Whatever Happened To That Obamacare Replacement?

Whatever Happened To That Obamacare Replacement?​

Can't beat it with a stick. Get behind it. Also,

Instead of trying to convince belligerent partisan idiots to change their minds.. Stand up! Be part of the solution!
We never did see that Obamacare replacement the GOP and then Donald Trump promised us they had. Trump's was "terrific". It was swell. It was the best health care plan ever. You were going to get tired of being so healthy.

While Obama was President, the Republican House partially or fully repealed Obamacare more than 60 times!

And yet, strangely, when they had full control of both houses of Congress, and the White House, there were no more repeals!


They had a partial repeal, with no replacement, which passed the House while Trump was president, and Trump held a prematurely ejaculatory celebration on the White House lawn. But then John McCain spoiled the whole thing with a thumbs down since it was all a hoax and did not actually replace Obamacare.

There's a way you can always tell when Trump is lying. He repeats the lie three times. Like this:

“Make no mistake,” (one!) the president said at one point,this is a repeal and a replace of Obamacare, make no mistake (two!) about it. Make no mistake.”(three!)


Since then, the organization formerly known as the Republican Party has failed to cough up a replacement for Obamacare.

You see, folks, if you want to win, you have to have better ideas than your opposition.

That's the key to long term success.

The real evilness is that the GOP told you they did have a better idea. But they didn't. They wanted you to bleev what turned out to be a total hoax.

And you never held them accountable. That's why they lie to you.

You never hold Trump accountable. That's why HE lies to you.

Guess what the number one issue on the minds of Americans is?

Health care costs.


This has been at or near the top of the list for DECADES. And the GOP has come up with NOTHING in all that time.

The organization formerly known as the Republican Party is now the party of, "LOOK! SQUIRREL!"

Nothing but pointless and hateful distractions to keep you from focusing on their total incompetence.

When will you finally, finally, finally start holding them accountable?

A lot of rosey words Trump spoke just to gain votes. If you need real action to be taken toward healthcare don't hire a Republican, you need a Democrat. As much criticism Obama got, he did way more than Trump ever did to improve our healthcare system.
You're back? :laughing0301:
Yes, but have cross state line competition could drive the premiums down just the same, slugger.

How do you imagine an insurer with no customers in a local market fares when sitting down to negotiate a contract with the local hospital system? Are they effective at bargaining down that hospital's prices?
How do you imagine an insurer with no customers in a local market fares when sitting down to negotiate a contract with the local hospital system? Are they effective at bargaining down that hospital's prices?
I don't know.

What I do know is that Obamacare was a pretty big fuck up for those who
couldn't afford it. I had some friends who didn't qualify for it because they didn't
make enough money. The way you spun yarns years ago made it sound like that wasn't going
to happen, or you were just being disingenuous with your sales pitch.
You're a paid shill, and really shouldn't be trusted from your track record.
I don't know.

They don't. Small or nonexistent customer base = small or nonexistent market leverage = least favorable negotiated prices with health care providers = least competitive premiums.

The biggest barrier is market dynamics, not regulations, as Georgia found out a decade ago when it threw open the door to out-of-state insurers.

What I do know is that Obamacare was a pretty big fuck up for those who
couldn't afford it. I had some friends who didn't qualify for it because they didn't
make enough money. The way you spun yarns years ago made it sound like that wasn't going
to happen, or you were just being disingenuous with your sales pitch.
You're a paid shill, and really shouldn't be trusted from your track record.

People being denied coverage because they "didn't make enough money" is an artifact of the Supreme Court making Medicaid expansion optional in 2012 and a dwindling number of backwards rightwing states refusing to take up the ACA's opportunity to expand their programs. Today, we're down to only ten holdout states, mostly in the southeast, as even many deep-red states have (often through voters overruling their GOP legislators at the ballot box) now expanded Medicaid.

For those on the other end of the spectrum (denied subsidies for a marketplace plan because they made too much), there aren't any financial limits on financial assistance anymore, you can thank Biden for that.

There never should've been any such limits, given that with hindsight we know the ACA cost far less than the bean counters were predicting back in 2009/10. Back then things were cut from the ACA and its generosity was scaled back to keep the (projected) ten-year cost under a trillion dollars. In reality, the cost ended up being a third of that, and the offsetting Medicare savings ended up being almost twice what was projected. The country had plenty of budgetary room to do much more for so many more people back then but didn't because everyone was worshipping at the altar of the CBO.

