What's stopping you....

So you are utterly incapable of making a few extra bucks a week? I think we both know that's not true. If someone won't hire you then create your own revenue generator.

So you have no responsibility? You could not have found another position? You could not have moved? You could not have done anything at all to make a little more income?

Absolutely nothing?

And none of it was your fault?
Moved!?! And do what with the house with the paid off mortgage? This is not a sellers market. Young folks are leaving after graduation. There ARE no jobs in this area and no one is buying homes. There are factors affecting the simplicity of the argument that one should just move and find work. It's a simple thing to sit in an area of the country that has opportunity and snipe at those in areas not so fortunate. That simplicity gives one a smugness that, when perceived by others, comes across as glib, cold, and heartless.

So you choose not to do anything to make more money.

Your choices are what's stopping you not some external force.

That is the point.
It is not my choice to have a depressed real estate market, a lack of job opportunities or be 56 years old. I recognize these immutable factors and do not engage in Bumper Sticker thinking. I see circumstances beyond people's control like funding cuts the individuals had nothing to do with unless they themselves succumbed to the au currant thinking among the tea party knuckle draggers and support cuts in government services. The funny thing about that particular line of...'thinking' is most of those poorly educated tea party types receive government services themselves! Social Security, SNAP, Section Eight housing vouchers, Medicade are distributed to the folks calling for smaller government and lower taxes for millionaires.
The availability of good paying jobs. A house that, should I decide to move to some other area for greater opportunity, would either not sell or sell at a substantial loss. The fact that few employers are willing to hire a 56 year old.

So you are utterly incapable of making a few extra bucks a week? I think we both know that's not true. If someone won't hire you then create your own revenue generator.

And saving? How about not getting a salary raise for four years because some anti government shit head decided to placate the other anti government shit heads and cut funding to my department. Prices keep going up, but some feel that because I work for the government, I do not deserve to enjoy a standard of living comparable to their own.

So you have no responsibility? You could not have found another position? You could not have moved? You could not have done anything at all to make a little more income?

Absolutely nothing?

And none of it was your fault?
Moved!?! And do what with the house with the paid off mortgage? This is not a sellers market. Young folks are leaving after graduation. There ARE no jobs in this area and no one is buying homes. There are factors affecting the simplicity of the argument that one should just move and find work. It's a simple thing to sit in an area of the country that has opportunity and snipe at those in areas not so fortunate. That simplicity gives one a smugness that, when perceived by others, comes across as glib, cold, and heartless.

It is well understood that many are trapped in their homes or otherwise constrained from moving, and not all areas are seeing improved economies. Others may not be able to leave their houses due to disability or child care responsibilities. My daughter-in-law is in the latter category; 3 kids. She felt she needed to contribute so she opened an Etsy business on the internet. She makes little outfits for kids (actually, it's probably more accurate to say she adorns outfits for kids; the actual plain clothing she purchases and then sews on different patterns, ballerina ruffles, etc. Nothing particularly complex.). Last year was her first year in operation; she made $13,000.

I'm not saying everyone should go out and try an Internet business, but it can be done and where you are, your age or what the economy is like in your local area is irrelevant.
Moved!?! And do what with the house with the paid off mortgage? This is not a sellers market. Young folks are leaving after graduation. There ARE no jobs in this area and no one is buying homes. There are factors affecting the simplicity of the argument that one should just move and find work. It's a simple thing to sit in an area of the country that has opportunity and snipe at those in areas not so fortunate. That simplicity gives one a smugness that, when perceived by others, comes across as glib, cold, and heartless.

So you choose not to do anything to make more money.

Your choices are what's stopping you not some external force.

That is the point.
It is not my choice to have a depressed real estate market, a lack of job opportunities or be 56 years old. I recognize these immutable factors and do not engage in Bumper Sticker thinking. I see circumstances beyond people's control like funding cuts the individuals had nothing to do with unless they themselves succumbed to the au currant thinking among the tea party knuckle draggers and support cuts in government services. The funny thing about that particular line of...'thinking' is most of those poorly educated tea party types receive government services themselves! Social Security, SNAP, Section Eight housing vouchers, Medicade are distributed to the folks calling for smaller government and lower taxes for millionaires.

