Whatever ever happened to the little sign… ‘We have a right to refuse service’?

It's not my opinion, dumbass. It's a documented fact. You can read the evidence here:


Limited or not, it still allowed for the regulation of private transactions. You lost before you started.

No it didn't, dumbass. It only allowed regulation of transactions between states. The only reason the commerce clause was added to the Constitution was the fact that prior to its adoption states enacted numerous regulations designed to obstruct commerce between the states. The commerce clause was intended to limit such regulations, not give the federal government a blank check to restrict commerce.

From the article I referred you to:

The most persuasive evidence of original meaning--statements made during the drafting and ratification of the Constitution as well as dictionary definitions and The Federalist Papers--strongly supports Justice Thomas's and the Progressive Era Supreme Court's narrow interpretation of Congress's power "To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes."214 "Commerce" means the trade or exchange of goods (including the means of transporting them); "among the several States" means between persons of one state and another; and the term "To regulate" means "to make regular"--that is, to specify how an activity may be transacted--when applied to domestic commerce, but also includes the power to make "prohibitory regulations" when applied to foreign trade. In sum, Congress has power to specify rules to govern the manner by which people may exchange or trade goods from one state to another, to remove obstructions to domestic trade erected by states, and to both regulate and restrict the flow of goods to and from other nations (and the Indian tribes) for the purpose of promoting the domestic economy and foreign trade.

Turds like you have been telling the same lies about the commerce clause since the FDR administration.
So me trying to sell guns to the indians and Congress saying no isn't the regulation of my "private" business? Care to try again?
Limited or not, it still allowed for the regulation of private transactions. You lost before you started.

No it didn't, dumbass. It only allowed regulation of transactions between states. The only reason the commerce clause was added to the Constitution was the fact that prior to its adoption states enacted numerous regulations designed to obstruct commerce between the states. The commerce clause was intended to limit such regulations, not give the federal government a blank check to restrict commerce.

From the article I referred you to:

The most persuasive evidence of original meaning--statements made during the drafting and ratification of the Constitution as well as dictionary definitions and The Federalist Papers--strongly supports Justice Thomas's and the Progressive Era Supreme Court's narrow interpretation of Congress's power "To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes."214 "Commerce" means the trade or exchange of goods (including the means of transporting them); "among the several States" means between persons of one state and another; and the term "To regulate" means "to make regular"--that is, to specify how an activity may be transacted--when applied to domestic commerce, but also includes the power to make "prohibitory regulations" when applied to foreign trade. In sum, Congress has power to specify rules to govern the manner by which people may exchange or trade goods from one state to another, to remove obstructions to domestic trade erected by states, and to both regulate and restrict the flow of goods to and from other nations (and the Indian tribes) for the purpose of promoting the domestic economy and foreign trade.

Turds like you have been telling the same lies about the commerce clause since the FDR administration.
So me trying to sell guns to the indians and Congress saying no isn't the regulation of my "private" business? Care to try again?

That was truly pathetic. It was one of your more stellar performances in pure idiocy. It's exactly what I told you the commerce clause allowed. It doesn't allow Congress to tell a hotel owner who he can serve.
I've lived a long time, I've known a lot of homosexuals, some of them since they were babies and are now gay adults, which was fully expected since we spotted their orientation very early on. They were quite obviously gay.

Your links and rants are nothing more than your homophobic mind at work. Reality is not to your liking but I really couldn't care less.

Why is it when homosexuals are confronted with scientific evidence contrary to their talking points, the first thing they do is holla "Homophobic"??

I guess I need to tell you the same thing I told the last fag, I am not homophobic, I am aware of you homosexuals. I have been told by men and women alike that I am good looking, Talk about reality, at least if a woman i looking at me and thinking about getting busy then the attention might be wanted, but with another man who is thinking about getting busy then the attention is not wanted. Would be alright if that were the end of it, but most of you are pushy .... I had a gay black man that was a customer, every time he walked in the door he wanted to hug me. Now I don't even hug my white adult male friends, we might shake hands , but they ain't never tried to hug me .... I have had to physically push this man off form my body space, why can you homosexuals not keep within your own cultures?? Why do you have to flaunt it to try and entice others to your way of thinking??

I have posted several of these pieces in your thread, I noticed you have yet to sensibly reply to any of it....

Liberal dictionary
Homophobic - disagrees with homosexuals.

Homophopic= Someone obsessed with the sexual practices of others
I guess I need to tell you the same thing I told the last fag, I am not homophobic,...
That's an interesting statement.

Exactly sir, I see you have failed to address any of the issues I bring forth ....

Homophobia implies FEAR (False Events Appearing Real), unless there is something in your genetics that makes you impervious to pain and death then I have nothing to fear. You see you folks keep forgetting consent, seems to be lacking on my part ....

I'm an interesting person, but I have no homophobia, you folks die just like everyone else, you can only fear what you have no rational solution for!!
I guess I need to tell you the same thing I told the last fag, I am not homophobic,...
That's an interesting statement.

Exactly sir, I see you have failed to address any of the issues I bring forth ....

