Whatever Happened To That Obamacare Replacement?

We never did see that Obamacare replacement the GOP and then Donald Trump promised us they had. Trump's was "terrific". It was swell. It was the best health care plan ever. You were going to get tired of being so healthy.

While Obama was President, the Republican House partially or fully repealed Obamacare more than 60 times!

And yet, strangely, when they had full control of both houses of Congress, and the White House, there were no more repeals!


They had a partial repeal, with no replacement, which passed the House while Trump was president, and Trump held a prematurely ejaculatory celebration on the White House lawn. But then John McCain spoiled the whole thing with a thumbs down since it was all a hoax and did not actually replace Obamacare.

There's a way you can always tell when Trump is lying. He repeats the lie three times. Like this:

“Make no mistake,” (one!) the president said at one point,this is a repeal and a replace of Obamacare, make no mistake (two!) about it. Make no mistake.”(three!)


Since then, the organization formerly known as the Republican Party has failed to cough up a replacement for Obamacare.

You see, folks, if you want to win, you have to have better ideas than your opposition.

That's the key to long term success.

The real evilness is that the GOP told you they did have a better idea. But they didn't. They wanted you to bleev what turned out to be a total hoax.

And you never held them accountable. That's why they lie to you.

You never hold Trump accountable. That's why HE lies to you.

Guess what the number one issue on the minds of Americans is?

Health care costs.


This has been at or near the top of the list for DECADES. And the GOP has come up with NOTHING in all that time.

The organization formerly known as the Republican Party is now the party of, "LOOK! SQUIRREL!"

Nothing but pointless and hateful distractions to keep you from focusing on their total incompetence.

When will you finally, finally, finally start holding them accountable?

The reason is very simple.
The very powerful pharmaceutical lobby loves it. Demands it.
They got everything they wanted from it, and Obama/Pelosi were very happy to give it to them.

Democrats - It is outrageous why medicines cost so much in the United States!!! GRRR!!!

Reality - the Democrats are the very reason why medicines costs so much in the U.S., as a part of Obamacare, Big Pharma was guarantied to be able to charge higher prices here than Canada.
Which is why Obamacare is still in force. It has given Big Pharma over $30 Billion in additional profits.

Look it up.
The reason is very simple.
The very powerful pharmaceutical lobby loves it. Demands it.
They got everything they wanted from it, and Obama/Pelosi were very happy to give it to them.

Democrats - It is outrageous why medicines cost so much in the United States!!! GRRR!!!

Reality - the Democrats are the very reason why medicines costs so much in the U.S., as a part of Obamacare, Big Pharma was guarantied to be able to charge higher prices here than Canada.
Which is why Obamacare is still in force. It has given Big Pharma over $30 Billion in additional profits.

Look it up.

Obama wasn't able to get Medicare prescription drug negotiation. Biden did.

Yes, another health care thread.

With all of the trappings that come with it.

Sounds like the last one.

And the one before that.

In the end, I keep wondering what it is that we think we are trying to accomplish.

I see something that says health care is the number one concern of people, but I never hear anyone talking about it. Seriously.

I don't hear much about it in the few things I watch or read.

I like Bernie Sanders because he is the only one I know who consistently keeps these issues afloat (he's insane when it comes to policy, but I appreciate that he keeps the issues visible).

Well, carry on.

Or maybe we can cut and paste the last thread (that we cut and pasted from the thread before) and call it good.
Token at best. All of 10 total drugs. It was to grab headlines, not to actually bring down costs.

It starts with 10, then 15 more the next year, then 15 more, then 20 more, then 20 more...

There's a reason Pharma (and the entire GOP) lined up against the Inflation Reduction Act and are fighting it like hell in the courts.

It starts with 10, then 15 more the next year, then 15 more, then 20 more, then 20 more...

There's a reason Pharma (and the entire GOP) lined up against the Inflation Reduction Act and are fighting it like hell in the courts.

It starts with 10, then 15 more the next year, then 15 more, then 20 more, then 20 more...

There's a reason Pharma (and the entire GOP) lined up against the Inflation Reduction Act and are fighting it like hell in the courts.

Thousands of medications and we will get a continual trickle.
The reason is very simple.
The very powerful pharmaceutical lobby loves it. Demands it.
They got everything they wanted from it, and Obama/Pelosi were very happy to give it to them.

Democrats - It is outrageous why medicines cost so much in the United States!!! GRRR!!!

Reality - the Democrats are the very reason why medicines costs so much in the U.S., as a part of Obamacare, Big Pharma was guarantied to be able to charge higher prices here than Canada.
Which is why Obamacare is still in force. It has given Big Pharma over $30 Billion in additional profits.

Look it up.

Medicare too.
I've always enjoyed this summary:

Government-run health care systems are designed to control and manipulate markets, limit choices and redistribute wealth, and like most government-run systems, government health care systems fall short because bureaucrats are terrible at making decisions for other people. If government cannot effectively run the Postal Service, VA health system and Amtrak without losing boatloads of money, why would anyone think they could run America’s vast health care system?
I've always enjoyed this summary:

Government-run health care systems are designed to control and manipulate markets, limit choices and redistribute wealth, and like most government-run systems, government health care systems fall short because bureaucrats are terrible at making decisions for other people. If government cannot effectively run the Postal Service, VA health system and Amtrak without losing boatloads of money, why would anyone think they could run America’s vast health care system?

Some have their choices limited and some have no choices to limit.

For those bitching, come up with a better plan so the people can afford to see a doctor when they get sick or shut up concerning those who are trying.
Some credit is in order!

You would think that would be the case given that health care is so costly.

They've only been tracking since 2001, but I suspect the numbers were larger before then.

Health care didn't used to cost what it does today.

And, of course, there wasn't the technology available.

So, shared risk is almost essential in being able to participate.

It's still very expensive though.

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