Good Lord! I finished up my law degree when I was 58. And I wasn't the oldest one in the class. In 1989, I had a paid for house in a slow market. But it was paid for. Leaving it to find a place to work was not like having to make two payments or a payment and rent. It did sell within the year, but I know people who have found themselves with a paid for house which they took out a line of credit on and used it to get housing in a town where there were jobs. If you really want to work in this country, you can work. It would have been so easy for me to just kick back and 'draw' after my husband died. But I would have found myself in my 50s with no skills. If you really want to do better, you can. And I think that is the point of this thread. If you want to make a life change the help is out there, for that too.
What is stopping someone from graduating High School and getting a job where they can get married, buy a three bedroom house, raise four kids and send them all to college all without their wife working?

My father did it

Something changed between then and now.

Wonder what it was?

very simple, in the old days you worked or you died, so everyone worked and contributed to society. Today everyone is on welfare entitlements so there is little incentive to work when you are on welfare or when you must pay for it. Liberals killed the incentive to work and the profit from work so, surprise, fewer and fewer work and those who do earn less and less.
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Moved!?! And do what with the house with the paid off mortgage? This is not a sellers market. Young folks are leaving after graduation. There ARE no jobs in this area and no one is buying homes. There are factors affecting the simplicity of the argument that one should just move and find work. It's a simple thing to sit in an area of the country that has opportunity and snipe at those in areas not so fortunate. That simplicity gives one a smugness that, when perceived by others, comes across as glib, cold, and heartless.

So you choose not to do anything to make more money.

Your choices are what's stopping you not some external force.

That is the point.
It is not my choice to have a depressed real estate market, a lack of job opportunities or be 56 years old.

Yes because at such a feeble old age we all know you are both physically and mentally incapable of doing anything to better your situation.
I recognize these immutable factors and do not engage in Bumper Sticker thinking.

An immutable factor is a physical disability or actual handicap but then again a lot of so called handicapped people don't make as many excuses as able bodied people do.

I see circumstances beyond people's control like funding cuts the individuals had nothing to do with unless they themselves succumbed to the au currant thinking among the tea party knuckle draggers and support cuts in government services.

So only through government funded programs is one able to better his financial situation?

No wonder you're convinced you are helpless.

Learned helplessness

The funny thing about that particular line of...'thinking' is most of those poorly educated tea party types receive government services themselves! Social Security, SNAP, Section Eight housing vouchers, Medicade are distributed to the folks calling for smaller government and lower taxes for millionaires.

I don't belong to any political flock like the rest of you sheep so let's stick to the topic instead of reverting to two dimensional ovine bleating.
Moved!?! And do what with the house with the paid off mortgage? This is not a sellers market.That simplicity gives one a smugness that, when perceived by others, comes across as glib, cold, and heartless.

Mexicans try to make the border never sure if they have enough water to survive the journey. Our ancestors from Europe endured similar journeys. The sad fact is, progress belongs to those who are willing to sacrifice or even die for it. It has always been thus. Good jobs don't grow on trees. For most people enduring a college STEM education is torture beyond their ability to tolerate it, but that too is in the nature of modern life.
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That simplicity gives one a smugness that, when perceived by others, comes across as glib, cold, and heartless.

Mexicans try to make the border never sure if they have enough water to survive the journey. The sad fact is, progress belongs to those who are willing to sacrifice or even die for it. It has always been thus. For most people enduring a college STEM education is torture beyond their ability to tolerate it, but that too is in the nature of modern life.

Yes, that is true. We live in the 'Information Age.' No information. No money.
That simplicity gives one a smugness that, when perceived by others, comes across as glib, cold, and heartless.

Mexicans try to make the border never sure if they have enough water to survive the journey. The sad fact is, progress belongs to those who are willing to sacrifice or even die for it. It has always been thus. For most people enduring a college STEM education is torture beyond their ability to tolerate it, but that too is in the nature of modern life.

Yes, that is true. We live in the 'Information Age.' No information. No money.

moving from NY to Connecticut in a air conditioned car is somewhat easier then immigrating across the border as an illegal with all the water you carry from Mexico to AZ.
What is stopping someone from graduating High School and getting a job where they can get married, buy a three bedroom house, raise four kids and send them all to college all without their wife working?

