What's stopping you....

Grow out of narcissistic personality disorder.

You know nothing of my life so making snarky remarks about your fantasy image of me as opposed to what I post just further reveals your mental disorder. Remember, your posts are all about you; why drag anyone else on stage with you?

Where in your posts do you evidence any concern about anyone other than yourself? Where do evidence any interest in anything but money? Like community, family, service, respect, or professional duty? Stop behaving like a little self-centered shit and I'll stop treating you like one.
Funny. I keep collecting that gov. aid, as youngrepublican (the name tends to tell you what he is going to believe. Another of those who believe what they want to believe) says. Makes me a lazy old bastard, I guess. Funny. I paid in all those bucks over a period of over 55 years. Now it is gov aid. Thank god I have youngrepublican to set me straight.
Question is, if I had paid it to an insurance company and was getting the benefit from that private insurance company, would it be a bad thing in the puny little mind of youngrepublican??? I remember when I took a class from a proff that had been a Ford exec. Decided to pitch it and teach. Why??? Because he determined that the life that our youngrepublican is longing for was hollow. You know this, I am sure, in spades from your position, but sometimes it takes a while for these ignorant young clowns to figure it out. And many, sadly, never will. My observation is that those that do not end up as sad, unhappy old clowns. But they may have accumulated a lot of money. So, the question ends up being: Is being rich and sad better than being poor and sad? And the answer is obvious. It is not.

Who is rich and sad? Yes, you paid into these systems for 55 years and now you get to sit back and relax. My point is that unless I and the rest of my friends make buku bucks, we will have to pay into this system until we die and see virtually none of it.

I always enjoyed making money. Once I realized what my earning power was, I felt that to do less than my best was wasting my talent. If I hadn't gotten sick, I probably would have worked at what I do until age 73 at least. Just because a job pays well does not mean that it cannot be fulfilling. The movie About Schmidt comes to mind. No all of us are like Schmidt, just about making the money but not doing anything that makes a difference. Making a difference can pay big bucks.

I can tell you, that I worry about my children, although I don't really have to because they are both fairly well off in their own right. But, like you, I see the possibility that their SS will be just another tax given to people who didn't work for it. And I think that really sucks for them. I believe it was a good thing America did for its older people setting up so we could retire, but raiding our SS money all these years will ultimately cheat the baby boomers, my children who are older than you, and whatever generation you are as well.
Whatever your professors are telling you and your peers ... you are being sorely misinformed. If you want to know about elders, you need to communicate with those elders. They are not lazy, stupid, clods trying to suck the life of the younger generation. You will get some flaming if you come on to elders like they're the scum of the earth. There's no one on this board, I don't think, whose life circumstances are not personal to them instead of a cookie cutter one-size-fits-all clone-like existence where everybody is the same.

There were circumstances in my life that were somewhat difficult to say the least. I literally had no education from grades 3 through 6. Those are very important years where learning the basics will set one up for all that follows. I estimate that I have about the equivalent of an 8th grade education even though I'm a high school graduate. I did not go on to college. When I came back into the public school system my teachers knew nothing about me and what I had been through and was still going through - they just labeled me as stupid and advised me to take a general high school course of study and hope for the best.

When I assured my mother I would not be going back to school if I didn't graduate in June with my class, she took an interest then. We met the principal who didn't know me - never heard of me. He pulled my records, sat bolt upright in his chair with a look of disbelief on his face and his exact words to me were, "What in the world have you been doing with your high school career??!!" I told him " ... and I've been hoping for the best." He then told me that according to every state required exam I had over the years, I should have been taking advanced college prep courses. Not a big help six weeks out from graduation.

I learned a lot from adversity and I made some good decisions about some issues early on. I worked hard, was loyal and trustworthy to my employers. I raised three children as a single parent making a salary on the small side. They and their needs came first. They didn't get everything they wanted, but they always had a roof over their head, medical and dental care, clothing and food to eat. Don't get me wrong, I made mistakes along the way but I always did the best I could with what I had (which did not include a handout from the public dole).

I worked hard, I had no choice. I always knew I would have to do that. Always. I paid into Social Security all those years; took care of my kids; and when they were grown I started spending a little and doing things for me. Now I'm retired, draw SS payments and I could make it on my $1177/month if I'm very careful and cut out any extras. But instead of sitting on my butt, I have this little job that I love and I make a little extra money to save and/or have in my pocket for some extras. I've paid my dues, I'm happy with what I have and I deserve to be happy as far as I'm concerned.

