What's going to happen when conservatives learn the news wasn't fake

The stock market is slowly falling.

The tax cuts have produced nothing.

We are at 2 percent GDP.

We are facing trillion dollar deficits.

We are losing jobs.

Companies are leaving his country.

The tariffs are going to take jobs.

The rest of the world is retaliating with tariffs on our stuff.

The Russia investigation is closing in on Trump.

Trump didn't change shit in North Korea.

All of these things have been ignored and called fake news. What happens when you conservatives learn that the news was not fake?
/----/ None of that is true. All fake news from LiberalPropagandaville.

So counter it all...with links.

There were no links provided to support any of it

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

It's not like you can't find a thread, with links on just about all those topics and Trump cultists denying any of it is happening.
The stock market is slowly falling.

The tax cuts have produced nothing.

We are at 2 percent GDP.

We are facing trillion dollar deficits.

We are losing jobs.

Companies are leaving his country.

The tariffs are going to take jobs.

The rest of the world is retaliating with tariffs on our stuff.

The Russia investigation is closing in on Trump.

Trump didn't change shit in North Korea.

All of these things have been ignored and called fake news. What happens when you conservatives learn that the news was not fake?
/----/ None of that is true. All fake news from LiberalPropagandaville.

So counter it all...with links.
The OP has no Links.

Here's an easy one...

First-quarter GDP marked down to 2% from 2.2%

And another

Kudlow wrong about deficits falling rapidly under Trump

Oh and...

Why Harley-Davidson Is Moving Production Overseas

I guess that explains all those "Help Wanted" signs that popped up all over the place.

Seriously, you guys need to get out of your mom's basement once in awhile and see what's really happening in this country for yourselves.
The stock market is slowly falling.

The tax cuts have produced nothing.

We are at 2 percent GDP.

We are facing trillion dollar deficits.

We are losing jobs.

Companies are leaving his country.

The tariffs are going to take jobs.

The rest of the world is retaliating with tariffs on our stuff.

The Russia investigation is closing in on Trump.

Trump didn't change shit in North Korea.

All of these things have been ignored and called fake news. What happens when you conservatives learn that the news was not fake?
/----/ None of that is true. All fake news from LiberalPropagandaville.

So counter it all...with links.
The OP has no Links.

Here's an easy one...

First-quarter GDP marked down to 2% from 2.2%

And another

Kudlow wrong about deficits falling rapidly under Trump

Oh and...

Why Harley-Davidson Is Moving Production Overseas

I guess that explains all those "Help Wanted" signs that popped up all over the place.

Seriously, you guys need to get out of your mom's basement once in awhile and see what's really happening in this country for yourselves.

So now you believe the unemployment rate? True or false, companies that move production overseas like Trump and Harley Davidson equals U.S. job loss?
The stock market is slowly falling.

The tax cuts have produced nothing.

We are at 2 percent GDP.

We are facing trillion dollar deficits.

We are losing jobs.

Companies are leaving his country.

The tariffs are going to take jobs.

The rest of the world is retaliating with tariffs on our stuff.

The Russia investigation is closing in on Trump.

Trump didn't change shit in North Korea.

All of these things have been ignored and called fake news. What happens when you conservatives learn that the news was not fake?

Yeah and on top of all the misfortune you listed we have to deal with the most worrisome news of all …….

Game of Thrones Season 8 isn't premiering until 2019.

Thanks Trump ya fucking prick. :mad:
What's going to happen to Democrats when the new SCOTUS justice is seated by the first Monday in October?

What's going to happen to Democrats when they get stomped to a shit smear in November?

Well they are hoping for that blue wave. LOL
The stock market is slowly falling.

The tax cuts have produced nothing.

We are at 2 percent GDP.

We are facing trillion dollar deficits.

We are losing jobs.

Companies are leaving his country.

The tariffs are going to take jobs.

The rest of the world is retaliating with tariffs on our stuff.

The Russia investigation is closing in on Trump.

Trump didn't change shit in North Korea.

All of these things have been ignored and called fake news. What happens when you conservatives learn that the news was not fake?
/----/ None of that is true. All fake news from LiberalPropagandaville.

So counter it all...with links.

There were no links provided to support any of it

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

It's not like you can't find a thread, with links on just about all those topics and Trump cultists denying any of it is happening.
[lib troll] So you got nothing [/lib troll] :)
What's going to happen to Democrats when the new SCOTUS justice is seated by the first Monday in October?

What's going to happen to Democrats when they get stomped to a shit smear in November?

To your first question nothing. To your second question. Nothing.

Now let me tell you what can happen. That right wing justice can be the consistent vote turning back the clock, and you will watch America go up in flames as hell breaks loose. And it's highly doubtful your second question happens. Your pissant 30 percent is probably more likely to be put back in it's place.

