What’s the Difference Between Progressives and the KKK?

You having the freedom pf speech does NOT mean every body welcomes you to speak that their event.

Yrs, there is a crisis at the border & your fat sassed orange buddy created it and has no clue how to fix it.

Affirmative Action realizes some kids do not have the same opportunities & looks to address it. The idea you think it is racist proves you are a stupid, ignorant racist piece of shit.

My buddy? Show proof he is my buddy. Or is that hyperbole? He created it? LOL they have been coming here in droves since the 90s. You’re a fat asshole FatDave. I dont have an opportunity to play in the NBA. None of us are born with equal opportunities but we are all born with equal rights. I am a Jew, I cannot be racist. You’re a fat loser and have no life. In fact the world would be better off without you in my opinion.
So, since you just said trhe border has always n=been thos way & not an emergency, you agree Trump has violated the law.

Trump decided to separase families creating a situation where kids were shipped all over the country & many lost. They lost children. Trump's fault.

Trump changed policy to hold more illegals caught crossing the border being too fucking stupid to know there was not enough space for them.

He knew a caravan was coming & did nothing to boost the ability to process them.

All you fat asssed POS buddy did was whine about a stupid wall.

Prior administration did the same thing. Trump didn’t change that. Prior administration just let them go into the country with a promise to come back that few kept. Dave, you’re ignorant.
Illegal immigration decreased under Obama

Did it? Link
Like all your links, right?

Try this one, assfuck.

Number of unauthorized immigrants in the U.S. declined over the past decade
You having the freedom pf speech does NOT mean every body welcomes you to speak that their event.

Yrs, there is a crisis at the border & your fat sassed orange buddy created it and has no clue how to fix it.

Affirmative Action realizes some kids do not have the same opportunities & looks to address it. The idea you think it is racist proves you are a stupid, ignorant racist piece of shit.

My buddy? Show proof he is my buddy. Or is that hyperbole? He created it? LOL they have been coming here in droves since the 90s. You’re a fat asshole FatDave. I dont have an opportunity to play in the NBA. None of us are born with equal opportunities but we are all born with equal rights. I am a Jew, I cannot be racist. You’re a fat loser and have no life. In fact the world would be better off without you in my opinion.
So, since you just said trhe border has always n=been thos way & not an emergency, you agree Trump has violated the law.

Trump decided to separase families creating a situation where kids were shipped all over the country & many lost. They lost children. Trump's fault.

Trump changed policy to hold more illegals caught crossing the border being too fucking stupid to know there was not enough space for them.

He knew a caravan was coming & did nothing to boost the ability to process them.

All you fat asssed POS buddy did was whine about a stupid wall.

Prior administration did the same thing. Trump didn’t change that. Prior administration just let them go into the country with a promise to come back that few kept. Dave, you’re ignorant.
Illegal immigration decreased under Obama

Did it? Link

It peaked in 2008, when the recession hit the numbers tailed downward and with Obama’s slow recovery they trended down, with Trump they are continuing to fall at a faster rate because of stricter enforcement.
You having the freedom pf speech does NOT mean every body welcomes you to speak that their event.

Yrs, there is a crisis at the border & your fat sassed orange buddy created it and has no clue how to fix it.

Affirmative Action realizes some kids do not have the same opportunities & looks to address it. The idea you think it is racist proves you are a stupid, ignorant racist piece of shit.

My buddy? Show proof he is my buddy. Or is that hyperbole? He created it? LOL they have been coming here in droves since the 90s. You’re a fat asshole FatDave. I dont have an opportunity to play in the NBA. None of us are born with equal opportunities but we are all born with equal rights. I am a Jew, I cannot be racist. You’re a fat loser and have no life. In fact the world would be better off without you in my opinion.
So, since you just said trhe border has always n=been thos way & not an emergency, you agree Trump has violated the law.

Trump decided to separase families creating a situation where kids were shipped all over the country & many lost. They lost children. Trump's fault.

Trump changed policy to hold more illegals caught crossing the border being too fucking stupid to know there was not enough space for them.

He knew a caravan was coming & did nothing to boost the ability to process them.

All you fat asssed POS buddy did was whine about a stupid wall.

Prior administration did the same thing. Trump didn’t change that. Prior administration just let them go into the country with a promise to come back that few kept. Dave, you’re ignorant.
So, assfuck, you are lying again. Trump changed the policy on separating families. He went to a zero tolerance policy packing the holding facilities.

Are you really this stupid?

Zero policy is what elected him
So you voted to create this crisis.

Ain't you proud.
You having the freedom pf speech does NOT mean every body welcomes you to speak that their event.

