What's going to happen when conservatives learn the news wasn't fake

Can't be any worse than when that asshole affirmative action Obama was President and we had increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendous debt, increased welfare, increased taxes, millions of Illegals were flooding across the border, increased income disparity, health care was all fucked up and our foreign policy was the laughing stock of the world.
And cut unemployment in half and tripled the stock market; after Bush dumped the worst economy in generations him.
The problem is you guys use the worst economy since the great depression in every election, people have caught on.
and again, don't make banks loan to people who can't pay.......crash solved.
The stock market is slowly falling.

The tax cuts have produced nothing.

We are at 2 percent GDP.

We are facing trillion dollar deficits.

We are losing jobs.

Companies are leaving his country.

The tariffs are going to take jobs.

The rest of the world is retaliating with tariffs on our stuff.

The Russia investigation is closing in on Trump.

Trump didn't change shit in North Korea.

All of these things have been ignored and called fake news. What happens when you conservatives learn that the news was not fake?

“Some people” haven’t been able to come to grips with the fact that we have a white POTUS again, they honestly thought Kenyan Zulus would run the nation forever.
This REAL President has more blacks working than ever before; he’s busting his ass to stop wetbacks from stealing welfare from blacks and “some” ungrateful fucks refuse to acknowledge it.

The white presidnt s not the reason for any of this. Black unemployment is double that of whites. Why race is being mentioned here is a true reflection on why Trump supporters go along with the destruction of our country by his president.


A fine display of blignorance (Black ignorance). More than 70% of the nation is white...think per capita like smart people do.
21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month
Who Participated in Welfare?
The black population at 41.6 percent, blacks were more likely to participate in government assistance programs in an average month.
The black participation rate was followed by Hispanics at 36.4 percent, Asians or Pacific Islanders at 17.8 percent, and non-Hispanic whites at 13.2 percent

Per capita is the punk ass racists excuse for white failure. Plus it's not the OP.

I guess that explains all those "Help Wanted" signs that popped up all over the place.

Seriously, you guys need to get out of your mom's basement once in awhile and see what's really happening in this country for yourselves.

So now you believe the unemployment rate? True or false, companies that move production overseas like Trump and Harley Davidson equals U.S. job loss?

What "companies" are you referring to? One company (HD) moves some of it's production overseas and you people turn into poop-flinging monkeys.

The truth is and overall, companies are repatriating like crazy after Trump was elected. His tax reform made it more profitable to stay here.

Guess What? Companies Are Bringing Their Cash Home

One company? Are you living under your parents basement?

American Companies Keep Sending Thousands of Jobs Overseas

Under Trump, US jobs are moving overseas even faster than before

“We’re just shipping company after company after company is leaving this country and leaving jobs behind,” president Donald Trump said on the campaign trail last year. “And I’m going to get it stopped.”

So far, not so good. A group that advocates for federal workers says government records show (pdf) more than 10,000 jobs at federal contractors have been sent over overseas since Trump was elected. That’s more than double the average annual amount during Barack Obama’s presidency. The organization, Good Jobs Nation, funded by unions and faith groups, wants the White House to hold these contractors accountable.

All told, in the year since Trump was elected, more than 93,000 jobs have been certified by the Department of Labor as lost to outsourcing or trade competition, slightly higher than the average of about 87,000 in the preceding five years. But federal contractors made up 10% of that number, rather than the previous average of 4%. That suggests companies that work for the government like General Motors, Boeing and United Technologies aren’t worried about political repercussions from the man in the White House.

Jesus Christ cheese head clean the mold out.
Can't be any worse than when that asshole affirmative action Obama was President and we had increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendous debt, increased welfare, increased taxes, millions of Illegals were flooding across the border, increased income disparity, health care was all fucked up and our foreign policy was the laughing stock of the world.
And cut unemployment in half and tripled the stock market; after Bush dumped the worst economy in generations him.
The problem is you guys use the worst economy since the great depression in every election, people have caught on.
and again, don't make banks loan to people who can't pay.......crash solved.

Actually that's not true. What you don't allow is wall street to make fake investment packages to sell. You know, like junk bonds, credit default swaps and derivatives. Then you don't allow people to sell adjustable rate mortgages and let the mortgage lender raise the mortgage every month to make more money. But hey, I'm talking to a conservative. They don't know shit, but they can surely blame the poor for everything.
The stock market is slowly falling.

The tax cuts have produced nothing.

We are at 2 percent GDP.

We are facing trillion dollar deficits.

We are losing jobs.

Companies are leaving his country.

The tariffs are going to take jobs.

The rest of the world is retaliating with tariffs on our stuff.

The Russia investigation is closing in on Trump.

