What's really happening at the border!!


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
At the same time that Title 42 went into place, the Trump administration eliminated access to asylum at the ports of entry. That left tens of thousands of people on metering lists stranded in Mexico. Those waiting in Mexico to seek protection were left with no option but to continue waiting and hope the border would reopen at some unknown point in the future.


Title 42 has not only had a severely negative effect on asylum seekers, it has also led to an increase in the number of people crossing the border more than once, an effect acknowledged by DHS officials. Almost immediately after lockdowns lifted across Mexico and Central America, the number of single adults coming to the border seeking to enter the United States began rising rapidly, from a low of 14,754 in April 2020 to 62,041 in December 2020. Under Title 42, single adults are rapidly processed at the border and sent right back to Mexico without a deportation order. This arrangement has incentivized repeated attempted crossings, and the rate at which people crossed the border multiple times rose from 7% in March 2020 to 40% by October 2020.


The phenomenon of increased repeat crossings under Title 42 has created a distorted picture of the total number of people crossing the border. Through the first nine months of FY 2021, when CBP recorded a total of 1,119,204 border encounters, the number of “unique encounters” (people who have not been taken into custody in the previous 12 months) was 690,718 . By comparison, over the same period in FY 2019, CBP recorded 780,479 border encounters, of which 721,328 were unique encounters—over 30,000 more than in FY 2021.


The Biden Administration Continues To Expel Most People

The Biden administration continues to rapidly expel most people encountered at the border. In the first five full months of the Biden administration, 64% of all people encountered by the Border Patrol were expelled under Title 42 (see Figure 5). While unaccompanied children and some families at the border have been allowed to come into the country and challenge their deportation in immigration court, they represent just 28% of total apprehensions over that period. Figure 10: A Timeline of Select Deterrence-Based Policies, Political Changes, and Border Apprehensions
Figure 10: A Timeline of Select Deterrence-Based Policies, Political Changes, and Border Apprehensions


Border Encounters in 2021: An Overview and Analysis | American Immigration Council

4-2020 Title 42 begins. Its actually tramp border police for so many adults repeated crossings in border.
At the same time that Title 42 went into place, the Trump administration eliminated access to asylum at the ports of entry. That left tens of thousands of people on metering lists stranded in Mexico. Those waiting in Mexico to seek protection were left with no option but to continue waiting and hope the border would reopen at some unknown point in the future.


Title 42 has not only had a severely negative effect on asylum seekers, it has also led to an increase in the number of people crossing the border more than once, an effect acknowledged by DHS officials. Almost immediately after lockdowns lifted across Mexico and Central America, the number of single adults coming to the border seeking to enter the United States began rising rapidly, from a low of 14,754 in April 2020 to 62,041 in December 2020. Under Title 42, single adults are rapidly processed at the border and sent right back to Mexico without a deportation order. This arrangement has incentivized repeated attempted crossings, and the rate at which people crossed the border multiple times rose from 7% in March 2020 to 40% by October 2020.


The phenomenon of increased repeat crossings under Title 42 has created a distorted picture of the total number of people crossing the border. Through the first nine months of FY 2021, when CBP recorded a total of 1,119,204 border encounters, the number of “unique encounters” (people who have not been taken into custody in the previous 12 months) was 690,718 . By comparison, over the same period in FY 2019, CBP recorded 780,479 border encounters, of which 721,328 were unique encounters—over 30,000 more than in FY 2021.


The Biden Administration Continues To Expel Most People

The Biden administration continues to rapidly expel most people encountered at the border. In the first five full months of the Biden administration, 64% of all people encountered by the Border Patrol were expelled under Title 42 (see Figure 5). While unaccompanied children and some families at the border have been allowed to come into the country and challenge their deportation in immigration court, they represent just 28% of total apprehensions over that period. Figure 10: A Timeline of Select Deterrence-Based Policies, Political Changes, and Border Apprehensions
Figure 10: A Timeline of Select Deterrence-Based Policies, Political Changes, and Border Apprehensions


Border Encounters in 2021: An Overview and Analysis | American Immigration Council

4-2020 Title 42 begins. Its actually tramp border police for so many adults repeated crossings in border.
And all those diseased individuals who do not have the Kung Flu vaccine are being flown to cities throuhout the US to replace the black population that is killing themselves in alarming numbers. Do you think that with the Kung Flu and the vaccine that doesnt stop the spread of the Delta, that you just might be a victim of your own stupidity?
At the same time that Title 42 went into place, the Trump administration eliminated access to asylum at the ports of entry. That left tens of thousands of people on metering lists stranded in Mexico. Those waiting in Mexico to seek protection were left with no option but to continue waiting and hope the border would reopen at some unknown point in the future.