Thankfully, Biden has been correcting that mistake.

But as for the ten GOP states refusing to implement the ACA and provide care to those who don't make enough for marketplace subsidies, that's a tough nut to crack.
We never did see that Obamacare replacement the GOP and then Donald Trump promised us they had. Trump's was "terrific". It was swell. It was the best health care plan ever. You were going to get tired of being so healthy.

While Obama was President, the Republican House partially or fully repealed Obamacare more than 60 times!

And yet, strangely, when they had full control of both houses of Congress, and the White House, there were no more repeals!


They had a partial repeal, with no replacement, which passed the House while Trump was president, and Trump held a prematurely ejaculatory celebration on the White House lawn. But then John McCain spoiled the whole thing with a thumbs down since it was all a hoax and did not actually replace Obamacare.

There's a way you can always tell when Trump is lying. He repeats the lie three times. Like this:

“Make no mistake,” (one!) the president said at one point,this is a repeal and a replace of Obamacare, make no mistake (two!) about it. Make no mistake.”(three!)


Since then, the organization formerly known as the Republican Party has failed to cough up a replacement for Obamacare.

You see, folks, if you want to win, you have to have better ideas than your opposition.

That's the key to long term success.

The real evilness is that the GOP told you they did have a better idea. But they didn't. They wanted you to bleev what turned out to be a total hoax.

And you never held them accountable. That's why they lie to you.

You never hold Trump accountable. That's why HE lies to you.

Guess what the number one issue on the minds of Americans is?

Health care costs.


This has been at or near the top of the list for DECADES. And the GOP has come up with NOTHING in all that time.

The organization formerly known as the Republican Party is now the party of, "LOOK! SQUIRREL!"

Nothing but pointless and hateful distractions to keep you from focusing on their total incompetence.

When will you finally, finally, finally start holding them accountable?

Gutless congressional Republicans.
Your side isn't even talking about it. They're too busy wanting to chop of young boy's penises.
My "side"?

Why do you fools always default to a false dichotomy? Have you even read my posts in this topic?

Do so and you will find how stupid you just made yourself sound.

Whatever Happened To That Obamacare Replacement?​

Can't beat it with a stick. Get behind it. Also,

Instead of trying to convince belligerent partisan idiots to change their minds.. Stand up! Be part of the solution!
As I have been saying, the Democrats have made no secret of their desire to enact universal government health care.

And they will ultimately succeed, too, for the reasons I have stated. Republican stupidity and laziness.

Based on their actions, I am absolutely convinced the organization formerly known as the Republican Party capitulated to the Democrats on health care decades ago.

All their fussing and "repeal and replace" hoaxes are theater for the rubes.
You're back? :laughing0301:
Yes, but have cross state line competition could drive the premiums down just the same, slugger.
"Across state lines" is yet another Republican hoax.

Note how they are careful not to say "anywhere in the US".

You're being had once again, sap.
They don't. Small or nonexistent customer base = small or nonexistent market leverage = least favorable negotiated prices with health care providers = least competitive premiums.

The biggest barrier is market dynamics, not regulations, as Georgia found out a decade ago when it threw open the door to out-of-state insurers.

People being denied coverage because they "didn't make enough money" is an artifact of the Supreme Court making Medicaid expansion optional in 2012 and a dwindling number of backwards rightwing states refusing to take up the ACA's opportunity to expand their programs. Today, we're down to only ten holdout states, mostly in the southeast, as even many deep-red states have (often through voters overruling their GOP legislators at the ballot box) now expanded Medicaid.

For those on the other end of the spectrum (denied subsidies for a marketplace plan because they made too much), there aren't any financial limits on financial assistance anymore, you can thank Biden for that.

There never should've been any such limits, given that with hindsight we know the ACA cost far less than the bean counters were predicting back in 2009/10. Back then things were cut from the ACA and its generosity was scaled back to keep the (projected) ten-year cost under a trillion dollars. In reality, the cost ended up being a third of that, and the offsetting Medicare savings ended up being almost twice what was projected. The country had plenty of budgetary room to do much more for so many more people back then but didn't because everyone was worshipping at the altar of the CBO.

Thankfully, Biden has been correcting that mistake.

But as for the ten GOP states refusing to implement the ACA and provide care to those who don't make enough for marketplace subsidies, that's a tough nut to crack.
Having enough competition may change those numbers you're referring to. Right now there isn't any privilege to do so.
I don't know.

