What's better? Paying for Birth Control, Abortions, or Welfare?

I keep hearing girls say they should have the right to receive free birth control, and that us men shouldn't get into it. Guess they forgot that birth control is funded by the tax payers, many of whom actually happen to be men. So, our opinion on the matter kinda sorta matters.

Anyways, if we take away birth control, we'd probably be stuck paying for abortions. Which is a big issue for me since I'm 100% pro-life and I think those that are pro-choice should exercise their right to not have sex sometimes. Rape however, is a different story.

And finally, if we get rid of both birth control and abortions, we will ultimately be forced to pay for the welfare of these families and single mothers who have those unprecedented babies.

So, which one would you feel better paying for?
To solve it all, would be to support strong family once again in America, where as when these natural things like Love, Marriage and the support of such things does occur naturally and structurally, in which we do want to occur naturally and structurally, then the other ones in which have long since replaced the decency of America and her citizens as is mentioned in this article, would slowly dicipate or become a non-issue once again in America.

Problem is, is that we have a government that does not represent nor wants to incentivise and/or hold up individual good characters as found (i.e. in a man and a woman who are found in marriage), that are to be joined or are joined together in society anymore, and are promoted to raise their family in such a society, and so it has totally lost it's way in regards to the solutions for these things anymore. We have a government that is bending it's ear towards the devil these days, and therfore has become confused and lost as the devil has it's way with America un-opposed.
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Probably welfare. Paying for the other 2 seems more of a personal responsibility issue, whereas welfare can come about through no fault of the receiver.

Which still doesn't make it any less YOUR responsibility, or make it any more mine.
I think it's rational to view us humans as part of an ecosystem, naturally and economic, which requires a great deal of social responsibility. This is the thing about American Culture that is hardest to overcome, I think.

Okay, you made a HUGE leap in logic there, when you assumed that "social responsibility" somehow included FINANCIAL responsibility for the lives and well-being of total strangers.

My "social responsibilities" include being law-abiding and productive to the extent of my capacity, and caring for those for whom I AM legally and financially responsible. YOU are not one of those people, inasmuch as I don't know you from my left elbow.

Whether the issue is you having a desire to screw around with strangers you've picked up in bars when you can't even afford to feed yourself, or you suddenly getting hit by a car or being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, you are not my responsibility. I have no obligation to you or for your well-being, and it is inappropriate for you to legislatively assign me that obligation simply because you happen to live in the same "ecosystem" I do.
Conservatives are always bitching, wanting the government to get out of their bodies, yet they have no problem telling everyone else what to do with their bodies...
Conservatives are always bitching, wanting the government to get out of their bodies, yet they have no problem telling everyone else what to do with their bodies...

No, dimwit. It's not conservatives who are bitching about "get out of our bodies"; that would be liberals, who always seem to follow that line with ". . . as soon as you finish buying my birth control".

And conservatives don't give a shit what you do with your skeezy body, so long as we don't have to pay for it. It's what gets done with OUR MONEY that we want to control. You can fuck anything you like . . . on YOUR dime.

Welcome to reality. Looks a little bit different than you were imagining, doesn't it?
I keep hearing girls say they should have the right to receive free birth control, and that us men shouldn't get into it. Guess they forgot that birth control is funded by the tax payers, many of whom actually happen to be men. So, our opinion on the matter kinda sorta matters.

Anyways, if we take away birth control, we'd probably be stuck paying for abortions. Which is a big issue for me since I'm 100% pro-life and I think those that are pro-choice should exercise their right to not have sex sometimes. Rape however, is a different story.

And finally, if we get rid of both birth control and abortions, we will ultimately be forced to pay for the welfare of these families and single mothers who have those unprecedented babies.

So, which one would you feel better paying for?

You are hearing correctly. A few years ago I was supposed to help young, single, mothers from age 12 to 19 enforce their rights to child support from the fathers and help them get organized visitation. In every case, no matter which group I spoke to, the girls uniformly did not think that the men were in any way responsible. In fact, making the men pay was unfair to those guys. Over and over again, the girls told me that their pregnancy wasn't the fault of the men. The pregnancy was the fault of the public who didn't provide birth control OR MAKE SURE BIRTH CONTROL WAS USED when it was provided. Girls may have gotten BC pills from the school nurse, but the nurse was surely at fault because she had a responsibility to make sure the pills were taken and didn't.

