Whatever ever happened to the little sign… ‘We have a right to refuse service’?

What makes you a tool is your inability to see we fully support that, and that, while terrific, it doesn't solve all our problems or work in all cases. The inability to understand that means you are avoiding reality, which is childish.

Well Chipper, growing up starts with self awareness, and you have none. The issue is not that you won't let me take care of myself, the issue is you want me to take care of you. You want government to solve your problems and do your work for you, and you call anyone else childish? Grow up, man up, take care of yourself.
The government doesn't keep my business alive or pay my bills little man, but I, unlike you, deal in reality not ideology.

Oh yeah...you really deal in "reality". This is the same guy who called the U.S. Constitution a "lie" and can't understand the 9th Amendment... :eusa_doh:

Trust me PMH - you haven't spent a second of your life in reality. Your entire existence has been in radical left-wing fucked up ideology.
A private citizen on private property has the right to refuse anything for any reason. Period.
Where exactly did you learn this lie? It is a lie BTW. You've been lied to.

I learned it in the U.S. Constitution. You would have too had you ever read it. Here, let me help you....

IX Amendment
The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

Ninth Amendment to the United States Constitution

Allow me to interpret for you liberals: enumeration means a list of something (in this case, rights). The 9th Amendment is stating that my rights are not limited to the specific rights listed in the amendments (ie my 1st amendment rights to speech, religion, etc., my 2d Amendment right to arms, and so on). Those were specifically cited to further secure them and prevent the type of perversion of interpretation we see by anti-constitutional libtards on a daily basis.

In short, a private citizen on private property has the inalienable right to deny anything they want to deny. It is indisputable. And you just got owned with facts. Now tell us again junior how the Constitution is a "lie" :lol:

This is how much PMH deals in "reality".... :lmao:

He considers Constitutional Amendments "lies" because he is completely ignorant of the U.S. Constitution. He had no idea what the 9th Amendment said before I posted it and explained it to him.

But damn did that shut him up as soon as I did.... :lol:
Well Chipper, growing up starts with self awareness, and you have none. The issue is not that you won't let me take care of myself, the issue is you want me to take care of you. You want government to solve your problems and do your work for you, and you call anyone else childish? Grow up, man up, take care of yourself.
The government doesn't keep my business alive or pay my bills little man, but I, unlike you, deal in reality not ideology.

Oh yeah...you really deal in "reality". This is the same guy who called the U.S. Constitution a "lie" and can't understand the 9th Amendment... :eusa_doh:

Trust me PMH - you haven't spent a second of your life in reality. Your entire existence has been in radical left-wing fucked up ideology.
The Constitution is no lie Kitten, and Reality made me who I am. Nothing else is that brutal.
Where exactly did you learn this lie? It is a lie BTW. You've been lied to.

I learned it in the U.S. Constitution. You would have too had you ever read it. Here, let me help you....

IX Amendment
The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

Ninth Amendment to the United States Constitution

Allow me to interpret for you liberals: enumeration means a list of something (in this case, rights). The 9th Amendment is stating that my rights are not limited to the specific rights listed in the amendments (ie my 1st amendment rights to speech, religion, etc., my 2d Amendment right to arms, and so on). Those were specifically cited to further secure them and prevent the type of perversion of interpretation we see by anti-constitutional libtards on a daily basis.

In short, a private citizen on private property has the inalienable right to deny anything they want to deny. It is indisputable. And you just got owned with facts. Now tell us again junior how the Constitution is a "lie" :lol:

This is how much PMH deals in "reality".... :lmao:

He considers Constitutional Amendments "lies" because he is completely ignorant of the U.S. Constitution. He had no idea what the 9th Amendment said before I posted it and explained it to him.

But damn did that shut him up as soon as I did.... :lol:
Kitten, the big man on the Internet, patting himself on the back, as all children do.
You've been spanked and embarrassed so many times in this thread, why do you keeping coming back for more bitch-slapping?


Because anarcho-communists are certainly emotionally if not physical in bondage to their self loathing.

Let's be honest - Bripat has completely humiliated Fakey, nutter boy toy, PMH, and Lakhota by himself in this thread.

I love when these little liberals congregate together like high school nerds and tried to convince each other they are the "in" crowd :lol:

(Hint: you guys are getting annihilated in this debate. I mean, seriously, it's not even close. Not one of you has even remotely made an intelligent rebuttal yet).
I learned it in the U.S. Constitution. You would have too had you ever read it. Here, let me help you....