Others on SS have had college educations and made loads of money - and they aren't slackers - they have had circumstances where they don't have to work and can sit back and enjoy the good years they have left.

We know the differences in the workplace then and now. We keep up on stuff. We are up on technology, some moreso than others. We're not sitting here laughing our asses off and thinking that the younger generation owes us in terms of permanent financial support till the day we die.

There's a whole lot youth can learn from the elders - you just can't call us bums and bloodsuckers and expect us to take it laying down. I'm sorry, but you have come over with such venom and arrogance in your posts that you really lit a fire under my ass - and I fired back.

Who are you talking to?

I was addressing Young Republican. I think it's sort of clear from prior posts that he and I have exchanged shots over the bow regarding his obvious contempt for older people. I just chose not to copy a bunch on quotes before responding.
What is stopping you from improving your personal economy?

Tell me what exactly is preventing you from making an extra $50 a week, what's stopping you from saving a little bit more if at all ?

OBVIOUSLY, the answer to that will be different for each person according to their own unique circumstance.

I often get the feeling that some of you are so lacking imagination that you simply cannot imagine that other people are simply NOT you.

Just because you or I might be able to do something does not mean that every other person can do the same.

The opportunities available, for example, that a 20 year old has is wildly different than that of a 40 or 60 year old.

I mean seriously, is this not obvious?
What is stopping you from improving your personal economy?

Tell me what exactly is preventing you from making an extra $50 a week, what's stopping you from saving a little bit more if at all ?

OBVIOUSLY, the answer to that will be different for each person according to their own unique circumstance.

I often get the feeling that some of you are so lacking imagination that you simply cannot imagine that other people are simply NOT you.

Just because you or I might be able to do something does not mean that every other person can do the same.

The opportunities available, for example, that a 20 year old has is wildly different than that of a 40 or 60 year old.

I mean seriously, is this not obvious?

Obviously not

Every man can be a millionaire. Those who are not are just lazy
What is stopping someone from graduating High School and getting a job where they can get married, buy a three bedroom house, raise four kids and send them all to college all without their wife working?

My father did it

Something changed between then and now.

Wonder what it was?

Must be either the economic climate for workers has changed or that workers are just fucking lazy

Guess which one the OP believes?
WE all deal with some sort of adversity and I think it is how we deal with it that defines us. Im sure you have led a hard-working, good life and you deserve whatever it is you have saved. My point in the beginning of this was that we need to up the age that SS and medicare are received at. You have worked very hard, but its not a matter of how hard you have worked its how long we need to start working. is 70 the new age for retirement? I dont know, but it needs to discussed. It shouldnt be that big of a deal if we ask the boomers to work a little bit longer, but from what I have heard, you guys dont seem to receptive of it. That was my problem. No one wanted to work until 70, but us working until most likely well over 75 should just be accepted. All I wanted was for us to entertain the idea of extending entitlements to adjust to the life expectancy. We can try to keep it civil from here though, for a little bit :)

You seem to be operating under the impression that everybody hits retirement age at 55 saying (woohoo!). No one is COMPELLED to retire at "retirement age." It used to be a set age, but now the age is sort of determined by one's year of birth so it's not the same for everyone. A lot of people work well past their given retirement age simply because they're not ready to retire. I have a very dear friend age 79 who has a grinding work schedule because he chooses to have it. He certainly doesn't need the money. My CPA is well into his 80s - retired IRS auditor. His body is a little frail, but his mind is sharp and he has a wicked sense of humor. He puts on his suit and tie and goes to his office every day. Of course, his daughter has to drive him there - but what the hell? She's a CPA and they have a great little business. Another long-time friend is in his early 80s - can't work due to a couple of health issues, but has a mind like a steel trap. He's right on top of everything politically and otherwise - it's scary the number of people in high places he knows well enough to just pick up his phone. I don't know and I don't want to know - I just know he gets problems taken care of. Oh, yeah - and he's a hoot when it comes to his sex life - blames it on his good German blood. (No - I'm off limits - I just laugh like hell.)

You're relying on books, stats and God knows what else to make your assumption and you have absolutely no insight whatsoever when it comes to the human factor. And that's your loss.

