Whats He Trying To Do?: Obama Seeks To Abolish Our Tomahawk/Hellfire Missile Programs


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
He's purged most of our senior military officers with combat experience. He's reduced our navy to pre-WW1 levels and is reducing our U.S. Army troop levels to below 500,000 which is pre-WW2 levels. On top of that he has allowed openly gays to serve which is highly demoralizing. Now he is wanting to abolish our Tomahawk Cruise missiles and Hellfire Missiles. Both are crucial to our national security and offensive weapons. It's apparent that this putative president, who is Constitutionally ineligible to meet Article 2 Section 1, wants to de-militarize this nation and leave it open for a attack putting our sovereignty in jeopardy. It's time to get that boy out of the White House.

Obama Seeking to Abolish Tomahawk, Hellfire Missile Programs
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Whats He Trying To Do?: Obama Seeks To Abolish Our Tomahawk/Hellfire Missile Programs
It's all about money - no money no honey. We need dick cheney back

This is really stupid as we should have a strong military. FOR OURSELVES OF COURSE!
Strange days indeed, very peculiar momma.-John Lennon
As Russia and China are gaining ground militarily Obama is reducing the size of ours. Sounds like something a Communist "leader" might do.
chug chug chug

The piss drinking continues unabated, I see. And this is the second topic in two days about this, so I will just repeat myself:

The Navy Budget is actually being enlarged: http://www.finance.hq.navy.mil/FMB/15pres/DON_PB15_Press_Brief.pdf

As for the Tomahawk, it has now become susceptible to advancements in surface-to-air missile technology and therefore needs to be replaced:

In the first decade of the 21th century it became clear that, although having served well, the Tomahawk cruise missile needed a replacement. Even with the upgrade of the basic missile to the TacTom configuration (Tactical Tomahawk) the missile was becoming obsolete. With its slow speed and reaction time the Tomahawk became an increasingly easy target for defense systems, and in a modern war it simply couldn`t be launched fast enough (requiring extensive planning to program its flightpath). The new missile would have to be much more flexible, and be capable of reaching its target much faster.

Fasthawk Cruise Missile

The United States is developing a successor to the Tomahawk cruise missile that will be heavier (2.2 tons), have a longer range (2,000 kilometers), and a larger (one ton) warhead. The new missile will be stealthier and use a combination of guidance and targeting systems (to improve the chances of success). Price will probably be the key factor in whether this new missile ever enters service. The new Cruise Missile XR (for Extended Range) will probably cost at least twice as much as the current Tomahawk.

Air Defense: Russia Offers Cruise Missile Insurance

If you look at page 13 of the link I provided, you will find the G/ATOR, GBAD, and RQ-21 procurements are being significantly ramped up.

As for the Hellfire:

DoD wants the Joint Air to Ground Missile to replace three long-serving, near-legendary weapons: The Tube-Launched, Optically Tracked, Wire-guided missile known as TOW; the Maverick; and, probably best known, the AGM 114 Hellfire. Like the F-35, the JAGM continues the Pentagon’s trend of super high-stakes competitions where all the marbles are on the line, holding the promise of thousands upon thousands of missiles, and billions of dollars, for whichever corporate giant can get the deal to build it.

The giants in question are Lockheed Martin, which builds the Hellfire, and a team comprising Boeing and Raytheon. And as Richard Burnett of the Orlando Sentinel writes, if Lockheed gets the JAGM contract it could be an economic boon to Central Florida for decades — but it, and the other two companies, are worried that the missile might not survive in Austerity America. As such, Lockheed is trying to rally the hometown crowd in support of the new weapon:


DoD wants. And the MIC wants. Not an Obama thing.
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DoD IS the obama regime. It will "want" whatever Valerie Jarrett says they want. Chuck Hagel as Sec of Def will bobble head anything they tell him to bobble head.
Doesn't make sense does it?

If he is going to weaken the military, then i suggest we start strengthening ourselves and our communities. We learn out to defend ourselves and to work together doing so and we can govern ourselves.
Strength through weakness!

Hey, we don't need no stinkin' military - the whole world loves American and has since January, 2009!

Doesn't it????
Our own president is more of a danger to our sovereignty than any foreign enemy we have faced yet.
Apparantly, the DOD wants to standardize missiles for efficiency. I weep.
chug chug chug

The piss drinking continues unabated, I see. And this is the second topic in two days about this, so I will just repeat myself:

The Navy Budget is actually being enlarged: http://www.finance.hq.navy.mil/FMB/15pres/DON_PB15_Press_Brief.pdf

As for the Tomahawk, it has now become susceptible to advancements in surface-to-air missile technology and therefore needs to be replaced:

In the first decade of the 21th century it became clear that, although having served well, the Tomahawk cruise missile needed a replacement. Even with the upgrade of the basic missile to the TacTom configuration (Tactical Tomahawk) the missile was becoming obsolete. With its slow speed and reaction time the Tomahawk became an increasingly easy target for defense systems, and in a modern war it simply couldn`t be launched fast enough (requiring extensive planning to program its flightpath). The new missile would have to be much more flexible, and be capable of reaching its target much faster.

