What's stopping you....

WTF? Who appointed you emperor of the universe? If you would rather be a moneygrubber than be happy, that's your choice. But you have no right to dictate to anybody else.

So that's the bitch. You're just a whiny little bastard. If you are under thirty, there is a chance you will grow out of it. Otherwise you will find life's a bitch and then you die. Too bad you chose not to give your life any meaning when you had a chance.

Oh, right, I forgot. You went to college, got a job, and want to be here, and that makes you morally superior. What a fucking low bar!

Grow out of what? medicare? Social Security? College loans? I sure hope I do grow out of them. America wont though and the unmotivated will continue to scorn me for greed and narcissism while they sit back and collect whatever governmet aid they got in the mail today. Go back to playing the power ball and hoping things might work out.

Grow out of narcissistic personality disorder.

You know nothing of my life so making snarky remarks about your fantasy image of me as opposed to what I post just further reveals your mental disorder. Remember, your posts are all about you; why drag anyone else on stage with you?

Where in your posts do you evidence any concern about anyone other than yourself? Where do evidence any interest in anything but money? Like community, family, service, respect, or professional duty? Stop behaving like a little self-centered shit and I'll stop treating you like one.

I wasnt talking about you personally, just the millions of unmotivated that I see infest this nation every day. My community is just fine, I live in a suburb of Princeton, NJ and ya there are some idiots, but overall they are doing just fine without my moral support. I love my family, but if a job opened up in Seattle tomorrow I would be gone before I could log out. I don't need other people to reassure my happiness, i know what makes me happy and validation of what a moral life is from you, is not one of them.
Grow out of what? medicare? Social Security? College loans? I sure hope I do grow out of them. America wont though and the unmotivated will continue to scorn me for greed and narcissism while they sit back and collect whatever governmet aid they got in the mail today. Go back to playing the power ball and hoping things might work out.

Grow out of narcissistic personality disorder.

You know nothing of my life so making snarky remarks about your fantasy image of me as opposed to what I post just further reveals your mental disorder. Remember, your posts are all about you; why drag anyone else on stage with you?

Where in your posts do you evidence any concern about anyone other than yourself? Where do evidence any interest in anything but money? Like community, family, service, respect, or professional duty? Stop behaving like a little self-centered shit and I'll stop treating you like one.
Funny. I keep collecting that gov. aid, as youngrepublican (the name tends to tell you what he is going to believe. Another of those who believe what they want to believe) says. Makes me a lazy old bastard, I guess. Funny. I paid in all those bucks over a period of over 55 years. Now it is gov aid. Thank god I have youngrepublican to set me straight.
Question is, if I had paid it to an insurance company and was getting the benefit from that private insurance company, would it be a bad thing in the puny little mind of youngrepublican??? I remember when I took a class from a proff that had been a Ford exec. Decided to pitch it and teach. Why??? Because he determined that the life that our youngrepublican is longing for was hollow. You know this, I am sure, in spades from your position, but sometimes it takes a while for these ignorant young clowns to figure it out. And many, sadly, never will. My observation is that those that do not end up as sad, unhappy old clowns. But they may have accumulated a lot of money. So, the question ends up being: Is being rich and sad better than being poor and sad? And the answer is obvious. It is not.

Who is rich and sad? Yes, you paid into these systems for 55 years and now you get to sit back and relax. My point is that unless I and the rest of my friends make buku bucks, we will have to pay into this system until we die and see virtually none of it.
This kid hasn't even started out yet and already he's blaming others for his own failures in life.

If the only thing that's coming between you and success is taxes, then maybe you should think of a different career field,
This kid hasn't even started out yet and already he's blaming others for his own failures in life.

If the only thing that's coming between you and success is taxes, then maybe you should think of a different career field,

Politics? I think id be put into a pretty good position to determine my success if I can have a little say in the taxes themselves.
Sure....millions and millions of High School students are doing just that

It's possible.

All you have to do is work, save and do it.

Millions of people are fat slobs, does that mean it's impossible to be fit?

The answer is no it's not impossible they WANT to be fat because they don't do anything about it.

In my fathers day you could enter the service, serve your tour of duty and have a good job waiting for you when you got out

Looks like todays soldiers are just lazy doesn't it? What do you guys say? Looking for handouts?

Whether one is a soldier or not is irreverent to the topic

I don't care if you serve or not. Nothing is stopping anyone from making enough money to raise a family.
Grow out of narcissistic personality disorder.

You know nothing of my life so making snarky remarks about your fantasy image of me as opposed to what I post just further reveals your mental disorder. Remember, your posts are all about you; why drag anyone else on stage with you?