By the way, I always had too much responsibility and too little money to set aside for my retirement. My income IS my SS income. I can live on that - but I choose to work for a little jingle in my pocket - and I love what I do.
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What is stopping you from improving your personal economy?

Tell me what exactly is preventing you from making an extra $50 a week, what's stopping you from saving a little bit more if at all ?

OBVIOUSLY, the answer to that will be different for each person according to their own unique circumstance.

I often get the feeling that some of you are so lacking imagination that you simply cannot imagine that other people are simply NOT you.

Just because you or I might be able to do something does not mean that every other person can do the same.

The opportunities available, for example, that a 20 year old has is wildly different than that of a 40 or 60 year old.

I mean seriously, is this not obvious?

It's obvious to me as I was 20 now I am in my 40s and I have always managed to make what I needed to survive and still save money.

It's the sheep out there who try to tell me that someone is holding them back that I have issue with.
What is stopping someone from graduating High School and getting a job where they can get married, buy a three bedroom house, raise four kids and send them all to college all without their wife working?

My father did it

Something changed between then and now.

Wonder what it was?

Must be either the economic climate for workers has changed or that workers are just fucking lazy

Guess which one the OP believes?

Oh great and powerful Oz come out from behind the curtain and please show me where I have ever called people lazy in this thread

Your inference is yours and you must realize that your inference in no way represents my thoughts.

Why don't you try to own your own words before telling me what I meant.

The simple fact of the matter is that there is absolutely nothing stopping anyone from making 50 bucks more a week and saving all or part of it so as to improve their financial condition.

You just need to blame someone else for people's failure to do so.
How is that stopping you from earning more?

Higher taxes reallocates resources from me and gives it to the Government. The more taxes I have to pay, the less I can actually earn as an individual. As the supply of money rises faster than the supply of goods and services. It's defacto decreasing my wages if the cost of goods and services in an economy increases. And there is always the obligatory labour cost, over burdensome regulations, red tape, etc which makes ever so difficult for employers to reallocate that capital in more meaningful ways.

Sure, it's no problem for me to make an extra $50 bucks a week. I work on margin calls. You can't expect everyone else to do the same. Unless you are suggesting that everyone in the economy becomes a Stock Broker.

How is that stopping you from saving more?

What incentive is there to save if I receive 0.25% interest on whatever I save? There is even less incentive if the inflation target is 2% a year. This means you are losing 2% of the value of your savings every year, regardless of how much your savings increases nominally. I am much better off taking my money out of a bank account and putting it into Stocks, Precious Metals, Foreign Currencies or another Foreign Bank (if I am willing to jump through extra hoops to do it).
Whatever your professors are telling you and your peers ... you are being sorely misinformed. If you want to know about elders, you need to communicate with those elders. They are not lazy, stupid, clods trying to suck the life of the younger generation. You will get some flaming if you come on to elders like they're the scum of the earth. There's no one on this board, I don't think, whose life circumstances are not personal to them instead of a cookie cutter one-size-fits-all clone-like existence where everybody is the same.

There were circumstances in my life that were somewhat difficult to say the least. I literally had no education from grades 3 through 6. Those are very important years where learning the basics will set one up for all that follows. I estimate that I have about the equivalent of an 8th grade education even though I'm a high school graduate. I did not go on to college. When I came back into the public school system my teachers knew nothing about me and what I had been through and was still going through - they just labeled me as stupid and advised me to take a general high school course of study and hope for the best.

When I assured my mother I would not be going back to school if I didn't graduate in June with my class, she took an interest then. We met the principal who didn't know me - never heard of me. He pulled my records, sat bolt upright in his chair with a look of disbelief on his face and his exact words to me were, "What in the world have you been doing with your high school career??!!" I told him " ... and I've been hoping for the best." He then told me that according to every state required exam I had over the years, I should have been taking advanced college prep courses. Not a big help six weeks out from graduation.

I learned a lot from adversity and I made some good decisions about some issues early on. I worked hard, was loyal and trustworthy to my employers. I raised three children as a single parent making a salary on the small side. They and their needs came first. They didn't get everything they wanted, but they always had a roof over their head, medical and dental care, clothing and food to eat. Don't get me wrong, I made mistakes along the way but I always did the best I could with what I had (which did not include a handout from the public dole).