Homophobia implies FEAR (False Events Appearing Real), unless there is something in your genetics that makes you impervious to pain and death then I have nothing to fear. You see you folks keep forgetting consent, seems to be lacking on my part ....

I'm an interesting person, but I have no homophobia, you folks die just like everyone else, you can only fear what you have no rational solution for!!

Homophobia is just a polite way to characterize what you are. It is nicer than calling you a Fag Hater
It doesn't allow Congress to tell a hotel owner who he can serve.
The SC does not agree and your idea that private transactions couldn't be regulated was DOA as soon as you said it.

The SC is wrong. The court is populated by hacks put on the court specifically for the purpose of interpreting the document the way the people who nominated the justices want it to be interpreted. The idea that court decisions are "objective" is too absurd to waste time disputing. Anyone who resorts to pointing at supreme Court decision as some kind of objective truth only proves that he's an imbecile.
It doesn't allow Congress to tell a hotel owner who he can serve.
The SC does not agree and your idea that private transactions couldn't be regulated was DOA as soon as you said it.

The SC is wrong. The court is populated by hacks put on the court specifically for the purpose of interpreting the document the way the people who nominated the justices want it to be interpreted. The idea that court decisions are "objective" is too absurd to waste time disputing. Anyone who resorts to pointing at supreme Court decision as some kind of objective truth only proves that he's an imbecile.

In this case I'm pointing out the law of the land, AKA, reality.
That's an interesting statement.

Exactly sir, I see you have failed to address any of the issues I bring forth ....

Homophobia implies FEAR (False Events Appearing Real), unless there is something in your genetics that makes you impervious to pain and death then I have nothing to fear. You see you folks keep forgetting consent, seems to be lacking on my part ....

I'm an interesting person, but I have no homophobia, you folks die just like everyone else, you can only fear what you have no rational solution for!!

Homophobia is just a polite way to characterize what you are. It is nicer than calling you a Fag Hater

Yeah, we all know that's what you're implying. However, anyone who simply disagrees with the homo agenda gets accused of homophobia, so it's really just another version of the race card. It's how morons like you avoid having to prove your point. Instead you just stifle debate with your despicable smears and name calling. Then you pretend that you're some kind of decent human being.
The SC does not agree and your idea that private transactions couldn't be regulated was DOA as soon as you said it.

The SC is wrong. The court is populated by hacks put on the court specifically for the purpose of interpreting the document the way the people who nominated the justices want it to be interpreted. The idea that court decisions are "objective" is too absurd to waste time disputing. Anyone who resorts to pointing at supreme Court decision as some kind of objective truth only proves that he's an imbecile.

In this case I'm pointing out the law of the land, AKA, reality.

It may be the law of the land, but it's still a huge swindle. Whenever you get called on your idiotic claims about the Constitution, you always retreat to regurgitating court decisions and your "law of the land" maneuver. That shows is that you know your claims are total horseshit. SC decisions are not "reality." They are almost entirely fiction. Unfortunately, fiction is what our government runs on.
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That's an interesting statement.

Exactly sir, I see you have failed to address any of the issues I bring forth ....

Homophobia implies FEAR (False Events Appearing Real), unless there is something in your genetics that makes you impervious to pain and death then I have nothing to fear. You see you folks keep forgetting consent, seems to be lacking on my part ....

I'm an interesting person, but I have no homophobia, you folks die just like everyone else, you can only fear what you have no rational solution for!!

Homophobia is just a polite way to characterize what you are. It is nicer than calling you a Fag Hater

Oh Fag Hater, why yes those abominations of Lucifer will eventually rot in hell, but now that you are through with your character assassination can we go back to fag bashing??

Hater, no those were your words, I have repeatedly stated I have no hate for them, just wish they would shut the fuck up and take their abominable ways as far away from me and mine as humanly possible.
Exactly sir, I see you have failed to address any of the issues I bring forth ....

Homophobia implies FEAR (False Events Appearing Real), unless there is something in your genetics that makes you impervious to pain and death then I have nothing to fear. You see you folks keep forgetting consent, seems to be lacking on my part ....

I'm an interesting person, but I have no homophobia, you folks die just like everyone else, you can only fear what you have no rational solution for!!

Homophobia is just a polite way to characterize what you are. It is nicer than calling you a Fag Hater

Yeah, we all know that's what you're implying. However, anyone who simply disagrees with the homo agenda gets accused of homophobia, so it's really just another version of the race card. It's how morons like you avoid having to prove your point. Instead you just stifle debate with your despicable smears and name calling. Then you pretend that you're some kind of decent human being.

In your case finger boy......Fag Hater
Exactly sir, I see you have failed to address any of the issues I bring forth ....

Homophobia implies FEAR (False Events Appearing Real), unless there is something in your genetics that makes you impervious to pain and death then I have nothing to fear. You see you folks keep forgetting consent, seems to be lacking on my part ....

I'm an interesting person, but I have no homophobia, you folks die just like everyone else, you can only fear what you have no rational solution for!!

Homophobia is just a polite way to characterize what you are. It is nicer than calling you a Fag Hater

Oh Fag Hater, why yes those abominations of Lucifer will eventually rot in hell, but now that you are through with your character assassination can we go back to fag bashing??