Trump didn't change shit in North Korea.

All of these things have been ignored and called fake news. What happens when you conservatives learn that the news was not fake?

2 words for you "DEEP STATE" AMIRITE?

All of these things have been ignored and called fake news. What happens when you conservatives learn that the news was not fake?

A typical morning for the moron-in-chief.....LOL

The stock market is slowly falling.

The tax cuts have produced nothing.

We are at 2 percent GDP.

We are facing trillion dollar deficits.

We are losing jobs.

Companies are leaving his country.

The tariffs are going to take jobs.

The rest of the world is retaliating with tariffs on our stuff.

The Russia investigation is closing in on Trump.

Trump didn't change shit in North Korea.

All of these things have been ignored and called fake news. What happens when you conservatives learn that the news was not fake?

“Some people” haven’t been able to come to grips with the fact that we have a white POTUS again, they honestly thought Kenyan Zulus would run the nation forever.
This REAL President has more blacks working than ever before; he’s busting his ass to stop wetbacks from stealing welfare from blacks and “some” ungrateful fucks refuse to acknowledge it.

The white presidnt s not the reason for any of this. Black unemployment is double that of whites. Why race is being mentioned here is a true reflection on why Trump supporters go along with the destruction of our country by his president.

/----/ Everyone knows more Whites are on welfare because this has always been a predominately White nation. Now tell us what percentage of Blacks are on welfare vs Whites. Go ahead, we're waiting.
Here's a hint:
  • The black population: At 41.6 percent, blacks were more likely to participate in government assistance programs in an average month.
o The black participation rate was followed by Hispanics at 36.4 percent, Asians or Pacific
Islanders at 17.8 percent, and non-Hispanic whites at 13.2 percent.
View attachment 202629

No, won't be doing that. Whites like you always have an excuse for your failures.
The stock market is slowly falling.

The tax cuts have produced nothing.

We are at 2 percent GDP.

We are facing trillion dollar deficits.

We are losing jobs.

Companies are leaving his country.

The tariffs are going to take jobs.

The rest of the world is retaliating with tariffs on our stuff.

The Russia investigation is closing in on Trump.

Trump didn't change shit in North Korea.

All of these things have been ignored and called fake news. What happens when you conservatives learn that the news was not fake?

“Some people” haven’t been able to come to grips with the fact that we have a white POTUS again, they honestly thought Kenyan Zulus would run the nation forever.
This REAL President has more blacks working than ever before; he’s busting his ass to stop wetbacks from stealing welfare from blacks and “some” ungrateful fucks refuse to acknowledge it.

The white presidnt s not the reason for any of this. Black unemployment is double that of whites. Why race is being mentioned here is a true reflection on why Trump supporters go along with the destruction of our country by his president.


A fine display of blignorance (Black ignorance). More than 70% of the nation is white...think per capita like smart people do.
21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month
Who Participated in Welfare?
The black population at 41.6 percent, blacks were more likely to participate in government assistance programs in an average month.
The black participation rate was followed by Hispanics at 36.4 percent, Asians or Pacific Islanders at 17.8 percent, and non-Hispanic whites at 13.2 percent

Per capita is the punk ass racists excuse for white failure. Plus it's not the OP.

How long have you been stuck in a state of denial?
There are more whites incarcerated in this nation...I suppose that would tell you that whites are inherently more criminal than are blacks huh?
How long have you been stuck in a state of denial?
There are more whites incarcerated in this nation...I suppose that would tell you that whites are inherently more criminal than are blacks huh?

Whites make up almost 2/3 of the US population, while blacks make up less than 13%

HOWEVER, incarcerated blacks in US prisons make up more than 40% of that population.....

Stop watching Hannity and get a GED degree.
Dow’s 1-year gain since Trump’s win is its biggest post-Election Day rise since 1945
November 8, 2017 :wink_2: :2cents:

Global Equities Inch Up Despite Trade Tensions

July 3rd, 2018
Luis Aureliano Markets, Stock Analysis

According to the latest news report by Bloomberg, global equities showed gains despite ongoing and escalating trade tensions. US stocks reverse their losses, starting trading this week on a higher note, overlooking trade issue to focus on the strengthening tech market.
Last edited:
Nothing. They will sit in the basement, hiding behind their keyboards, and pretend none of it happened.

Well, of course, there is always Obama and Clinton to blame when reality is so damn difficult for cult members to swallow.
The stock market is slowly falling.

The tax cuts have produced nothing.

We are at 2 percent GDP.

We are facing trillion dollar deficits.

We are losing jobs.

Companies are leaving his country.

The tariffs are going to take jobs.

The rest of the world is retaliating with tariffs on our stuff.

The Russia investigation is closing in on Trump.