I worked hard, I had no choice. I always knew I would have to do that. Always. I paid into Social Security all those years; took care of my kids; and when they were grown I started spending a little and doing things for me. Now I'm retired, draw SS payments and I could make it on my $1177/month if I'm very careful and cut out any extras. But instead of sitting on my butt, I have this little job that I love and I make a little extra money to save and/or have in my pocket for some extras. I've paid my dues, I'm happy with what I have and I deserve to be happy as far as I'm concerned.

Others on SS have had college educations and made loads of money - and they aren't slackers - they have had circumstances where they don't have to work and can sit back and enjoy the good years they have left.

We know the differences in the workplace then and now. We keep up on stuff. We are up on technology, some moreso than others. We're not sitting here laughing our asses off and thinking that the younger generation owes us in terms of permanent financial support till the day we die.

There's a whole lot youth can learn from the elders - you just can't call us bums and bloodsuckers and expect us to take it laying down. I'm sorry, but you have come over with such venom and arrogance in your posts that you really lit a fire under my ass - and I fired back.

Who are you talking to?

I was addressing Young Republican. I think it's sort of clear from prior posts that he and I have exchanged shots over the bow regarding his obvious contempt for older people. I just chose not to copy a bunch on quotes before responding.

You would be easier to follow if you learned how to use the quote feature.
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All right sheep and whiners a simple question.

What is stopping you from improving your personal economy?

Tell me what exactly is preventing you from making an extra $50 a week, what's stopping you from saving a little bit more if at all ?
The availability of good paying jobs. A house that, should I decide to move to some other area for greater opportunity, would either not sell or sell at a substantial loss. The fact that few employers are willing to hire a 56 year old.

And saving? How about not getting a salary raise for four years because some anti government shit head decided to placate the other anti government shit heads and cut funding to my department. Prices keep going up, but some feel that because I work for the government, I do not deserve to enjoy a standard of living comparable to their own.
Something changed between then and now.

Wonder what it was?

Must be either the economic climate for workers has changed or that workers are just fucking lazy

Guess which one the OP believes?

Oh great and powerful Oz come out from behind the curtain and please show me where I have ever called people lazy in this thread

Your inference is yours and you must realize that your inference in no way represents my thoughts.

Why don't you try to own your own words before telling me what I meant.

The simple fact of the matter is that there is absolutely nothing stopping anyone from making 50 bucks more a week and saving all or part of it so as to improve their financial condition.

You just need to blame someone else for people's failure to do so.

Only $50/month over 40 years would make a tremendous in the way a person lives one they reach retirement age. That would be one minimum wage shift/month. If you wanted to make $50/week, then work 6 days a week instead of 5.
Who are you talking to?

I was addressing Young Republican. I think it's sort of clear from prior posts that he and I have exchanged shots over the bow regarding his obvious contempt for older people. I just chose not to copy a bunch on quotes before responding.

You would be easier to follow if you learned how to use the quote feature.

Point taken! Sometimes it just seems like the quotes get re-quoted so much by so many you have to go back to figure out who said what so you can make a reasonable response. Mea culpa. :)
All right sheep and whiners a simple question.

What is stopping you from improving your personal economy?

Tell me what exactly is preventing you from making an extra $50 a week, what's stopping you from saving a little bit more if at all ?
The availability of good paying jobs. A house that, should I decide to move to some other area for greater opportunity, would either not sell or sell at a substantial loss. The fact that few employers are willing to hire a 56 year old.

So you are utterly incapable of making a few extra bucks a week? I think we both know that's not true. If someone won't hire you then create your own revenue generator.

And saving? How about not getting a salary raise for four years because some anti government shit head decided to placate the other anti government shit heads and cut funding to my department. Prices keep going up, but some feel that because I work for the government, I do not deserve to enjoy a standard of living comparable to their own.

So you have no responsibility? You could not have found another position? You could not have moved? You could not have done anything at all to make a little more income?

Absolutely nothing?

And none of it was your fault?
Must be either the economic climate for workers has changed or that workers are just fucking lazy

Guess which one the OP believes?

Oh great and powerful Oz come out from behind the curtain and please show me where I have ever called people lazy in this thread

Your inference is yours and you must realize that your inference in no way represents my thoughts.

Why don't you try to own your own words before telling me what I meant.

