What's going to happen when conservatives learn the news wasn't fake

The stock market is slowly falling.

The tax cuts have produced nothing.

We are at 2 percent GDP.

We are facing trillion dollar deficits.

We are losing jobs.

Companies are leaving his country.

The tariffs are going to take jobs.

The rest of the world is retaliating with tariffs on our stuff.

The Russia investigation is closing in on Trump.

Trump didn't change shit in North Korea.

All of these things have been ignored and called fake news. What happens when you conservatives learn that the news was not fake?

What happened to flat earthers given proof the world was round?
They voted for Donald Trump.

The majority of Republicans say colleges are bad for America (yes, really)
What was this thread about again...I am forgetting since the discussion has slipped away from "fake news"...:th_weirdthread::oops8::offtopic::offtopic::offtopic:
Another Democrat wishful thinking hissy-fit. Desperately wishing misery on fellow Citizens. Dems are very messed up folks. The OP hasn't presented 'News' in any way, shape, or form. He or she only made a buncha pathetic wishful thinking predictions.

Actual News shows the Trump Economy doing very well. The lowest Unemployment in 18yrs, and the nation at Full Employment? African American and Hispanic Unemployment lowest in US History? Folks bringing home more of their paychecks?

Yeah, i'd say Trump's doing pretty good. I'll take it.
As long as obummercare exists and the taxpayer shells out it adds to the debt and that’s on obummer and the democrats who voted 100% for it. Not a single Republican voted for the passage of obummercare!
Nitpicking! Changes nothing. I was in the ballpark! Hit a home run. Have a hot dog!

Home run??

You whiffed, loser.

You bullshitted. That’s a strikeout, not a homer run. You actually invented your own fuzzy rounding where you rounded up for Obama, where you should have rounded down; while you rounded down for every other president, where you should have rounded up.

If you’re gonna round, it’s an increase of $9 trillion under Obama and an increase of $11 trillion under all others combined.
Incorrect! Know why? Cause Obamacare is still bankrupting people!
You have a serious mental malfunction. ObamaCare has nothing to do with Obama adding $9t in debt compared to all other presidents combined adding $11t. :cuckoo:
Sure it does!

What do you expect from a hack that uses the robert dinero "speech" in his sigline? He apparently has nothing intelligent to say :D

Lemme guess... you think saying 9.3 rounds to 10 and 10.7 also rounds to 10; just so a nutty rightard can falsely say that Obama added as much debt as all other presidents before him, combined?

Alinsky 101: Dress like a Klansman and say you support Republicans

"The students told Alinsky that they were thinking about picketing or disrupting Bush’s address. That’s the wrong approach, he rejoined–not very relative and besides, causing a disruption might get them thrown out of school [Not very likely-DH] He told them, instead, to go hear the speech dressed up as members of the Ku Klux Klan, and whenever Bush said something in defense of the Vietnam War, they should cheer and wave placards, reading ‘The K.K.K. supports Bush.’ And that is what the students did with very successful, attention-getting results."

Alinsky: Dress Up As Members of The Ku Klux Klan

Home run??

You whiffed, loser.

You bullshitted. That’s a strikeout, not a homer run. You actually invented your own fuzzy rounding where you rounded up for Obama, where you should have rounded down; while you rounded down for every other president, where you should have rounded up.

If you’re gonna round, it’s an increase of $9 trillion under Obama and an increase of $11 trillion under all others combined.
Incorrect! Know why? Cause Obamacare is still bankrupting people!
You have a serious mental malfunction. ObamaCare has nothing to do with Obama adding $9t in debt compared to all other presidents combined adding $11t. :cuckoo:
Sure it does!

What do you expect from a hack that uses the robert dinero "speech" in his sigline? He apparently has nothing intelligent to say :D

Lemme guess... you think saying 9.3 rounds to 10 and 10.7 also rounds to 10; just so a nutty rightard can falsely say that Obama added as much debt as all other presidents before him, combined?

Actually your guess is wrong. If you guessed that I know you are a complete fool. You would be right

Home run??

You whiffed, loser.

You bullshitted. That’s a strikeout, not a homer run. You actually invented your own fuzzy rounding where you rounded up for Obama, where you should have rounded down; while you rounded down for every other president, where you should have rounded up.

