What's Ron Paul going to announce tonight?

Reactionary not conservative. You are not a con, suds, not in the slightest.

But if you don't go darker, younger, and forward looking (if you stay stuck in the Reagan-Friedman-Ryan path), it won't matter, because the GOP won't exist.

Yup, you idjits are going to take over the GOP after Paul's folks got screwed last week at the convention.

You come back with all you victories in the middle of November

The whole "take over the Republican party" thing is long term... It's more of a the old progressives in the party, like yourself, die off due to old age and obesity, leaving the younger generation to frame the Republican party on actual conservative values, something that makes you go into a blind rage of stupidity.
Get it right, 'suds. There is much I dislike about my party, beginning with the rise of Reagan and Friedman wing, which led to the K Street lobby, DeLay, and deregulation, two wars of the books, NCLB, Patriot Act, and the seniors' prescription drug bill.

And that was just the GOP? You know what the Dems were up to.

I think you are right.

What is funny to me is that libertarians think they are an important force in American politics.

You guys can't agree on what "value" is, much less what libertarians should actually do if elected.

Says the guy who hates his own party... Or maybe I should pull up some of your old threads and posts about Republicans... Hell you flip flop more than Mitt, no wonder you support him, you have so much in common on your ever changing positions.

As to the OP, I'm almost 100% sure Paul will announce that his wife is Pregnant.

So maybe next time you try and sound like you have a functioning brain consider the fact that you don't and that you might just end up making an even bigger ass of yourself. For instance, don't attack libertarians about the word "value" when you clearly don't agree with your own party’s values...
suds has demonstrated he is dumber than shit, and that is unfair to shit.
I think you are right.

What is funny to me is that libertarians think they are an important force in American politics.

You guys can't agree on what "value" is, much less what libertarians should actually do if elected.

Says the guy who hates his own party... Or maybe I should pull up some of your old threads and posts about Republicans... Hell you flip flop more than Mitt, no wonder you support him, you have so much in common on your ever changing positions.

As to the OP, I'm almost 100% sure Paul will announce that his wife is Pregnant.

Weird. A professor at my school said the exact same thing today.
Reactionary not conservative. You are not a con, suds, not in the slightest.

But if you don't go darker, younger, and forward looking (if you stay stuck in the Reagan-Friedman-Ryan path), it won't matter, because the GOP won't exist.

Yup, you idjits are going to take over the GOP after Paul's folks got screwed last week at the convention.

You come back with all you victories in the middle of November

The whole "take over the Republican party" thing is long term... It's more of a the old progressives in the party, like yourself, die off due to old age and obesity, leaving the younger generation to frame the Republican party on actual conservative values, something that makes you go into a blind rage of stupidity.

Blinks... what? Now I'm not conservative, not in the slightest? Do you have any clue as to what you're talking about or have you entered that foaming at the mouth stage where you make an utter fool of yourself post after post?

For instance… What have I said that makes me A) A reactionary and B) not a conservative in the slightest… Do you have a position on something that makes me non conservative or did you just crap that bullshit line out your mouth?
You have clue, suds, about any of this, as your post well shows.

If you supported Reagan and Friedman, if you like Paul and Paul, if you think Obama is a Kenyan Muslim who is single handing warming the earth, hint: you are not a conservative.

suds has demonstrated he is dumber than shit, and that is unfair to shit.

Ooook TM... Yes, you're a lot like TM. Maybe soon you can start calling people "poopy pants."

Grats on attacking libertarians on the word "value" only to in your own words clearly demonstrate how you don't agree with your own party's "values."

See what I did there TM, er, Jake… I took something you actually said and applied it to debate/conversation… I didn’t just make up one liners as if I were a reactionist as you are doing over and over and over and over…
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Your first paragraph reflects on your general attacks, suds. Don't do it if you can't take it.

Your second paragraph reflects the truth you guys can't define "values."

And I just batted your one-liners out of the park. :lol:
Maybe he's going to announce that he has ED... Who knows?

For the record, there's been no official source talking about any kind of announcement. He's most likely just going to discuss the race itself, and probably focus on the RNC.
You have clue, suds, about any of this, as your post well shows.

If you supported Reagan and Friedman, if you like Paul and Paul, if you think Obama is a Kenyan Muslim who is single handing warming the earth, hint: you are not a conservative.


I'm 31... Yeah I was not cheering Reagan on.... I have never yet once in the entire history of my life claimed Obama is a Kenyan or a Muslim or that he is warming the earth. Maybe you can back up your "Reactionary" claims with something we like to call, "proof."

It’s amazing watching people stubbing over their own hypocrisy. I mean I actually quote you and own you in debate, you simply crap out words that have no meaning outside of hoping something sticks.
Your first paragraph reflects on your general attacks, suds. Don't do it if you can't take it.

Your second paragraph reflects the truth you guys can't define "values."

And I just batted your one-liners out of the park. :lol:

Quote me and prove you point.... As I have done with you. You're to old and outa shape to swing a bat dumbass.
Nah, you haven't proven anything. You make assertions and that's all. But go for it. You are no conservative, and the old party would be very disappointed in you.
Nah, you haven't proven anything. You make assertions and that's all. But go for it. You are no conservative, and the old party would be very disappointed in you.

THANK YOU... You finally admit you have no interest in proving your position or the ridicules claims you make by providing any facts, documentation or quotes.

I have said it before and I will say it again, the only thing more annoying than a Paul-bot is a Paul-bot-hater.

Get back to supporting Mitt Jake... I'm sure the "old party" would be proud of a politician like that... lol.
I think you are right.

What is funny to me is that libertarians think they are an important force in American politics.

You guys can't agree on what "value" is, much less what libertarians should actually do if elected.

Yeah, but we ALL agree that you're an asshole!

Not exactly the best message to unite on.
11:30 tonight is when Jay Leno is on. There is no verification he is going to make an announcement but there is rumors....I hope there is an announcement..to me it can only be one of two things. He is either endorsing Johnson or he is running independent.
So when is this announcement? Im curious

There's probably not going to be an announcement. That there's going to be an announcement is purely speculation on the part of the grassroots. Nobody official has said there's going to be announcement.
So when is this announcement? Im curious

There's probably not going to be an announcement. That there's going to be an announcement is purely speculation on the part of the grassroots. Nobody official has said there's going to be announcement.

So if he hasnt said there is going to be an announcement, why the heck would anyone think he is going to make one tonight at 11:30?

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