Whatever happened to "we fight them there, so that we don't have to fight them here"?


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.
I remember when I first joined USMB, having many arguments with Republicans over Bush's wars. "We fight them there so that we don't have to fight them here" was the main excuse for the thousands of brave American lives, limbs and minds destroyed. These were wars that just had to be fought, they said, and I must hate America because I thought we had no business there.

Today I was listening to Rush sounding like the dove of all doves. And of course, the talk radio righties here are in step with Rush and Trump. Now.

Now I'm hearing that we should just let them battle it out themselves, that we have no business being there, that the cost was too great, that we shouldn't be involved in the Middle East.

Funny how things changed when Trump got the nomination.
But for how many more years ?

I think Trump fucked up by pulling the troops, but the only people who are "outraged" are Dimocrats and Republican lawmakers. The rest of us really could care less at this point.
Only thing is, while we may have moved our troops out of Syria, they aren't coming home, they are redeploying to Iraq. And, while you may say that is a good thing for the US because we can keep an eye on things over there, it's not. We took troops out of places where they kept our allies safe, and now, most other nations don't really trust us when we say we've got their back, because all they have to do is point to the Kurds and their being attacked by Turkey.
"we should just let them battle it out themselves, that we have no business being there, that the cost was too great, that we shouldn't be involved in the Middle East." It is what we should have done in the first place, but it took us nearly 20 years and 3 Presidents to come to the correct policy.
we have no business being there, that the cost was too great, that we shouldn't be involved in the Middle East.
Do you have an issue with Republicans taking positions like that? I don't.
Thanks Trump.
My curiosity is about the way Republicans here and elsewhere turned 180 degrees on a dime when Trump took over.

I've never seen anything like the devotion to this guy. That important of an issue, and they roll over like trained dogs.
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We aren't fighting them here? As rare as it has been, there still have been a few mooselimbs that engaged in mass shootings and gunfights with police.

It's really only a matter of time before it happen more often.

we have no business being there, that the cost was too great, that we shouldn't be involved in the Middle East.
Do you have an issue with Republicans taking positions like that? I don't.
Thanks Trump.
My curiosity is about the way Republicans here and elsewhere turned 180 degrees on a dime when Trump took over.

I've never seen anything like the devotion to this guy. That important of an issue, and they sit like trained dogs.

cult of personality.
we have no business being there, that the cost was too great, that we shouldn't be involved in the Middle East.
Do you have an issue with Republicans taking positions like that? I don't.
Thanks Trump.
My curiosity is about the way Republicans here and elsewhere turned 180 degrees on a dime when Trump took over.

I've never seen anything like the devotion to this guy. That important of an issue, and they sit like trained dogs.
Let's be fair here, it was an issue that he campaigned on, getting us out of useless regime change wars. Unfortunately he was unsuccessful until Syria but even that is fake news since the troops are only moving to Iraq
trained dogs.

The left has plenty of those.

we have no business being there, that the cost was too great, that we shouldn't be involved in the Middle East.
Do you have an issue with Republicans taking positions like that? I don't.
Thanks Trump.
My curiosity is about the way Republicans here and elsewhere turned 180 degrees on a dime when Trump took over.

I've never seen anything like the devotion to this guy. That important of an issue, and they sit like trained dogs.
Let's be fair here, it was an issue that he campaigned on, getting us out of useless regime change wars. Unfortunately he was unsuccessful until Syria but even that is fake news since the troops are only moving to Iraq

You know, you guys have to quit with that "fake news" moniker. Yes, Trump campaigned on getting our soldiers home. No, he's not been successful on that front, and his changing his mind on bringing the troops from Syria home and instead deciding to redeploy them to Iraq isn't "fake news" as it is actually happening. This is more of an example of Trump saying one thing, then going back on his word and doing something different. It's not fake news, it's another failed promise.
we have no business being there, that the cost was too great, that we shouldn't be involved in the Middle East.
Do you have an issue with Republicans taking positions like that? I don't.
Thanks Trump.
My curiosity is about the way Republicans here and elsewhere turned 180 degrees on a dime when Trump took over.
I've never seen anything like the devotion to this guy. That important of an issue, and they sit like trained dogs.
Let's be fair here, it was an issue that he campaigned on, getting us out of useless regime change wars. Unfortunately he was unsuccessful until Syria but even that is fake news since the troops are only moving to Iraq