How amusing.

What hell do you think will break loose? Democrat/socialists burning down their own neighborhoods in cities they themselves run?

Should you people take the step, do you think the Armed Forces will side with you? Do you think that should such street nonsense spill into suburbia that it will not be a turkey-shoot, with you people in the role of turkeys?

Your own party will cast you out should you take a step too far, for the sake of its own survival as a political alternative. Grow the fuck up.
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LOL! Let's see:

The stock market is climbing, and it has gained more in the last 17 months than it during Obama's entire presidency. In 2014, the stock market was barely over 15,000. In 2016, it was barely at 16,000. Now it's at 24,000.

The tax cuts have produced an extra $220 per month in my take-home pay.

We have seen a record-setting growth in manufacturing jobs.

The unemployment rate is at an historic low.

So far, over $500 billion in American parked overseas has come back to the U.S., directly thanks to the Trump tax cuts.

While it remains to be seen what will happen with North Korea, the fact that Trump even got Kim Jung Un to the table is a remarkable achievement.

Our military is now being rebuilt.

Our trade deficit is coming down.

And on and on I could go.

I guess that explains all those "Help Wanted" signs that popped up all over the place.

Seriously, you guys need to get out of your mom's basement once in awhile and see what's really happening in this country for yourselves.

So now you believe the unemployment rate? True or false, companies that move production overseas like Trump and Harley Davidson equals U.S. job loss?
So you expect a change in economic paradigm to take effect immediately.
On the other hand, Nassau County is bustling with employment.
So because I didn't link my comments like most of right wingers never do, none of the things I said happened?

Analysis | The first layoffs from Trump’s tariffs are here

Terms of Service Violation

Where’s that $4,000 Raise the GOP Promised Workers?

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce Is Fighting Trump's Tariffs with Facts

Satellite images show North Korea upgrading nuclear research facility: report


Fuck your double standards. Post a link every time you make a claim about how Obama created all those terrible things you blame him for.
The stock market is slowly falling.

The tax cuts have produced nothing.

We are at 2 percent GDP.

We are facing trillion dollar deficits.

We are losing jobs.

Companies are leaving his country.

The tariffs are going to take jobs.

The rest of the world is retaliating with tariffs on our stuff.

The Russia investigation is closing in on Trump.

Trump didn't change shit in North Korea.

All of these things have been ignored and called fake news. What happens when you conservatives learn that the news was not fake?
What you call "the news" is partially fake, and partially simply the ramifications of a country in cleanup transition. Do you judge how someone's house looks when they're cleaning it up ? Do you judge an artist's painting when it's not even half done ?

And maybe Trump's many accomplishments could be even more, if his administration wasn't constantly being obstructed, distracted, and harassed by the Democrat witch hunt.




  • upload_2018-7-3_8-48-7.jpeg
    17.6 KB · Views: 20
What's going to happen to Democrats when the new SCOTUS justice is seated by the first Monday in October?

What's going to happen to Democrats when they get stomped to a shit smear in November?

Well they are hoping for that blue wave. LOL

Blue Wave? Bah ,That's going to have to wait since I can't fit it into my entertainment schedule this year.

After all I'm still trying to secure tickets to see that magnificent Blue Wall.
The stock market is slowly falling.

The tax cuts have produced nothing.

We are at 2 percent GDP.

We are facing trillion dollar deficits.

We are losing jobs.

Companies are leaving his country.

The tariffs are going to take jobs.

The rest of the world is retaliating with tariffs on our stuff.

The Russia investigation is closing in on Trump.

Trump didn't change shit in North Korea.

All of these things have been ignored and called fake news. What happens when you conservatives learn that the news was not fake?

You tell us. This is your make believe world.
So because I didn't link my comments like most of right wingers never do, none of the things I said happened?

Analysis | The first layoffs from Trump’s tariffs are here

Terms of Service Violation

Where’s that $4,000 Raise the GOP Promised Workers?

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce Is Fighting Trump's Tariffs with Facts

Satellite images show North Korea upgrading nuclear research facility: report


Fuck your double standards. Post a link every time you make a claim about how Obama created all those terrible things you blame him for.

Your sources have long proven to be laughable producers of the skewed, the well-spun, and the fantastical. Try again.
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So now you believe the unemployment rate? True or false, companies that move production overseas like Trump and Harley Davidson equals U.S. job loss?
You're claiming that Trump has production of his companies overseas ?

I guess that explains all those "Help Wanted" signs that popped up all over the place.

Seriously, you guys need to get out of your mom's basement once in awhile and see what's really happening in this country for yourselves.

