What's so bad about free market capitalism?

Open up a history book of the 18th into the 20th century. Capitalism needs to be regulated in order for us to have workers rights, clean air, water and food. The system doesn't give a damn about anyone else outside of the head of the corporation....

Look at what capitalism did to china for a recent example...They treat the workers as slaves, pour shit into the rivers and pollute the air until it is nearly unbreatable...Same happened in America and Europe.

The government and Unions cleaned up America during the early to mid 20th century but it appears that once again the corporations are pushing back. Which means that we have a smaller middle class as all these bastards care about is money!
Bankruptcy is just one part of this. Markets need to be regulated to protect both the consumer and the system itself..
one part?? how stupid and liberal can you be?? The part that promises you death if you don't raise the world's standard of living at the fastest possible rate is the only significant part.Do you have the IQ to understand??
Fortunately, my IQ was somehow enough to become an investment advisor, CFP/ChFC/CLU and partner in a multi-location CPA/Law/Financial Services firm.

My nose is in this 7/24/365.

You, on the other hand, are clearly just another hardcore partisan ideologue who obediently barks out the type of shallow platitudes taught to him by his radio professors.

Demonstrate that you actually belong in a conversation on this topic with me or play your silly games with someone else, thanks.


translation: I was defeated so i'm reduced to personal attacks to change the subject. I hope no one notices my strategy.
. Capitalism needs to be regulated in order for us to have workers rights,!

100% stupid, illiterate, and liberal of course! One of the most Godly aspects of capitalism is that if you don't provide the best possible jobs in the world you are regulated into bankruptcy.

Simply enough for a child to understand, just not an adult liberal who has been exposed to the lesson 123 times before but still can't grasp it, so tries to ignore it rather than admit his pure ignorance.

Always remember, your ego is far more important than the truth!!
Design Dungeon

Free market capitalism promotes negotiations (and competitiveness) between nations that are otherwise politically different.

Today, the free market creates interesting goods flow and brand design 'contests' between America and Asia. The USA exports fast food chains more successfully than any other nation in the world, and hence, its other goods reflect an investment in consumerism themed items (i.e., Apple computers, Energizer batteries, etc.). Asia, on the other hand, is invested more in functionalism and goods demand (i.e., Samsung electronics, Toyota cars, etc.).

Free market capitalism above all else creates profit-guided TV ads which inspire consumer behaviors. Super Bowl ads, ads during premiers of special TV programs (etc.) reveal social trends in trade. As long as you do not mind how capitalism is connected to 'traffic psychology,' you can celebrate how profiteerism ironically catalyzes history.


World Bank (Wikipedia)



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Bankruptcy is just one part of this. Markets need to be regulated to protect both the consumer and the system itself..
one part?? how stupid and liberal can you be?? The part that promises you death if you don't raise the world's standard of living at the fastest possible rate is the only significant part.Do you have the IQ to understand??
Fortunately, my IQ was somehow enough to become an investment advisor, CFP/ChFC/CLU and partner in a multi-location CPA/Law/Financial Services firm.

My nose is in this 7/24/365.

You, on the other hand, are clearly just another hardcore partisan ideologue who obediently barks out the type of shallow platitudes taught to him by his radio professors.

Demonstrate that you actually belong in a conversation on this topic with me or play your silly games with someone else, thanks.

translation: I was defeated so i'm reduced to personal attacks to change the subject. I hope no one notices my strategy.
Yes, I wasn't expecting you to demonstrate much of anything, outside of whining about personal attacks after saying "do you have the IQ to understand?"

Thanks for confirming my suspicion. You don't know what you're talking about.

Bankruptcy is just one part of this. Markets need to be regulated to protect both the consumer and the system itself..
one part?? how stupid and liberal can you be?? The part that promises you death if you don't raise the world's standard of living at the fastest possible rate is the only significant part.Do you have the IQ to understand??
Fortunately, my IQ was somehow enough to become an investment advisor, CFP/ChFC/CLU and partner in a multi-location CPA/Law/Financial Services firm.

My nose is in this 7/24/365.

You, on the other hand, are clearly just another hardcore partisan ideologue who obediently barks out the type of shallow platitudes taught to him by his radio professors.

Demonstrate that you actually belong in a conversation on this topic with me or play your silly games with someone else, thanks.

translation: I was defeated so i'm reduced to personal attacks to change the subject. I hope no one notices my strategy.
Yes, I wasn't expecting you to demonstrate much of anything, outside of whining about personal attacks after saying "do you have the IQ to understand?"