Where in your posts do you evidence any concern about anyone other than yourself? Where do evidence any interest in anything but money? Like community, family, service, respect, or professional duty? Stop behaving like a little self-centered shit and I'll stop treating you like one.
Funny. I keep collecting that gov. aid, as youngrepublican (the name tends to tell you what he is going to believe. Another of those who believe what they want to believe) says. Makes me a lazy old bastard, I guess. Funny. I paid in all those bucks over a period of over 55 years. Now it is gov aid. Thank god I have youngrepublican to set me straight.
Question is, if I had paid it to an insurance company and was getting the benefit from that private insurance company, would it be a bad thing in the puny little mind of youngrepublican??? I remember when I took a class from a proff that had been a Ford exec. Decided to pitch it and teach. Why??? Because he determined that the life that our youngrepublican is longing for was hollow. You know this, I am sure, in spades from your position, but sometimes it takes a while for these ignorant young clowns to figure it out. And many, sadly, never will. My observation is that those that do not end up as sad, unhappy old clowns. But they may have accumulated a lot of money. So, the question ends up being: Is being rich and sad better than being poor and sad? And the answer is obvious. It is not.

Who is rich and sad? Yes, you paid into these systems for 55 years and now you get to sit back and relax. My point is that unless I and the rest of my friends make buku bucks, we will have to pay into this system until we die and see virtually none of it.
Not gonna happen. That would require that we privatize ss. Bush 2 tried that. Was about as popular as a turd in a punch bowl. So, you have to tweak ss some to get past the ww II baby boomers. Then ss is fine as is. If, me boy, ss were allowed to go bankrupt, as some well paid politicians are trying to get you to believe (apparently with some success) then those politicians that allowed it to go bankrupt would all be looking for a job. Do you know a politician who is willing to loose an election on this issue? They are well paid to try to privatize ss, and they will continue to try to make public ss look bad. They have apparently convinced you. But, they will never kill it. Way, way, way to popular. Hell, even the tea party members want politicians to keep their hands off ss.

So, the idea that you have is that we should see retirement ages go higher in the US than in any other industrialized nation??? Really??? You should take a look at this country before ss. Find out how the elderly were doing. And then, perhaps you can get a clue of why ss is as popular as it is. And maybe you will no longer feel that our elderly should have to work longer than the elderly of any other nation. Which, me boy, is a really really selfish and careless idea. And stupid from an economic point of view.
Funny. I keep collecting that gov. aid, as youngrepublican (the name tends to tell you what he is going to believe. Another of those who believe what they want to believe) says. Makes me a lazy old bastard, I guess. Funny. I paid in all those bucks over a period of over 55 years. Now it is gov aid. Thank god I have youngrepublican to set me straight.
Question is, if I had paid it to an insurance company and was getting the benefit from that private insurance company, would it be a bad thing in the puny little mind of youngrepublican??? I remember when I took a class from a proff that had been a Ford exec. Decided to pitch it and teach. Why??? Because he determined that the life that our youngrepublican is longing for was hollow. You know this, I am sure, in spades from your position, but sometimes it takes a while for these ignorant young clowns to figure it out. And many, sadly, never will. My observation is that those that do not end up as sad, unhappy old clowns. But they may have accumulated a lot of money. So, the question ends up being: Is being rich and sad better than being poor and sad? And the answer is obvious. It is not.

Who is rich and sad? Yes, you paid into these systems for 55 years and now you get to sit back and relax. My point is that unless I and the rest of my friends make buku bucks, we will have to pay into this system until we die and see virtually none of it.
Not gonna happen. That would require that we privatize ss. Bush 2 tried that. Was about as popular as a turd in a punch bowl. So, you have to tweak ss some to get past the ww II baby boomers. Then ss is fine as is. If, me boy, ss were allowed to go bankrupt, as some well paid politicians are trying to get you to believe (apparently with some success) then those politicians that allowed it to go bankrupt would all be looking for a job. Do you know a politician who is willing to loose an election on this issue? They are well paid to try to privatize ss, and they will continue to try to make public ss look bad. They have apparently convinced you. But, they will never kill it. Way, way, way to popular. Hell, even the tea party members want politicians to keep their hands off ss.

So, the idea that you have is that we should see retirement ages go higher in the US than in any other industrialized nation??? Really??? You should take a look at this country before ss. Find out how the elderly were doing. And then, perhaps you can get a clue of why ss is as popular as it is. And maybe you will no longer feel that our elderly should have to work longer than the elderly of any other nation. Which, me boy, is a really really selfish and careless idea. And stupid from an economic point of view.

You're right it wont ever happen and, yes I do look at SS as a leach because thats how my generation is shown it. Politicians would change their handedness if it meant getting another 20 votes so I dont count on them for much at this time. Also, the Tea Party is full of boomers so id imagine thats the only entitlement that they think should stay in place.

SS helped this nation when it was booming (Post WW2) and, it should be looked at kindly because of it, but 1930's America and 2013 America are two different places. They werent doing well, but the jobs available weren't the same. No computers to sit behind or targets to work at. Comparing the two job markets is unfair. 65 isnt elderly anymore. If I have 20 years or more to live, why cant I work for a few more years? It would be selfish not to.
Who is rich and sad? Yes, you paid into these systems for 55 years and now you get to sit back and relax. My point is that unless I and the rest of my friends make buku bucks, we will have to pay into this system until we die and see virtually none of it.
Not gonna happen. That would require that we privatize ss. Bush 2 tried that. Was about as popular as a turd in a punch bowl. So, you have to tweak ss some to get past the ww II baby boomers. Then ss is fine as is. If, me boy, ss were allowed to go bankrupt, as some well paid politicians are trying to get you to believe (apparently with some success) then those politicians that allowed it to go bankrupt would all be looking for a job. Do you know a politician who is willing to loose an election on this issue? They are well paid to try to privatize ss, and they will continue to try to make public ss look bad. They have apparently convinced you. But, they will never kill it. Way, way, way to popular. Hell, even the tea party members want politicians to keep their hands off ss.