As I traveled around to these groups and shelters the most common result was anger from the girls at me for even suggesting that the men be treated so badly that they be forced to pay. Sometimes I was just shouted down by angry young mothers fighting my misplaced blame and I left. I finally told the organizers of the project that the idea was misguided and gave it up.

So what you are hearing is really spot on.
Conservatives are always bitching, wanting the government to get out of their bodies, yet they have no problem telling everyone else what to do with their bodies...
Consevatives don't want to tell others what to do with their own bodies, except only if those bodies are harboring another life within, and that life becomes endangered due to the irresponsible actions of the person who chose to lay down so easily, and therefore created that life within, who then wants to at the stroke of a signature "throw" that life away as if it had never been concieved at all.

How will they feel if God therefore closes the door to a second life for them come judgement day, because they so willingly denide the first life to their own child in which they were carrying as a miracle within their own bodies, and in which would have been born upon the earth per their moral responsibility in order to allow the new life to be born as it should have been? There are so many spoiled rotten cowards now previlent today living within our society, that it has become an immoral society that chooses to toss babies away as if they are some sort of contacted illness that had consumed their bodies after they had sex. Liberals just hate it when conservatives try to stop those who are weakened in life from doing these heinous crimes against these little ones, especially when they are so much more readily these days to "choose" quickly to do these things that are against God and against their own nature, but yet they do them anyway.

Aiding and abeding these individuals from a government perspective is something that has increased the thought that these things are ok, and all because the liberal side of government had supported these things in some form or fashion like it has now over the years. It has been wrong headed and a wrongful government involvement that connects with all the other wrongful government involvement that is now the supposed norm within this society.
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A few years ago I was supposed to help young, single, mothers from age 12 to 19 enforce their rights to child support from the fathers and help them get organized visitation. In every case, no matter which group I spoke to, the girls uniformly did not think that the men were in any way responsible. In fact, making the men pay was unfair to those guys. Over and over again, the girls told me that their pregnancy wasn't the fault of the men. The pregnancy was the fault of the public who didn't provide birth control OR MAKE SURE BIRTH CONTROL WAS USED when it was provided. Girls may have gotten BC pills from the school nurse, but the nurse was surely at fault because she had a responsibility to make sure the pills were taken and didn't.

As I traveled around to these groups and shelters the most common result was anger from the girls at me for even suggesting that the men be treated so badly that they be forced to pay. Sometimes I was just shouted down by angry young mothers fighting my misplaced blame and I left. I finally told the organizers of the project that the idea was misguided and gave it up.

So what you are hearing is really spot on.

Hmmmm, We provided at our expense "birth control" to our daughter, but she didn't take it like she was supposed to and therefore had our first grandaughter as a result of her actions. We have no regrets about her giving birth to our grandaughter as it was the right thing to do afterwards, and it has been great other than the father was not father material, and has since left the building.

The child support hearing comes next, so here we all go right, in which is right on into a society that has fomented these types of trends and messages for our youth to consume, thus joining the thousands who have been affected by these messages and created trends in which this nation has accepted as the norm anymore in this society. Then we have government supporting, harboring and safe keeping these new trends and messages as if they are something that is good for our society, instead of educating and creating programs that are designed to push back these bad trends and bad messages in which has been adopted so easily by these young people these days.

Winning back the hearts and the minds of our youth is paramount in this nation, but it won't be done by a liberal society whom thinks that these things are something that is ok for all of society, so first the liberal mindset has to be de-throned and somehow re-programed or taught better about these things in order for these trends and problems to be reversed. You would think that the stats would be enough for them, but they are a hard-headed bunch these liberals are these days. Just sayin!

Now I know that liberals aren't the only ones to blame, even though I was having fun in blaming them, but this is a nationwide problem that cuts across all borders kept by families who are trying to keep the devil at bay, and it apears that many are losing this battle anymore with their teenagers, and that is ashame.