Thanks for confirming my suspicion. You don't know what you're talking about.

one part?? how stupid and liberal can you be?? The part of capitalism that promises you death if you don't raise the world's standard of living at the fastest possible rate is the only significant part.Do you have the IQ to understand??

Look at what capitalism did to china for a recent example...They treat the workers as slaves,
100% pure stupidity. Before capitalism 60 million slowly starved to death, under capitalism they are getting rich rather than slowly starving to death.

Now, since you are a typical and perfectly stupid liberal here's a question for you. What is better, getting rich or slowly starving to death?
Ed, the failure of China and Russia is old news, it's not the check-mate answer that it used to be, like 20+ years ago. You've got to update your material.

You claim regulation kills businesses, I ask for sources and you cite Soviet and Chinese Communism. Well, duh, my grandparents knew that. Then someone mentioned bankruptcy which is a very nuanced topic and you blather about old school communists again.

Then you say;
Before capitalism 60 million slowly starved to death, under capitalism they are getting rich rather than slowly starving to death.
Like Capitalism is something new. Free trade is natural and as old as humanity. You are frustratingly myopic and a real buzz kill on these forums.
Like Capitalism is something new. .
100% stupid and liberal of course. Capitalism is very very new in China and it instantly eliminated 40% of the world's poverty after centuries of poverty and after 60 million slowly starved to death under liberal regulation. And how do our 100% stupid and illiterate liberals react: Obamacommie care. Liberals are 100% stupid and have absolutely no allegiance whatsoever to science or reason

Now do you understand??
Ed, the failure of China and Russia is old news, it's not the check-mate answer that it used to be, like 20+ years ago. You've got to update your material.

You claim regulation kills businesses, I ask for sources and you cite Soviet and Chinese Communism. Well, duh, my grandparents knew that. Then someone mentioned bankruptcy which is a very nuanced topic and you blather about old school communists again.

Then you say;
Before capitalism 60 million slowly starved to death, under capitalism they are getting rich rather than slowly starving to death.
Like Capitalism is something new. Free trade is natural and as old as humanity. You are frustratingly myopic and a real buzz kill on these forums.
Thank you.

Most anyone around here will tell you I suck at world economics, and I admit it.

I wanted to read this thread to gather some kernels, but Ed just sucked the air out of the room
Like Capitalism is something new. .

100% stupid and liberal of course. Capitalism is very very new in China and it instantly eliminated 40% of the world's poverty after centuries of poverty and after 60 million slowly starved to death under liberal regulation.

Now do you understand??
You keep echoing this elimination of 40% of the world's poverty but haven't proven anything except your spamming abilities
Like Capitalism is something new. .

100% stupid and liberal of course. Capitalism is very very new in China and it instantly eliminated 40% of the world's poverty after centuries of poverty and after 60 million slowly starved to death under liberal regulation.

Now do you understand??
You keep echoing this elimination of 40% of the world's poverty but haven't proven anything except your spamming abilities

see why we say 100% stupid and illiterate????

China accounts for 100% of the reduction in the number of the world's people living in poverty
In 2010 Professor Danny Quah, of the London School of Economics, noted: 'In the last 3 decades, China alone has lifted more people out of extreme poverty than the rest of the world combined. Indeed, China’s ($1/day) poverty reduction of 627 million from 1981 to 2005 exceeds the total global economy’s decline in its extremely poor from 1.9 billion to 1.4 billion over the same period.'
Like Capitalism is something new. .

100% stupid and liberal of course. Capitalism is very very new in China and it instantly eliminated 40% of the world's poverty after centuries of poverty and after 60 million slowly starved to death under liberal regulation.

Now do you understand??
You keep echoing this elimination of 40% of the world's poverty but haven't proven anything except your spamming abilities

see why we say 100% stupid and illiterate????

China accounts for 100% of the reduction in the number of the world's people living in poverty
In 2010 Professor Danny Quah, of the London School of Economics, noted: 'In the last 3 decades, China alone has lifted more people out of extreme poverty than the rest of the world combined. Indeed, China’s ($1/day) poverty reduction of 627 million from 1981 to 2005 exceeds the total global economy’s decline in its extremely poor from 1.9 billion to 1.4 billion over the same period.'
So you quickly Googled and came back with a ten year old report that doesn't even support your claims.

Stupid and illiterate, thy name is Edward
You are frustratingly myopic and a real buzz kill on these forums.

dear if I said something or many things that are mistaken please present your best example for the whole world to see or admit as a typical liberal you lack the IQ to defend what you say.
Like Capitalism is something new. .

100% stupid and liberal of course. Capitalism is very very new in China and it instantly eliminated 40% of the world's poverty after centuries of poverty and after 60 million slowly starved to death under liberal regulation.