So, the idea that you have is that we should see retirement ages go higher in the US than in any other industrialized nation??? Really??? You should take a look at this country before ss. Find out how the elderly were doing. And then, perhaps you can get a clue of why ss is as popular as it is. And maybe you will no longer feel that our elderly should have to work longer than the elderly of any other nation. Which, me boy, is a really really selfish and careless idea. And stupid from an economic point of view.

You're right it wont ever happen and, yes I do look at SS as a leach because thats how my generation is shown it. Politicians would change their handedness if it meant getting another 20 votes so I dont count on them for much at this time. Also, the Tea Party is full of boomers so id imagine thats the only entitlement that they think should stay in place.

SS helped this nation when it was booming (Post WW2) and, it should be looked at kindly because of it, but 1930's America and 2013 America are two different places. They werent doing well, but the jobs available weren't the same. No computers to sit behind or targets to work at. Comparing the two job markets is unfair. 65 isnt elderly anymore. If I have 20 years or more to live, why cant I work for a few more years? It would be selfish not to.

Feel free to work for as long as you want. But be aware that at some point (probably in your 50s) your employer is going to start looking at what you do and how much you make and start thinking of ways to get your ass out of there so he can replace you with someone younger who makes a whole lot less.

They might not be as good as you but the difference in compensation will more than make up for the loss of competency and experience.
SS is dry though, its days are coming to an end. Medicare needs a serious revamping and that includes getting the insurance companies in line, but it also includes raising the age where you can start receiving medicare. These fucking insurance companies are the worst, but they are charging their asinine prices to people for the last twenty years of their lives because we allow them to. Imagine the money we would save if we just up'd the age of SS and medicare to 70. Millions if not Billions of dollars. Privatizing is not the answer, but we need to look at this logically. Get the insurance corporations in line, but also get the retirees in line too. You dont get to just work the majority of your life and not have to worry about the rest.

I dont mean to blame it on the less fortunate, but its their problem to deal with. America needs to reign it its spending and if that means some older folks need to hold on to their jobs a little longer or go find some other work than so be it. I will need to accumulate well over a million dollars and I mean well over in order to retire by 70. People retire today in many "best case scenarios" with 100,000 dollars and a prayer that the govt will keep you floating. did you know if you have 100 bucks in your pocket and no debt, youre better off than 25% of Americans? That is nuts. We need to get a clue, stop buying Jimmy Buffet Margarita Mixers, and start saving if we ever want to retire.
Sorry, ss is not in any real trouble. Simply increase the the maximum age to which ss is taken out of your wages, and no problem at all. As is, it will continue to pay out for the next 40+ years without a reduction in benefits, after which a benefit reduction would kick in. Simple to fix. Then, over a decade or two, the issue with the baby boomers goes away. It is not a long term problem.
Then, get back to me when you hit 65. Let me know how many jobs are out there that will even consider you. Let me know how it is to go work at that age. Because, you see, you now look incredibly silly, telling all those who have worked for years that they need to keep working for another 5 years. At your age, you have no clue.
Here is a link to a short article in Wikipedia, that shows retirement age in about 60 countries. Including all of the industrialized countries of the world. You will notice that NONE have a retirement age as old as you are suggesting. A couple go to 68 for a few selected occupations, but others allow retirement at as early an age as 52.
Retirement age - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Here is a major thing to consider, me boy. If you increase the retirement age, you immediately INCREASE unemployment. Lower the retirement age, you free up jobs and DECREASE unemployment. There are a lot of things to consider. Just saying that ss is broken, and/or going broke, is an ignorant statement. Read. Study. Think. And stop with the knee jerk rhetoric.

Im not saying you need jobs working the fields 8 hrs a day.. A library job, cashier, whatever you need so that you can stay off of SS a little longer. Ive read both sides of the story on SS, one says we need to kill everyone over 50, the next saying that we'll have it forever. No one really knows, but we do need to up the age. Unfortunately, in 40 years ill be 62 and who knows where I will be. I have done my research on SS and it is merely my subjective opinion, its why im on here to bounce things off people like you and I really do appreciate the humbling. I hope it doesnt run dry, but maybe my faith in the US government has just been shaken too badly. Gotta have faith in the country though