Fasthawk Cruise Missile

The United States is developing a successor to the Tomahawk cruise missile that will be heavier (2.2 tons), have a longer range (2,000 kilometers), and a larger (one ton) warhead. The new missile will be stealthier and use a combination of guidance and targeting systems (to improve the chances of success). Price will probably be the key factor in whether this new missile ever enters service. The new Cruise Missile XR (for Extended Range) will probably cost at least twice as much as the current Tomahawk.

Air Defense: Russia Offers Cruise Missile Insurance

If you look at page 13 of the link I provided, you will find the G/ATOR, GBAD, and RQ-21 procurements are being significantly ramped up.

As for the Hellfire:

DoD wants the Joint Air to Ground Missile to replace three long-serving, near-legendary weapons: The Tube-Launched, Optically Tracked, Wire-guided missile known as TOW; the Maverick; and, probably best known, the AGM 114 Hellfire. Like the F-35, the JAGM continues the Pentagon’s trend of super high-stakes competitions where all the marbles are on the line, holding the promise of thousands upon thousands of missiles, and billions of dollars, for whichever corporate giant can get the deal to build it.

The giants in question are Lockheed Martin, which builds the Hellfire, and a team comprising Boeing and Raytheon. And as Richard Burnett of the Orlando Sentinel writes, if Lockheed gets the JAGM contract it could be an economic boon to Central Florida for decades — but it, and the other two companies, are worried that the missile might not survive in Austerity America. As such, Lockheed is trying to rally the hometown crowd in support of the new weapon:


DoD wants. And the MIC wants. Not an Obama thing.

Yes but Obama wants to cancel 10 years prior to the replacement.
He's purged most of our senior military officers with combat experience. He's reduced our navy to pre-WW1 levels and is reducing our U.S. Army troop levels to below 500,000 which is pre-WW2 levels. On top of that he has allowed openly gays to serve which is highly demoralizing. Now he is wanting to abolish our Tomahawk Cruise missiles and Hellfire Missiles. Both are crucial to our national security and offensive weapons. It's apparent that this putative president, who is Constitutionally ineligible to meet Article 2 Section 1, wants to de-militarize this nation and leave it open for a attack putting our sovereignty in jeopardy. It's time to get that boy out of the White House.

Obama Seeking to Abolish Tomahawk, Hellfire Missile Programs

Obama needs more money for welfare slackers (aka The Democrat Party's base)
G500 thanks for those links. I enjoyed reading strategy whatever and learned a lot.thanks for bringing info to the argument.

BUT. Many of our exploits consist of blowing guys out of caves or in the desert. They will not be carrying Russian anti missile batteries. If it ain't broke don't fix it. How valuable have the remaining B-52s been and they are older than dirt. Tomahawks and others are cheap and proven technology, that should be kept in the quiver until the new generation comes on board. Getting rid of cheap and effective weapons systems that are incredibly efficient and don't depend solely on sat info(like the warthog) bothers me, and just as soon as you say there will be no more tank wars you get Russian tanks rolling through Ukraine.

The money being spent on the military is decreasing. Previous cuts and then the sequester have cut deeply into spending.

What we can agree on is the dangerous fixation on high tech and high cost weapon systems. Planes that cost 200 million a pop are a joke, if for no other reason than maintenance. If you believe all the graphs about military spending by country, and I don't, we should be able to just out arm all other nations with the money we spend . The Chinese efforts at sat destruction and computer espionage and hacking show how to get a whole lot more bang for the buck.

Obamas neutering our military though to get more money to buy more votes, plain and simple.
Betcha we have enough of those weapons stockpiled to last us twenty years if we never make another one, maybe by then we will have something that kills exactly who we want without the collateral damage common when using them in populated areas. All our wars since Nam have went sour over that shit. Big explosions and rains of body parts are cool and all but it gives the PR department headaches.
He's purged most of our senior military officers with combat experience. He's reduced our navy to pre-WW1 levels and is reducing our U.S. Army troop levels to below 500,000 which is pre-WW2 levels. On top of that he has allowed openly gays to serve which is highly demoralizing. Now he is wanting to abolish our Tomahawk Cruise missiles and Hellfire Missiles. Both are crucial to our national security and offensive weapons. It's apparent that this putative president, who is Constitutionally ineligible to meet Article 2 Section 1, wants to de-militarize this nation and leave it open for a attack putting our sovereignty in jeopardy. It's time to get that boy out of the White House.

Obama Seeking to Abolish Tomahawk, Hellfire Missile Programs

Doesn't Congress ultimately determine this? :)

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