Hater, no those were your words, I have repeatedly stated I have no hate for them, just wish they would shut the fuck up and take their abominable ways as far away from me and mine as humanly possible.

Two for two........Fag Hater

Anyone else?
The SC is wrong. The court is populated by hacks put on the court specifically for the purpose of interpreting the document the way the people who nominated the justices want it to be interpreted. The idea that court decisions are "objective" is too absurd to waste time disputing. Anyone who resorts to pointing at supreme Court decision as some kind of objective truth only proves that he's an imbecile.

In this case I'm pointing out the law of the land, AKA, reality.

It may be the law of the land, but it's still a huge swindle. Whenever you get called on your idiotic claims about the Constitution, you always retreat to regurgitating court decisions and your "law of the land" maneuver. That shows is that you know your claims are total horseshit. SC decisions are not "reality." They are almost entirely fiction. Unfortunately, fiction is what our government runs on.
I think you should go back to that role-playing game you like. What's it called again? I bet you're good at that, the ability to deal with reality isn't required.
The SC does not agree and your idea that private transactions couldn't be regulated was DOA as soon as you said it.

The SC is wrong. The court is populated by hacks put on the court specifically for the purpose of interpreting the document the way the people who nominated the justices want it to be interpreted. The idea that court decisions are "objective" is too absurd to waste time disputing. Anyone who resorts to pointing at supreme Court decision as some kind of objective truth only proves that he's an imbecile.

In this case I'm pointing out the law of the land, AKA, reality.

The "law of the land" is a swindle. It's based on 200 years of bogus and illegitimate SC decisions. That's the subject of this discussion, dumbass: the fact that the Supreme Court has "interpreted" the document incorrectly. I put the word "interpreted" in quotes because it assumes the justices didn't realize they were subverting the Constitution.
'refusing service' is just another step in the long line of attacks on our moral society by the LEFTIST IDEOLOGY.....

lefties have pushed free porn....free 'love'.....free drugs....free 'choice'....now 'free market' for gays....

you will take notice that it is all immoral shit.....and that is their point....
And Jerry Falwell speaks, from the grave no less! Remarkable.

A great American Christian....

At least you get the point.....kudos....

Is that YOUR goal in life....to attack and tear down our Christian morals and society.....?

Jerry Falwell...we heard that shit before.

The Moral Majority is nothing NEW…


“If we are going to save America and evangelize the world, we cannot accommodate secular philosophies that are diametrically opposed to Christian truth ...
We need to pull out all the stops to recruit and train 25 million Americans to become informed pro-moral activists whose voices can be heard in the halls of Congress.”

“I am convinced that America can be turned around if we will all get serious about the Master's business. It may be late, but it is never too late to do what is right.
We need an old-fashioned, God-honoring, Christ-exalting revival to turn American back to God. America can be saved!”

Jerry Falwell
"Moral Majority Report" for September, 1984


"The national government... will maintain and defend the foundations on which the power of our nation rests. It will offer strong protection to Christianity as the very basis of our collective morality."

"Today Christians... stand at the head of our country. I pledge that I will never tie myself to parties who want to destroy Christianity... We want to fill our culture again with the Christian spirit.... We want to burn out all the recent immoral developments in literature, in the theatre, and in the press - in short, we want to burn out the poison of immorality which has entered into our whole life and culture as a result of liberal excess during the past... few years."

Adolf Hitler
The Speeches of Adolph Hitler, 1922-1939, Vol. 1 (London, Oxford University Press, 1942), pg. 871-872.
And Jerry Falwell speaks, from the grave no less! Remarkable.

A great American Christian....

At least you get the point.....kudos....

Is that YOUR goal in life....to attack and tear down our Christian morals and society.....?

Jerry Falwell...we heard that shit before.

The Moral Majority is nothing NEW…


“If we are going to save America and evangelize the world, we cannot accommodate secular philosophies that are diametrically opposed to Christian truth ...
We need to pull out all the stops to recruit and train 25 million Americans to become informed pro-moral activists whose voices can be heard in the halls of Congress.”

“I am convinced that America can be turned around if we will all get serious about the Master's business. It may be late, but it is never too late to do what is right.
We need an old-fashioned, God-honoring, Christ-exalting revival to turn American back to God. America can be saved!”

Jerry Falwell
"Moral Majority Report" for September, 1984


"The national government... will maintain and defend the foundations on which the power of our nation rests. It will offer strong protection to Christianity as the very basis of our collective morality."

"Today Christians... stand at the head of our country. I pledge that I will never tie myself to parties who want to destroy Christianity... We want to fill our culture again with the Christian spirit.... We want to burn out all the recent immoral developments in literature, in the theatre, and in the press - in short, we want to burn out the poison of immorality which has entered into our whole life and culture as a result of liberal excess during the past... few years."

Adolf Hitler
The Speeches of Adolph Hitler, 1922-1939, Vol. 1 (London, Oxford University Press, 1942), pg. 871-872.

The only Nazis here are the left wing pussies that are destroying this country.

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