You just need to do some studying and planning. SS is still here for me, but I can't really say I think it will be there for you. People are such sheep. There is plenty of material out there that tells you how to invest successfully. You have a lot of years ahead of you, and f you start now and save regularly, you can have a nice old age, maybe even retire young. I have a neighbor who retired at 55. He is 75. Think! 20 years to live on the lake, fish, ride ATVs, and be a do gooder. The method I follow is the one in the book Wealth without Risk. It's an old book, though, so you might look to something newer. Dave Ramsey is big around the Nashville are. I worked a lot after my husband died. Sometimes it felt like I would drop dead working, but I didn't. I managed to work off pensions, and save. There are some things you just can't afford to NOT do. One of them is employer matching on your 401K or 403B or whatever. But you have to remember not to confuse the annuity salesman with a financial planner. I saw a lot of people lose a lot of money because they didn't understand that. If you have a family, buy some insurance while you are young. It will keep them from having to go begging. And if your wife isn't good with money, put it in a trust. Think. Keep up with the demographics. Know what is going on in the world. And when you are the one living on the lake, fishing, riding 4 wheelers, and beig the town do gooder, tell them an old crone named Sunshine told you things.
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Suck on Obama, you pathetic Liberal whores.
Suckle the teat.

Or... mow lawns.

The choice is yours, bitches.

You are an offensive person. Are you representative of the modern right wing? If so, Republican chances of winning future elections will significantly decline.

Pay no attention to the old drunk, for in the morning I'll be older and sober. :D
I'm just jackin' around. Geez lighten up.
Sorry, ss is not in any real trouble. Simply increase the the maximum age to which ss is taken out of your wages, and no problem at all. As is, it will continue to pay out for the next 40+ years without a reduction in benefits, after which a benefit reduction would kick in. Simple to fix. Then, over a decade or two, the issue with the baby boomers goes away. It is not a long term problem.
Then, get back to me when you hit 65. Let me know how many jobs are out there that will even consider you. Let me know how it is to go work at that age. Because, you see, you now look incredibly silly, telling all those who have worked for years that they need to keep working for another 5 years. At your age, you have no clue.
Here is a link to a short article in Wikipedia, that shows retirement age in about 60 countries. Including all of the industrialized countries of the world. You will notice that NONE have a retirement age as old as you are suggesting. A couple go to 68 for a few selected occupations, but others allow retirement at as early an age as 52.
Retirement age - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Here is a major thing to consider, me boy. If you increase the retirement age, you immediately INCREASE unemployment. Lower the retirement age, you free up jobs and DECREASE unemployment. There are a lot of things to consider. Just saying that ss is broken, and/or going broke, is an ignorant statement. Read. Study. Think. And stop with the knee jerk rhetoric.

Im not saying you need jobs working the fields 8 hrs a day.. A library job, cashier, whatever you need so that you can stay off of SS a little longer. Ive read both sides of the story on SS, one says we need to kill everyone over 50, the next saying that we'll have it forever. No one really knows, but we do need to up the age. Unfortunately, in 40 years ill be 62 and who knows where I will be. I have done my research on SS and it is merely my subjective opinion, its why im on here to bounce things off people like you and I really do appreciate the humbling. I hope it doesnt run dry, but maybe my faith in the US government has just been shaken too badly. Gotta have faith in the country though

You just need to do some studying and planning. SS is still here for me, but I can't really say I think it will be there for you. People are such sheep. There is plenty of material out there that tells you how to invest successfully. You have a lot of years ahead of you, and f you start now and save regularly, you can have a nice old age, maybe even retire young. I have a neighbor who retired at 55. He is 75. Think! 20 years to live on the lake, fish, ride ATVs, and be a do gooder. The method I follow is the one in the book Wealth without Risk. It's an old book, though, so you might look to something newer. Dave Ramsey is big around the Nashville are. I worked a lot after my husband died. Sometimes it felt like I would drop dead working, but I didn't. I managed to work off pensions, and save. There are some things you just can't afford to NOT do. One of them is employer matching on your 401K or 403B or whatever. But you have to remember not to confuse the annuity salesman with a financial planner. I saw a lot of people lose a lot of money because they didn't understand that. If you have a family, buy some insurance while you are young. It will keep them from having to go begging. And if your wife isn't good with money, put it in a trust. Think. Keep up with the demographics. Know what is going on in the world. And when you are the one living on the lake, fishing, riding 4 wheelers, and beig the town do gooder, tell them an old crone named Sunshine told you things.

Ma'am, you just said everything I wanted to say with the class and experience to back it up. I do have an Roth IRA that all of my friends laugh at, but ill be the one laughing in 10 years when they all have them. You worked hard from what I can read and by all acounts you deserve every minute of your retirement. I just want people to see that the things you had to do in order to retire and the things I will have to do are much much different. Thank you!
Im not saying you need jobs working the fields 8 hrs a day.. A library job, cashier, whatever you need so that you can stay off of SS a little longer. Ive read both sides of the story on SS, one says we need to kill everyone over 50, the next saying that we'll have it forever. No one really knows, but we do need to up the age. Unfortunately, in 40 years ill be 62 and who knows where I will be. I have done my research on SS and it is merely my subjective opinion, its why im on here to bounce things off people like you and I really do appreciate the humbling. I hope it doesnt run dry, but maybe my faith in the US government has just been shaken too badly. Gotta have faith in the country though