Yrs, there is a crisis at the border & your fat sassed orange buddy created it and has no clue how to fix it.

Affirmative Action realizes some kids do not have the same opportunities & looks to address it. The idea you think it is racist proves you are a stupid, ignorant racist piece of shit.

My buddy? Show proof he is my buddy. Or is that hyperbole? He created it? LOL they have been coming here in droves since the 90s. You’re a fat asshole FatDave. I dont have an opportunity to play in the NBA. None of us are born with equal opportunities but we are all born with equal rights. I am a Jew, I cannot be racist. You’re a fat loser and have no life. In fact the world would be better off without you in my opinion.
So, since you just said trhe border has always n=been thos way & not an emergency, you agree Trump has violated the law.

Trump decided to separase families creating a situation where kids were shipped all over the country & many lost. They lost children. Trump's fault.

Trump changed policy to hold more illegals caught crossing the border being too fucking stupid to know there was not enough space for them.

He knew a caravan was coming & did nothing to boost the ability to process them.

All you fat asssed POS buddy did was whine about a stupid wall.

Prior administration did the same thing. Trump didn’t change that. Prior administration just let them go into the country with a promise to come back that few kept. Dave, you’re ignorant.
Illegal immigration decreased under Obama
He is the one that made asylum easy to get.

You mean DACA?
They were already here
Henry Ford's thinking still isn't in effect today. Margaret's is and is the woman democrats praise. Those quotes taken out of context, if Trump said the same thing would you defend him?

Oh, I didn't realize Ford stopped making cars, which is what they did back then. Just as Planned Parenthood today supplies birth control and now abortion services but it's a small part of their operation

Sanger only advocated for birth control, not abortion. Actually Planned Parenthood didn't perform any abortions until the 70s under it's black female president.

Sanger was pro eugenics, pro birth control, anti abortion, she was for using birth control to get rid of what she considered to be undesirables, mentally and physically flawed. She was also for educating women on birth control instead of abortion because of the complications that abortion incurred on the woman. She spoke to women at KKK rallies, several books and articles show a racist side to her. She as many were at that time probably racist. Racism is mired in ignorance and there was lots of ignorance during that time. Progressives and their view of eugenics mirrored those of Hitler, however it was only in that regard were Progressives like Hitler. Teddy Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson both were pro eugenics.

PP is a pro abortion and are the largest provider of abortions.
White Supremacist are all about eugenics. Trump is too. Why he doesn't want any brown people from those south of us & no blacks from "shithole" countries.

That isn’t eugenics but I still find your unreasonableness and hate amusing.
White Supremacists think they are superior & want only to have white people.

Aren't you White?
Just proves there's a lot of really dumb, anti-Whites who are White too.
You having the freedom pf speech does NOT mean every body welcomes you to speak that their event.

Yrs, there is a crisis at the border & your fat sassed orange buddy created it and has no clue how to fix it.

Affirmative Action realizes some kids do not have the same opportunities & looks to address it. The idea you think it is racist proves you are a stupid, ignorant racist piece of shit.

My buddy? Show proof he is my buddy. Or is that hyperbole? He created it? LOL they have been coming here in droves since the 90s. You’re a fat asshole FatDave. I dont have an opportunity to play in the NBA. None of us are born with equal opportunities but we are all born with equal rights. I am a Jew, I cannot be racist. You’re a fat loser and have no life. In fact the world would be better off without you in my opinion.
So, since you just said trhe border has always n=been thos way & not an emergency, you agree Trump has violated the law.

Trump decided to separase families creating a situation where kids were shipped all over the country & many lost. They lost children. Trump's fault.

Trump changed policy to hold more illegals caught crossing the border being too fucking stupid to know there was not enough space for them.

He knew a caravan was coming & did nothing to boost the ability to process them.

All you fat asssed POS buddy did was whine about a stupid wall.

Prior administration did the same thing. Trump didn’t change that. Prior administration just let them go into the country with a promise to come back that few kept. Dave, you’re ignorant.
Illegal immigration decreased under Obama

Did it? Link
This link?

Oh, I didn't realize Ford stopped making cars, which is what they did back then. Just as Planned Parenthood today supplies birth control and now abortion services but it's a small part of their operation

Sanger only advocated for birth control, not abortion. Actually Planned Parenthood didn't perform any abortions until the 70s under it's black female president.

Sanger was pro eugenics, pro birth control, anti abortion, she was for using birth control to get rid of what she considered to be undesirables, mentally and physically flawed. She was also for educating women on birth control instead of abortion because of the complications that abortion incurred on the woman. She spoke to women at KKK rallies, several books and articles show a racist side to her. She as many were at that time probably racist. Racism is mired in ignorance and there was lots of ignorance during that time. Progressives and their view of eugenics mirrored those of Hitler, however it was only in that regard were Progressives like Hitler. Teddy Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson both were pro eugenics.