If you’re gonna round, it’s an increase of $9 trillion under Obama and an increase of $11 trillion under all others combined.
Incorrect! Know why? Cause Obamacare is still bankrupting people!
You have a serious mental malfunction. ObamaCare has nothing to do with Obama adding $9t in debt compared to all other presidents combined adding $11t. :cuckoo:
Sure it does!
Slobbers the idiot who moronically claimed $9.3t equals $10.7t. :cuckoo:
Fucking moron!

G’head... I’m still waiting for your explanation...

How does 9.3 round to 10 AND 10.7 also round to 10. C’mon, clown... entertain the forum with an answer.

Incorrect! Know why? Cause Obamacare is still bankrupting people!
You have a serious mental malfunction. ObamaCare has nothing to do with Obama adding $9t in debt compared to all other presidents combined adding $11t. :cuckoo:
Sure it does!

What do you expect from a hack that uses the robert dinero "speech" in his sigline? He apparently has nothing intelligent to say :D

Lemme guess... you think saying 9.3 rounds to 10 and 10.7 also rounds to 10; just so a nutty rightard can falsely say that Obama added as much debt as all other presidents before him, combined?

Actually your guess is wrong. If you guessed that I know you are a complete fool. You would be right
Ah, then you agree with me that WillowTree is a bullshitter for asserting such nonsense. How do you feel being in agreement with someone you think is a “complete fool?”
All of these things have been ignored and called fake news. What happens when you conservatives learn that the news was not fake?
It's apparent that you're still mentally chained to the Democrat plantation with no desire to escape to freedom. .... :cuckoo:

If I really wanted to be on a plantation, I'd be a fucking republican.
How so please name one Republican policy that makes anyone a slave ?
Incorrect! Know why? Cause Obamacare is still bankrupting people!
You have a serious mental malfunction. ObamaCare has nothing to do with Obama adding $9t in debt compared to all other presidents combined adding $11t. :cuckoo:
Sure it does!
Slobbers the idiot who moronically claimed $9.3t equals $10.7t. :cuckoo:
Fucking moron!

G’head... I’m still waiting for your explanation...

How does 9.3 round to 10 AND 10.7 also round to 10. C’mon, clown... entertain the forum with an answer.

How much will obummercare add to the debt in 2018? In 2017? In 2016? Yep you got it now! And what’s worse is the democrats planned that the biggest whammie would hit after obummer left office! Who can afford obummercare now? Only those who get it free. The leeches!
As long as obummercare exists and the taxpayer shells out it adds to the debt and that’s on obummer and the democrats who voted 100% for it. Not a single Republican voted for the passage of obummercare!
What tax payers are paying into it? And if tax payers are paying into it, in order to pay for it, how does that add to the debt?
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Another Democrat wishful thinking hissy-fit. Desperately wishing misery on fellow Citizens. Dems are very messed up folks. The OP hasn't presented 'News' in any way, shape, or form. He or she only made a buncha pathetic wishful thinking predictions.

Actual News shows the Trump Economy doing very well. The lowest Unemployment in 18yrs, and the nation at Full Employment? African American and Hispanic Unemployment lowest in US History? Folks bringing home more of their paychecks?

Yeah, i'd say Trump's doing pretty good. I'll take it.

The fact is none of the things you mention are because of Trump. People are not bringing home more of their checks. But like I said in the OP:

What are you conservatives going to do when you learn the news was not fake?
As long as obummercare exists and the taxpayer shells out it adds to the debt and that’s on obummer and the democrats who voted 100% for it. Not a single Republican voted for the passage of obummercare!
What tax payers are paying into it? And if tax payers are paying into it, in order to pay for it, how does that add to the debt?

It doesn't. But the great economic guru Sean Hannity says this so it must be true.
As long as obummercare exists and the taxpayer shells out it adds to the debt and that’s on obummer and the democrats who voted 100% for it. Not a single Republican voted for the passage of obummercare!
What tax payers are paying into it? And if tax payers are paying into it, in order to pay for it, how does that add to the debt?

It doesn't. But the great economic guru Sean Hannity says this so it must be true.
These zombies are completely brain-dead.
As long as obummercare exists and the taxpayer shells out it adds to the debt and that’s on obummer and the democrats who voted 100% for it. Not a single Republican voted for the passage of obummercare!
What tax payers are paying into it? And if tax payers are paying into it, in order to pay for it, how does that add to the debt?
Because all the freebies you leeches suck up costs money, money that could be spent on paying down the debt.
What is the far left freaks gonna do when they realize they are on the wrong side of history, and they will go down as footnotes? lol

Wrong side of what history? Drunk history?

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