The simple fact of the matter is that there is absolutely nothing stopping anyone from making 50 bucks more a week and saving all or part of it so as to improve their financial condition.

You just need to blame someone else for people's failure to do so.

Only $50/month over 40 years would make a tremendous in the way a person lives one they reach retirement age. That would be one minimum wage shift/month. If you wanted to make $50/week, then work 6 days a week instead of 5.

My point exactly.

It's a simple thing to do that could result in hundreds of thousands of dollars but no matter how many times people are told this simple fact they want to make an excuse or blame someone else why they didn't or won't do it.
Oh great and powerful Oz come out from behind the curtain and please show me where I have ever called people lazy in this thread

Your inference is yours and you must realize that your inference in no way represents my thoughts.

Why don't you try to own your own words before telling me what I meant.

The simple fact of the matter is that there is absolutely nothing stopping anyone from making 50 bucks more a week and saving all or part of it so as to improve their financial condition.

You just need to blame someone else for people's failure to do so.

Only $50/month over 40 years would make a tremendous in the way a person lives one they reach retirement age. That would be one minimum wage shift/month. If you wanted to make $50/week, then work 6 days a week instead of 5.

My point exactly.

It's a simple thing to do that could result in hundreds of thousands of dollars but no matter how many times people are told this simple fact they want to make an excuse or blame someone else why they didn't or won't do it.

Well, I know several professional people who moonlight at minimum wage jobs so they can put back more.
Only $50/month over 40 years would make a tremendous in the way a person lives one they reach retirement age. That would be one minimum wage shift/month. If you wanted to make $50/week, then work 6 days a week instead of 5.

My point exactly.

It's a simple thing to do that could result in hundreds of thousands of dollars but no matter how many times people are told this simple fact they want to make an excuse or blame someone else why they didn't or won't do it.

Well, I know several professional people who moonlight at minimum wage jobs so they can put back more.

So do I
All right sheep and whiners a simple question.

What is stopping you from improving your personal economy?

Tell me what exactly is preventing you from making an extra $50 a week, what's stopping you from saving a little bit more if at all ?
The availability of good paying jobs. A house that, should I decide to move to some other area for greater opportunity, would either not sell or sell at a substantial loss. The fact that few employers are willing to hire a 56 year old.

So you are utterly incapable of making a few extra bucks a week? I think we both know that's not true. If someone won't hire you then create your own revenue generator.

And saving? How about not getting a salary raise for four years because some anti government shit head decided to placate the other anti government shit heads and cut funding to my department. Prices keep going up, but some feel that because I work for the government, I do not deserve to enjoy a standard of living comparable to their own.

So you have no responsibility? You could not have found another position? You could not have moved? You could not have done anything at all to make a little more income?

Absolutely nothing?

And none of it was your fault?
Moved!?! And do what with the house with the paid off mortgage? This is not a sellers market. Young folks are leaving after graduation. There ARE no jobs in this area and no one is buying homes. There are factors affecting the simplicity of the argument that one should just move and find work. It's a simple thing to sit in an area of the country that has opportunity and snipe at those in areas not so fortunate. That simplicity gives one a smugness that, when perceived by others, comes across as glib, cold, and heartless.
The availability of good paying jobs. A house that, should I decide to move to some other area for greater opportunity, would either not sell or sell at a substantial loss. The fact that few employers are willing to hire a 56 year old.

So you are utterly incapable of making a few extra bucks a week? I think we both know that's not true. If someone won't hire you then create your own revenue generator.

And saving? How about not getting a salary raise for four years because some anti government shit head decided to placate the other anti government shit heads and cut funding to my department. Prices keep going up, but some feel that because I work for the government, I do not deserve to enjoy a standard of living comparable to their own.

So you have no responsibility? You could not have found another position? You could not have moved? You could not have done anything at all to make a little more income?

Absolutely nothing?

And none of it was your fault?
Moved!?! And do what with the house with the paid off mortgage? This is not a sellers market. Young folks are leaving after graduation. There ARE no jobs in this area and no one is buying homes. There are factors affecting the simplicity of the argument that one should just move and find work. It's a simple thing to sit in an area of the country that has opportunity and snipe at those in areas not so fortunate. That simplicity gives one a smugness that, when perceived by others, comes across as glib, cold, and heartless.

So you choose not to do anything to make more money.

Your choices are what's stopping you not some external force.

That is the point.

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