You know, you guys have to quit with that "fake news" moniker. Yes, Trump campaigned on getting our soldiers home. No, he's not been successful on that front, and his changing his mind on bringing the troops from Syria home and instead deciding to redeploy them to Iraq isn't "fake news" as it is actually happening. This is more of an example of Trump saying one thing, then going back on his word and doing something different. It's not fake news, it's another failed promise.
Actually it is fake news, Everyone assumed that the troops would be coming home and not redeployed to another regime change war, Not a failed promise either just another misdirection.
Only thing is, while we may have moved our troops out of Syria, they aren't coming home, they are redeploying to Iraq. And, while you may say that is a good thing for the US because we can keep an eye on things over there, it's not. We took troops out of places where they kept our allies safe, and now, most other nations don't really trust us when we say we've got their back, because all they have to do is point to the Kurds and their being attacked by Turkey.
Now we are keeping some troops in Syria to protect some oil somewhere. Stop back tomorrow as Trump tries to cover his ass on his stupid plan to move our troops so Turkey could attack the Kurds.
we have no business being there, that the cost was too great, that we shouldn't be involved in the Middle East.
Do you have an issue with Republicans taking positions like that? I don't.
Thanks Trump.
My curiosity is about the way Republicans here and elsewhere turned 180 degrees on a dime when Trump took over.
I've never seen anything like the devotion to this guy. That important of an issue, and they sit like trained dogs.
Let's be fair here, it was an issue that he campaigned on, getting us out of useless regime change wars. Unfortunately he was unsuccessful until Syria but even that is fake news since the troops are only moving to Iraq

You know, you guys have to quit with that "fake news" moniker. Yes, Trump campaigned on getting our soldiers home. No, he's not been successful on that front, and his changing his mind on bringing the troops from Syria home and instead deciding to redeploy them to Iraq isn't "fake news" as it is actually happening. This is more of an example of Trump saying one thing, then going back on his word and doing something different. It's not fake news, it's another failed promise.
Actually it is fake news, Everyone assumed that the troops would be coming home and not redeployed to another regime change war, Not a failed promise either just another misdirection.

I don't see it that way. Fake news to me is something that is blatantly false, used to drive a certain agenda.

Trump said he was going to move our troops out of Syria and bring them home. He started to bring them out, but then when Turkey attacked the Kurds and all those ISIL prisoners escaped, someone must have told him it would be a bad idea to get rid of all the troops in the area, so just ship them to Iraq where they can be ready to deploy quickly if problems from ISIL started cropping up again.

No, this isn't fake news. It is Trump displaying piss poor leadership and flip flopping around with his decisions. Trump actually did say he was going to bring them out of Syria and back home. Troops actually got excited about the news, at least, until they found out they weren't coming home, they were redeploying to Iraq. This is a failed promise on Trump's part.
I remember when I first joined USMB, having many arguments with Republicans over Bush's wars. "We fight them there so that we don't have to fight them here" was the main excuse for the thousands of brave American lives, limbs and minds destroyed. These were wars that just had to be fought, they said, and I must hate America because I thought we had no business there.

Today I was listening to Rush sounding like the dove of all doves. And of course, the talk radio righties here are in step with Rush and Trump. Now.

Now I'm hearing that we should just let them battle it out themselves, that we have no business being there, that the cost was too great, that we shouldn't be involved in the Middle East.

Funny how things changed when Trump got the nomination.
Sorry....but I think we've realized that we were hoodwinked.
So we've adapted.
Only thing is, while we may have moved our troops out of Syria, they aren't coming home, they are redeploying to Iraq. And, while you may say that is a good thing for the US because we can keep an eye on things over there, it's not. We took troops out of places where they kept our allies safe, and now, most other nations don't really trust us when we say we've got their back, because all they have to do is point to the Kurds and their being attacked by Turkey.

wonderful.....this reeks more and more of a no win situation Biker

I would be more than happy if those troops in the Mid east were redeployed along the Mexican border where they are needed

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