You just need to do some studying and planning. SS is still here for me, but I can't really say I think it will be there for you. People are such sheep. There is plenty of material out there that tells you how to invest successfully. You have a lot of years ahead of you, and f you start now and save regularly, you can have a nice old age, maybe even retire young. I have a neighbor who retired at 55. He is 75. Think! 20 years to live on the lake, fish, ride ATVs, and be a do gooder. The method I follow is the one in the book Wealth without Risk. It's an old book, though, so you might look to something newer. Dave Ramsey is big around the Nashville are. I worked a lot after my husband died. Sometimes it felt like I would drop dead working, but I didn't. I managed to work off pensions, and save. There are some things you just can't afford to NOT do. One of them is employer matching on your 401K or 403B or whatever. But you have to remember not to confuse the annuity salesman with a financial planner. I saw a lot of people lose a lot of money because they didn't understand that. If you have a family, buy some insurance while you are young. It will keep them from having to go begging. And if your wife isn't good with money, put it in a trust. Think. Keep up with the demographics. Know what is going on in the world. And when you are the one living on the lake, fishing, riding 4 wheelers, and beig the town do gooder, tell them an old crone named Sunshine told you things.

Ma'am, you just said everything I wanted to say with the class and experience to back it up. I do have an Roth IRA that all of my friends laugh at, but ill be the one laughing in 10 years when they all have them. You worked hard from what I can read and by all acounts you deserve every minute of your retirement. I just want people to see that the things you had to do in order to retire and the things I will have to do are much much different. Thank you!

Let them laugh or eat cake or whatever they want to do. The Roth IRA is the way to go. The reason is that you pay the taxes on the front end of the Roth IRA. Judging from the economy, taxes will NEVER go down, only up. So, you could end up paying far more on your tax deferred savings than you would pay by getting those taxes out of the way in the beginning on the Roth. One of the social workers where I worked and I were discussing it, and she decided to open a Roth IRA. If I were your age, or hers even (40s) that's the way I would go. Sounds like you've got a good head. Those people who are laughing think the annuity salesman is their financial advisor. I'd bet at least a cyber dollar on it. ;)

BTW: Retirement IS really great!
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Whatever your professors are telling you and your peers ... you are being sorely misinformed. If you want to know about elders, you need to communicate with those elders. They are not lazy, stupid, clods trying to suck the life of the younger generation. You will get some flaming if you come on to elders like they're the scum of the earth. There's no one on this board, I don't think, whose life circumstances are not personal to them instead of a cookie cutter one-size-fits-all clone-like existence where everybody is the same.

There were circumstances in my life that were somewhat difficult to say the least. I literally had no education from grades 3 through 6. Those are very important years where learning the basics will set one up for all that follows. I estimate that I have about the equivalent of an 8th grade education even though I'm a high school graduate. I did not go on to college. When I came back into the public school system my teachers knew nothing about me and what I had been through and was still going through - they just labeled me as stupid and advised me to take a general high school course of study and hope for the best.

When I assured my mother I would not be going back to school if I didn't graduate in June with my class, she took an interest then. We met the principal who didn't know me - never heard of me. He pulled my records, sat bolt upright in his chair with a look of disbelief on his face and his exact words to me were, "What in the world have you been doing with your high school career??!!" I told him " ... and I've been hoping for the best." He then told me that according to every state required exam I had over the years, I should have been taking advanced college prep courses. Not a big help six weeks out from graduation.

I learned a lot from adversity and I made some good decisions about some issues early on. I worked hard, was loyal and trustworthy to my employers. I raised three children as a single parent making a salary on the small side. They and their needs came first. They didn't get everything they wanted, but they always had a roof over their head, medical and dental care, clothing and food to eat. Don't get me wrong, I made mistakes along the way but I always did the best I could with what I had (which did not include a handout from the public dole).

I worked hard, I had no choice. I always knew I would have to do that. Always. I paid into Social Security all those years; took care of my kids; and when they were grown I started spending a little and doing things for me. Now I'm retired, draw SS payments and I could make it on my $1177/month if I'm very careful and cut out any extras. But instead of sitting on my butt, I have this little job that I love and I make a little extra money to save and/or have in my pocket for some extras. I've paid my dues, I'm happy with what I have and I deserve to be happy as far as I'm concerned.

Others on SS have had college educations and made loads of money - and they aren't slackers - they have had circumstances where they don't have to work and can sit back and enjoy the good years they have left.

We know the differences in the workplace then and now. We keep up on stuff. We are up on technology, some moreso than others. We're not sitting here laughing our asses off and thinking that the younger generation owes us in terms of permanent financial support till the day we die.

There's a whole lot youth can learn from the elders - you just can't call us bums and bloodsuckers and expect us to take it laying down. I'm sorry, but you have come over with such venom and arrogance in your posts that you really lit a fire under my ass - and I fired back.
Grow out of narcissistic personality disorder.

You know nothing of my life so making snarky remarks about your fantasy image of me as opposed to what I post just further reveals your mental disorder. Remember, your posts are all about you; why drag anyone else on stage with you?