PP is a pro abortion and are the largest provider of abortions.
White Supremacist are all about eugenics. Trump is too. Why he doesn't want any brown people from those south of us & no blacks from "shithole" countries.

That isn’t eugenics but I still find your unreasonableness and hate amusing.
White Supremacists think they are superior & want only to have white people.

Aren't you White?
Just proves there's a lot of really dumb, anti-Whites who are White too.
You are a moron

A racist, but still a moron
Henry Ford's thinking still isn't in effect today. Margaret's is and is the woman democrats praise. Those quotes taken out of context, if Trump said the same thing would you defend him?

Oh, I didn't realize Ford stopped making cars, which is what they did back then. Just as Planned Parenthood today supplies birth control and now abortion services but it's a small part of their operation

Sanger only advocated for birth control, not abortion. Actually Planned Parenthood didn't perform any abortions until the 70s under it's black female president.

Sanger was pro eugenics, pro birth control, anti abortion, she was for using birth control to get rid of what she considered to be undesirables, mentally and physically flawed. She was also for educating women on birth control instead of abortion because of the complications that abortion incurred on the woman. She spoke to women at KKK rallies, several books and articles show a racist side to her. She as many were at that time probably racist. Racism is mired in ignorance and there was lots of ignorance during that time. Progressives and their view of eugenics mirrored those of Hitler, however it was only in that regard were Progressives like Hitler. Teddy Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson both were pro eugenics.

PP is a pro abortion and are the largest provider of abortions.
White Supremacist are all about eugenics. Trump is too. Why he doesn't want any brown people from those south of us & no blacks from "shithole" countries.

That isn’t eugenics but I still find your unreasonableness and hate amusing.
White Supremacists think they are superior & want only to have white people.

Where are they advocating eugenics? We have Progressives wanting to abort babies if they have defects, however I have not heard of any organized effort to limit or exterminate other races. White Supremacists usually want all people not like them back in their countries and to be left alone by other races. The fact is white supremacist need other races to flaunt their superiority.
Sanger was pro eugenics, pro birth control, anti abortion, she was for using birth control to get rid of what she considered to be undesirables, mentally and physically flawed. She was also for educating women on birth control instead of abortion because of the complications that abortion incurred on the woman. She spoke to women at KKK rallies, several books and articles show a racist side to her. She as many were at that time probably racist. Racism is mired in ignorance and there was lots of ignorance during that time. Progressives and their view of eugenics mirrored those of Hitler, however it was only in that regard were Progressives like Hitler. Teddy Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson both were pro eugenics.

PP is a pro abortion and are the largest provider of abortions.
White Supremacist are all about eugenics. Trump is too. Why he doesn't want any brown people from those south of us & no blacks from "shithole" countries.

That isn’t eugenics but I still find your unreasonableness and hate amusing.
White Supremacists think they are superior & want only to have white people.

Aren't you White?
Just proves there's a lot of really dumb, anti-Whites who are White too.
You are a moron

A racist, but still a moron

So says the moron who claims to be anti-Prejudices, but decides to attack Polish people of all people with Prejudices.
My buddy? Show proof he is my buddy. Or is that hyperbole? He created it? LOL they have been coming here in droves since the 90s. You’re a fat asshole FatDave. I dont have an opportunity to play in the NBA. None of us are born with equal opportunities but we are all born with equal rights. I am a Jew, I cannot be racist. You’re a fat loser and have no life. In fact the world would be better off without you in my opinion.
So, since you just said trhe border has always n=been thos way & not an emergency, you agree Trump has violated the law.

Trump decided to separase families creating a situation where kids were shipped all over the country & many lost. They lost children. Trump's fault.

Trump changed policy to hold more illegals caught crossing the border being too fucking stupid to know there was not enough space for them.

He knew a caravan was coming & did nothing to boost the ability to process them.

All you fat asssed POS buddy did was whine about a stupid wall.

Prior administration did the same thing. Trump didn’t change that. Prior administration just let them go into the country with a promise to come back that few kept. Dave, you’re ignorant.
Illegal immigration decreased under Obama

Did it? Link

It peaked in 2008, when the recession hit the numbers tailed downward and with Obama’s slow recovery they trended down, with Trump they are continuing to fall at a faster rate because of stricter enforcement.

The Bush recession really put a damper on opur economy but as it improved, illegal immigration lowered making your claim somewhat stupid.
So, since you just said trhe border has always n=been thos way & not an emergency, you agree Trump has violated the law.