IX Amendment
The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

Ninth Amendment to the United States Constitution

Allow me to interpret for you liberals: enumeration means a list of something (in this case, rights). The 9th Amendment is stating that my rights are not limited to the specific rights listed in the amendments (ie my 1st amendment rights to speech, religion, etc., my 2d Amendment right to arms, and so on). Those were specifically cited to further secure them and prevent the type of perversion of interpretation we see by anti-constitutional libtards on a daily basis.

In short, a private citizen on private property has the inalienable right to deny anything they want to deny. It is indisputable. And you just got owned with facts. Now tell us again junior how the Constitution is a "lie" :lol:

This is how much PMH deals in "reality".... :lmao:

He considers Constitutional Amendments "lies" because he is completely ignorant of the U.S. Constitution. He had no idea what the 9th Amendment said before I posted it and explained it to him.

But damn did that shut him up as soon as I did.... :lol:
Kitten, the big man on the Internet, patting himself on the back, as all children do.

PMH - full of hate and ignorant of all subjects discussed. Resulting in a cringing display of a liberal flailing wildly around throwing any shit on the wall and praying something sticks in hopes of defending an irrational position.
Ah, but therein lies the problem. THEY have a right to do as they wish,when they wish, including flaunting their perversion in YOUR face. YOU, on the other hand, have no rights. Get used to it. That's the America we live in today.

Not true actually. You can say or print what you want.

What you do mean is that you cry when you are treated the same way to how you first treated the gays.

Tough, you fairysee.

Stick to being a Nazi. you do it so well. Hail Obama. Oh, and fuck you.
This is how much PMH deals in "reality".... :lmao:

He considers Constitutional Amendments "lies" because he is completely ignorant of the U.S. Constitution. He had no idea what the 9th Amendment said before I posted it and explained it to him.

But damn did that shut him up as soon as I did.... :lol:
Kitten, the big man on the Internet, patting himself on the back, as all children do.

PMH - full of hate and ignorant of all subjects discussed. Resulting in a cringing display of a liberal flailing wildly around throwing any shit on the wall and praying something sticks in hopes of defending an irrational position.
Kitten, none of my positions are irrational. That's why you fight me so, because I reject your core beliefs, which are irrational and unrelated to reality.
:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

And an exceptional point on Taylor Swift. In JoeB's view, Taylor Swift has a "contract with the public" and thus should be forced to play at your graduation party.


Fortunately in this country (thus far anyway), necessary professions have sought to remove the moronic political points idiots like you try to make. Lawyers widely recognize that every accused person has the right to a defense and Doctors almost universally recognize that all sick persons deserve their greatest efforts. Taylor Swift's contributions of a happy graduation would be great but entertainers have no such agency of elevated (i.e. liberal) thinking.

At the end of the day, services are treated differently than goods when this question is posed. I'm not sure legally such distinctions should or could be made.

First of all, you just called me an "idiot" for agreeing with you.... :eusa_doh:
No, I called you an idiot for not recognizing the limitations.

A baker who owns their own private bakery enters into no such employment agreement as the public defender and does not work for the government. So you just made an absurd apples-to-oranges comparison which simply does not apply.
Yeah, people always just show up and buy wedding, quince, graduation etc... cakes with no notice. Dumbass.

Now, as far as your second absurd apples-to-oranges comparison regarding the physician, it's essentially the same situation as the public defender. As part of their board certification, they knowingly and freely enter into an agreement requiring them to treat anyone in need. They do not have to enter into that agreement, therefore they have no legal grounds for which to deny service.

Ahh...and I bet it burns you up that if you were a physician, you may have to provide aid to a liberal....

Just another reason liberalism is, was, and always will be superior to conservatism. You're living proof.
Kitten, the big man on the Internet, patting himself on the back, as all children do.

PMH - full of hate and ignorant of all subjects discussed. Resulting in a cringing display of a liberal flailing wildly around throwing any shit on the wall and praying something sticks in hopes of defending an irrational position.
Kitten, none of my positions are irrational. That's why you fight me so, because I reject your core beliefs, which are irrational and unrelated to reality.
All your positions are irrational and just plain idiotic, typical for a libtard.

Fortunately in this country (thus far anyway), necessary professions have sought to remove the moronic political points idiots like you try to make. Lawyers widely recognize that every accused person has the right to a defense and Doctors almost universally recognize that all sick persons deserve their greatest efforts. Taylor Swift's contributions of a happy graduation would be great but entertainers have no such agency of elevated (i.e. liberal) thinking.

At the end of the day, services are treated differently than goods when this question is posed. I'm not sure legally such distinctions should or could be made.

First of all, you just called me an "idiot" for agreeing with you.... :eusa_doh:
No, I called you an idiot for not recognizing the limitations.