Where in your posts do you evidence any concern about anyone other than yourself? Where do evidence any interest in anything but money? Like community, family, service, respect, or professional duty? Stop behaving like a little self-centered shit and I'll stop treating you like one.
Funny. I keep collecting that gov. aid, as youngrepublican (the name tends to tell you what he is going to believe. Another of those who believe what they want to believe) says. Makes me a lazy old bastard, I guess. Funny. I paid in all those bucks over a period of over 55 years. Now it is gov aid. Thank god I have youngrepublican to set me straight.
Question is, if I had paid it to an insurance company and was getting the benefit from that private insurance company, would it be a bad thing in the puny little mind of youngrepublican??? I remember when I took a class from a proff that had been a Ford exec. Decided to pitch it and teach. Why??? Because he determined that the life that our youngrepublican is longing for was hollow. You know this, I am sure, in spades from your position, but sometimes it takes a while for these ignorant young clowns to figure it out. And many, sadly, never will. My observation is that those that do not end up as sad, unhappy old clowns. But they may have accumulated a lot of money. So, the question ends up being: Is being rich and sad better than being poor and sad? And the answer is obvious. It is not.

Who is rich and sad? Yes, you paid into these systems for 55 years and now you get to sit back and relax. My point is that unless I and the rest of my friends make buku bucks, we will have to pay into this system until we die and see virtually none of it.
Lots of folks are rich and unhappy with their lives. If you think that money will provide you with a happy life, good for you. If you think that success is money, good for you. By your age I had figured out that was not going to do the job. And, there are lots and lots of others out there who understand that. If you do not, then maybe you will catch on some day. If not, in my humble but correct opinion, it simply proves that you are not too smart.
It is funny that you say that where you live there are few lazy bums (my interpretation), but you know there are millions of them out there. How do you know that. What is the source of that piece of information that you seem so certain of?? Hell, I have traveled this country for years, and have yet to meet the first few thousand. Funny that you know so many. Or did you read that somewhere? If so, where, me boy??
What I was saying about having met many that have opted out of the life style you long for is that it is not at all uncommon. Those opting out learn that chasing the dollar can lead to having to do things that they do not agree with. Because it makes it hard for them to look themselves in the mirror every day. But, if all you really care about is success, and you rate success by personal income and wealth, you would not understand them at all. If you think that person taking say, unemployment payments, is on the dole, then you understand very little. But what the hell, you are welcome to your beliefs. It is just that I have enjoyed spending my time with people that have class, and I can not name one of them who sees success as you do. You really have some growing up to do. Or not.
Whatever your professors are telling you and your peers ... you are being sorely misinformed. If you want to know about elders, you need to communicate with those elders. They are not lazy, stupid, clods trying to suck the life of the younger generation. You will get some flaming if you come on to elders like they're the scum of the earth. There's no one on this board, I don't think, whose life circumstances are not personal to them instead of a cookie cutter one-size-fits-all clone-like existence where everybody is the same.

There were circumstances in my life that were somewhat difficult to say the least. I literally had no education from grades 3 through 6. Those are very important years where learning the basics will set one up for all that follows. I estimate that I have about the equivalent of an 8th grade education even though I'm a high school graduate. I did not go on to college. When I came back into the public school system my teachers knew nothing about me and what I had been through and was still going through - they just labeled me as stupid and advised me to take a general high school course of study and hope for the best.

When I assured my mother I would not be going back to school if I didn't graduate in June with my class, she took an interest then. We met the principal who didn't know me - never heard of me. He pulled my records, sat bolt upright in his chair with a look of disbelief on his face and his exact words to me were, "What in the world have you been doing with your high school career??!!" I told him " ... and I've been hoping for the best." He then told me that according to every state required exam I had over the years, I should have been taking advanced college prep courses. Not a big help six weeks out from graduation.

I learned a lot from adversity and I made some good decisions about some issues early on. I worked hard, was loyal and trustworthy to my employers. I raised three children as a single parent making a salary on the small side. They and their needs came first. They didn't get everything they wanted, but they always had a roof over their head, medical and dental care, clothing and food to eat. Don't get me wrong, I made mistakes along the way but I always did the best I could with what I had (which did not include a handout from the public dole).

I worked hard, I had no choice. I always knew I would have to do that. Always. I paid into Social Security all those years; took care of my kids; and when they were grown I started spending a little and doing things for me. Now I'm retired, draw SS payments and I could make it on my $1177/month if I'm very careful and cut out any extras. But instead of sitting on my butt, I have this little job that I love and I make a little extra money to save and/or have in my pocket for some extras. I've paid my dues, I'm happy with what I have and I deserve to be happy as far as I'm concerned.

Others on SS have had college educations and made loads of money - and they aren't slackers - they have had circumstances where they don't have to work and can sit back and enjoy the good years they have left.

We know the differences in the workplace then and now. We keep up on stuff. We are up on technology, some moreso than others. We're not sitting here laughing our asses off and thinking that the younger generation owes us in terms of permanent financial support till the day we die.

There's a whole lot youth can learn from the elders - you just can't call us bums and bloodsuckers and expect us to take it laying down. I'm sorry, but you have come over with such venom and arrogance in your posts that you really lit a fire under my ass - and I fired back.