So now you believe the unemployment rate? True or false, companies that move production overseas like Trump and Harley Davidson equals U.S. job loss?

What "companies" are you referring to? One company (HD) moves some of it's production overseas and you people turn into poop-flinging monkeys.

The truth is and overall, companies are repatriating like crazy after Trump was elected. His tax reform made it more profitable to stay here.

Guess What? Companies Are Bringing Their Cash Home
The stock market is slowly falling.

The tax cuts have produced nothing.

We are at 2 percent GDP.

We are facing trillion dollar deficits.

We are losing jobs.

Companies are leaving his country.

The tariffs are going to take jobs.

The rest of the world is retaliating with tariffs on our stuff.

The Russia investigation is closing in on Trump.

Trump didn't change shit in North Korea.

All of these things have been ignored and called fake news. What happens when you conservatives learn that the news was not fake?
Okay I am going to tell you the truth. Can ewe handle it? The first 43 presidents amassed ten trillion dollars of debt combined. Number 44 amassed 10 trillion singlehandedly! Number 45 has spent a trillion in two years if he spends a trillion every two years at the end of eight years he will have spent 4 trillion. Number 44 was the biggest spender. Have a nice day and stop whining about 45 winning. ❤️
LOL! Let's see:

The stock market is climbing, and it has gained more in the last 17 months than it during Obama's entire presidency. In 2014, the stock market was barely over 15,000. In 2016, it was barely at 16,000. Now it's at 24,000.

The tax cuts have produced an extra $220 per month in my take-home pay.

We have seen a record-setting growth in manufacturing jobs.

The unemployment rate is at an historic low.

So far, over $500 billion in American parked overseas has come back to the U.S., directly thanks to the Trump tax cuts.

While it remains to be seen what will happen with North Korea, the fact that Trump even got Kim Jung Un to the table is a remarkable achievement.

Our military is now being rebuilt.

Our trade deficit is coming down.

And on and on I could go.

Too bad none of those things outside your claim pf additional income is true.

Trump no longer talks a lot about the stock market. Here’s why
By Niv Elis - 07/01/18 07:34 PM EDT 2,040

Nearly seven months into 2018, Trump barely mentions the markets anymore. The S&P 500, considered one of the best representations of the U.S. stock market, closed at 2,718 on Friday.

Even as good economic news continues to make headlines, the stock markets have become volatile. The S&P is hovering at the same level it was in late December and early January.

During his first full year in office, Trump tweeted the phrase “stock market” 46 times, almost once a week.

Since Jan. 26, when the market topped out at 2,872 and headed into a correction, Trump has only tweeted about it twice.

One of those tweets decried the seeming incongruence between the market and the steady stream of good economic news.

“In the 'old days,' when good news was reported, the Stock Market would go up. Today, when good news is reported, the Stock Market goes down. Big mistake, and we have so much good (great) news about the economy!” he lamented.

The switch makes sense.

In his first year in office, Trump had plenty to brag about when it came to stock performance.

The S&P 500 rose 23.9 percent from Jan. 20, 2017 to Jan. 20, 2018. Of the last eight presidents, only former President Obama had seen faster growth in his first year in office, at 30 percent, according to data from Microtrends.

Just a few months later, the S&P’s performance under Trump has fallen but is up 20 percent since his inauguration. That’s behind the 20.4 percent growth seen by former President George H. W. Bush over the same time period, the 24.8 under Obama and the 39.8 under former President Ford.

Trump no longer talks a lot about the stock market. Here’s why

As for NK other presidents didn't want to waste their time. Not that only Trump could bring them to the table.

Our military did not need to be rebuilt.

Our trade deficit with who is coming down?

The tax cuts have come back as stock buy backs benefitting only stockholders. You getting 220 per month back does not represent the overall picture.

Unemployment started going downward 6 years before Trump took office. he thing here is Obama inherited a dead economy on the verge of depression. Trump inherited a healthy economy at full employment. He did not create full employment by any of his policies. But his supporters give him credit just because he is siting in the oval office.

I can keep going too. The major difference is what I'm saying is supported by fact.
The stock market is slowly falling.

The tax cuts have produced nothing.

We are at 2 percent GDP.

We are facing trillion dollar deficits.

We are losing jobs.

Companies are leaving his country.

The tariffs are going to take jobs.

The rest of the world is retaliating with tariffs on our stuff.

The Russia investigation is closing in on Trump.

Trump didn't change shit in North Korea.

All of these things have been ignored and called fake news. What happens when you conservatives learn that the news was not fake?

More's the question what will it feel like when we are released from weeks of aversion shock therapy only to still believe all the so-called reality bytes in your list. Will the radical Left send us back for another bout of reeducation or is off to the gulag?

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