Title 42 has not only had a severely negative effect on asylum seekers, it has also led to an increase in the number of people crossing the border more than once, an effect acknowledged by DHS officials. Almost immediately after lockdowns lifted across Mexico and Central America, the number of single adults coming to the border seeking to enter the United States began rising rapidly, from a low of 14,754 in April 2020 to 62,041 in December 2020. Under Title 42, single adults are rapidly processed at the border and sent right back to Mexico without a deportation order. This arrangement has incentivized repeated attempted crossings, and the rate at which people crossed the border multiple times rose from 7% in March 2020 to 40% by October 2020.


The phenomenon of increased repeat crossings under Title 42 has created a distorted picture of the total number of people crossing the border. Through the first nine months of FY 2021, when CBP recorded a total of 1,119,204 border encounters, the number of “unique encounters” (people who have not been taken into custody in the previous 12 months) was 690,718 . By comparison, over the same period in FY 2019, CBP recorded 780,479 border encounters, of which 721,328 were unique encounters—over 30,000 more than in FY 2021.


The Biden Administration Continues To Expel Most People

The Biden administration continues to rapidly expel most people encountered at the border. In the first five full months of the Biden administration, 64% of all people encountered by the Border Patrol were expelled under Title 42 (see Figure 5). While unaccompanied children and some families at the border have been allowed to come into the country and challenge their deportation in immigration court, they represent just 28% of total apprehensions over that period. Figure 10: A Timeline of Select Deterrence-Based Policies, Political Changes, and Border Apprehensions
Figure 10: A Timeline of Select Deterrence-Based Policies, Political Changes, and Border Apprehensions


Border Encounters in 2021: An Overview and Analysis | American Immigration Council

4-2020 Title 42 begins. Its actually tramp border police for so many adults repeated crossings in border.
Asylum seekers.... your a lying sack of shit.
At the same time that Title 42 went into place, the Trump administration eliminated access to asylum at the ports of entry. That left tens of thousands of people on metering lists stranded in Mexico. Those waiting in Mexico to seek protection were left with no option but to continue waiting and hope the border would reopen at some unknown point in the future.


Title 42 has not only had a severely negative effect on asylum seekers, it has also led to an increase in the number of people crossing the border more than once, an effect acknowledged by DHS officials. Almost immediately after lockdowns lifted across Mexico and Central America, the number of single adults coming to the border seeking to enter the United States began rising rapidly, from a low of 14,754 in April 2020 to 62,041 in December 2020. Under Title 42, single adults are rapidly processed at the border and sent right back to Mexico without a deportation order. This arrangement has incentivized repeated attempted crossings, and the rate at which people crossed the border multiple times rose from 7% in March 2020 to 40% by October 2020.


The phenomenon of increased repeat crossings under Title 42 has created a distorted picture of the total number of people crossing the border. Through the first nine months of FY 2021, when CBP recorded a total of 1,119,204 border encounters, the number of “unique encounters” (people who have not been taken into custody in the previous 12 months) was 690,718 . By comparison, over the same period in FY 2019, CBP recorded 780,479 border encounters, of which 721,328 were unique encounters—over 30,000 more than in FY 2021.


The Biden Administration Continues To Expel Most People

The Biden administration continues to rapidly expel most people encountered at the border. In the first five full months of the Biden administration, 64% of all people encountered by the Border Patrol were expelled under Title 42 (see Figure 5). While unaccompanied children and some families at the border have been allowed to come into the country and challenge their deportation in immigration court, they represent just 28% of total apprehensions over that period. Figure 10: A Timeline of Select Deterrence-Based Policies, Political Changes, and Border Apprehensions
Figure 10: A Timeline of Select Deterrence-Based Policies, Political Changes, and Border Apprehensions


Border Encounters in 2021: An Overview and Analysis | American Immigration Council

4-2020 Title 42 begins. Its actually tramp border police for so many adults repeated crossings in border.
enjoy your TRUMP orgasm, shit stain
this is beijing xidens moment to shine, and the retard is as dim as darkness...TRUMP has nothing to do w/ this shit....xiden, mindless, delusional, and a pedophile...all of the characteristics the scum demonRATS voted 4....deny that, you scum demonRATS
Number don't lie. Its tramp fault he didn't take care of it at the time.

