What's so bad about free market capitalism?


Silver Member
Mar 17, 2015
I've seen and experienced great things in countries that are more geared toward free market capitalism. They are the most literate and prosperous countries in the world. Why can't we do what we already know that works?

Me, I say, enforce the regulations we have, provide a strong social safety net that never gets too comfy and let entrepreneurs "play ball". Food, clothing and shelter may be a basic benefit in a strong society but why must capital be viewed as a public resource? It's not.
The only people who don't appreciate capitalism are the politicians who use a poor economy to manipulate people into voting for them in the name of "fairness". To them, capitalism is BAD.
The only people who don't appreciate capitalism are the politicians who use a poor economy to manipulate people into voting for them in the name of "fairness". To them, capitalism is BAD.

The Chinese sure appreciate it, they used it to instantly eliminate 40% of the worlds poverty.
I've seen and experienced great things in countries that are more geared toward free market capitalism. They are the most literate and prosperous countries in the world. Why can't we do what we already know that works?

Me, I say, enforce the regulations we have, provide a strong social safety net that never gets too comfy and let entrepreneurs "play ball". Food, clothing and shelter may be a basic benefit in a strong society but why must capital be viewed as a public resource? It's not.
The issue is the definition of "free market capitalism".

There is no such thing as free markets. Never has been, never will be, never can be. The question is the volume, effectiveness and efficiency of the regulations under which it operates. Many elements of the Meltdown in 2008 can be traced to lousy regulatory governance, such as the ratings agencies assigning AAA ratings to horrific CDO crap, disclosure requirements on that same horrific CDO crap, no capital requirements on the credit default swaps with which AIG flooded the market, allowing 125% no-doc mortgages, on and on and on.

On one end, we have conservatives who refuse to admit the critical importance of proper regulation; on the other, we have liberals who clearly don't understand that more regulation does not necessarily mean better regulation. Equilibrium is the key, but the two ends of the political spectrum absolutely refuse to participate.

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The bigger the government gets, the smaller the private sector becomes. The government doesn't produce capital, it spends it. It doesn't take an economist to figure out you'll reach a point of diminishing returns. THAT simple fact gets swept under the rug to favor even more government.
more regulation does not necessarily mean better regulation.

100% stupid of course since soviets burons don't know what better regulation is, so they guess. Capitalist regulation, though, is nearly perfect and in fact regulates 10,000 companies out of business each month because they cant compete in the race to raise our standard of living at the fastest possible rate.

Do you have the IQ to understand?
Capitalist regulation, regulates 10,000 companies out of business each month because they cant compete in the race to raise our standard of living at the fastest possible rate.

Sources please? Banks give me an inside view of their troubled businesses and the regulator-ruined business is very rare.
I've seen and experienced great things in countries that are more geared toward free market capitalism. They are the most literate and prosperous countries in the world. Why can't we do what we already know that works?

Me, I say, enforce the regulations we have, provide a strong social safety net that never gets too comfy and let entrepreneurs "play ball". Food, clothing and shelter may be a basic benefit in a strong society but why must capital be viewed as a public resource? It's not.
The issue is the definition of "free market capitalism".

There is no such thing as free markets. Never has been, never will be, never can be. The question is the volume, effectiveness and efficiency of the regulations under which it operates. Many elements of the Meltdown in 2008 can be traced to lousy regulatory governance, such as the ratings agencies assigning AAA ratings to horrific CDO crap, disclosure requirements on that same horrific CDO crap, no capital requirements on the credit default swaps with which AIG flooded the market, allowing 125% no-doc mortgages, on and on and on.

On one end, we have conservatives who refuse to admit the critical importance of proper regulation; on the other, we have liberals who clearly don't understand that more regulation does not necessarily mean better regulation. Equilibrium is the key, but the two ends of the political spectrum absolutely refuse to participate.

I was for more pain and punishment to the financial companies who f*cked it all up. This is what I mean by govt stayiing out of teh private sector and letting failure happen and lessons be learned.
As long as it is well regulated it is probably the best system out there. If one has a talent then one can use it against hes/her employer to move on to bigger and better jobs without any notice.
Capitalist regulation, regulates 10,000 companies out of business each month because they cant compete in the race to raise our standard of living at the fastest possible rate.

Sources please? Banks give me an inside view of their troubled businesses and the regulator-ruined business is very rare.

dear the USSR and Red China had millions of regulator ruined businesses.

Do you understand??
As long as it is well regulated.
OMG!!! thats 100% stupid. millions of businesses in Red China and USSR were "well regulated" . Did the 100% perfect idiot liberal think the soviet regulators were hired to badly regulate the businesses ??
Bankruptcy is just one part of this. Markets need to be regulated to protect both the consumer and the system itself.


one part?? how stupid and liberal can you be?? The part that promises you death if you don't raise the world's standard of living at the fastest possible rate is the only significant part.

Do you have the IQ to understand??
Bankruptcy is just one part of this. Markets need to be regulated to protect both the consumer and the system itself..
one part?? how stupid and liberal can you be?? The part that promises you death if you don't raise the world's standard of living at the fastest possible rate is the only significant part.Do you have the IQ to understand??
Fortunately, my IQ was somehow enough to become an investment advisor, CFP/ChFC/CLU and partner in a multi-location CPA/Law/Financial Services firm.

My nose is in this 7/24/365.

You, on the other hand, are clearly just another hardcore partisan ideologue who obediently barks out the type of shallow platitudes taught to him by his radio professors.

Demonstrate that you actually belong in a conversation on this topic with me or play your silly games with someone else, thanks.


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