What I do know is that Obamacare was a pretty big fuck up for those who
couldn't afford it. I had some friends who didn't qualify for it because they didn't
make enough money. The way you spun yarns years ago made it sound like that wasn't going
to happen, or you were just being disingenuous with your sales pitch.
You're a paid shill, and really shouldn't be trusted from your track record.
That's pretty funny considering the massive "repeal and replace" hoax that had no actual replacement.
You won't here me say anything on that.
I was always in favor of a repeal....period.
Which would achieve a return to health care costs rising faster than they do now.

Good plan! I'm sure that would be very popular.

That's the laziness and stupidity I was talking about. ZERO thinking behind it.
Build a better mousetrap, and the world will beat a path to your door.

Build a better health care plan, and the voters will beat a path to your party.

The GOP is too busy pandering to the psychos, retards, bigots, hypocrites, and liars in their party.

That's why they have won the popular vote in presidential elections only ONCE in the past 30 years.

Time is not on their side.
Did you see the chart in post 2?

My god, no wonder you are so easily hoaxed.

The whole reason we have Obamacare is because health care costs were skyrocketing for DECADES before that.

And to this day, the GOP has come up with NOTHING.

Repealing Obamacare would do fuck-all to stop health care costs from accelerating.

Well I do agree it needed to be deregulated. Should be as easy as car insurance to sign up for.
As I have been saying, the Democrats have made no secret of their desire to enact universal government health care.

And they will ultimately succeed, too, for the reasons I have stated. Republican stupidity and laziness.

Based on their actions, I am absolutely convinced the organization formerly known as the Republican Party capitulated to the Democrats on health care decades ago.

All their fussing and "repeal and replace" hoaxes are theater for the rubes.

And what exactly is "Universal Healthcare Coverage"? The Democratic Party doesn't say. The World Health Organization says:

Universal health coverage (UHC) means that all people have access to the full range of quality health services they need, when and where they need them, without financial hardship. It covers the full continuum of essential health services, from health promotion to prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and palliative care.

Notice how "coverage" now magically refers to having "access" to care "services" and not to being insured? How an even vaguer phrase, "without financial hardship" substitutes for the "Affordable" in ACA? Who, pun intended, talks about primarily wanting or needing that? Billionaires? Hedge fund managers?

Yes, here's how the Democratic Party Platform describes the party's woeful inability to just git 'er done already:

Reads like Obama's running for President again. Lot's of very appealing ideas and promises. You give the Democrats far too much credit. Just three still push real Medicare 4 All. The Platform mentions "Medicare For All" exactly once:

We are proud our party welcomes advocates who want to build on and strengthen the Affordable Care Act and those who support a Medicare for All approach; all are critical to ensuring that health care is a human right.

Notice how they deftly shy away from actually supporting "a Medicare for All approach" or even "ensuring that health care is a human right" for that matter? That's just Bernie getting a word in edgewise where he still can.

No, the Democratic Party in general shall continue handing trillions to the private insurance behemoths because they're vastly corrupt, much like Republicans. 50% now become lobbyists when they retire from office or worse.
A lot of rosey words Trump spoke just to gain votes. If you need real action to be taken toward healthcare don't hire a Republican, you need a Democrat. As much criticism Obama got, he did way more than Trump ever did to improve our healthcare system.
So, seeing about 20% inflation since Jan. of 2021 has really improved things for the population. I guess it is all about who gets the COLA increases and in privileged unions and things like that who come out surviving and still with little negative affect. Those who have mortgages from several years ago and longer are also very privileged as newer homeowners and renters especially are screwed over. So Rosey. So many lies from a congenital liar and a man who is callous to death.
Having enough competition may change those numbers you're referring to. Right now there isn't any privilege to do so.

Insurers can and do enter and exit any state markets they want, they just have to play by the local rules. (E.g., "Aetna to enter ACA exchanges in 4 more states")

The "across-state-lines" catchphrase that was so popular 15 years ago is about letting insurers ignore the local rules that in-state insurers have to play by, swoop in and cream-skim the healthiest customers, and destroy the local markets. It's about letting states deregulate each other by preventing states from enforcing their own laws within their borders, ultimately eliminating any consumer protections a state might enact on behalf of its residents.

That's why as soon as there was a federal baseline set of consumer protections (i.e., insurers can't turn people away, can't charge more for pre-existing conditions, have to provide a baseline set of benefits), conservatives stopped talking about selling across-state-lines. That catchphase you're using is a relic from a bygone era.

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