If you really want to get pissed, read my post in McAllen TX.
can you say--delusional----because that's exactly what you are....
i really don't want to read any of the lies, and bull shit that you type
And all those diseased individuals who do not have the Kung Flu vaccine are being flown to cities throuhout the US to replace the black population that is killing themselves in alarming numbers. Do you think that with the Kung Flu and the vaccine that doesnt stop the spread of the Delta, that you just might be a victim of your own stupidity?
Please post the evidence you have to support your claim.

I know that you can't, since the allegations in your post are absurd, and you are corrupt.
enjoy your TRUMP orgasm, shit stain
this is beijing xidens moment to shine, and the retard is as dim as darkness...TRUMP has nothing to do w/ this shit....xiden, mindless, delusional, and a pedophile...all of the characteristics the scum demonRATS voted 4....deny that, you scum demonRATS
The Dumbest ^^^and most vile and vulgar post of the day.

I don't believe I've read any other post with such atrocious grammar and worst run on paragraph ever. When did you drop out of Elementary School, the Second Grade?
I thought the talking point was that the vaccine didn’t work.
Vaccinated People Who Get the Delta Variant Have This in Common, WHO Says
But this highly transmissible and potentially more deadly variant isn't just affecting the unvaccinated. Due to the possibility of breakthrough infections, health officials have been analyzing data to learn more about vaccinated people who do end up getting infected with the variant.
So let all those diseased illegals come across the border , fly them to cities in the US, have those who are vaccinated thinking they are safe, and then they die of the Kung Flu.

Bill Gates is so proud of his flock of sheep...

Vaccinated People Who Get the Delta Variant Have This in Common, WHO Says So let all those diseased illegals come across the border , fly them to cities in the US, have those who are vaccinated thinking they are safe, and then they die of the Kung Flu.

Bill Gates is so proud of his flock of sheep...
Personally, I'm enjoying the tracking microchips Bill Gates implanted along with my Moderna. There are times when I have senior moments and forget where I was or what I was doing. I can get these chips to play video of me from say - last Wednesday between 1 and 3 PM. They're AWESOME! :lol:
At the same time that Title 42 went into place, the Trump administration eliminated access to asylum at the ports of entry. That left tens of thousands of people on metering lists stranded in Mexico. Those waiting in Mexico to seek protection were left with no option but to continue waiting and hope the border would reopen at some unknown point in the future.


Title 42 has not only had a severely negative effect on asylum seekers, it has also led to an increase in the number of people crossing the border more than once, an effect acknowledged by DHS officials. Almost immediately after lockdowns lifted across Mexico and Central America, the number of single adults coming to the border seeking to enter the United States began rising rapidly, from a low of 14,754 in April 2020 to 62,041 in December 2020. Under Title 42, single adults are rapidly processed at the border and sent right back to Mexico without a deportation order. This arrangement has incentivized repeated attempted crossings, and the rate at which people crossed the border multiple times rose from 7% in March 2020 to 40% by October 2020.


The phenomenon of increased repeat crossings under Title 42 has created a distorted picture of the total number of people crossing the border. Through the first nine months of FY 2021, when CBP recorded a total of 1,119,204 border encounters, the number of “unique encounters” (people who have not been taken into custody in the previous 12 months) was 690,718 . By comparison, over the same period in FY 2019, CBP recorded 780,479 border encounters, of which 721,328 were unique encounters—over 30,000 more than in FY 2021.


The Biden Administration Continues To Expel Most People

The Biden administration continues to rapidly expel most people encountered at the border. In the first five full months of the Biden administration, 64% of all people encountered by the Border Patrol were expelled under Title 42 (see Figure 5). While unaccompanied children and some families at the border have been allowed to come into the country and challenge their deportation in immigration court, they represent just 28% of total apprehensions over that period. Figure 10: A Timeline of Select Deterrence-Based Policies, Political Changes, and Border Apprehensions
Figure 10: A Timeline of Select Deterrence-Based Policies, Political Changes, and Border Apprehensions


Border Encounters in 2021: An Overview and Analysis | American Immigration Council