A baker who owns their own private bakery enters into no such employment agreement as the public defender and does not work for the government. So you just made an absurd apples-to-oranges comparison which simply does not apply.
Yeah, people always just show up and buy wedding, quince, graduation etc... cakes with no notice. Dumbass.

Now, as far as your second absurd apples-to-oranges comparison regarding the physician, it's essentially the same situation as the public defender. As part of their board certification, they knowingly and freely enter into an agreement requiring them to treat anyone in need. They do not have to enter into that agreement, therefore they have no legal grounds for which to deny service.

Ahh...and I bet it burns you up that if you were a physician, you may have to provide aid to a liberal....

Just another reason liberalism is, was, and always will be superior to conservatism. You're living proof.
Liberalism is by far inferior to conservatism. Most libtards on this board have no clue to what it means to be American, they hold to socialist values, the very thing the founders came here to avoid. Don't try to twist history with me, I know exactly what the agenda of the idiotic left is.
What if you found out today that instead of being a race of people, LGBT are instead an incomplete grouping of deviant sexual behaviors, learned along the way, and not bound in any way by genetic factors?

Some people think that this means little. But in the legal arena, it means EVERYTHING. The difference is the difference between their winning and losing based on milking the 14th Amendment. It's this amendment that all these judges are looking to to grant them special protections. However, behaviors don't qualify.

What if instead of raging against the LGBT propaganda, strawman and diversion machines on the internet, you just started talking instead about how they resemble a cult? How they are behavioral? How behaviors are regulated [discriminated against] every day in the American penal and civil law system?

Perhaps you might be interested to know that the idea of their being found out legally-speaking as a cult or behaviors shakes them to their very foundation.

For a start on your quest to change the momentum around, you can start at the link below and read the digestion of over 300 peer-reviewed research papers demonstrating that sexual orientation is learned and can be passed on socially. The ramifications of that are HUGE when considering mainstreaming LGBT cult values. It means that not only are they just a particularly aggressive and weird group of deviant sexual behavioralists, but that if they succeed in mainstreaming their value system [see their messiah Harvey Milk's biography], it can be "passed on" by the aping factor to subsequent generations. This has the potential to make America look like Ancient Greece in a generation or two after their success.

If this bothers you, turn the momentum around. Start talking about LGBT as behaviors, exclusively.

Here's a good place to start: http://www.usmessageboard.com/curre...wins-gay-legal-challenges-simple-as-that.html
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What if you found out today that instead of being a race of people, LGBT are instead an incomplete grouping of deviant sexual behaviors, learned along the way, and not bound in any way by genetic factors?

Who cares?

If they love each other and want to create a lasting relationship, who does it hurt?
This is how much PMH deals in "reality".... :lmao:

He considers Constitutional Amendments "lies" because he is completely ignorant of the U.S. Constitution. He had no idea what the 9th Amendment said before I posted it and explained it to him.

But damn did that shut him up as soon as I did.... :lol:
Kitten, the big man on the Internet, patting himself on the back, as all children do.

PMH - full of hate and ignorant of all subjects discussed. Resulting in a cringing display of a liberal flailing wildly around throwing any shit on the wall and praying something sticks in hopes of defending an irrational position.
Kitten, my position is the same as the courts, the law, and the opinion of the majority of the population. Whether or not it's irrational has been looked into and you little man, lost. There's nothing irrational about it, that one belongs to you. Not to worry, that's common in the immature.
WHen you find yourself agreeing with Fakey, then you know you're a loser.
If God says the earth is flat and Satan says it's round, Satan is right. The truth is unconcerned about who says what.
Nothing about what satan says is true. God created the earth round.
Satan would say true things all the time. Do you know what Jesus means when he tells Peter. Get thee behind me satan? Is he calling Peter Satan? Nope. A satan, in the Bible, is an impediment, something blocking your way.

Satan and God would both lie, when necessary, which probably wouldn't be all that often, it's not required.
Liberalism is by far inferior to conservatism. Most libtards on this board have no clue to what it means to be American, they hold to socialist values, the very thing the founders came here to avoid. Don't try to twist history with me, I know exactly what the agenda of the idiotic left is.

The Founders came here because of Socialism? Care to try again?
If God says the earth is flat and Satan says it's round, Satan is right. The truth is unconcerned about who says what.
Nothing about what satan says is true. God created the earth round.
Satan would say true things all the time. Do you know what Jesus means when he tells Peter. Get thee behind me satan? Is he calling Peter Satan? Nope. A satan, in the Bible, is an impediment, something blocking your way.

Satan and God would both lie, when necessary, which probably wouldn't be all that often, it's not required.
God doesn't lie, only idiotic satan worshipers think that, but then they are brain dead.

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