What's in the JFK assassination records they still refuse to release ?

Who gives a shit? The asshole is dead and that's good enough. His wife moved on so why can't everyone else?
She "moved on" ? More likely feared for her own like and the rest of her family's, rightfully so.
Yes. Her brother in-law was murdered under questionable circumstances, when he was about to be POTUS. Then her son dies in a plane crash after he indicated he might run for office.
Is it worthwhile to our existence as a nation to spend time on this issue when there are a hell of a lot more pressing issues in this country.
What if the issue of who killed him and why is related to other pressing issues in this country?
Is it worthwhile to our existence as a nation to spend time on this issue when there are a hell of a lot more pressing issues in this country.
What if the issue of who killed him and why is related to other pressing issues in this country?

I suppose that's possible, but highly improbable. Now we could play "what if" all day and still not get anywhere. I propose that worrying over the issue distracts from current issues needing our attention.
Is it worthwhile to our existence as a nation to spend time on this issue when there are a hell of a lot more pressing issues in this country.
What if the issue of who killed him and why is related to other pressing issues in this country?

I suppose that's possible, but highly improbable. Now we could play "what if" all day and still not get anywhere. I propose that worrying over the issue distracts from current issues needing our attention.
If you're not 'worried' about it, it means you're ok with the fact that our government's been lying to us for 56 years and they're still hiding the truth from us.
If you're not 'worried' about it, it means you're ok with the fact that our government's been lying to us for 56 years and they're still hiding the truth from us.
They've been lying to us about this for 56 years. They've been lying to us for much longer than 56 years.
If you're not 'worried' about it, it means you're ok with the fact that our government's been lying to us for 56 years and they're still hiding the truth from us.
They've been lying to us about this for 56 years. They've been lying to us for much longer than 56 years.
Ask the Native Americans and look at the history of slavery, then how the bankers got us into WW1, doing business with the Nazis into WW2, the 1953 CIA coup in Iran, interference in Cuba, Central and S. Amer,.....the Pentagon's biggest propaganda priority is keeping us in the dark as much as possible. One thing that caught them a little off guard at first is the Internet. ( independent news sources instead of controlled mass media ) So they had to beef up the NSA and the rest is history. If the majority of Americans don't wake up now, it may be too late. It's exactly the reason they're keeping us so divided right now.

Check out Rumsfeld being stunned that this was on the Internet;

Lying his ass off as usual.
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... Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone.
As a patsy under CIA's watch, and the only evidence that Oswald shot Kennedy is the CIA's word. Many witnesses and stacks of evidence say otherwise. .

This has been discussed and you have been proven wrong on many threads.

Oswald had no known or suspected connection tot he CIA. It is not the CIAs word that he killed Kennedy but massive evidence which you willfully ignore but cannot challenge.

you are quite wrong and proven so about witnesses and evidence

The vast majority of witnesses to the shooting of both kennedy and tibbet support the evidence that Oswald acted alone

Like Gipper and LAram and many other complete fools your only argument is that you dislike the CIA

That is not an argument
... Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone.
As a patsy under CIA's watch, and the only evidence that Oswald shot Kennedy is the CIA's word .

Ok, but that still begs the question, what are you going to do with anyone responsible who may be alive? Also, what are all conspiracy theorists going to do if the still unreleased documents gives no further evidence?
First of all, most people looking for the facts are not 'conspiracy theorists', including myself. If the POTUS was murdered in a coup, the world deserves to know. That simple.
And we do know.

The evidence is overwhelming'

Oswald shot Kennedy and no one else was involved end of story
Watch and learn Soupy.

I did and it is total fiction.

you need to learn how to do research properly.

Watching TV is not research and your video is full of gaping lies and holes such as the long debunked lie that Oswald was a poor marksman or that no one could fire three shots with his rifle in 5.6 seconds.

try presenting some evidence rather than fictional TV shows the evidence debunks your video and proves it wrong
Watch and learn Soupy.

I did and it is total fiction.

you need to learn how to do research properly.