Government is not the answer, but right now is instead the problem, and has been the problem now for quite sometime, oh and lets not forget Hollywood, in which could be the worst problem of all, and this for our society to date anymore.
Once we made it easy and safe for girls to have babies with no responsibility to provide for them, this was bound to happen. If we removed the support, these girls might think twice before they flop on their backs. Restore the consequences, like making them provide for their children. Impose severe consequences on men who impregnant women, maybe they'll think about putting on that condom instead of how much better it feels to go bareback.
Once we made it easy and safe for girls to have babies with no responsibility to provide for them, this was bound to happen. If we removed the support, these girls might think twice before they flop on their backs. Restore the consequences, like making them provide for their children. Impose severe consequences on men who impregnant women, maybe they'll think about putting on that condom instead of how much better it feels to go bareback.
Something needs to happen for sure....
Conservatives are always bitching, wanting the government to get out of their bodies, yet they have no problem telling everyone else what to do with their bodies...

No, dimwit. It's not conservatives who are bitching about "get out of our bodies"; that would be liberals, who always seem to follow that line with ". . . as soon as you finish buying my birth control".

And conservatives don't give a shit what you do with your skeezy body, so long as we don't have to pay for it. It's what gets done with OUR MONEY that we want to control. You can fuck anything you like . . . on YOUR dime.

Welcome to reality. Looks a little bit different than you were imagining, doesn't it?

Except for the part where Republicans including Mitt Romney had said they'd go after porn.

Reagan prosecutor: Romney promised 'vigorous' porn crackdown | The Daily Caller

Going after 'obscenity' (read some types of consensual adult porn) is also part of the 2012 republican platform.

I know anyone can call themselves a republican but they're the closest to a conservative party in the U.S.
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Conservatives are always bitching, wanting the government to get out of their bodies, yet they have no problem telling everyone else what to do with their bodies...

No, dimwit. It's not conservatives who are bitching about "get out of our bodies"; that would be liberals, who always seem to follow that line with ". . . as soon as you finish buying my birth control".

And conservatives don't give a shit what you do with your skeezy body, so long as we don't have to pay for it. It's what gets done with OUR MONEY that we want to control. You can fuck anything you like . . . on YOUR dime.

Welcome to reality. Looks a little bit different than you were imagining, doesn't it?

Except for the part where Republicans including Mitt Romney had said they'd go after porn.

Reagan prosecutor: Romney promised 'vigorous' porn crackdown | The Daily Caller

Going after 'obscenity' (read some types of consensual adult porn) is also part of the 2012 republican platform.

I know anyone can call themselves a republican but they're the closest to a conservative party in the U.S.

Do you understand the difference between "what you do with your own body" and "what you put out where other people can see it"? Porn is not private, halfwit; it's public. That's the POINT of porn.

If you hire a hooker and go to downtown Tucson to the park in front of the courthouse and start boffing her, and a cop comes by and arrests you, is he "telling you what you can do with your own body", or is he telling you what you can make public for other people to see?

See if you can find an intelligent person and have him or her explain to you all the reasons that the government might have a problem with Internet pornography aside from being obsessed with controlling YOUR pathetic excuse for a body. :eusa_hand:
No, dimwit. It's not conservatives who are bitching about "get out of our bodies"; that would be liberals, who always seem to follow that line with ". . . as soon as you finish buying my birth control".

And conservatives don't give a shit what you do with your skeezy body, so long as we don't have to pay for it. It's what gets done with OUR MONEY that we want to control. You can fuck anything you like . . . on YOUR dime.

Welcome to reality. Looks a little bit different than you were imagining, doesn't it?

Except for the part where Republicans including Mitt Romney had said they'd go after porn.

Reagan prosecutor: Romney promised 'vigorous' porn crackdown | The Daily Caller

Going after 'obscenity' (read some types of consensual adult porn) is also part of the 2012 republican platform.

I know anyone can call themselves a republican but they're the closest to a conservative party in the U.S.

Do you understand the difference between "what you do with your own body" and "what you put out where other people can see it"? Porn is not private, halfwit; it's public. That's the POINT of porn.

Porn isn't private? What the hell are you on?

You film two people having sex in the privacy of a building you own then upload it to a private website (which may or may not be invite only), or you sell the tape in pirvately owned video stores.

It is as private as a privately owned bar. Sometimes moreso, because not every website is available to the public.

If you hire a hooker and go to downtown Tucson to the park in front of the courthouse and start boffing her, and a cop comes by and arrests you, is he "telling you what you can do with your own body", or is he telling you what you can make public for other people to see?

That analogy doesn't work. The internet isn't public property, and not all of it accessible to everyone. Some of it you need to pay to see some of it has age barriers and some of it is invite only.

And for the record obscenity laws apply more to more than just the internet.
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