Now do you understand??
You keep echoing this elimination of 40% of the world's poverty but haven't proven anything except your spamming abilities

see why we say 100% stupid and illiterate????

China accounts for 100% of the reduction in the number of the world's people living in poverty
In 2010 Professor Danny Quah, of the London School of Economics, noted: 'In the last 3 decades, China alone has lifted more people out of extreme poverty than the rest of the world combined. Indeed, China’s ($1/day) poverty reduction of 627 million from 1981 to 2005 exceeds the total global economy’s decline in its extremely poor from 1.9 billion to 1.4 billion over the same period.'
So you quickly Googled and came back with a ten year old report that doesn't even support your claims.

Stupid and illiterate, thy name is Edward

so China is getting poorer under capitalism and millions are actually starving to death??
Like Capitalism is something new. .

100% stupid and liberal of course. Capitalism is very very new in China and it instantly eliminated 40% of the world's poverty after centuries of poverty and after 60 million slowly starved to death under liberal regulation.

Now do you understand??
You keep echoing this elimination of 40% of the world's poverty but haven't proven anything except your spamming abilities

see why we say 100% stupid and illiterate????

China accounts for 100% of the reduction in the number of the world's people living in poverty
In 2010 Professor Danny Quah, of the London School of Economics, noted: 'In the last 3 decades, China alone has lifted more people out of extreme poverty than the rest of the world combined. Indeed, China’s ($1/day) poverty reduction of 627 million from 1981 to 2005 exceeds the total global economy’s decline in its extremely poor from 1.9 billion to 1.4 billion over the same period.'
So you quickly Googled and came back with a ten year old report that doesn't even support your claims.

Stupid and illiterate, thy name is Edward

so China is getting poorer under capitalism and millions are actually starving to death??
Put the goalposts down and support your 40% claim
Put the goalposts down and support your 40% [ % of worlds poverty elimitated when China swithced to Republican capitalism.

stupid liberal wants to argue about a number because he lacks the IQ to argue about the concept

"The significant results that China achieved in poverty reduction have made outstanding contributions to the global poverty alleviation effort, accounting for a reduction of 76.09 percent of the world’s total poor over the period 1990–2005.The Chinese Government has always attached great importance to grain production and made food security its primary goal of agriculture development. China has made great progress in grain production, increasing output from 305 million tons in 1978 to 590 million tons in 2012."[/QUOTE]
Put the goalposts down and support your 40% [ % of worlds poverty elimitated when China swithced to Republican capitalism.

stupid liberal wants to argue about a number because he lacks the IQ to argue about the concept

"The significant results that China achieved in poverty reduction have made outstanding contributions to the global poverty alleviation effort, accounting for a reduction of 76.09 percent of the world’s total poor over the period 1990–2005.The Chinese Government has always attached great importance to grain production and made food security its primary goal of agriculture development. China has made great progress in grain production, increasing output from 305 million tons in 1978 to 590 million tons in 2012."

Just to show you how this works and how numbers get twisted when the one claiming them has an agenda to push, I'll throw ya a freebie::::

These substantial strides by China meant overall poverty across the globe was halved from 40% to 20% within two decades, according to World Bank President Jim Yong Kim
Just to show you how this works and how numbers get twisted when the one claiming them has an agenda to push, I'll throw ya a freebie::::

These substantial strides by China meant overall poverty across the globe was halved from 40% to 20% within two decades, according to World Bank President Jim Yong Kim

too stupid and oh so perfectly liberal. This fool just supported my case that Republican capitalism in China reduced world poverty by 50%!!!!!! I said 40%( being conservative) but now we have experts saying 50% and 70%!!

liberalism is a deadly stupid joke and should be illegal as our Founders intended!! At the very least stupid people should not be allowed to vote as our Founders, Plato, and Aristotle instructed us.
Just to show you how this works and how numbers get twisted when the one claiming them has an agenda to push, I'll throw ya a freebie::::

These substantial strides by China meant overall poverty across the globe was halved from 40% to 20% within two decades, according to World Bank President Jim Yong Kim

too stupid and oh so perfectly liberal. This fool just supported my case that Republican capitalism in China reduced world poverty by 50%!!!!!! I said 40%( being conservative) but now we have experts saying 50% and 70%!!

liberalism is a deadly stupid joke and should be illegal as our Founders intended!! At the very least stupid people should not be allowed to vote as our Founders, Plato, and Aristotle instructed us.

I simply asked you to support your claim.

You couldn't do it.

You're welcome.

Say hi to Guano and Lakunta now

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