My father did it

Something changed between then and now.

Wonder what it was?

very simple, in the old days you worked or you died, so everyone worked and contributed to society. Today everyone is on welfare entitlements so there is little incentive to work when you are on welfare or when you must pay for it. Liberals killed the incentive to work and the profit from work so, surprise, fewer and fewer work and those who do earn less and less.

That's a pretty ignorant thing to state..You cant get a good job with a high school diploma anymore. I just graduated college two weeks ago and if it weren't for Law School IDK what I would possibly do. The majority of my friends and girlfriend are currently scowering their area's for careers, but it aint easy. Its not the fact that" Everyone's on welfare" It is the fact that the careers out there for even college grads are few and far in between.
That's a pretty ignorant thing to state..You cant get a good job with a high school diploma anymore. I just graduated college two weeks ago and if it weren't for Law School IDK what I would possibly do. The majority of my friends and girlfriend are currently scowering their area's for careers, but it aint easy. Its not the fact that" Everyone's on welfare" It is the fact that the careers out there for even college grads are few and far in between.

1) only 55% of Law School grads get a job.

2) careers are few because of liberalism destroying our economy. Don't mention it in law school. If you do they'll throw you out as a conservative and you won't get to be among the 45% unemployed when you graduate. If you do get a job at a big firm you'll be working 70 hour weeks trying to build those billable hours. Don't tell your girlfriend.

Here's how to get back millions and million of jobs:

1) Make unions illegal ( 10 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

2) make minimum wage illegal ( 5 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

3) end business taxation; especially tax incentives to off-shore jobs ( 5 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

4) make inflation illegal ( 2 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

5) make Federal debt illegal( 2 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

6) send illegal workers home(8 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

7) Pass Balanced Budget Amendment to Constitution( 3 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

8) cut pay of government workers in half( 4 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

9) Make health insurance competition legal( 6 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

10) end needless business regulations ( 2 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

11) restrict Federal spending to 15% of GNP( 2 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

12) support unlimited free trade( 2 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

13) reduced unemployment compensation, welfare, food stamps, medicaid.( 2 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

14) privatize education, social security ( 4 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

15) end payroll taxes ( 1 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

Since Democrats always oppose wisdom and common sense the only serious option is to make them illegal as the Constitution intended.
That's a pretty ignorant thing to state..You cant get a good job with a high school diploma anymore. I just graduated college two weeks ago and if it weren't for Law School IDK what I would possibly do. The majority of my friends and girlfriend are currently scowering their area's for careers, but it aint easy. Its not the fact that" Everyone's on welfare" It is the fact that the careers out there for even college grads are few and far in between.

1) only 55% of Law School grads get a job.

2) careers are few because of liberalism destroying our economy. Don't mention it in law school. If you do they'll throw you out as a conservative and you won't get to be among the 45% unemployed when you graduate. If you do get a job at a big firm you'll be working 70 hour weeks trying to build those billable hours. Don't tell your girlfriend.

Here's how to get back millions and million of jobs:

1) Make unions illegal ( 10 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

2) make minimum wage illegal ( 5 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

3) end business taxation; especially tax incentives to off-shore jobs ( 5 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

4) make inflation illegal ( 2 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

5) make Federal debt illegal( 2 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

6) send illegal workers home(8 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

7) Pass Balanced Budget Amendment to Constitution( 3 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

8) cut pay of government workers in half( 4 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

9) Make health insurance competition legal( 6 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

10) end needless business regulations ( 2 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

11) restrict Federal spending to 15% of GNP( 2 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

12) support unlimited free trade( 2 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

13) reduced unemployment compensation, welfare, food stamps, medicaid.( 2 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

14) privatize education, social security ( 4 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

15) end payroll taxes ( 1 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

Since Democrats always oppose wisdom and common sense the only serious option is to make them illegal as the Constitution intended.

