Whatever Happened To That Obamacare Replacement?

Have a crystal ball do you ?

Can you tell me the price of AMD stock in one week ?
They have had decades to come up with ANY kind of health care plan and haven't even bothered. But they sure are all over Hunter's laptop, ByeDon's non existing crimes, Benghazi etc. Has any of this made your life better. I mean they could still do those things WHILE working on health care solutions but NOPE!
We can start with not having to file for bankruptcy.

Yes, this tired old meme.

My tired old response.

While they don't seem to publish the average debt of bankruptcy filings, it used to be below 20K. As much as a good used car.

And I'll add the bankruptcy is a financial decision. Not all who file (in fact most who file) HAVE to.
They have had decades to come up with ANY kind of health care plan and haven't even bothered. But they sure are all over Hunter's laptop, ByeDon's non existing crimes, Benghazi etc. Has any of this made your life better. I mean they could still do those things WHILE working on health care solutions but NOPE!

So you don't have a crystal ball.

Thanks for letting me know.

I'm disappointed. I was going to hire you as my stock broker.
So you don't have a crystal ball.

Thanks for letting me know.

I'm disappointed. I was going to hire you as my stock broker.
Bro, I wouldn't work for you. I want someone that actually would pay the people that work for them. Much like your Fat Orange Shit Giblet God/King I am sure you wouldn't!
Pooled risk is certainly a good way to avoid really expensive care.

However, I am with you in that we want to do way to much for way to many using other people's money. The cries of "uncaring" or "selfish" have been drowned out by to much else to matter any more. We take care of our own. And when someone gets sick, we need to keep doing that.

Unless it is way beyond our individual or collective capability. Then I can see it.

But, as you stated, health care is a free market commodity and prices adjust accordingly. And when the government is willing to spend so much money for poor results, there are plenty willing to take it.
Pooled risk can be done efficiently in the private market. It is called insurance and it can work. It gets expensive when the government regulates it and puts in all kind of unnecessary requirements.

Obamacare really fucked up the health care industry. My PCP is a great example. Before Obamacare he was in a two man practice. Him, another doctor, a nurse and a couple of office workers. They would charge $70 an office visit and were very flexible in what they do.

After Obamacare they were forced to emerge with a large medical outfit with tons of support people. Now (even before Bideninflation) the cost of an office visit is $350. They are also restricted in a lot of things that they can and cannot do. My insurance premiums reflect that big increase in cost due to government regulation that never should have happen.

By the way, the second largest employer in the world outside of the India railroad is the NHS in the UK. They have more administrators than they have doctors. Thank you very much big government.
Irrelevant to the long standing facts.

That fact means nothing without context.

I just read an article where a woman filed bankruptcy over 5K in medical bills. And she has a good job. But she "can't afford" to pay them.

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