Watching TV is not research and your video is full of gaping lies and holes such as the long debunked lie that Oswald was a poor marksman or that no one could fire three shots with his rifle in 5.6 seconds.

try presenting some evidence rather than fictional TV shows the evidence debunks your video and proves it wrong

Wrong. Oswald couldn’t hit the broadside of a barn with a quality rifle, let alone a poorly sighted mail order bolt action piece of shit that he had never fired a round out of.

Yet another proof the WC is total bullshit.
Watch and learn Soupy.

I did and it is total fiction.

you need to learn how to do research properly.

Watching TV is not research and your video is full of gaping lies and holes such as the long debunked lie that Oswald was a poor marksman or that no one could fire three shots with his rifle in 5.6 seconds.

try presenting some evidence rather than fictional TV shows the evidence debunks your video and proves it wrong

Wrong. Oswald couldn’t hit the broadside of a barn with a quality rifle, let alone a poorly sighted mail order bolt action piece of shit that he had never fired a round out of.

Yet another proof the WC is total bullshit.

I am not wrong you are.

He was a well trained marskman who qualified as a sharpshooter in the Marine Corps. Your bald faced lie does not stand up to scrutiny and what I say is proven by the US Marine Corps records. Their record destroys you and is factual whereas you are just a childish little fool who has been debunked and cannot handle it.

He did in fact fire that weapon many times including at Edwin Walker.

Those are all facts long proven and established you are owned and a proven lying sack of shit

How do you like being my bitch every day gipper?
Watch and learn Soupy.

I did and it is total fiction.

you need to learn how to do research properly.

Watching TV is not research and your video is full of gaping lies and holes such as the long debunked lie that Oswald was a poor marksman or that no one could fire three shots with his rifle in 5.6 seconds.

try presenting some evidence rather than fictional TV shows the evidence debunks your video and proves it wrong

Wrong. Oswald couldn’t hit the broadside of a barn with a quality rifle, let alone a poorly sighted mail order bolt action piece of shit that he had never fired a round out of.

Yet another proof the WC is total bullshit.

You have yet to offer evidence proving anything wrong about the WC your current claim is a proven lie
Watch and learn Soupy.

I did and it is total fiction.

you need to learn how to do research properly.

Watching TV is not research and your video is full of gaping lies and holes such as the long debunked lie that Oswald was a poor marksman or that no one could fire three shots with his rifle in 5.6 seconds.

try presenting some evidence rather than fictional TV shows the evidence debunks your video and proves it wrong

Wrong. Oswald couldn’t hit the broadside of a barn with a quality rifle, let alone a poorly sighted mail order bolt action piece of shit that he had never fired a round out of.

Yet another proof the WC is total bullshit.

I am not wrong you are.

He was a well trained marskman who qualified as a sharpshooter in the Marine Corps. Your bald faced lie does not stand up to scrutiny and what I say is proven by the US Marine Corps records. Their record destroys you and is factual whereas you are just a childish little fool who has been debunked and cannot handle it.

He did in fact fire that weapon many times including at Edwin Walker.

Those are all facts long proven and established you are owned and a proven lying sack of shit

How do you like being my bitch every day gipper?

You are always wrong because you cite the fictional work commonly referred to as the Warren Report.

He never fired the rifle. Not one time. Plus the rifle was such a POS, not even qualified marksmen could have hit JFK using it. Just more lies and you eat it up like a good toady.
Watch and learn Soupy.

I did and it is total fiction.

you need to learn how to do research properly.

Watching TV is not research and your video is full of gaping lies and holes such as the long debunked lie that Oswald was a poor marksman or that no one could fire three shots with his rifle in 5.6 seconds.

try presenting some evidence rather than fictional TV shows the evidence debunks your video and proves it wrong

Wrong. Oswald couldn’t hit the broadside of a barn with a quality rifle, let alone a poorly sighted mail order bolt action piece of shit that he had never fired a round out of.

Yet another proof the WC is total bullshit.

You have yet to offer evidence proving anything wrong about the WC your current claim is a proven lie

I have a thousand times, but you are incapable of learning.
Watch and learn Soupy.