I know Law School employment rates aren't high, but my grandpop always used to say, "It isn't what you know, it is who you know." I hope to get into politics after so im just praying something gives (please don't cut my pay, I promise ill work hard to earn every penny). I agree with you that a lot of those suggestions are great options to open up career opertunities for some, but not all. I know it sounds pretentious, but a lot of those options are for manual labor jobs and, I'm not too sure the amount of jobs you've calculated is correct. In order to get a job in areas outside of manufacturing (where tech has taken over) or other manual labor spots, one needs a higher degree.

The majority of my friends have jobs in the financial sector or marketing, which is where you should go if you are entering college now and all of those companies not only require a diploma, they want to see advanced degrees in order to get promoted. Im just saying that maybe in the 70's a lot of people could walk into those jobs without a degree, that is not the case today. Its crazy because they tell you to forget everything college taught you, this is how we do it at Deloit or wherever. They just want to see that you have the mental wherewithal to survive four years of liberal propaganda.
. I know it sounds pretentious, but a lot of those options are for manual labor jobs and, I'm not too sure the amount of jobs you've calculated is correct. In order to get a job in areas outside of manufacturing (where tech has taken over) or other manual labor spots, one needs a higher degree.

yes, but not a law degree, and tech has been driven out as much or more than most industries thanks to the highest liberal tax rates in the entire world.
Law is a sad profession with much unemployment, substance abuse, long hours, and a sense thats its all liberal make-work. Japan has 3% of the lawyers per capita that we have. Did you hear the one about what a lawyer says if you ask him what 2+ 2 is??
. I know it sounds pretentious, but a lot of those options are for manual labor jobs and, I'm not too sure the amount of jobs you've calculated is correct. In order to get a job in areas outside of manufacturing (where tech has taken over) or other manual labor spots, one needs a higher degree.

yes, but not a law degree, and tech has been driven out as much or more than most industries thanks to the highest liberal tax rates in the entire world.
Law is a sad profession with much unemployment, substance abuse, long hours, and a sense thats its all liberal make-work. Japan has 3% of the lawyers per capita that we have. Did you hear the one about what a lawyer says if you ask him what 2+ 2 is??
Ed, me boy. We do not have anything like the highest tax rates in the industrialized world. We have among the lowest. Assuming, of course, you are looking at actual rates paid. Because, me boy, we have far more deductions written into our tax code than any other nation.
But then, you need to say that our rates are the highest. That is what you are paid to say. And honesty has never been one of your virtues.

Funny how you hate lawyers. Odd how once again you line up perfectly with the bat shit crazy con web sites. Same ones who pay you to post.
This thread makes me want to go to Rent-A-Center and buy a 60 inch flat screen for only seventy dollars a week.
We do not have anything like the highest tax rates in the industrialized world.

100% stupid and liberal as usual!!! We just passed Japan and have the highest rates in the world. They don't pay the highest rates as Apple just testified. Instead they move to Ireland and many other countries. GE has 1000 full time tax professionals to file a 247 lb. tax return that also causes GE to get out of Dodge for countries that encourage business rather than tax and punish it.

We have the corporate tax only to pander to perfectly illiterate idiot liberals who don't know the tax is passed on to us in the form of higher prices! It should be eliminated obviously but liberals lack the IQ to understand the simple concept.
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. I know it sounds pretentious, but a lot of those options are for manual labor jobs and, I'm not too sure the amount of jobs you've calculated is correct. In order to get a job in areas outside of manufacturing (where tech has taken over) or other manual labor spots, one needs a higher degree.

yes, but not a law degree, and tech has been driven out as much or more than most industries thanks to the highest liberal tax rates in the entire world.
Law is a sad profession with much unemployment, substance abuse, long hours, and a sense thats its all liberal make-work. Japan has 3% of the lawyers per capita that we have. Did you hear the one about what a lawyer says if you ask him what 2+ 2 is??

my response to you is similar to the other one I have right above me. Im not going to be some sad personal injury lawyer either. Lobbying is where the money is, corporate law as well. Ya, sometimes you have to legally beat the crap out of some farmers that are on land that your company wants to buy, but its just part of what comes with the territory.
Got the paperwork to reinstate my substitute teaching certificate.
Actually I have to start the process all over. It's been about 10 years and the rules have changed quite a bit. I think they're paying $80 per gig now.

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