Trump didn't change shit in North Korea.

All of these things have been ignored and called fake news. What happens when you conservatives learn that the news was not fake?
/----/ None of that is true. All fake news from LiberalPropagandaville.

So counter it all...with links.
The OP has no Links.

Here's an easy one...

First-quarter GDP marked down to 2% from 2.2%

And another

Kudlow wrong about deficits falling rapidly under Trump

Oh and...

Why Harley-Davidson Is Moving Production Overseas
Wow. How unbelievably retarded does Kudlow have to be to claim deficits are coming down?

Holy shit!

And this is Trump's economic adviser?!?!?
The stock market is slowly falling.

The tax cuts have produced nothing.

We are at 2 percent GDP.

We are facing trillion dollar deficits.

We are losing jobs.

Companies are leaving his country.

The tariffs are going to take jobs.

The rest of the world is retaliating with tariffs on our stuff.

The Russia investigation is closing in on Trump.

Trump didn't change shit in North Korea.

All of these things have been ignored and called fake news. What happens when you conservatives learn that the news was not fake?

^ Bitter, frustrated, sipping hot cocoa in his flannel jammies, discussing Obama's "Dreams of my real Father, Frank Marshall Davis"
The stock market is slowly falling.

The tax cuts have produced nothing.

We are at 2 percent GDP.

We are facing trillion dollar deficits.

We are losing jobs.

Companies are leaving his country.

The tariffs are going to take jobs.

The rest of the world is retaliating with tariffs on our stuff.

The Russia investigation is closing in on Trump.

Trump didn't change shit in North Korea.

All of these things have been ignored and called fake news. What happens when you conservatives learn that the news was not fake?
Okay I am going to tell you the truth. Can ewe handle it? The first 43 presidents amassed ten trillion dollars of debt combined. Number 44 amassed 10 trillion singlehandedly! Number 45 has spent a trillion in two years if he spends a trillion every two years at the end of eight years he will have spent 4 trillion. Number 44 was the biggest spender. Have a nice day and stop whining about 45 winning. ❤️
That’s some fuzzy conservative math.

All 43 presidents combined before Obama added $10.7 trillion. How does that become $10 trillion?

Obama added $9.3 trillion. How does that become $10 trillion?

Like I always say, if conservatives don’t lie, they’ll have nothing to post.
The stock market is slowly falling.

The tax cuts have produced nothing.

We are at 2 percent GDP.

We are facing trillion dollar deficits.

We are losing jobs.

Companies are leaving his country.

The tariffs are going to take jobs.

The rest of the world is retaliating with tariffs on our stuff.

The Russia investigation is closing in on Trump.

Trump didn't change shit in North Korea.

All of these things have been ignored and called fake news. What happens when you conservatives learn that the news was not fake?
Okay I am going to tell you the truth. Can ewe handle it? The first 43 presidents amassed ten trillion dollars of debt combined. Number 44 amassed 10 trillion singlehandedly! Number 45 has spent a trillion in two years if he spends a trillion every two years at the end of eight years he will have spent 4 trillion. Number 44 was the biggest spender. Have a nice day and stop whining about 45 winning. ❤️
That’s some fuzzy conservative math.

All 43 presidents combined before Obama added $10.7 trillion. How does that become $10 trillion?

Obama added $9.3 trillion. How does that become $10 trillion?

Like I always say, if conservatives don’t lie, they’ll have nothing to post.
Nitpicking! Changes nothing. I was in the ballpark! Hit a home run. Have a hot dog!
Dow’s 1-year gain since Trump’s win is its biggest post-Election Day rise since 1945

View attachment 202647 November 8, 2017 :wink_2: :2cents:

Global Equities Inch Up Despite Trade Tensions

July 3rd, 2018
Luis Aureliano Markets, Stock Analysis

According to the latest news report by Bloomberg, global equities showed gains despite ongoing and escalating trade tensions. US stocks reverse their losses, starting trading this week on a higher note, overlooking trade issue to focus on the strengthening tech market.

Standby for leftist liars to scream reflexively "It isn't true!"
That’s some fuzzy conservative math.

All 43 presidents combined before Obama added $10.7 trillion. How does that become $10 trillion?

Obama added $9.3 trillion. How does that become $10 trillion?

Like I always say, if conservatives don’t lie, they’ll have nothing to post.

At Trump's current rate of debt-building, he is set to "beat" Obama's record of 8 years in FOUR years.......and, unlike, the economy that Obama inherited, the orange buffoon inherited a thriving one.
No, absolutely not: Make America Great Again was a campaign that had it's first focus on improving the economy. Donald Trump promised, President Trump delivered. Happy July 4th! MAGA lives on!

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