WE all deal with some sort of adversity and I think it is how we deal with it that defines us. Im sure you have led a hard-working, good life and you deserve whatever it is you have saved. My point in the beginning of this was that we need to up the age that SS and medicare are received at. You have worked very hard, but its not a matter of how hard you have worked its how long we need to start working. is 70 the new age for retirement? I dont know, but it needs to discussed. It shouldnt be that big of a deal if we ask the boomers to work a little bit longer, but from what I have heard, you guys dont seem to receptive of it. That was my problem. No one wanted to work until 70, but us working until most likely well over 75 should just be accepted. All I wanted was for us to entertain the idea of extending entitlements to adjust to the life expectancy. We can try to keep it civil from here though, for a little bit :)
Funny. I keep collecting that gov. aid, as youngrepublican (the name tends to tell you what he is going to believe. Another of those who believe what they want to believe) says. Makes me a lazy old bastard, I guess. Funny. I paid in all those bucks over a period of over 55 years. Now it is gov aid. Thank god I have youngrepublican to set me straight.
Question is, if I had paid it to an insurance company and was getting the benefit from that private insurance company, would it be a bad thing in the puny little mind of youngrepublican??? I remember when I took a class from a proff that had been a Ford exec. Decided to pitch it and teach. Why??? Because he determined that the life that our youngrepublican is longing for was hollow. You know this, I am sure, in spades from your position, but sometimes it takes a while for these ignorant young clowns to figure it out. And many, sadly, never will. My observation is that those that do not end up as sad, unhappy old clowns. But they may have accumulated a lot of money. So, the question ends up being: Is being rich and sad better than being poor and sad? And the answer is obvious. It is not.

Who is rich and sad? Yes, you paid into these systems for 55 years and now you get to sit back and relax. My point is that unless I and the rest of my friends make buku bucks, we will have to pay into this system until we die and see virtually none of it.
Lots of folks are rich and unhappy with their lives. If you think that money will provide you with a happy life, good for you. If you think that success is money, good for you. By your age I had figured out that was not going to do the job. And, there are lots and lots of others out there who understand that. If you do not, then maybe you will catch on some day. If not, in my humble but correct opinion, it simply proves that you are not too smart.
It is funny that you say that where you live there are few lazy bums (my interpretation), but you know there are millions of them out there. How do you know that. What is the source of that piece of information that you seem so certain of?? Hell, I have traveled this country for years, and have yet to meet the first few thousand. Funny that you know so many. Or did you read that somewhere? If so, where, me boy??
What I was saying about having met many that have opted out of the life style you long for is that it is not at all uncommon. Those opting out learn that chasing the dollar can lead to having to do things that they do not agree with. Because it makes it hard for them to look themselves in the mirror every day. But, if all you really care about is success, and you rate success by personal income and wealth, you would not understand them at all. If you think that person taking say, unemployment payments, is on the dole, then you understand very little. But what the hell, you are welcome to your beliefs. It is just that I have enjoyed spending my time with people that have class, and I can not name one of them who sees success as you do. You really have some growing up to do. Or not.

Doing stuff you don't agree with? There is the difference between you and I, right there. I will pursue a career that asks me to make difficult decisions. Lets play hypothetical. We are corp defense attorneys for big tabacco. They ask us to sue a company for advertising rights to people who may not need to buy cigarettes. Where you will stand on your moral high ground, I will realize that if it isn't me doing it someone else will be. Its not personal, just business and ya know what? I have no problem doing it. Not today, not tomorrow. If I can make enough money to send my three or four kids to a good private HS so they get into a good University and they too can be successful, than I have lived a life I deem positive. Let their mother make them soft.
I wasnt talking about you personally, just the millions of unmotivated that I see infest this nation every day.

I think you had better get used to being called "little shit". By now you may have noticed that your comments were considered offensive and taken personally by most of the other posters. I guess everyone else is just wrong. Or maybe no one ever taught you how to communicate or persuade? When I was about your age there were a couple of good forensics unions in the Princeton area. Sorry you were too worried about money to avail yourself of them and improve your thinking and persuasion skills.

BTW you do realize that very few people ever met more than 50,000 people in a lifetime? But then you have met millions, and have talked to each and every one sufficient to determine they were "unmotivated" so that you can call them and "infestation", an odd turn of phrase that at once dehumanizes them and implies that you want them exterminated like bugs. So in one sentence you managed to achieve quite a lot; unfortunately it all reflects badly on you intelligence, character, and communication abilities.

My community is just fine, I live in a suburb of Princeton, NJ and ya there are some idiots, but overall they are doing just fine without my moral support.
Or apparently any other kind of support from you. Read any Ayn Rand lately?

I love my family, but if a job opened up in Seattle tomorrow I would be gone before I could log out.
It's nice that you love your family and seem to be itching to change coasts to get away from them. I'm sure they are proud of your haste.

I don't need other people to reassure my happiness, i know what makes me happy and validation of what a moral life is from you, is not one of them.

You got one thing right: no one is going to be responsible for your happiness but you.