Trump decided to separase families creating a situation where kids were shipped all over the country & many lost. They lost children. Trump's fault.

Trump changed policy to hold more illegals caught crossing the border being too fucking stupid to know there was not enough space for them.

He knew a caravan was coming & did nothing to boost the ability to process them.

All you fat asssed POS buddy did was whine about a stupid wall.

Prior administration did the same thing. Trump didn’t change that. Prior administration just let them go into the country with a promise to come back that few kept. Dave, you’re ignorant.
Illegal immigration decreased under Obama

Did it? Link

It peaked in 2008, when the recession hit the numbers tailed downward and with Obama’s slow recovery they trended down, with Trump they are continuing to fall at a faster rate because of stricter enforcement.

The Bush recession really put a damper on opur economy but as it improved, illegal immigration lowered making your claim somewhat stupid.

Can you not have an adult conversation without name calling?

The economy has remained stagnant after the recession, the growth out of the recession was very slow. It wasn’t appealing as it once was and remains not as appealing.
White Supremacist are all about eugenics. Trump is too. Why he doesn't want any brown people from those south of us & no blacks from "shithole" countries.

That isn’t eugenics but I still find your unreasonableness and hate amusing.
White Supremacists think they are superior & want only to have white people.

Aren't you White?
Just proves there's a lot of really dumb, anti-Whites who are White too.
You are a moron

A racist, but still a moron

So says the moron who claims to be anti-Prejudices, but decides to attack Polish people of all people with Prejudices.
I feel sorry for Polish People

They don’t smell that good
That isn’t eugenics but I still find your unreasonableness and hate amusing.
White Supremacists think they are superior & want only to have white people.

Aren't you White?
Just proves there's a lot of really dumb, anti-Whites who are White too.
You are a moron

A racist, but still a moron

So says the moron who claims to be anti-Prejudices, but decides to attack Polish people of all people with Prejudices.
I feel sorry for Polish People

They don’t smell that good

Uhhhhmmmm...why do you go around smelling people? Are you Joe Biden?
White Supremacists think they are superior & want only to have white people.

Aren't you White?
Just proves there's a lot of really dumb, anti-Whites who are White too.
You are a moron

A racist, but still a moron

So says the moron who claims to be anti-Prejudices, but decides to attack Polish people of all people with Prejudices.
I feel sorry for Polish People

They don’t smell that good

Uhhhhmmmm...why do you go around smelling people? Are you Joe Biden?
It is something about those of Polish heritage and proper hygiene
Aren't you White?
Just proves there's a lot of really dumb, anti-Whites who are White too.
You are a moron

A racist, but still a moron

So says the moron who claims to be anti-Prejudices, but decides to attack Polish people of all people with Prejudices.
I feel sorry for Polish People

They don’t smell that good

Uhhhhmmmm...why do you go around smelling people? Are you Joe Biden?
It is something about those of Polish heritage and proper hygiene

You wouldn't dare say anything bad about Blacks, Jews, Hispanics,, or Muslims.
Just goes to show how much of a brainwashed moron you are.
You are a moron

A racist, but still a moron

So says the moron who claims to be anti-Prejudices, but decides to attack Polish people of all people with Prejudices.
I feel sorry for Polish People

They don’t smell that good

Uhhhhmmmm...why do you go around smelling people? Are you Joe Biden?
It is something about those of Polish heritage and proper hygiene

You wouldn't dare say anything bad about Blacks, Jews, Hispanics,, or Muslims.
Just goes to show how much of a brainwashed moron you are.

Hit the showers
So says the moron who claims to be anti-Prejudices, but decides to attack Polish people of all people with Prejudices.
I feel sorry for Polish People

They don’t smell that good

Uhhhhmmmm...why do you go around smelling people? Are you Joe Biden?
It is something about those of Polish heritage and proper hygiene

You wouldn't dare say anything bad about Blacks, Jews, Hispanics,, or Muslims.
Just goes to show how much of a brainwashed moron you are.

Hit the showers

You think criticism of Poles is acceptable because they're White, but special protected groups are to be protected.

I can't think of a more moronic position in my life.
I feel sorry for Polish People

They don’t smell that good

Uhhhhmmmm...why do you go around smelling people? Are you Joe Biden?
It is something about those of Polish heritage and proper hygiene

You wouldn't dare say anything bad about Blacks, Jews, Hispanics,, or Muslims.
Just goes to show how much of a brainwashed moron you are.

Hit the showers

You think criticism of Poles is acceptable because they're White, but special protected groups are to be protected.

I can't think of a more moronic position in my life.
Open season on Polaks

Stop being such a pussy

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