I did and it is total fiction.

you need to learn how to do research properly.

Watching TV is not research and your video is full of gaping lies and holes such as the long debunked lie that Oswald was a poor marksman or that no one could fire three shots with his rifle in 5.6 seconds.

try presenting some evidence rather than fictional TV shows the evidence debunks your video and proves it wrong

Wrong. Oswald couldn’t hit the broadside of a barn with a quality rifle, let alone a poorly sighted mail order bolt action piece of shit that he had never fired a round out of.

Yet another proof the WC is total bullshit.

I am not wrong you are.

He was a well trained marskman who qualified as a sharpshooter in the Marine Corps. Your bald faced lie does not stand up to scrutiny and what I say is proven by the US Marine Corps records. Their record destroys you and is factual whereas you are just a childish little fool who has been debunked and cannot handle it.

He did in fact fire that weapon many times including at Edwin Walker.

Those are all facts long proven and established you are owned and a proven lying sack of shit

How do you like being my bitch every day gipper?

You are always wrong because you cite the fictional work commonly referred to as the Warren Report.

He never fired the rifle. Not one time. Plus the rifle was such a POS, not even qualified marksmen could have hit JFK using it. Just more lies and you eat it up like a good toady.

The warren report is based on evidence which you cannot challenge

It is correct and not fictional you never read the damn thing

It is proven fact he did fire the thing including a shot he took at Edwin walker and in fact many expert marksmen did shoot it as accurately we he did when he shot Kennedy twice with it

Thus proving you wrong and a liar again

My bitch gipper
Watch and learn Soupy.

I did and it is total fiction.

you need to learn how to do research properly.

Watching TV is not research and your video is full of gaping lies and holes such as the long debunked lie that Oswald was a poor marksman or that no one could fire three shots with his rifle in 5.6 seconds.

try presenting some evidence rather than fictional TV shows the evidence debunks your video and proves it wrong

Wrong. Oswald couldn’t hit the broadside of a barn with a quality rifle, let alone a poorly sighted mail order bolt action piece of shit that he had never fired a round out of.

Yet another proof the WC is total bullshit.

You have yet to offer evidence proving anything wrong about the WC your current claim is a proven lie

I have a thousand times, but you are incapable of learning.

You are a LIAR gipper you have never offered a shred of evidence

You have never tried and you only make ignorant assertions

Now cite some evidence for once you fucking liar
Watch and learn Soupy.

I did and it is total fiction.

you need to learn how to do research properly.

Watching TV is not research and your video is full of gaping lies and holes such as the long debunked lie that Oswald was a poor marksman or that no one could fire three shots with his rifle in 5.6 seconds.

try presenting some evidence rather than fictional TV shows the evidence debunks your video and proves it wrong

Wrong. Oswald couldn’t hit the broadside of a barn with a quality rifle, let alone a poorly sighted mail order bolt action piece of shit that he had never fired a round out of.

Yet another proof the WC is total bullshit.

You have yet to offer evidence proving anything wrong about the WC your current claim is a proven lie

I have a thousand times, but you are incapable of learning.

You have never cited evidence you lying piece of shit now cite some evidence because I have proven you wrong a liar over and over
Watch and learn Soupy.

I did and it is total fiction.

you need to learn how to do research properly.

Watching TV is not research and your video is full of gaping lies and holes such as the long debunked lie that Oswald was a poor marksman or that no one could fire three shots with his rifle in 5.6 seconds.

try presenting some evidence rather than fictional TV shows the evidence debunks your video and proves it wrong

Wrong. Oswald couldn’t hit the broadside of a barn with a quality rifle, let alone a poorly sighted mail order bolt action piece of shit that he had never fired a round out of.

Yet another proof the WC is total bullshit.

You have yet to offer evidence proving anything wrong about the WC your current claim is a proven lie

I have a thousand times, but you are incapable of learning.

You have never cited evidence you lying piece of shit now cite some evidence because I have proven you wrong a liar over and over

I just did. I do all the time, but you’re slow. It’s not my fault you’re slow.

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