4-2020 Title 42 begins. Its actually tramp border police for so many adults repeated crossings in border.
SHERI just hates Trump ; that’s what makes her so stupid. Ask her why Biden stopped building the border Wall, Why the Biden Administration is bussing them wherever they want to go, and why Ranchers at the border are having their cattle killed, property destroyed, etc. etc. and why the Drug Cartels have such influence all of a sudden
She’s so stupid she actually believes illegals are being tested for COVID
At the same time that Title 42 went into place, the Trump administration eliminated access to asylum at the ports of entry. That left tens of thousands of people on metering lists stranded in Mexico. Those waiting in Mexico to seek protection were left with no option but to continue waiting and hope the border would reopen at some unknown point in the future.


Title 42 has not only had a severely negative effect on asylum seekers, it has also led to an increase in the number of people crossing the border more than once, an effect acknowledged by DHS officials. Almost immediately after lockdowns lifted across Mexico and Central America, the number of single adults coming to the border seeking to enter the United States began rising rapidly, from a low of 14,754 in April 2020 to 62,041 in December 2020. Under Title 42, single adults are rapidly processed at the border and sent right back to Mexico without a deportation order. This arrangement has incentivized repeated attempted crossings, and the rate at which people crossed the border multiple times rose from 7% in March 2020 to 40% by October 2020.


The phenomenon of increased repeat crossings under Title 42 has created a distorted picture of the total number of people crossing the border. Through the first nine months of FY 2021, when CBP recorded a total of 1,119,204 border encounters, the number of “unique encounters” (people who have not been taken into custody in the previous 12 months) was 690,718 . By comparison, over the same period in FY 2019, CBP recorded 780,479 border encounters, of which 721,328 were unique encounters—over 30,000 more than in FY 2021.


The Biden Administration Continues To Expel Most People

The Biden administration continues to rapidly expel most people encountered at the border. In the first five full months of the Biden administration, 64% of all people encountered by the Border Patrol were expelled under Title 42 (see Figure 5). While unaccompanied children and some families at the border have been allowed to come into the country and challenge their deportation in immigration court, they represent just 28% of total apprehensions over that period. Figure 10: A Timeline of Select Deterrence-Based Policies, Political Changes, and Border Apprehensions
Figure 10: A Timeline of Select Deterrence-Based Policies, Political Changes, and Border Apprehensions


Border Encounters in 2021: An Overview and Analysis | American Immigration Council

4-2020 Title 42 begins. Its actually tramp border police for so many adults repeated crossings in border.
Hateful rightwing bigots don't care about facts and truth, they'll continue to propagate their border crisis lies.
Message to the president;
WHAT THE FUCK? Enough is Enough.
Overall, U.S. authorities stopped migrants about 210,000 times at the border in July, up from 188,829 in June and the highest in more than 20 years. But the numbers aren’t directly comparable because many cross repeatedly under a pandemic-related ban that expels people from the country immediately without giving them a chance to seek asylum but carries no legal consequences.
There are NO unaccompanied minors. They are brought here and dropped off at the border by smugglers or parents. Because if you let minors in you will let parents in also. YOU ARE A FUCKING IDIOT PIECE OF SHIT. These people are parasites expecting to live off the US taxpayers' undeserving of asylum. And bring in disease adding to the pandemic. ENOUGH close the border now. asap. Damn fucking idiot. Hope to vote all you fucking democrats out.
Message to the president;
WHAT THE FUCK? Enough is Enough.
Overall, U.S. authorities stopped migrants about 210,000 times at the border in July, up from 188,829 in June and the highest in more than 20 years. But the numbers aren’t directly comparable because many cross repeatedly under a pandemic-related ban that expels people from the country immediately without giving them a chance to seek asylum but carries no legal consequences.
There are NO unaccompanied minors. They are brought here and dropped off at the border by smugglers or parents. Because if you let minors in you will let parents in also. YOU ARE A FUCKING IDIOT PIECE OF SHIT. These people are parasites expecting to live off the US taxpayers' undeserving of asylum. And bring in disease adding to the pandemic. ENOUGH close the border now. asap. Damn fucking idiot. Hope to vote all you fucking democrats out.
Not very Lady Like, and way out of touch with reality, RDS (Reality Derangement Syndrome): To bad she can't be vaccinated for RDS, it's easy and doesn't hurt a bit. Simply turn off AM Radio, Faux News and stop reading Tabloid Internet Web Sites.

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