Let me give you one last thought (picking on you gets tiresome and looks unsporting so I don't intend to continue in this vein). I and the other people dumping on you really want you to be successful. We are all in this boat (society) together, and no matter how much right wing philosophy you read, when you get into trouble (as practically everyone does) we as a society will help you. At some level you probably know that. You do not need my "validation" but you do need to stop your narcissistic and self-destructive behavior before it traps you forever. A life is a terrible thing to waste.
Who is rich and sad? Yes, you paid into these systems for 55 years and now you get to sit back and relax. My point is that unless I and the rest of my friends make buku bucks, we will have to pay into this system until we die and see virtually none of it.
Lots of folks are rich and unhappy with their lives. If you think that money will provide you with a happy life, good for you. If you think that success is money, good for you. By your age I had figured out that was not going to do the job. And, there are lots and lots of others out there who understand that. If you do not, then maybe you will catch on some day. If not, in my humble but correct opinion, it simply proves that you are not too smart.
It is funny that you say that where you live there are few lazy bums (my interpretation), but you know there are millions of them out there. How do you know that. What is the source of that piece of information that you seem so certain of?? Hell, I have traveled this country for years, and have yet to meet the first few thousand. Funny that you know so many. Or did you read that somewhere? If so, where, me boy??
What I was saying about having met many that have opted out of the life style you long for is that it is not at all uncommon. Those opting out learn that chasing the dollar can lead to having to do things that they do not agree with. Because it makes it hard for them to look themselves in the mirror every day. But, if all you really care about is success, and you rate success by personal income and wealth, you would not understand them at all. If you think that person taking say, unemployment payments, is on the dole, then you understand very little. But what the hell, you are welcome to your beliefs. It is just that I have enjoyed spending my time with people that have class, and I can not name one of them who sees success as you do. You really have some growing up to do. Or not.

Doing stuff you don't agree with? There is the difference between you and I, right there. I will pursue a career that asks me to make difficult decisions. Lets play hypothetical. We are corp defense attorneys for big tabacco. They ask us to sue a company for advertising rights to people who may not need to buy cigarettes. Where you will stand on your moral high ground, I will realize that if it isn't me doing it someone else will be. Its not personal, just business and ya know what? I have no problem doing it. Not today, not tomorrow. If I can make enough money to send my three or four kids to a good private HS so they get into a good University and they too can be successful, than I have lived a life I deem positive. Let their mother make them soft.
Good for you. And you can feel oh so proud of the money you just made. No problem for you to look at yourself in the mirror. Point is, some have values that money can not buy. Some do not.
Whatever your professors are telling you and your peers ... you are being sorely misinformed. If you want to know about elders, you need to communicate with those elders. They are not lazy, stupid, clods trying to suck the life of the younger generation. You will get some flaming if you come on to elders like they're the scum of the earth. There's no one on this board, I don't think, whose life circumstances are not personal to them instead of a cookie cutter one-size-fits-all clone-like existence where everybody is the same.

There were circumstances in my life that were somewhat difficult to say the least. I literally had no education from grades 3 through 6. Those are very important years where learning the basics will set one up for all that follows. I estimate that I have about the equivalent of an 8th grade education even though I'm a high school graduate. I did not go on to college. When I came back into the public school system my teachers knew nothing about me and what I had been through and was still going through - they just labeled me as stupid and advised me to take a general high school course of study and hope for the best.

When I assured my mother I would not be going back to school if I didn't graduate in June with my class, she took an interest then. We met the principal who didn't know me - never heard of me. He pulled my records, sat bolt upright in his chair with a look of disbelief on his face and his exact words to me were, "What in the world have you been doing with your high school career??!!" I told him " ... and I've been hoping for the best." He then told me that according to every state required exam I had over the years, I should have been taking advanced college prep courses. Not a big help six weeks out from graduation.

I learned a lot from adversity and I made some good decisions about some issues early on. I worked hard, was loyal and trustworthy to my employers. I raised three children as a single parent making a salary on the small side. They and their needs came first. They didn't get everything they wanted, but they always had a roof over their head, medical and dental care, clothing and food to eat. Don't get me wrong, I made mistakes along the way but I always did the best I could with what I had (which did not include a handout from the public dole).

I worked hard, I had no choice. I always knew I would have to do that. Always. I paid into Social Security all those years; took care of my kids; and when they were grown I started spending a little and doing things for me. Now I'm retired, draw SS payments and I could make it on my $1177/month if I'm very careful and cut out any extras. But instead of sitting on my butt, I have this little job that I love and I make a little extra money to save and/or have in my pocket for some extras. I've paid my dues, I'm happy with what I have and I deserve to be happy as far as I'm concerned.

Others on SS have had college educations and made loads of money - and they aren't slackers - they have had circumstances where they don't have to work and can sit back and enjoy the good years they have left.

We know the differences in the workplace then and now. We keep up on stuff. We are up on technology, some moreso than others. We're not sitting here laughing our asses off and thinking that the younger generation owes us in terms of permanent financial support till the day we die.

There's a whole lot youth can learn from the elders - you just can't call us bums and bloodsuckers and expect us to take it laying down. I'm sorry, but you have come over with such venom and arrogance in your posts that you really lit a fire under my ass - and I fired back.

Who are you talking to?

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