviously wouldn't know this, but running a business and making every payroll is one of the most difficult things anyone can do in life. There is no greater driver for equality to take any paying customer who walks through the door.

I'm sure there were some white business owners who didn't want black customers, but most of them were more afraid of the nut jobs who threatened them and got the laws passed. In the end, Jim Crow was unambiguously the power of government guns, not free markets. The bigots in the South were just like liberals on the national stage today, driven by anger, hate and intolerance for anyone different than you are. And like the bigots in the south, you will destroy anyone in your way.
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The commerce clause was never used to justify federal regulation of private business until FDR threatened to pack the SC with his cronies.
You never get tired of being wrong I see?

How Interpretation of the Commerce Power Has Changed over Time | www.streetlaw.org

Your link proves my point.

bripat, the link proves you wrong.

And since you are (supposedly) an anarcho-communist, what you think of the American system does not matter.

bripat, the link proves you wrong.

And since you are (supposedly) an anarcho-communist, what you think of the American system does not matter.

No it doesn't Fakey. Why don't you post some communist propaganda from Cuba that proves me wrong.
Your link proves my point.

bripat, the link proves you wrong.

And since you are (supposedly) an anarcho-communist, what you think of the American system does not matter.

No it doesn't Fakey. Why don't you post some communist propaganda from Cuba that proves me wrong.

You've been spanked and embarrassed so many times in this thread, why do you keeping coming back for more bitch-slapping?

Homosexuality isn't mentioned in the constitution, so how is it discriminating if you don't hurt them and choose not sell them confections ? Is this a monty python skit?
bripat, the link proves you wrong.

And since you are (supposedly) an anarcho-communist, what you think of the American system does not matter.

No it doesn't Fakey. Why don't you post some communist propaganda from Cuba that proves me wrong.

You've been spanked and embarrassed so many times in this thread, why do you keeping coming back for more bitch-slapping?


Because anarcho-communists are certainly emotionally if not physical in bondage to their self loathing.
Homosexuality isn't mentioned in the constitution, so how is it discriminating if you don't hurt them and choose not sell them confections ? Is this a monty python skit?

Neither is women's rights.

MaryL, why do you have problems with civil liberties?
Well Chipper, growing up starts with self awareness, and you have none. The issue is not that you won't let me take care of myself, the issue is you want me to take care of you. You want government to solve your problems and do your work for you, and you call anyone else childish? Grow up, man up, take care of yourself.
The government doesn't keep my business alive or pay my bills little man, but I, unlike you, deal in reality not ideology.

You sure whine a lot, babycakes. And ideology? I want to be responsible for myself, that's "ideology?"

I guess you're right you're dealing with reality that you can't take care of yourself, you need hand outs to make it. But let's call greed for what it is.
Kitten2, I don't need anything currently. I pay my bills, I pay my taxes, but I'm no kid and will die soon enough. I also don't whine about anything. There's no need.

And ideology? Not everyone is you Kitten2. Not everyone can be treated as you.
The gay community and the liberals have lost their little Nazi minds. A privately owned business has the right to refuse to conduct business with anybody they want. Period. It's not even open for debate.

Further still, the 1st Amendment affords you the right to practice your religious belief. And the little liberal/gay Nazi community is working so hard to trample on that right as well.

All I can say is that I hope these companies deliver the most dreadful products and services when they are unconstitutionally forced to by the liberal Nazi's. If you're a bakery and you're forced to bake a cake for a gay wedding, I hope you put 70lbs of salt in the cake and make the frosting primarily out of vinegar so that they vomit when they eat it. Then maybe word will spread in their little gay circles that your bakery isn't any good and you can be left the hell alone to conduct your private business as you see fit.

*Note - desperate Nazi liberals will try to spin this as "homophobia" because they need to justify their anti-constitutional Nazi beliefs. However, it is not. I couldn't care less if someone is gay. What I do care about however is when they unconstitutionally force someone to do their bidding because they think being gay makes them special and entitled.

It's an agenda of reeducation

Ah, but therein lies the problem. THEY have a right to do as they wish,when they wish, including flaunting their perversion in YOUR face.

YOU, on the other hand, have no rights.

Get used to it. That's the America we live in today.
Who knew that there are so many homophobic bakeries out there? I didn't.

What ever happened to the baker that wanted to increase the business and expand the customer base and provide the highest quality product or service to their paying clientele?

Bake a cake with salt and icing with vinegar. How fucking stupid.

A satisfied customer tells three people or so how satisfied they were with a company or service.

A dissatisfied customer tell how many how badly they were treated? 12? 15 people. Anybody that will listen?

That right there is how fucking smart Republicans who run small business's are. Piss off the good paying customers to satisfy some weird moral belief that gay people shouldn't be able to buy a cake from a publicly run business. And the business owner is willing to give up future business and risk a poor reputation...........for what? A moral victory.

Good god republicans are stupid.

Hardly the point.
And your anti Christian remarks disqualify you from having an opinion.
Your comments are based on hate. Not solutions.
Ah, but therein lies the problem. THEY have a right to do as they wish,when they wish, including flaunting their perversion in YOUR face. YOU, on the other hand, have no rights. Get used to it. That's the America we live in today.

Not true actually. You can say or print what you want.

What you do mean is that you cry when you are treated the same way to how you first treated the gays.

Tough, you fairysee.
No it doesn't Fakey. Why don't you post some communist propaganda from Cuba that proves me wrong.

You've been spanked and embarrassed so many times in this thread, why do you keeping coming back for more bitch-slapping?


Because anarcho-communists are certainly emotionally if not physical in bondage to their self loathing.

I've heard all those suffering from Alzheimer's and incontinence like you voe Democrat because you can't remember what lies they told you to get elected.

How's your hunt for a good adult care facility coming along, Fakey? Have you checked out this place?


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bripat, the link proves you wrong.

And since you are (supposedly) an anarcho-communist, what you think of the American system does not matter.

No it doesn't Fakey. Why don't you post some communist propaganda from Cuba that proves me wrong.

You've been spanked and embarrassed so many times in this thread, why do you keeping coming back for more bitch-slapping?

You have a vivid imagination, nutburger. A constant spew of insults totally devoid of facts and logic does not constitute a winning argument.

Then how do you point that out as supposed hypocrisy by "the left"? You support religious exemptions from public accommodation laws, but not from immigration laws? I'm confused as to why you keep bringing them up.

I support religious exemptions from public accommodation laws? Huh?

As I've said multiple times, maybe a hundred times by now, this is not about public accommodations laws as the Left claims. This is about conformity, control, political correctness, intimidation. You are not required to issue "consequences" to those who disagree with you. You choose to. The public accommodation law -- and indeed, it is a law -- only comes into this because the guys sued. They did not have to sue, but they see an opportunity and they're running with it.

The hypocrisy is this passionate defense of laws, while turning a blind eye to other laws being broken that match an agenda.

I'll bet you know this, but I'll also bet you won't admit it.


Ah, so you agree with the application of Public Accommodation laws AND Immigration laws. Yeah, me too.

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